Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Mistakes - We all Make Them
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Meals, Mending and Icky Buggers
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Weekly Wrap-Up 9/15
- I had a meeting with my finance guy this week - all good
- HARVEST - toms, zucchini, yellow squash, 1 pepper, and rhubarb
- Did my fall maintenance on the generator - and decided to have a full maintenance session done - called and set for Tuesday this coming week
- Cut my hair at home - been holding off, trying to let it grow. Just didn't like it!
- Patched a pair of jeans
- I did it again!!! Spent some money. Been talking about it all summer and finally did it. I bought a power washer! I got it at the fairly new discount store I have close by. I paid at least $100 LESS than retail according to my research. YAY me. I also got a new pair of jeans for $10 (heck GW cost 7.99 for used), bunch of celery $1, and raisin/cinnamon English muffins for .85 pack/6.
- Was cleaning out closet and found a brand-new set of sheets at the top and back of closet, I had forgotten about! Laundered and they are on the bed now
- Mowed - not that the grass needed it - but the spindly weeds. It is dry and the grass really isn't growing
- CLEANED and cleaned some more. Really working on getting everything all cleaned for fall
- No grocery store
- Just doing all the normal stuff
- Processing tomatoes - some went in the freezer for now. Gifted many to neighbors
- My neighbor gifted me 8 packaged meals they receive every month. He has celiac (or something like it) and gets 32 frozen meals every month from his insurance or something. They didn't have room for all of them - so gifted me some. Breakfast and lunch/dinner entrees. Nice to have on hand for something quick.
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Doing Anything Different?
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Change - the One Thing That we can Count on
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Moments and Memories
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Weekly Wrap Up 9/8
- Mowed and trimmed everything the first of week - it sure needed it
- HARVEST - zucchini, yellow squash, peppers, tomatoes
- Have done a lot of weed pulling
- I did empty 3 of the last accordion files of old paperwork - took to the shredder event first thing Saturday
- Processing lots of tomatoes
- I did a spendy this week! I was so frustrated with my old regular vacuum - it is several years old and not working great - so I bought a new one!!!! You who have gotten to know me - know this was a big thing - I hate spending lots of money on stuff!
- Been going through the kitchen freezer and using up things that have been in there a while and just stuck away.
- Working on the cleaning of house - 1 room done, and another one partly
- I was going to go to the grocery for fruit - and FINALLY the bananas I was gifted week before started ripening and also another neighbor gifted me 12 big apples from the orchard! No need to go to the store - now I have fresh fruit to eat.
- Cut a lot of basil and have it drying
- Chopped and froze lots and lots of peppers for various uses later on
- While out Saturday for the shred, I stopped by library and dropped off library books in deposit drop (they weren't open yet).
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Some Excuses for Being Broke
Good morning all. Hope you are all well. It is another cool morning here, but we will warm up today. Looks like we will get a taste of fall over the weekend, then back to normal the first of the week. I did have to turn the AC on for a bit yesterday afternoon, but it got turned off quickly. Love this kind of weather.
You all know people who are always broke. Sure, it may be lack of job or lack of good pay for a job. Illness happens sometimes, and that affects funds. There are many legit reasons to be broke. Emergencies happen. Been there and done that! But I got it in gear and turned things around. I stopped and realized, much of it was me.
- Buying spendy stuff - high end coffees, nails, expensive haircuts, going out to eat all the time, fancy clothes brand new, magazines, etc. Many just don't get that these things can be done so much cheaper - and huge savings can be had
- The excuse "I was poor as a kid" - so therefore they deserve nice things. Well, many of us were poor as kiddos, and still live within our means. One doesn't mean the other
- Being accustomed to having it all - and think that is a must! Spoiled. Maybe someone had rich parents and think they continue to 'deserve' the good life even as an adult on their own. That is something you EARN - it isn't a given.
- Immediate gratification - that is a huge thing today. Maybe something will make you happy today, but in a bit of time - that too shall fade. You are just more in debt and don't care about the thing you purchased
- It's CREDIT - I don't have to worry about it. Some people just never figure out that credit IS money!!!!! I challenge those people to spend only cash on things and see how quickly they change their tune!
