Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Thing or Idea or Two!

 Howdy to all.  Here we are at Thursday again already - the last one in July!  It is a cooler, yet sort of damp and muggy feeling morning.  We had rain yesterday - 3 times at my house.  The last rain, in the late afternoon and early evening was such a good soaking rain.  It was nice.  Things are a growing - weeds included!
Late last night - 11:30PM - I was awakened by what sounded like an explosion!  One loud, house vibrating boom.  It scared the stuffings out of me.  No idea what it was.  Never heard a siren after - so I guess an illegal firework (?).  It sure did arouse me from a nice sleep!  Nothing on the news this morning either.  It shook the house.

Just an idea or two to help in life! I love things that make life easier.

Have you seen this?
Using your canning lifter as a baggy holder.  I saw this on the computer - and was like duh!  I tried it and it does work.  Sure beats trying to keep a bag open by just holding it.

Have you heard that the recommended 10 and 2 has been advised against.  Not sure if this was universal or not - but we were always taught to hold the steering wheel at 10 and 2 (according to a clock) for safe driving.  Now my insurance company is saying we should be holding at 4 and 8!  This is to keep your hands, wrists, and arms safe from exploding air bags.  The lower point leaves less chance of your arms to fly up and back - even hitting you in the face.  It makes sense.  These points should be used even when turning (per recommendation) - keeping you safe.  As much as air bags are for safety, they can be very harmful as well.  I have been keeping my hands lower for a long time now, it takes some getting used to - but I feel a little safer.

I know I mainly use just the grating side - but a box grater can be used in many ways.  This is a standard tool in my kitchen - has been for years.  I have a very tiny one as well - it is great to use for things like nutmeg or just grating a small piece of hard cheese.

This is a basic at my house only I use regular milk.  You can leave out cocoa powder and add another type of fruit for a great milkshake. 
                                                      No cocoa and using strawberries!
 I also don't add quit so many ice cubes - but this sure gives a good starting point.  Nice and refreshing on a hot humid day!  It can be made into milkshake or firmer for an ice cream type treat - no sugar needed.

Ever used an Ulu?  We got this for Glen.  He had a hand that had fingers that just didn't want to work well - this helped so much.  When cutting up food with a knife and fork - it takes 2 good hands.  This allows you to cut with one hand.  It is very sharp.  It is a great tool for someone who has a bad hand.  I love it for cutting pizza!  I like it better than using a pizza cutter or knife.  It also works wonders on a cucumber or carrot or for handing chopping cabbage!  You just rock it back and forth and it cuts away!
They come in many sizes.  
Many hunters have larger ones for preparing their harvest.

So there you have it - just a thing or two.  Maybe you see something that makes life easier or safer.  Do you have any special tricks that you use to make life easier?  We always want to know.  Who doesn't want things easier?

Have a fantastic day and enjoy it to the fullest.  
Hoping you all have a great weekend as well!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Getting Help - Community

 Happy mid-week.  It is a nice morning - looking to maybe some rain or storms today.  We could use a nice rain.  Kitties have had breakfast and Bits has played a lot and Blackie has assumed the 'position'!  Birds are singing.  Windows open and fresh air coming in at the moment.  Owner already working at burn house - he sure works hard.  Hearing hammers means progress.  Squirrels are chasing each other.  School is starting today in one local berg, and many others next week. The summer is flying by.  AND all is good!!

I know we probably have a lot of people who read posts here that never comment.  We usually have a few hundred views a day - so many just read.  I hope we can reach and help someone that really needs some help.
Today, it seems many have job insecurity and that leads to a lot of other problems.  Inflation has also taken a toll on many.  IF you need help - please, please ask for help.  You have to take care of your family, especially those who have children or the elderly.  I know many feel too proud to ask for help.  But the help is there if you reach out.
Did you know you can call 211 in almost all areas in the U.S. and get a variety of options for help.  Whether it be help for the elderly, needing shelter, help with utilities, listings of food banks, mental health help, etc.  Calling this number can get you started in the right direction.

Consider if you have an overabundance of garden produce, to donate it to the local food pantries.  What a treat for someone in need, to get something fresh and home grown.
Today on the news I caught just the tail end of a story that 100,000 lbs. of fresh garden produce was being donated to food banks.  How wonderful!

If you need help with food, check your local churches or community organizations for help.  Never be too proud to ask.  It is there to help.  
If you are low income - just having basics can keep you going and full.  Get creative with dry beans (always can get at food pantries) they are inexpensive.  Rice is inexpensive.  Peanut butter is a good protein.  Keeping just the basics in better times (stock-up), can keep you going in the bad times.  Add whatever you can, whenever you can.
Learn to cook and cook simple healthy meals at home.  Get creative with your food.
Many farm markets now take food stamps (SNAP).  Granted that food is a bit more expensive than grocery stores, but it is fresh and wholesome.

If you find a great deal on clearance goods - consider not only stocking for yourselves, but to donate as well.
Most people think of the basic stuff when donating (a good thing), but more than spaghetti, rice, sauce, tuna, peanut butter is needed.

Feminine products of all types
Baby items - formula, food, diapers, wipes
Cleaning items - laundry soap, dish soap, cleanser
Health & beauty - soap, hair products, TP, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc.
School supplies of all types
Many of our local pantries, give out donated magazines or wholesome books as well (check and see)

The holidays will be here in a jiff as well.  Think about collecting small items for the kiddos.  Color books, crayons, art supplies, (now is the time to stock up) stuffed animals, card games, etc.  Some children get nothing if not for a gift gleaned at the local pantry.

Communities everywhere have people in need.  I don't care where you live, there is someone who needs a hand up.  If we can do a little to help - that is what we should do.  We are part of this big old earth and we are all here for a reason - to help one another.
If each of us did a little thing - that would be a big thing!

