Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Mistakes - We all Make Them

Happy midweek!  We are now over halfway through the month, and less than 100 days until Christmas!  Just thought I would throw this out there.  LOL!
The moon sure was something to see last night and this morning!  Bright and full - and a cool morning - seems like fall!  Temps are still pretty warm after reaching the mid-mark each day.  Not changing anytime soon.  Sunday will be officially fall, but summer isn't letting go anytime soon around here.  I sure wish for rain!

Yes indeed.  I can guarantee you, there is not one person here that hasn't made a mistake (or 2 or 3+) in their life.  I know I have made many.  You don't always get things right the first time, and to me mistakes mean you are living and trying.  Not every test gets an A every time - you have to study and to try.
To those who are just beginning this journey, just know it is normal to mess up!  Sometimes many, many times - before you get it right.
It is frustrating, yes!  But you keep on trying and you keep moving forward and you will eventually get it right.  
The above statement is one of the biggest reasons people fail.  Credit, can be nice to get you through a rough patch or to make a purchase of a big item - but it can get you in trouble.
Many people think of credit as - "I don't have to pay for it"!!!  
YOU DO have to pay for it.  Minimum payments get you nowhere!  They just add to the debt and over time get you deeper in debt.
Lots of people buy things they would never spend cash on.  They buy a lot of wants, not needs.
YES, I know many do not carry cash and use cards for everything - but these people pay off the debt each and every month!!  This is important.  I use mine too now and then for bigger purchases.  I do pay it each month 100%, I don't pay interest or late fees.  I get points I can use to get free items or gift cards.
For the majority of what I buy, I use cash.  I am old school and will go down fighting for cash! (I don't even own a debit card).
Buying sale items or clearance with a card, then making minimum payments - gets you nowhere at all.  You will end up spending way more on those items than they were worth at regular price.  Just DON'T do that!

The old saying, "Take care of your pennies, and your pennies will take care of you" is so very true.
Be mindful and don't do silly things just to impress others.
Remember the huge difference between WANTS and NEEDS.

Just remember mistakes mean you are trying and living.  LEARN from those mistakes and then CHANGE your behavior.  That change can make your life so much more comfortable and easier.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Meals, Mending and Icky Buggers

 Happy Tuesday all.  Hope this finds you all well and safe this morning.  It is another cool morn here, and it is lovely.  Looks to be warmer all week, but with no humidity!  YAY! We sure need rain - not sure any will come this week.
Yesterday was a busy day here around the homestead, got all kinds of things done, before it just got a little too warm for me.  I got to talk with a niece last night and that was enjoyable.  It had been a while.

Let's talk about a couple things I mentioned in the wrap-up post.  Just ways I save a bit of change around here.  I like things that are simple - so here we go.

I mentioned a couple of the simple meals I had.  One meal was leftover day.
I had a big helping of 'garden' veggies left, baby potatoes and a bit of taco meat w/beans.  It became a meal.  I know it looks like a lot of food for one - but remember that it is my one meal I eat a day, other than that, it is an occasional snack.  Also, it is loaded with veggies.  Threw the meat over the baby potatoes.  The veggies were just sauteed together - all from the garden with a bit of cheese on top.  It was filling, pretty healthy and yummy.  And the best part - nothing wasted!  The veggies are pretty too!
Jalapeno popper zucchini bites!  I used a small/medium zucchini and cut into chunks.  Barely cooked, then added the cheese mix.  It was a bit of sour cream, cream cheese, cheddar shredded and diced jalapenos.  Let it all simmer together.  I topped with a few bacon bits.  It was so good, and no need for the oven.
I loved how the cheese got crisp/browned around the edges.

A cute patch for my jeans.  Long ago I had a denim shirt that just wore out - it had embroidered flowers on it, so I cut those out and saved.  Well, I used one to patch the small hole.  I used Liquid Stitch, for the mending process (I love that stuff).  Super easy and kind of cute!

Now let us talk icky buggers!  Stink bugs!!!  Oh, how I loathe those things.  They are not only ugly, but they are everywhere right now.  It seems everywhere you look outside they are there.  They sneak in at every opportunity as well.  And yes, they do stink if you try to pick them up or smash them.
They have what looks like a coat of armor to start with, then add the stink - and you have a nasty bugger.
They even try to hitch a ride on humans when you go outside.  I have brought in a couple of them.  They climb on the window screens outside and drive the Bitsy nuts!
They really are pretty creepy looking.  Not sure what their purpose is on this earth, but I guess they must have one!

Have you had any simple yet yummy meals lately?  I just love it when things come together, and you can have a yummy meal for pennies!  I so enjoy eating all the great items that come from the garden.
I think 'maybe' today will be a chef salad - not sure yet.  That does sound good - throw a bit of cheese and summer sausage on top (or tuna) and I can have a meal for pennies!
There are always ways to get an inexpensive meal.  Don't waste and be willing to get creative!

