Thursday, December 12, 2024

Taking Care of Business and Yourself

 Happy Thursday to everyone.  My goodness, the time is just flying by.  3 weeks from now we will be in a new year!!  It seems like we just did all this stuff!  
It is a cold morning here.  In the teens and it has actually dropped a couple degrees since I got up.  I bundled up and went out to do the feed thing, and there was Licorice sitting out in the yard waiting on me.  Crazy cat - I figured he would be in his warmer house and bed - but nope!  I think he enjoys the colder stuff.  After eating, he did go in the greenhouse for a cat nap!
Everyone is busy and, on the go, and doing things.  We all need to pace ourselves and not go crazy.  We need to remember to take good care of ourselves.  This is a sad and mentally challenging time for a lot of people.  IF you do not wish to celebrate the holidays that is OK.  Do whatever is good for you.
I think these charts are so spot on.  Things we all need to remember.  Here we are at the end of another year and life has changed for every one of us in some way - more changes for some than others.  We are all in a new season of life and need to help ourselves through this new season.

Be yourself - change for no one.  Appreciate all the things you have - big and small.  
Cut loose conflicts and disagreements - try to forgive.  No one is perfect and we never know what is happening in another life.  Hanging on to hard feelings helps no one or nothing.
Do something positive for another - it will surely bring joy to you and them.
Step out of your comfort zone now and then.  The first time is always difficult - but you may find it is something you enjoy!
You are here reading this today, so you have actually made it through another year - that is HUGE!  That is PROGRESS!
Set yourself up for a good new year to come.  Make a wish or plan or two.  Find a new way to improve yourself - education, exercise, a new friend, letting go of old habits, etc.  
Let your light shine - you are unique in this world.  There is only one of you - I find that amazing.  We are each so different and special - in this big old world there is only one you or me!
Love your home, your family and friends, love your fur babies and love yourself!  

Many are going about their planning today and getting ready for celebrations, if so, have a good time doing that.  Many are quietly sitting alone and hibernating until the holidays are over, if so, you have a blessed day as well.

Whatever you do on this day you were gifted, do it with love, joy and happiness.
Have a fantastic day!!!


  1. Yes, we don't know what living someone else's life is like, so we need to give them a break and not expect them to act according to our expectations, which isn't fair to them. They need to live their own life without interference of our expectations on them. Life lesson there. Hanging on to hard feelings helps no one either. It only hurts us in the end hanging on to bitter feelings. Forgiveness is so very freeing.

    It's chilly here too this morning. I have the heat on, which feels so good!

    1. Absolutely. Often people ask for advice, I don't think that is really what they want or need. They want people to agree with them. I give advise if asked, but am learning that may not be what is really expected! So best to say, whatever they need to do for themselves is what they should do.
      Oh forgiveness if very freeing. It sure has helped me in some situations.
      Stay warm and cozy.

  2. I knew a man who held onto hard feelings and in my opinion it poisoned his life - which was successful and should have been a very happy one. He was almost 90 when he died, but he could not let go of the past and was bitter and resentful - all to no purpose whatsoever. Unfortunately he poisoned his children with it too, so some of them are carrying the resentment forward into the next generation. Sad.


    1. That is so sad. Kind of sounds like Scrooge! I just cannot understand why some people choose to be miserable - and it is a choice in situations like this one. His children too - just so sad.
      Negative serves no one!

  3. I love to start my day reading your positive, upbeat thoughts. Thank you for continuing to share wisdom and joy. Lynn, Pecos, NM

    1. Aaaahhhh thank you Lynn. I sure appreciate that. We all need a boost of positive from time to time. I know I do.

  4. I never understand why people stuff their schedules, expect themselves to spend a small fortune and do do do. Follow your heart. Take time for the Reason for the Season. I'm not much for the Pagan celebration although I do participate in my family name draw and those will be delivered Saturday to my niece and her family. Each received an individual gift of clothing and the rest is for family-puzzle, box of mini candies, a basket of mugs w/hot choc mix and a bottle of peppermint syrup, 2 games, a cutting board made by hubster and some dishrags I knitted. Enough to enjoy a celebration together but no overwhelm as I so often see under trees and filling the room :-(

    I lost a sweet online friend 4y ago. Her tagline: We are not promised tomorrow. She was just 71yo.