If you have any ideas of ways to help someone - tips on where people can reach out - please share.
Community needs to take care of its own.

Have a wonderful day all.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Change and Growth

 Happy Tuesday all.  It is a beautiful morning here.  Yesterday stayed in the 80's but a bit more humid.  We had sun and clouds - yet no rain.  There is much activity outside this morning.  Today is trash day - so hearing the trucks out and about.  The 'burn' house got a new (#4) dumpster delivered.  Birds are singing and the blackbirds are back and are everywhere! Soon I will be taking my morning walk (once trash trucks are done), to check the daily progress at the burn house!  Yeah, I am that person!!  LOL

Change happens in all our lives, it happens to someone here, every day - we have to grow and move forward.  Is it easy - nope!  Many times, it is the hardest thing in the world to do.  But it is necessary.  Change is the only constant on the earth.  It happens with everyone and everything.
Hopefully we all embrace it and grow into a better human being.

Things grow as well.  Now is the time that our yards and gardens are alive.  Things are growing, they nourish us and provide for our families.  This is such a wonderful time.  All the lovely fresh goodies, at our fingertips.
One of my tomato plants - such big tomatoes.  I have 4 cherry tomato plants that are loaded with green ones and tons of blooms.  I have 4 other tomato plants that are more regular size tomatoes and 4 of these.  If things keep going as they are - come August I will have tons of tomatoes to can and eat!!!!
The grapes are hanging thick this year.  They look like this all over the vines.  They have filled out nicely and so far, we have had enough rain.  Looks like jelly will be a go this year!  Much of it will be gifts for the holidays
I mentioned a few weeks back - finding cabbage worms and they were devouring the cabbage.  Those heads are getting huge!  I have a couple close to ready to cut.
***Reminder if you grow cabbage.  Don't pull out the plant, when harvesting.  Cut the head and leave the plant - it will continue to head with smaller heads!!!!!  The gift that keeps on giving. (same with broccoli)

Yesterday I was taking a walk down the alley, as I noticed they were pulling off the siding from the burn house.  It was sure looking like a lot of work.  I got to talking to the young man out in the yard.  I asked if they pulling off all the siding and he said yes, he wanted all new everything.  So, I asked if he owned it, and he said yes.  Then I asked if he was going to live there, and he said YES!  YAY - it will not be a rental.  So happy to hear that and to see that particular area being revived.  It gives me hope.
We have ups and downs in the neighborhood, and it seems like we are now going through a revitalization - a great thing for property values and for homeowners.
(many rentals in our area have been abused in the past - nothing against people who rent in general)

Remember the pink house?  
Well, it aint pink no more!  Just in the past few days it has received a total paint job.  I was apprehensive at first, but I like it.  From the front (I walked around the block to see), it reminds me of an big old colonial house from the East coast.  I will take a picture from the front soon.
Here is a picture from my drive.  It is now charcoal gray - it almost looks black.  I guess I like the gray, as I have looked at the one across the street for several years now and it has grown on me.  Once they do trim and finish up the outside it will be great.  They have added new windows and doors, a new roof and they added a roof over the patio area all across the back. (see where ladder is).  It sure beats looking at hot pink!!
Slowly they are getting things done.  The young man that bought it, has guaranteed us all that the whole place will be great when done.  So far so good.

It is fun watching the neighborhood change - for the good.  I have seen a lot of bad over the years and now we are looking upward again.  I live very close to a couple areas that are considered the new up and coming places to be!  Both have homes that just a few years ago were riddled with violence and rubbish and you didn't want to be there.  Now those areas are selling homes for $300,000 and up!
Two Chicks & A Hammer (HGTV show Good Bones) had much to do with that.  They have redeveloped homes north of me, west of me and south of me (all about 5-10 minutes away).  

So always be ready to embrace change.  It helps us grow and to develop into a better version of ourselves.  
Hoping you all have a wonderful Tuesday!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 7/21

 Happy Sunday to all.  Here we are on the start of another new week.  I hope this finds you all well and safe.
It is cloudy this morning but, in the 60's.  It has been nice for a few days and stayed less humid and cooler.  What a treat.  They are predicting that there will be no more 90F+ days for the remainder of July in my area!  Woohoo!!  This coming week looks to be in the lower and mid 80's with many chances for rain.  Wonderful for the garden.
                                                Love the pops of color all around the yard.
The 'surprise' lilies (naked ladies or whatever you call them) have started making their appearance.  SURPRISE!  The phlox is still going strong and smells so wonderful.  Everything in the garden is going strong.
The grapes are hanging thick and still going strong.  I love it.  Some years are good and some not so much.

The bright golden finches have been loving the sunflowers out front as well as the echinacea.  They sing so pretty.  It appears the neighbor 2 doors down has claimed the chickens as his.  They were in his yard a lot and his girls just love them - so guess what?  It appears they live there now!  They graze, and he has built shelter and cleaned areas for them.  Good for him and them! At least they are safe now.
Saw a groundhog several times again this week - it appears smaller and rougher looking than the other one.  It is staying across the alley under their shed - my bet it has been rousted from the burn house yard.
Always something to see around here!

Last night appeared to be July 4th - part 2!!!  Grrrr.  The neighbors across alley shot fireworks off for 3 straight hours last night - non-stop.  So much money blown up!  There is stuff all over the yard - which will get picked up and no longer be in MY yard.  They can have it back.  Just crazy and very frustrating.

