Thursday, January 16, 2025

Luxuries for Free

 Happy Thursday!  We're having a heatwave!  LOL!!  Goodness, it was in the mid 20's this morning when I got up.  Yesterday was around zero.  It is funny how perspective can change.  We get a couple decent days then BOOM - bad, bad winter comes back.
The moon was peeking out of the clouds first thing this morning - still big and bright.  Then the clouds parted and there was that magical sphere in all its glory.

Here we are mid-way through the month.  Granted January seems like the longest month each year - but it is flying by.  See - it will be spring in a blink of an eye!  We just have some ick to get through and then comes the beauty of color again.
I often think about how blessed I am in so many ways.  Last evening I got a phone call from a guy that was a schoolmate, and we set and talked for a long while.  He and his wife (younger than us) are fun people, and he stays pretty darn active.  We were talking about all we can still do at our age, as so many people can do little for themselves, and many are already gone.

There are many luxuries in life that cost us nothing.  We just need to realize that they ARE INDEED luxuries than many in the world will never know.
I came across this meme and it sure sums it up well.  I will also add, a luxury is also a warm home (to many just having a home).  Our sweet fur babies that we get to cuddle and love.  
Also, those things we all seem to take for granted.  Running water, flushing toilets, lights at the flip of a switch, heat and even air.  An easy way to launder our clothes, good neighbors, and the ability to shop for the things we want/need at any time.  Even having funds to pay our bills.

Yes, these are just basic things - but many in the world do not have these "luxuries".  We have become so complacent in life and just expect these things as normal.  We are truly very blessed to have them.

I also count this little blog a luxury.  I am free to come here and share my thoughts and share things with people all over the world - how cool is that?
Life is good, even in the times that we are lonely, sad, or hurt.  We can arise from our problems and smile and TRY to make a day good.  We do not have to be stuck in the bad, we have choices and options - free will.

Make your day the best.  Be kind and smile.  Share a laugh with someone.
Have a super wonderful day.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Today - Using What I Have

 Oh baby - it is cold outside!  TV says 0 degrees, my thermometer says 3.  No big difference - cold is cold!!!  High today is to get to 20F.  Geesh - Canada you can have your weather back!!!!!
We sure got spoiled over the past few years - and now we are getting a healthy dose of what winter used to be here every year.  I don't like it!
Let's talk a bit about using what we have.  Recently I have been trying really hard.  I have so many things that will work for more than one thing.  Yesterday we talked about advertising and how they lure us in to buy things we don't need - well, I like to challenge myself to use things here instead of buying the newest gadget or fancy food.

Last week I mentioned my 'leftover' soup.  One day I had made a taco sort of skillet, ground meat, beans, and lots of veggies with taco seasoning and salsa.  Tasty.  One day I made a small batch of dirty (spicey) rice.  I mixed the leftovers of the two together with a small jar of home canned tomato juice (juice leftover from making salsa) = SOUP!  Really hearty and good soup and I had dinner and put a container in the freezer for another day!

I ran out early in the week to the store for a few fresh items.  I got celery - which I wrapped in foil.  It will last ages that way.  I have been doing that for years.
I have a bag of Romaine lettuce that has a few paper towels in with it.  It pulls out excess moisture from the heads and helps it last much longer.  I do this with Romaine or other lettuces I get as a plant type lettuce. (not shredded)

After Christmas was over, and I took down all the decor and I sure did miss my twinkle lights!  They are so sweet and give off a nice glow at night.  Well, my little nightlight for living room, had its little bulb burn out and a regular bulb is just too bright.  I need one of these silicone covered bulbs and I am out.
So, I looked around and found a 20-light set of clear twinkle lights and wrapped them around an area over in the corner.  They stay on 24/7 and give off such a sweet light at night.  It is in the living room (center of my small house) so it lights enough to walk through the house with no other light.
I leave plugged in, as it uses so little electricity, and the plug isn't easy to get to.

I often freeze leftovers for another meal in Rubbermaid type containers.  I write on top of the container what is in it with a permanent marker.  When washing them, I was scrubbing really hard with a scrub pad and hot soapy water to clean the writing.  The other day I came across a pack of thin magic erasers that I had in the bathroom storage.  I took one and used to clean on the top of one of my containers and like "magic" all the writing was gone - super simple.  Now I keep one at the kitchen sink!

I was mending some jeans last week - and used a really old pair of jeans that are no longer worn for patches.  I cut and place the patches 'inside' the jeans - so there isn't a big old patch seen on the outside.  I guess it doesn't matter as they are work jeans - but it works pretty well.  I like to place with 'liquid sew' - a type of fabric glue - then I sew too.

Of course, I have been using what pantry and freezer items I have.  I really need to work hard on that, so that the older items get used and then I can replace when I find a deal.

Here is a fun one.  Use the fresh snow that has fallen for something good!!!  Make snow cream.  Right now a lot of people have a lot of snow.  Remember do not use 'yellow' snow!!!!  LOL
It sure is a fun thing to do, especially with the kiddos.  I used to make it every winter for Glen and I when we had snow.

What have you been doing lately to use what you have instead of buying?  Love to get some ideas.

Spread love, light and joy today in all you do.
Have a fantastic day.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Consumerism - We have Been Programmed!