- Knowing you can't afford it - but want to fit in. Well, let me tell you, if you lose friends because you quit spending money you don't have - you haven't lost much. REAL friends will never expect you to do that!
- Keeping up with the Jones's. It sure isn't worth it at all. In the end, no one cares! You can try to keep up with family, friends, neighbors, etc. - but it sure won't make you any happier - and odds are everyone already knows you can't afford it.
- Impulse shopping. This is huge. Some people just can't say NO. If that is you - stay home and stay offline!!!!! Put yourself on a mandatory NO buy. Stuff truly doesn't equate to happiness.
- "I deserve it". WHY? I have never understood that. I saw a You Tuber the other day justifying spending a huge amount of money, because they deserved it, and the kiddos should experience it. Sorry, that isn't valid. This same person was telling about using the food bank right before that statement. If you can't buy your own food, then NO you don't deserve that big extravagance. There is nothing in this world that we 'deserve', just because....... We need to earn it, work hard for it, and truly appreciate it when we do get it. Don't do anything on the shirt-tails of others.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Mid-Week Musings
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Ambitions for a New Month
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Weekly Wrap Up 9/1
- HARVEST - grapes, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, basil
- Refilled many containers with things I had in stock.
- Finally cleaned & organized the deep pantry (my store!)
- Started my fall/winter stock up. Got mainly non-perishables. Lots of TP, Stevia, disinfect wipes, cat treats. Got Ritz crackers on a good sale. Cheese, corn on cob, melon & fruit
- I also got a gnat 'trapper'. After talking about that early in the week on here, I received a coupon from Kroger for $5 off a Zevo trap in an email. (tell me they don't 'listen' to conversations!!) Well, it works great.
- Paid everything I had on hand
- Did a root touch-up at home
- While out - filled gas tank - got .40 off per gallon w/discount
- Gave myself a 'spa' night at home
- Neighbor brought over 2 huge bunches of bananas. Still pretty green. His work was delivered tons more than ordered and the driver wouldn't take them back. So, they gave them away and he gave me a bunch (17 big bananas)
- I went out Friday and had lunch with the friends from grade school. Always such a nice outing and so much catching up with each other. We celebrate monthly birthdays as well.
- While out - I left early and went to the cemetery. Glen, mom & daddy, and brother. Decorated graves with silk flowers I had.
- I also bought chances on a queen size quilt one of my childhood friends help make. I saw pictures and it is beautiful. Spent $20 on that
- Made more hummingbird nectar and refilled everything
- Been working on canning salsa
- Just doing all the normal stuff
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Pantry and Grocery Tips
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Different - Yet, so Very the Same
Happy midweek my friends. Hope things are going well in your lives. We are quickly approaching the end of the month and it is hard to believe. It is a decent morning here, about 72* at the moment. Going to be a hot one again. We had some big old winds come through about 2AM - but I don't think there was any rain. Saw no evidence of it this morning.
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
My Garden - My Gift
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Weekly Wrap Up 8/25
- HARVEST - lots and lots of cherry toms, reg. tomatoes, peppers, squash, grapes
- Froze leftovers from meals
- Mowed and trimmed the entire yard - did a really good trim
- Did lots and lots of yard work. Cleaned the drive fence area again (neighbors stuff), the back fence row (cutting back flowers that are done), the 2nd front flower bed. I have gotten the front about 85% done - then I just got tired, and it got hot. It will get done soon.
- Froze more grapes - I have enough so far for one batch of jelly so far.
- Made more hummingbird nectar and cleaned the feeders (they are getting busy)
- Shared produce with a couple neighbors
- The 'corn bin' where I keep corn for squirrels needed repairs and a good cleaning out. I got that all done one morning
- Made a basically veggie pizza - using just about every type of veggie I had fresh (yum!) I did add a little pepperoni - but 95% veggies
- Had almost a week of no A/C. Lots of fresh air.
- Put the fall decor on the doors - had on hand
- Talked myself out of shopping this week!
- Renewed library books online
- Eating from home and cooking from scratch
- Just doing the normal stuff