My frugal week:
  • Picked basil to dry
  • Mowed finally and trimmed and trimmed some more. Finally got cool days to work outside and boy, did I work.
  • Picking up tons of sticks from the wind and rainstorms
  • Cleaned out parts of flower beds
  • Made hard boiled eggs
  • Cut hair and did a light color
  • Lots of cleaning, lots of laundry and deep cleaned area rugs and floors
  • Pounded stakes and staked up tomatoes - you can walk amongst them again!!
  • Neighbor shared dinner one evening - she is so nice
  • Trimmed bushes
  • Picked one nice bell pepper and my first cherry tom!  I ate that little tom right there on the spot!  LOL
  • Ran to the library to drop off and pick up
  • Been getting to enjoy fresh air and AC off a ton this week
My meals this past week:
Chicken breast filet, fried smashed red pots, salad
Meat/cheese/veggie wrap, fruit
Egg salad sandwich and side salad
Green beans w/baby red pots, corn on cob and fresh veggies
Cheeseburger and salad
Small homemade pizza
Beans/rice, salmon patty (from neighbor) and fruit

It sure was nice to be able to spend time outdoors from Thursday on and not feel like I was breathing water!  So much nicer out.
It was just an overall nice week.  Did some porch sitting and visiting as well.
How was your week?  What has been going on in your world?  I hope those with any garden plants are having success.  Did you find any great deals this week?  No shopping here.

I wish you all a safe, healthy and productive week ahead.
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58

Lord, thank You for this past week and letting us continue in this life.  Please help us to each know that all we do, we do in Your name and honor.  May we each one continue to do good works to help others.  Please watch over us and protect us in this coming week.  Amen

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Just A Weekly Chat

 Happy Thursday to all.  My goodness, the week and month is flying by.  It is a gorgeous morning here in Indy.  The sky is blue, the air is cool, and the humidity is gone!  It was 63*F this morning when I got up.  Looks as if the next many days will be lovely as well.  I guess that means I need to get busy and work outside!!  The rain sure has made everything grow.
I hope those who need rain, get some.  Those who are so hot, get some relief!
I wish I could bottle days like this and send them to everyone!!
This week as I was looking for things on my past blog posts, I ran across many older blog posts talking about days with Glen, and showing pictures and telling stories of kitties that are no longer with me.  Those things bring back so many memories.  I got sad, and cried and it also made me smile - as I had all these wonderful souls in my life.  Gosh I miss Glen.  I just have a hard time believing it has been over 5 years now that he has been gone.  I miss our talking and laughing so much.  He could always make me laugh.
He is still around, as there are pictures everywhere, and even some of his things.  But it is soooo quiet and yes, lonely at times.

I sure miss all those kitties I have lost in the past 5 1/2 years.  Five of them.  Each one had a sweet personality and they all were special.
But now I have an older guy and a young buck in the house!!!  They are just so sweet.  Blackie is my bud, and he is so laid back.  So mellow and just living his best life!  Bits - well that bugger is a hoot.  He loves to play, and he loves to love on me.  I am so happy to have them in my life.  It sure keeps things interesting.  They make me smile.
The neat thing about having a blog is that it is sort of like a diary!  The story of my life.  I can look back and remember and laugh and cry and just enjoy those moments again.

I don't think I will grocery shop this week.  I just don't need a thing, and really nothing looked to appealing in the ads.  It just amazes me how often some people shop.  I often wonder why they just don't buy everything all at once - instead of daily.  My neighbor does this.  It sure would save money to go less often.  Less temptation, less gas, less time, etc.

The house on the other side of the alley that burned 3 years ago, is being worked on this week!  Amazing.  Two years ago they reroofed and put in some new wood on the roof - there was a huge hole in the roof.  I had seen inside, and the house was totally gutted and there was a huge hole in the floor into the basement!  They have filled 2 big dumpsters in the past 2 days, and I imagine a 3rd one will show up today.  I cannot even imagine for a second that all that fire smell could ever be eliminated in that house.
I mean it would be nice to have it livable again, but unless the slumlord sold it, it will never be well taken care of.  But I digress - it is being worked on and fixed - so that is a good thing!

Well, I am going to enjoy this incredible weather for a mid-July day.  I will be working and accomplishing this today OUTDOORS!  Yay!
The garden is growing and growing.  The birds are singing such sweet songs this morning.
I have already been out and fed all the critters, cleaned the watering holes, and filled the feed containers back up.  Checked the garden and all is good.
The AC is off and the windows are open filling the house with fresh air.
It is a GOOD DAY!

What is going on in your world?  Anything exciting?  Do you have any big plans for the weekend?
I plan on yard work and porch sitting!

Have a beautiful and blessed day.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Abundance - Time to Use, Gift & Get Creative

 Good morning this Wednesday!  I hope you are all well and safe.  Missing many of you - check in when possible.
It is dry this morning.  Didn't get that rain overnight.  It still feels very muggy out - the news guy lied!!  LOL.  Supposedly after today the humidity goes away for a few days and we will see sun and dry.  It will be time to get caught up outdoors!
Even though humid still, it is sunny and pretty out.

Today let us talk about the gift that keeps giving from our gardens.  Zucchini!  It is about that time for everyone.  There are just a ton of uses for it.  I have had quite the repertoire of uses and recipes for years.  Glen used to call me Bubba - as in Bubba Gump Shrimp! 
I have used squash in so many ways - including grating it and using in jam, making faux pineapple, breads, and just about every dish you can think of.  I love it, because it takes on the taste of whatever you cook it with, it is abundant, and it is cheap if purchasing.
Here are a few ideas!
Click on recipe to enlarge

Click on recipe to enlarge

These are both great vegetarian uses for zucchini.  Replacements for meat, and taste so yummy.
Click on recipe to enlarge

This is one of my favorite dishes to make in the summer.  The combo of ingredients just tastes so good together.
Click on recipe to enlarge

Love cream of zucchini soup.  I keep grated and chunked zucchini in the freezer, so I can make this during the winter as well.  You can always throw in some rice for more substance.