    Happy Thursday ya'll!!!

    1. That is enough! You are right. We need to remember what the Season is truly about. It isn't gifts - at least not the monetary stuff. Have fun - it will be a festive day of family fun.
      We should never overwhelm ourselves. I know my SIL has fretted about what to get a couple of the grands because they have everything. I told her I kept it very simple and I bet they have a good time anyway! Kids do tend to like the simple things (especially little ones).
      Great tagline - and oh so very true. We just never know - and all the rush and spend - won't stop that. Live it to the fullest and have an enjoyable ride!

    2. One year my 4 year old grandson loved motorcycles. I went to a Harley Davidson store and got him a catalogue and he loved it. He wore it out ! Cindy/WV

    3. Cindy that is a fun and inventive idea! I love that. Smart thinking!

    4. Cheryl, for those kids with everything? I got this family a 1000pc puzzle and filled an old christmas tin with mini candy bars. Instructions are to open immediately (which will be tomorrow). The instructions also say, "you can't open gifts until this puzzle is done. A family of 5 should be able to do that. If those kids are littles, do 100 or 300 pc puzzles each.

    5. Elle - genius! That is such a cute idea. You gals are all brilliant.

  5. Well said! Chill out and enjoy your days, not stuff them full of oftentimes meaningless activities. All the comments today are very valid: being cognizant of other people's lives that are not the same as ours; hard feelings and bitterness not only destroy the person owning those emotions but also spill over into the family; I, along with Miss Lynn, love reading your posts for the positivity which encourages all of us; and people stuff their schedules and drain their checking account at the same time. Why are we the only wise ones? ha!

    It definitely is cold today! Apparently it will warm back up for a few days. The sun is shining so that is always a good thing.

    1. LOL - some days I think we are the only ones!!!! Seems many here understand it isn't the stuff it is the moments. I hope that maybe someone new that comes and reads will see what we are saying - and hopefully it will change their life in some small way.
      Stay warm - it is cold out there.

  6. This time of year seems to put a lot of pressure on families. There are numerous events to attend from school programs, church, work, etc. I'm grateful to be retired and no longer feel the need to get caught up in the rush.
    The saying "you can't care for others without caring for yourself first" is so true. Getting a good night's sleep, eating well, and finding quiet moments for reflection and introspection. I love to take a moment in the morning, while the house is quiet, to sit in the lighting of the Christmas tree to welcome the day.

    1. You are so correct - tons of pressures. Everyone feels they must attend everything. No is a good answer too for one's self - maybe others won't like it - but we have to take care of ourselves.
      It is nice to start and end the day sitting in a room looking at the Christmas lights. They just relax and they take me back for a moment or two. I like that.
      Yes, we need that quiet time.

  7. (Little Penpen) Well said!! Can you believe it’s already Christmas again???? What a fast year!

    1. Thanks Penny. I know - it seems like just a few weeks ago for last Christmas. Time flies!

  8. Years ago (actually while in high school) I decided that people can like me for who I am and changing who I am was something that I would never do. I am me, take me or leave me it's one or the other here. Probably one of the reasons a few of Harvey's immediate family have nothing to do with me.
    I have slowed down now and am enjoying being able to knit, embroider, and watch Christmas shows.

    God bless.

    1. Great philosophy to have. I agree 100% - either you like me or you don't. I really don't give a bats tooshy either way!
      Good for you on slowing down. I think this may be my slowest season in years - I am enjoying it too!

  9. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to you and all of the blogger group, be well and be happy ..I appreciate all of you !

    1. Thank you so much. I will be posting up until Christmas - so keep watching.
      I hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday as well.

  10. I think this a great post. So many people are in a rush that we need to slow down for sure. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks. A lot of people just can't handle all the emotional stuff as well. It is OK for them to step back or change things up. Yes, we need to enjoy the season more for its true meaning, not the stuff.