Well, that is it for this morning - I am expecting a service person to show up sometime this morning, so won't linger.
I wish you all a super lovely and productive day!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Weekly Wrap-Up 9/15

 Happy Sunday to all.  Hope this finds you well and safe.  Golly, here we are half-way through another month!  It just does not seem possible.  The days are flying by.
It is another wonderful morning here.  Nice and cool.  The days are warmer again and look to stay that way for at least another week.  We are to be mid 80'sF all week.  No rain in sight - we sure do need it.

If you enlarge this pic, you can see the bees.  Live forever (sedum) is in full bloom.  Last evening I walked out and looked at the ones just in front of the house and counted 12 big bumble bees, lots of honeybees, a Monarch, and lots of little butterflies.  I also have these all down the side of the house - it sure gives the bees and butterflies something to enjoy in the fall.

My frugal week:
  • I had a meeting with my finance guy this week - all good
  • HARVEST - toms, zucchini, yellow squash, 1 pepper, and rhubarb
  • Did my fall maintenance on the generator - and decided to have a full maintenance session done - called and set for Tuesday this coming week
  • Cut my hair at home - been holding off, trying to let it grow.  Just didn't like it!
  • Patched a pair of jeans
  • I did it again!!!  Spent some money.  Been talking about it all summer and finally did it.  I bought a power washer!  I got it at the fairly new discount store I have close by.  I paid at least $100 LESS than retail according to my research.  YAY me.  I also got a new pair of jeans for $10 (heck GW cost 7.99 for used), bunch of celery $1, and raisin/cinnamon English muffins for .85 pack/6.
                                                         Good brand and really great price!
  • Was cleaning out closet and found a brand-new set of sheets at the top and back of closet, I had forgotten about!  Laundered and they are on the bed now
  • Mowed - not that the grass needed it - but the spindly weeds.  It is dry and the grass really isn't growing
  • CLEANED and cleaned some more.  Really working on getting everything all cleaned for fall
  • No grocery store
  • Just doing all the normal stuff
  • Processing tomatoes - some went in the freezer for now.  Gifted many to neighbors
  • My neighbor gifted me 8 packaged meals they receive every month.  He has celiac (or something like it) and gets 32 frozen meals every month from his insurance or something.  They didn't have room for all of them - so gifted me some.  Breakfast and lunch/dinner entrees.  Nice to have on hand for something quick.

My meals this past week:
Leftover day - cleaned out and ate what was in frig
Fried chicken, mac n cheese and sliced toms
Fried chicken, leftover mac, sliced cukes and toms
Spicey grilled cheese, leftover ravioli from freezer
'Jalapeno popper' style zucchini bites and salad
Beans and rice and salad
Chicken/beans/rice supreme burritos
SNACKS, fruit, toms and/or salad, crackers and cheese

That's about it for me.  I have enjoyed the cool mornings and open the windows for about half the day (kitties like that too).  Mornings are the time to do things outdoors.
How has your week been?  What have you been up to or buying this week?  Any good deals?
Check in and let us know how you are - missing some of you!!!

I wish you all a wonderful week ahead - stay safe and healthy and productive.
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Psalms 18:2

Lord, we thank you for our previous week and all the many blessings that we receive each and every day.  Continue to wrap us in Your loving arms and protect us from our enemies and from all that are trying to destroy us.  May we each enjoy the beauty you have created every day.  AMEN

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Doing Anything Different?

 Happy Thursday all.  A nice cool and sunny morning here.  Looks to be the hottest of the week later on today.  That is OK - it sure beats snow!!   LOL

I am curious about how many have changed their shopping strategies lately.  I know there is inflation and many places practice price gouging, even though they won't admit it.  Prices are up all around - so I am just curious what you all might be doing differently.
I haven't changed much in my house.  I have always been a pretty prudent shopper.  I plan easy and simple meals.  I have always worked at buying clearance, sale and coupon items.
Even though there is only me, I still buy as if there were 2 - and add to the pantry and the freezer.  I make meals pretty much the same size (things like chili, soup, etc.) and then freeze some future meals.
With me I follow the old adage "if it aint broke, don't fix it".  This works for me.
WHAT works for you?

I like to keep lots of basics on hand.  Rice, dried beans/lentils/peas, pasta of all types, potatoes, and then I add in whatever else I may want.  I tend to go to the store to get their digital deal for fruit!  That is usually the only fruit I get - unless I find some in the .99 bin.
Take advantage of digital coupons if you can - they can give you some good deals.  As I always say, shop the clearance bins and manager markdowns when possible.
Freeze or can things you can't eat right now.