Grill it
Add to eggs or quiches
Bread it and fry
Add to brownies, muffins and sweet breads
Add to soups or casseroles
Great raw in salads - both veggie or pasta
Use in place of lasagna noodles in lasagna
Add grated to any dish - to add extra vitamins (you can hide from kiddos)
Zucchini boats - wonderful and you can make to suit your taste
Replace apples in pie with zucchini slices (same seasoning) for faux apple pie
Dehydrate for use in soups and casseroles in the winter
Make chips from it - tasty!
Roast it
Make zucchini rolls - kind of like rolled lasagna
Yep, there are just an unlimited amount of ways to use it.

Again, I know it truly doesn't have a lot of flavor on its own - but it does take on flavor well.  It is adding a nutrient rich veggie to the diet and can actually be hidden well from those with an affinity to the idea of squash!
Now is the time.
Gardens are growing and starting to produce.  People are leaving gifts on doorsteps and unlocked vehicles! Whether you are growing, gifting or just using - get creative.  It is a very inexpensive way to add vitamins to your diet.  Such a prolific veggie.

Get zucchy with it!
Have a fabulous day!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Maybe Lower Expectations - Living Well on Less

 Happy Tuesday to all.  Hope this finds you all well and safe.
Very wet morning here.  It started raining/storming in the wee hours this morning - basically done now - but gloomy and wet out.  I haven't had to water for days - we just keep getting rain each day.  We are ready for a 'cold' front to come through tomorrow (and more rain).  It will be in the 70's and low 80's after that!  YAY!!

I have been watching some You Tube and reading some articles that just has me befuddled!  
People are saying that they need about $186,000 a year to live a comfortable life!!!!  WHAT?
Now I know location makes a big difference in the cost of things and the availability of things - but this seems outrageous.  (I would be way MORE than comfortable).
I am thinking people better figure it out quickly!  The economy isn't conducive to this!

Do people have too high of expectations? I think so.  The average household in America makes around $60,000 a year.  These are the people that think $168,000 would make life comfortable.  The higher the average income was, the more people thought they needed.  I just shake my head.

The more people make the more they spend, the more they want and then BOOM!  It all falls apart.  It only takes one thing to totally mess up THAT plan!
So many people today are VICTIMS of lifestyle!  Yes, they are.  Sure there are those that live a humble life, that have stuff happen as well - but so many have visions of grandeur in their heads and when a catastrophe happens - their bubble is popped.  Then they wonder what happened.

These items need to be remembered and practiced!

Needs and wants - many don't see a difference.  There is a HUGE difference.
It seems so many value things and money more than experiences and simple pleasures and lives.  I really do feel sorry for them.
So many want the latest new gadget and new app, the fancy big homes and cars, the nicest clothes, the fancy schools, etc.  Those things may be nice - but they mean nothing in the big scheme of things.

I guess I am not even average when it comes to all the above figures.  Now I clarify, I have a smaller PAID for home, a PAID for older vehicle that is still nice.  I have no debt - just basic stuff.  I live on about $1,000 a month!  Yes, I have property tax once a year (I pay at once, but it is low), I have property insurance once a year, and vehicle registration once a year, and car insurance 2X a year.  Add those all together - and that is only about $2,000 extra.  
I know it sounds low - but that is because I have an older vehicle and don't live in a high-income area. I live a simple life!   You know what?  I am fine with that!
P.S. - I do have a nice savings and investments - so no I am not destitute.

Could I live in a different area?  Yes.  Could I buy a fancy new car?  Yes.  Could I spend more a month?  For sure.
BUT I don't need to.  I am more than happy here and doing what I am doing.  I do without nothing - truly.  I live a very nice life.  I am comfortable and I am secure in knowing that I can do home maintenance or car maintenance, or pet maintenance or cover whatever I need in an emergency.

There is so much more to buy today than when we were growing up.  (Just in the area of tech and techy stuff - not to mention other stuff).  There are more ways to buy it and it is so easy!  THINK TWICE!  Seriously, if you want to get ahead and not feel tied down with debt - you have to stop and think and get a grip on things.
I know this is the start of Prime on Amazon.  If you are struggling - stay away from this temptation.  I have never once purchased something during this time and have no plans to.  Yes, I know I am weird!  I know people get great deals and good for them.  This is a warning for those with debt and that are struggling - not everyone.

Don't let lifestyle make you a victim.  Don't let keeping up with others make you a victim.
THINK!!  You can have a wonderful life with so much less.  You really can.  Many of us here can attest to that.  There is so much more to a happy life than stuff!
Be wise if you are trying to get it together.

We are here to help.
Have a lovely day to all.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 7/14

 Happy Sunday to all.  Hoping this finds you all well and safe.  I sure hope those in the heat dome are finding ways to stay cool.  It is quite warm here, with extremely high humidity.  That is what bothers me the most.  Humidity numbers have been in the 70's - that is high.  It will remain uncomfortable until mid-week, then we are supposed to get a refreshing cooler period.

We had rain for a few days this week.  Somedays it was just a shower, but still rain!
The chickens returned a week or so ago - not sure if they had been pinned up or what.  Yesterday there was also a new chicken in town!  It isn't nearly as street savvy as the other 2, silly thing just about got hit yesterday morning.    I just wish they stayed home.
I told you about cabbage worms - well I took care of that problem, and the cabbage is heading very nicely.  This week I noticed a tomato plant looked off - geesh - nasty big tomato worms!!  I got 3 off the plants - can you see me shuddering?  Nasty.  I got them sprayed with a natural tomato spray and problem seems to be gone for now.  One thing after another.  But things are growing and getting bigger.

