Happy midweek! We are now over halfway through the month, and less than 100 days until Christmas! Just thought I would throw this out there. LOL!
The moon sure was something to see last night and this morning! Bright and full - and a cool morning - seems like fall! Temps are still pretty warm after reaching the mid-mark each day. Not changing anytime soon. Sunday will be officially fall, but summer isn't letting go anytime soon around here. I sure wish for rain!
To those who are just beginning this journey, just know it is normal to mess up! Sometimes many, many times - before you get it right.
It is frustrating, yes! But you keep on trying and you keep moving forward and you will eventually get it right.
The above statement is one of the biggest reasons people fail. Credit, can be nice to get you through a rough patch or to make a purchase of a big item - but it can get you in trouble.Many people think of credit as - "I don't have to pay for it"!!!
YOU DO have to pay for it. Minimum payments get you nowhere! They just add to the debt and over time get you deeper in debt.
Lots of people buy things they would never spend cash on. They buy a lot of wants, not needs.
YES, I know many do not carry cash and use cards for everything - but these people pay off the debt each and every month!! This is important. I use mine too now and then for bigger purchases. I do pay it each month 100%, I don't pay interest or late fees. I get points I can use to get free items or gift cards.
For the majority of what I buy, I use cash. I am old school and will go down fighting for cash! (I don't even own a debit card).
Buying sale items or clearance with a card, then making minimum payments - gets you nowhere at all. You will end up spending way more on those items than they were worth at regular price. Just DON'T do that!
The old saying, "Take care of your pennies, and your pennies will take care of you" is so very true.
Be mindful and don't do silly things just to impress others.
Remember the huge difference between WANTS and NEEDS.
Just remember mistakes mean you are trying and living. LEARN from those mistakes and then CHANGE your behavior. That change can make your life so much more comfortable and easier.
Have a wonderful day everyone!