Dry goods - can get you by in some tough times.  It is generally cheaper than fresh and can be stored for long periods of time.
Learn some very simple recipes - or do as I do.  Just make it up as you go!  That is kind of the story of my life.
Being just me, I can eat whatever I want for meal - it doesn't have to include meat or even be nutritious!  But a basic grilled cheese or a peanut butter sandwich can provide nutrition, and they are filling.
I understand with others to feed, you may need to be more careful.  You can still cut costs if you look and are willing to try new things.
Learn to make your own mixes for things - whether it be for cooking or for seasoning.

I don't buy junk food (hardly ever).  I make my own drinks at home or have water.  I just keep it simple, thus I haven't changed the way I shop much at all.

I am just curious if others have changed how they shop or how often.  
How often might be my one change.  I used to go weekly, whether I 'needed to' or not.  Now I only go if there is something I really want to get or that I need.  As far as need - I am usually stocked well enough to not run out.

Give us a shout out and tell how your shopping might have changed.  I am sure sharing your methods and ideas will help someone else.  We all need new ideas.

Have a lovely day and a fun weekend.
Take care.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Change - the One Thing That we can Count on

 Good morning to all.  Here we are on Wednesday - mid-week again.  It is a lovely morning here.  Looks like it will be getting warmer from today on.  At least the humidity hasn't been bad.

A somber morning for most people.  Remembering the horror of 23 years ago, is almost too much.  That was for sure the day the world changed forever.
I wish those things hadn't happened, and that those families were still intact.  THAT was one of those days, that I remember the entire day - that we were talking about yesterday. 💔

The one constant in this world is CHANGE!  It is basically guaranteed in every aspect of life.
Much change is hard to handle, and we don't always understand it.  Regardless, it happens.  It may be your finances, your personal life, your home, life and death, health, your community and YES the world.
Change can be beautiful IF we learn along the way.  We truly need to learn.  Nothing ever stays the same.
As much as we would like to, we can't go back in time.  BUT we do get second and sometimes third and fourth chances.  
We have all had those moments in time when money was tight, and we weren't sure what to do.  Well, kiddos, we put on our grown-up panties and go forward and just try and try again.
We can start again and make the ending of our life a different story.

When you think you can't tighten the budget any more - sit down and write every single thing (ALL) you spend money on.  I mean every penny!  That pack of gum, that coffee, that lunch out, that junk food you buy, the cable bill - everything.
You will most always see where you can CHANGE some things and stop spending on them.
If you need to, get help!  Everyone needs a hand up now and then.  You can seek help with utilities, you can go to food banks, you can maybe find things to sell, you can maybe get a part time job.......
Do something.  There are good people out there, that can help.
Once you have received some help, you have stopped spending on anything unnecessary, you can start getting your finances in order and heading upwards. 

Life is full of challenges; it always will be.  We just have to have a mindset that we want to improve.
Whether it is improving your life or TRYING to improve the world in some little way.  If we all did a small, kind, and loving thing each day - what a difference that would make.

You can do it.  Make improvements, small or large, and move forward and upward.
Change is tough - but it is inevitable.

Have a blessed day my friends.
Spread a little love today and every day!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Moments and Memories

 Good morning all.  Hope this finds you all well.  It is a lovely morn here again.  Cool and bright.  It will start getting warmer today through the week.  Summer isn't done with us yet.  Tomatoes slowed during this cool, but I imagine more to ripen over the week.

Today is just a little thing about the moments in our lives that we remember and the memories we make.  I believe in making as many good memories as possible - with family and friends.  Your children, grands and even nieces and nephews will remember someday, and maybe smile.  That is what it is all about.  Share the memories you have and make new ones.  YOUR future depends on it!  As those memories are shared in the future, you will live on.
The meme is generally true.  There are some days that are relived and remembered often - unfortunately they may not be the 'good' kind.  I think many of us remember almost every moment of our worst days - when we lost someone.  I know I do.
But other than that, we remember moments.  We often remember an event, a gift, a meal, a view, etc.  Odds are we do not remember the entire day it happened, just those fun things.

Yesterday I spent a couple hours on the porch with a neighbor and one thing led to another.  I remembered a lot of things and told stories, and she did as well.  I think it made our afternoon, sharing just some fun memories. 

One thing I got to thinking about last evening was my mom's cooking.  I am getting into the mood for comfort food, and I remember so many of the yummy goodies she would make.
Her stew, biscuits, great baked goods, meat pie, stuffed peppers, roast and veggies, the best homemade noodles ever, etc.  I do not remember the day around those, but boy do I miss her cooking and her meals.
I do have her recipes on many things - but no matter how tasty they are - they don't match the memories.
I think we all do that.  Our memories can far exceed the actuality!  Our way of compensating, I think.
BUT, saying that - we need to pass those things on.  Write down those recipes and share them.