My frugal week:
  • I took 2 days to mow and trim the first of the week.  It needs it again, but it will wait for the cool down.
  • I cleaned a fence row between my house and the empty house
  • I went to P.O. to mail a card and got postage before the price increase 
  • Trying to use up things and not waste.  I had a couple older apples & a handful of cherries that went into dinner one day.  4 peaches and some old strawberries got used.  Half of jar of salsa used in cooking.
  • I have been filling, condensing containers and jars this week.  Prepping things ahead.
  • Used the air fryer when needed, not oven
  • Neighbors across had yard sales this week.  I got 18 vintage cloth napkins, 2 Christmas throw rugs (for door mats), 2 pretty towels, and a new looking shirt.  Also got a lot of votives and melts - everything for $8
  • I used the peaches and older strawberries together to make 3 quarts of sugar free ice milk
  • Store - to get melons for 1.99 each.  Got cantaloupe and watermelon and both are like candy sweet!  Corn .25 ear.  Found hickory smoked mild cheddar cheese on clearance for 1.20 for 8 oz.  Got the last 3 they had.  Not a lot else.
  • Gasoline purchased for first time in 6 weeks - paid 2.89/gal. with points
  • Cut flowers again this week
  • Just doing all the regular stuff
It was a good neighbor week - lots of visiting and talking.

Meals this past week:
Fried apples w/cherries and pancakes (from freezer)
Fried zucchini, cabbage patty and salad 
Chicken strips, home fries, corn
Lasagna (freezer), garlic toast and salad
Ital./pizza type burger fresh veggies
Taco pasta skillet, cukes & onions
Leftover pasta, corn on cob, and cukes & onions
SNACKS: sorbet, ice milk, popcorn
                                            Small pancakes with fried apples/cherries - oh yum!

When making fried zucchini, I had egg and breading left - so I shredded a little cabbage and mixed it all together and made a great cabbage patty.  Had a couple meatless days.

How was your week?  Did you get any good deals?  How are you stretching the things you already have?  How are those gardens doing with all the heat and/or rain?
Look forward to hearing from you all.

Have a wonderful week.  Stay safe and healthy.  Stay cool!
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude.  Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never ends; as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Dear Lord, Today, sending up many, many prayers for our country and our leaders.  May all that are hurting be comforted and may the evil stop.  Prayers that we turn our country back to You.  Amen

Thursday, July 11, 2024

And the Surveys Say.......

 Good morning and happy Thursday.  Hope it is a lovely day where you are.  Hope you are all staying in and cool in those blistering heat areas!
It is quite lovely here this morning.  Sun is shining and not too hot yet!

I have been reading a lot of surveys being taken by various places, and it seems there are many food items that people have suddenly discovered are better to make at home and cheaper!!!  Go figure - there is a thought!  LOL
There are several basics that seem to have made the list.  It seems, as prices continue to raise, people are finally getting it.  Homemade and scratch is so much better and generally less expensive.

Here are several that were listed:
  • Coffees, cold brew, and iced teas (flavored)
  • Mac and cheese - a little mac, butter, milk and whatever cheese you have/like
  • Oat milk - oatmeal, water - blended and strained and a little sweetener added
  • Hummus
  • Fried rice - rice and any leftovers around
  • Spaghetti sauce - sooooo easy
  • Herbs - dried and crushed.  Pesto - so expensive at the store almost $0 at home
  • Breakfast - meals, sandwiches, pancakes, waffles - going out for breakfast can easily be $10-$20+
                  This would cost a bit at a restaurant - homemade pennies - having all on hand.
  • Pizza or loaf pizza - can be made for pennies using what you have
Delivery pizza is a fortune anymore and not that great - making your own with it being 'loaded' for pennies at home
  • Pickled items or fermented items
  • Soda Pop - many are using a Soda Stream for carbonated drinks - use fruits to flavor
  • Mexican foods - tacos, burritos, enchiladas - so many options
  • Calzones, hand pies, quesadillas
  • Sweets - cookies, cakes and sweet breads & muffins
  • Fries - regular or sweet potato
  • Veggie burgers - instead of the new no meat options (and less ? ingredients)
People are deciding they want fewer questionable ingredients, they are looking to save some money, and they seem to be deciding home cooking just tastes better.
We have been preaching this forever - but it finally seems to be the 'new' best thing!  Hey, whatever it takes to get people to start eating better - is all good to me.
Folks are using air fryers and Instant Pots and slow cookers more and more and finding they can get as good of or better results at home.

New trend?  Whatever you want to call it - it is great to hear.  I hope it keeps on going and more and more decide to do this.  It sure can save money from eating at restaurants and buying all those highly processed goods at the grocery.

Keep it simple and keep it affordable and keep it tasty!!!!
Have a lovely day and weekend!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Good Words for Us All

 Good morning to all.  It is a windy and gloomy morning at this hour.  The winds are supposed to stick around all day (some up to 45 MPH), but the sun is supposed to shine later.  We had quite a rain come through last evening.  It poured!  Nothing flooded this AM -- which is good.  AC is off this morning, with a nice breeze coming in for now.

I hope you are all safe and well this morning.  So many having so much happening.

Today is just a couple memes I saw that just say so much to my heart and thought you might like them as well.  Much in our life is attitude - how we look at things.  Take time to look at your life with new and different eyes - you might like what you see.
So true.  Only we can make the change in our lives that we to see.  No one else can do it for you.  Pull up those big girl panties and get busy.  You can make change!!!!!

HOME - such a lovely word.  It is my favorite place to be.  Lying in bed this morning, it felt so comfortable and snuggly - I felt I could have laid there for a long while.  Then my babies showed up and began telling me it was breakfast time - when I ignored the 'talking' I got soft gentle pats on the face!  I love those moments.
Yes, it can be a busy place with the cleaning and the laundry and the cooking and the yard/garden - but it is your/my place.  We can do as we wish, when we wish.  Home is comfortable.  Home is security.  Make the best of it.

Take a little time to just be happy you have a home - many don't.  Take time to be thankful.
If it is not what you want - do something.
We are all so fortunate and WHEN we are happy with the small things, the simple things - life is good!

Have a wonderful day to each of you!!!
Life is good.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

My Public Service Announcement of the Month!

 Howdy all.  Hope this finds all well.  Hope you are all staying cool and thinking of those in the path of Beryl.  It has now come onto land and is moving north and east.  Looks like we will get rain today and overnight.  Needed, just hoping it isn't too much.  I know many areas are so dry and needing rain - then others are getting socked with some doozy rain!!
It is a very cloudy morning here and MUGGY!  Temps aren't bad - but it sure is humid.  It is starting to sprinkle a little.

My PSA is for everyone who needs some supplies.

Sadly to say, back to school time is just around the corner for many.  Year-round school sure has changed things.  Anyway - now is the time to start looking for deals on supplies for the kiddos.  Whether they are your children or grands or whether you might to help someone who is in need.  Many area stores are having some sales.  Last week I ran in WM marketplace to get cat food and noticed they had their supplies on clearance!  I am sure is was the stuff they have had for a while, and not this years new supply - but it was still clearance.  I mean a notebook is a notebook!  Right?
You can donate supplies to help children out.  No one should have to be ashamed when starting school about not having supplies.  We have a 'pack the backpack' program in our area that helps many.  You can also check with local libraries or the area schools to see if they are taking donations to be handed out.
I remember back in the day we just needed pencils, paper, crayons and maybe a couple folders.  Then when we started using ink it was pens - remember cartridge pens?  I loved those.
So if you see a great deal - think about stocking up for the kiddos (or yourself).  There will be many kiddos who will appreciate it.
** You might also check with schools to see if they have a clothes closet!  Winter coat, shoes, socks and basic clothes can sometimes be donated to help.  Yard sales and thrift stores can provide so much!

2nd PSA
July 14th, postage stamps go up again in the U.S.
They will go from .68 to .73 each.  I still use a lot of stamps - I know I am a rare animal!  I like to send cards and some letters, and yes, I still pay my bills via mail. 
I ran in yesterday to the post office and got enough for my year.
This is the second increase this year.  I know it seems like a lot, but it is still a pretty darn cheap way to send a letter or card across the country!! 

Both of these items can be costly if one isn't prepared.  So save where and when you can.
Hoping you all have a great day.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 7/7

 Hello to all and happy Sunday.  Hope this finds all well.
Well, the 4th is over and the fireworks are still ongoing by all the 'want to be' professionals!  Geesh.  Thursday got really noisy, especially across the alley.  They kept it up until 3AM with the big fireworks.  No police will bother coming out, even though many laws were being broken.  Continued Friday and Saturday - although not as bad.  I guess it has still been better than years past - as it all started in May before.  I just see dollar signs - gosh the waste of $!!!

My days were all off kilter for a while too.  Thursday seemed like Sunday, as all the neighbors were off work and home.  Friday seemed like Monday.  I think I am finally back on track!
We had a nice soaking rain on Thursday (during the day) - it sure was great.  Also had some rain Friday.  My garden looks like it has tripled in size in the past week.
I have had a bunch of black birds around this week, and they have sure been cleaning up the 'fall' from squirrels eating.  Nice - as I don't have to clean up, and nature is getting fed.
Yesterday was a glorious day - such a nice breeze, and blue skies.  I had the AC off all day.

My frugal week:
  • Finished dead heading the hundreds of finished blooms and stems of the lilies
  • I noticed my cabbage getting eat on (a lot) - so sprayed with Neem oil and sprinkled with fine cornmeal.  Worms eat it and can't digest - so they die.  The plants are getting big, so I want to protect them
  • Mowed and trimmed
  • All laundry done and used dehumidifier water
  • Cut 2 different bouquets this week
  • Made some watermelon sorbet with the end of watermelon in frig
  • Picked up lots and lots of sticks from a storm that came through area with wind
  • Picked my first zucchini and bell pepper this week!!!!  YAY
  • Lots of porch setting when the temps agreed
  • My neighbor brought me a nice helping of corn pudding 2X this week.  Some of the best I have ever had!  What a treat.
  • Same neighbor gave me a brand-new HP printer that they were gifted and didn't need.  I checked it out online and it has a retail of $299.  I haven't had one for 3-4 years now after mine died.  So excited to get it set up.
  • Used up cheese from a couple meals to make a 'new' flavor cheese spread for another
  • Cooking from home and using what I have
Meals this past week:
Egg roll bowl
Soft tacos
Pork chop, steamed cauliflower/carrot w/cheese sauce, cukes & onions
Cheesy roll 'pizza' and salad
Jalapeno burger, corn on cab, cauliflower/pea salad
Cheese/beef nachos
Grilled pork smashed burger sandwich and salad
SNACKS:  lots of fruit and corn pudding

How was your holiday?  Did you do anything special?
How are you coping with the weather?  I know the south and the west coast are in an extreme heat advisory.  Temps in 100's - oh my.  That has to be miserable.
How are the gardens doing?  Did you find any grocery deals this week?
Inquiring minds need to know!!!  LOL

I wish you all a wonderful week and that you all stay safe, healthy and COOL!
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58

Dear Lord, please help to hold our faith within our hearts and not lose it, due to outside pressures.  Help us to do Your work each day.  May we all hold steadfast to the word and ways of Christ.  Amen.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

It Isn't Always Free

 Happy Thursday to all.  It is Independence Day here in America.  The day we celebrate our independence from England.  I hope you all take a few moments to reflect on that independence (no matter where you live) while you are celebrating festivities with family and friends.