I remember a gift or two that stood out growing up, like getting my bike, but I do not remember the entire day.  Just the moment of seeing that bike.  
I remember getting asked for my hand in marriage, but I don't remember the whole day - just that crazy impulsive moment!  
I remember our wedding well (as small as it was), but I worked that day - and that is what I remember of the day leading up to the wedding!  I also remember it was very snowy!

Write down memories of childhood, teen years, young married years - someday those stories will be all that is left.  I am glad mom did that - we do have those stories to pass on.  It really is pretty cool.
I think this blog, is kind of my story to leave.  I have shared so much over the years - and odds are it will be 'out there' for many years to come.  That is kind of cool.  I guess I still need to do something else, more permanent as well.
I want the memories I leave, to be fun and happy as much as possible.  I don't want people to be saddened by them - I want them to remember the good moments and times.  I want to bring a smile!

Write out those recipes, those stories and such - to leave for the future.
Always talk about those that are gone before us.  That way a part of them lives on every day.
Laugh, cry, share, and above all REMEMBER the fun times.
Make new memories for younger folks to have, and someday when they get older, they will be telling their grands as well.

Now is a good time to think about writing down those family recipes.  What a wonderful holiday gift that would be!  Pass on some of those heirlooms that are just stashed away.  Let someone else enjoy them.  Use your 'good' stuff - I mean what are you saving it for?  Use it, love it, and make memories.

Hope you all have a beautiful day today.
Smile and be happy!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 9/8

 Happy Sunday to all.  Hope this finds everyone well and safe.  
It is a chilly morn here, 48*F when I got up.  Today looks to be lovely.  Never fear the warmth will return this week, with highs in the mid to upper 80's again.  Yes, we have gotten a taste of fall, but summer isn't done yet.
I actually turned off the ceiling fans and put on socks this weekend, for the first time in months!  LOL

Enjoying the refreshing air.  The hummingbirds are so silly and cute.  I love hearing their little squeaky chirps and they are so funny to watch.  They dive bomb each other and chase each other.  They have been drinking a lot - it will be departure time soon, I imagine. 
The gold finches are so lovely to listen to.  They are loving the echinacea out front - the plants look funky now, but the birds are enjoying the flowers, so I will not take down yet.  Their songs are so sweet.  There were 3 pairs out there the other day, while I was sitting on the porch.
                                                        SMILE and enjoy your day!
 My frugal week:
  • Mowed and trimmed everything the first of week - it sure needed it
  • HARVEST - zucchini, yellow squash, peppers, tomatoes
  • Have done a lot of weed pulling
  • I did empty 3 of the last accordion files of old paperwork - took to the shredder event first thing Saturday
  • Processing lots of tomatoes
  • I did a spendy this week!  I was so frustrated with my old regular vacuum - it is several years old and not working great - so I bought a new one!!!!   You who have gotten to know me - know this was a big thing - I hate spending lots of money on stuff!
Yep, I spent some bucks - but boy does this thing suck - IN A GOOD WAY!  I couldn't believe what it picked up.  Easy to use, rotating head, adjustable suction, and easy clean.
  • Been going through the kitchen freezer and using up things that have been in there a while and just stuck away.
  • Working on the cleaning of house - 1 room done, and another one partly
  • I was going to go to the grocery for fruit - and FINALLY the bananas I was gifted week before started ripening and also another neighbor gifted me 12 big apples from the orchard!  No need to go to the store - now I have fresh fruit to eat.
  • Cut a lot of basil and have it drying
  • Chopped and froze lots and lots of peppers for various uses later on
  • While out Saturday for the shred, I stopped by library and dropped off library books in deposit drop (they weren't open yet).
Meals this past week:
BBQ pork chops, corn on cob, sliced toms
Seasoned chicken breast filet, fried cabbage, sliced toms
Fried zucchini and fried green tomatoes - num!
Super cheeseburger and salad
Italian seasoned chicken breast, roasted mini potatoes
Sautéed fresh veggies over rice
Beef & bean nachos
SNACKS: fresh fruit, banana milk shake, tomatoes

That's about it for me. Today will be all the leftovers from this past week for my dinner!
How has your week been?  Did you get a cool down for a bit as well?  It has been dry here all week, could use some rain again.  I have also watered with rainwater when needed.  Have you gotten rain for your plants?  
What kind of deals have you gotten this week?
Love hearing from you all.

I hope you all stay safe and well this week.  Prayers for those in need of healing.
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble home.

Make me to know thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths.  Lead me in thy truth, and teach me, for thou art the God of my salvation; for thee I wait all the day long.
Psalms 25:4-5

Lord, again we come in thanksgiving for all our many blessings received this past week.  Continue to be with us and guide us all in Your ways.  May we each learn a little more this week about loving one another.  Help all those in need of healing, both spiritual and physical.  Amen