We all seem to take freedom for granted - we can do just about anything we want today.  Things our ancestors would never have imagined.
We seem to expect more and want more.  We want it now and for next to nothing.  Many children have no idea where their food comes from - other than the store.  They have no idea what sacrifices have been made in the past for them to have the life they have today.
Kiddos today don't read nor learn useful skills like we did back in the day.  They are too busy with video games.
People eat ALL the junk, not the healthy food and we live with obesity and diabetes running rampant.  We do not take proper care of our bodies or our minds.  A pill will fix it!
Everything hurts everyone's feelings.

I want to say thankful and how in awe I am of skilled workers, laborers, farmers, military members (both past and present), health care employees, small business owners - all people who work so that we can have a good life.
I am thankful for farms of all types, factories that produce items and the stores that sell these things so we can have them.
Thank you for police and EMT's that help every day.
I am thankful for all who have sacrificed so much and at times everything so we can have freedom.  I am sorry they have had to do that - but thankful as well.

YES I am thankful for all who want to work and those that do.  I am thankful for all things in my life today.  Some may be sitting here reading this today thinking that their life stinks - but always remember there is someone out there with so much less and whose life stinks even worse!  They would be grateful for your life.  

It amounts to perspective.  Be grateful for all things - big and small - and life will be good (or at least better).
Prayers for wars to end and for leaders to get along and do right.
No matter our differences in thoughts about the world - we are still the same.  We want a good life.
We all want peace and joy.

Freedom isn't free in any way.  Thank you to all people that makes our lives as free as they are.
Have a wonderful day.  Stay safe.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Reversed Meal Planning - Something to Think About

 Happy midweek!  We have a slightly overcast start this morning.  It is much more humid than yesterday.  We have storms coming in today and probably tomorrow.  I hope all of you that have events tomorrow for the 4th - have a safe day.  There are heat warnings again this week for various parts of country - you all stay in and stay safe.

Reverse Meal Planning
Yep, it is a thing.  It is much of what I do all the time!  A different name and way of looking at pantry cooking!!
Here we go.  BEFORE you go shopping - you plan your meals from what you have on hand.   I know many plan meals according to grocery sales - the cheaper way is planning meals with what you have.
Take a good look at those pantries and freezers - and get creative.  I bet many, many people can go a couple weeks or much more with just what they have on hand.
Never waste things.  

There are many sites on the computer that can help.  You type in the ingredients you have, and it gives you ideas for what you can make.  You can utilize those cookbooks that are all about simple and easy cooking (libraries have many).  You can ask places like this blog or your friends or family.
It truly pays to utilize what you have.  We have all had weeks where it just wasn't in the budget to go to the grocery.  Those tight weeks gives good reason to get creative.

Think about ways to use a single piece of meat - even with a couple people in the house.  Chop it, chunk it and make a casserole or soup with it.  Cooked it can make a great sandwich salad when chopped and added to other ingredients.
It can be lunch on a different day.  Think of meat as an ingredient, not a staple.  You can also have meatless days - use another protein.

Fruit - use it all up.  Older fruit can be made into salads, sauces, juices, or milkshakes.  Cook up apples that may be older.  Fried apples are wonderful - or make a cobbler or pie.

Use it all up and save your budget.  So many things we can do.  Citrus - juice or salads, then use the skins to make cleaner or zest and freeze for baking/cooking.
Bananas getting older make an easy ice cream or a milkshake - the peels make great fertilizer.  Just so many options.
Sometimes you can make up a fun recipe that is very filling and can be used in a simple meal.  Meals don't always have to be several courses.  Fried cornbread - great for a lunch, a treat or a big part of a dinner.  When you are truly watching the budget and getting creative, sometimes it is just about getting FULL!
Easy-peasy snacks.  These are very good and use minimal ingredients.  Think popcorn or any other easy idea for fun snacks.  Heck, you add some melted butter and seasoning to crackers and bake until crispy again.  Super yummy.
Meals can be veggies only!  Yes, they can.  Vegans and vegetarians eat lots and lots of veggies and fruits - you can too.  I often have no meat nights.  You can use a little meat or no meat.  It is so easy to do, especially in summer.
A good summer meal - meat is not necessary at all.  I could eat this all summer long (even with no meat). Just keep things simple.
Big old salads are great as well.
Use up all leftovers for lunches or other meals, or place bits and bobs in the freezer until you have enough to make soup or casserole.

Never feel that you don't have options.  Never waste food.  Use what you have - no matter how obscure it may seem.  Get creative.
Be smart a do a REVERSED MEAL PLAN before going shopping.  I like this way of thinking about it - instead of saying 'shop your pantry'.  Change your thinking and sometimes it can change your life!  Use your dollars for other things.
Have fun with it.  You may surprise yourself and your family!!

Have a wonderful day friends.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

$imple is Wonderful - Don't Complicate It

 Happy Tuesday and happy July.  July, and this morning I have on a light sweater!  It was 60*F this morning when I got up.  It is lovely.  The past 2 days have been lovely!  Tomorrow looks to get hotter & humid again, then some storms coming in.  But goodness sakes, I will surely enjoy these cooler days!  Windows open and fresh air in the house - have to love this!

More about simplicity today.  It really doesn't have to be complicated - hence the word!  We are the ones that tend to complicate things.
Our financial journeys don't have to be complicated to be successful.  I hope these posts help someone starting out - so they can avoid the mistakes many of us made along the way!

If your finances feel out of control, you will feel stressed and full of worry.  If you manage your finances in a smart way, it lightens your burden, and you slowly get to financial freedom.  Start taking small steps to that end and have some peace and some breathing room.

Start by getting rid of the barriers.  Pay extra when and where you can on any bill that has an interest amount adding up.  Mortgages, charge cards - need to get paid up.  Take steps to manage these bills and get to your milestone faster.  Slow and steady wins the race.  Stop the extra spending.

Simplify everything.  You know how lovely your closet looks when you simplify your wardrobe? - well you budget can look like that too.  Remove items that are in your way.  Stop spending on unnecessary things - you know what they are.  Stop that eating out, the daily coffees, the clothes shopping, the bad habits.  By removing the money guzzlers, you are going to bring more simple joy into your life.
Take time and assess your spending habits and then simplify them.  If necessary, write down EVERY expenditure over a month.  EVERY SINGLE ONE.  You will soon see a pattern of silly spending!
Remove those and start to breathe a little easier and think about your goals.

The less you buy and spend - the simpler your life becomes.  You learn to appreciate the "simple" things.  You will learn they aren't so small - they are precious. 
Start making good decisions and start making new habits.  You have to change in order to get ahead and have the future you want. 
Small decisions make big difference.

Make some simple changes and start seeing a reward.
  • Work on your budget and look at things for a few minutes each day
  • Learn from others - research and get advice when needed
  • Eat at home from scratch more often
  • Renegotiate some of your basic bills - phone, cable, insurances, internet, etc.
  • Pay an extra $50 or $100 on your credit cards (you will ever get ahead paying minimum payments)
  • Start saving $50 a month or more to your emergency fund
  • Get into a 401K or IRA with your employment if offered
  • Spend an extra $5/$10 a week on groceries to stock your pantries or freezer (yes, that is an investment in your future)
  • Find FREE fun - events at parks, picnics, walks, etc.
Simplifying your steps to a future you want, isn't lazy work, nor is it a cop-out.  It is streamlining the path.  It is a beautiful thing.  We have always heard if it is worth having it is worth working for - true, but it doesn't have to be miserable - simplifying can be wonderful and it gives you freedom.
                         A simple and lovely joy!  Take in simple moments to smile and laugh.

Try not to get overwhelmed during this process on making a good life.  I know sometimes it can get that way.  Been there and done that.  Trust me, it just isn't worth the nerve wrenching obsession we take on.  Slow and steady is the way to go.  

Start small - and make some simple decisions.  Start small in saving and paying off - and as you start to notice progress, you will get excited to do more.  Small steps can be mighty!!!  Then you get on a roll and off you go to a future you can sit back and enjoy.  BUT just remember to enjoy the ride along the way as well.
I wish all starting out on the journey great success.  IT CAN BE DONE!  Don't give up.

You got this.  Get started today simplifying your life and your finances will thank you!

Have a wonderful day.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 6/30

 Happy Sunday to all.  Holy heck, here we are officially halfway through the year and the days will soon start getting shorter again.  The year is flying by.  This week we celebrate our Independence Day here in the U.S. on the 4th.
We have been all over the place weatherwise this week.  It was nice and it was hot.  We had humidity and wonderful days.  We had storms and rain.  Today is lovely after a very humid, gloomy and stormy day yesterday.
Butterflies are all over the place!  The cicadas have finally started making themselves heard.  Not the brood, just the normal ones.  I like hearing them at night.

The garden is coming along nicely.  The tomatoes and peppers are full of blooms and a few little veggies.  I have a zucchini that seems to be growing overnight!  Baby cukes on the vine and the cabbages are getting huge.  There is even one double one out there (yes one plant split).  I will try to get a picture of that.  The rain surely helped with everything.  It won't be long and I will be picking something.  I know some of you are already getting produce - YAY!  Got to love our gardens!

               Some pretties from the garden!  I love picking flowers.  These have lasted all week!

My frugal week:
  • I did make a little run to the feed store for a few things
  • Picked myself a bouquet and a huge bunch of flowers for the neighbor to take to shut-ins at work
  • Made more hummingbird nectar
  • I needed a new notebook to write ideas in this week - I got one from my .25 each stash!  Those past school deals are still paying off!!
  • Made hard boiled eggs
  • Picked and used purslane in cooking
  • Mowed and trimmed the entire yard.  Did a lot of dead heading of lilies at the back of the yard (need to do the big flower bed today), pulled weeds and cut things back.  A couple hard days of work.
  • Had 2 gals from across the street come and porch sit one evening until skeeters decided to get us!  Very enjoyable evening.
  • Made OJ from concentrate
  • Cut up some older fruit & made a small fruit salad - no waste
  • Did finally run to the grocery store.  Got lots of fresh fruit and veggies, of course cat food and litter, and some ground beef marked down on clearance.  I spent out of pocket $78 and my savings with coupons and markdowns was $70!  I did good!  I bought NO junk, & NO canned or frozen.
  • Meals from home and from scratch
  • Air the house each morning - then close windows & blinds.  Trying to keep AC off as much as possible.  Windows open now and cool air coming in!!
Meals this past week:
Rice/cheese burritos (leftovers used) & salad
Fish wrap and fresh veggies
Tuna salad on sourdough
Breakfast - eggs, bacon & fried potatoes - used purslane & green onions in eggs
Plain burger and salad
Chef salad and fruit
Corn on the cob, smoked sausage on bun, cukes & onions
Eating lots of fruit for snacks - watermelon, cantaloupe, & cherries.  Also had some crackers w/cheese slices

How has your week been?  Have you gotten any rain to help your gardens, or have you gotten too much?  Some places have really flooded - that is so sad.  Did you find any deals this week?  Many stores are starting their holiday sales already.
Any fun stuff on your menus?

I hope you all have a safe and healthy week.  May you all enjoy some time with family or friends over the holiday and that it is a safe day for all.  If you are traveling this week - please be safe.
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.  For by it the men of old received divine approval.  By faith we understand that the world was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was made out of things which do not appear.
Hebrews 11:1-3

Dear Lord, we know You are with us in every way and in every day.  Please help us to help others to understand Your word.  Faith is believing in what we cannot see and that is hard sometimes.  Give us each strength.  Prayers for our nation, our people and the world.  Amen