 Good morning all.  Boy oh boy, it is cold out there this morning.  It will get colder in the next day or so, then warm a little, and they get waaaaaaayyy cold!  UGH
Sure had a beautiful sunrise this morning, and yesterday before dawn, the moon was really something to see.  I glanced through the blinds and thought "who has a spotlight on?"  It was pretty incredible.

Today just a few words about purchasing!  Have you ever really thought about it?  In my opinion we have been programmed all our lives to buy, buy, buy!
All the phrases have been used for year.  Deals, specials, sale, lowest, best, unbelievable.........
They want your attention!  Once they get your attention, they insert the hook and pull!  Even as children we were learning.  There was peer pressure - Sally got go-go boots, why can't I?  Billy got the newest version of a toy - I want one too.  Yep - we didn't realize it was happening, but it was.
THEN there were the big shiny pages of that ever famous "WISH" book that came right to our doors!!  Oh goodness, how many hours we all spent wishing and wanting.

It happened with everything.  New cars, new clothes, toys, the best cereal, the neighbors yards, new appliances to make life easier, it went on and on.
We all watched cartoons - what did we see?  Commercials for the newest sugary cereal, the fun new toys and games - they had out attention!  They still do.
They used the kiddoes to get Mom's attention to buy grocery items.    I mean, everyone wanted their children to be happy.

Enticed moms and housewives with the newest shiniest appliances and items to work around the house.  From an iron to a TV, to a fancy vacuum, to the whole bundle of the most modern kitchen!  (I love this kitchen!)

Now never mind the crazy low prices, from back in the day - just look at the ad.  Today that would not really catch your eye.  People don't seem to want to 'read' the ads - they want 'look at' the ads.  The ads today are nothing but colorful photographic type pictures.  People shop with their eyes.  Boy did the advertisers figure it out!
It worked with the 'wish' books, and it worked with the ads in the likes of Life magazine (and others) - so make it work on everything else.
They can now entice us with beautiful, lush looking pictures of the oranges - not just the price!!

We fall for it too.  We 'read' the pictures first - then the prices.  It happens to all of us. It happens on the computer as well.  They sure aren't going to sell you the latest gadget or get you to come into the store to see it, without a picture.  A description no longer works alone.

It has also made people dependent on them.  You don't have to think about a way store your extra stuff - there is a picture of a fancy new box that will do it.  You don't have to think of an old fashioned way to save food in the frig - there is a special 'keeper'.  Buy the newest deodorant, toothpaste, medicine, even phone - all because you saw an ad for it, and they make it enticing!  People dancing, singing, playing, etc..  What a joke! 
I am one of those people that HATE commercials to the Nth degree.  If you advertise it, especially 5X during every program, I will NOT be purchasing it!!  I do not find them entertaining nor informative. I will do my own research and then buy if I need to.  We are bombarded every day with new things to get.  When you watch a TV program, an hour show is generally half or more commercials.  That is why I DVR anything I would like to watch. I can just skip all the commercials with the forward button!  They aren't getting me!

So it isn't all your fault!  We have been subjected to advertising our entire lives and we have been conditioned to think we need the newest, biggest and best!  
Just use YOUR own computer - your brain - and come up with your ideas of how to do things, what to eat, and what you need.  It doesn't have to be fancy, it doesn't even have to be easy.  It sure would save a lot of people a lot of money!
If you are on the train of wanting to SAVE a little money - turn off the noise.  Use your brain and get back to doing things in a different way.  Do not be CONDITIONED!

Just my two cents worth!  What say you?

Sending love, light and many blessings to you today!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Weekly Wrap-Up 1/12

 Hello and a happy Sunday to all.  I hope this finds you all safe and well.
What a weather week - I have pushed a lot of snow this week.  We had 2 snows come through - one was 9" and the second was 4-5".  We have not had that much so for entire season in a few years.  This we got in a few days.  We are back on normal track for winter, I guess.  Cold and snow.  That is what our area has always been.  How spoiled we have become!!!!
Now that being said - I still don't like it!  I have had my fill - although I don't think nature is done with us.
How I felt this week!  I am so very thankful that I can still do this at my age.  No help (except a few minutes once) - so it is me, myself and I.  I have some achy hands, and my lower back hurts a bit, but that is it, thank goodness.

Frugal this week:
  • Well, the biggy was moving a lot of snow twice.  Took three times for the first snow, and just once for the last one.  I had the second snow done yesterday, before most of the neighbors were even awake.  FREE exercise and cardio!
  • Baked a small chunk of ham I had (about 3 lbs.).  Used in a few meals and froze the balance in slices
  • Cleared the top of the greenhouse 2X this week.  I am sure it is insulating, but it was heavy too - so needed the roof cleared
  • Got out and started the Blazer one day - just to start it
  • I made a very small pot of soup out of leftovers this week
  • Lots of laundry
  • DIDN'T leave the house this week - no spending
  • Worked on straightening the craft/sewing area some
  • Did some mending
  • Kept an OJ bottle and a bag from flatbread to re-use
  • My boots (have had for several years) sprung a tiny leak - dried them over the register and then I have been using the old-fashioned water proofing - a bread bag!  Worked perfectly
  • Neighbor brought me a small pan of jambalaya on day
Oh my goodness it was soooooooooo yummy!  Shrimp, chicken chunks and smoked sausage...

Meals this past week:
Fried cabbage with carrots and baked potato
Taco style skillet w/ lots of veggies added
Ham slice, dirty rice and fresh veggies on side
'Leftover soup' - using Taco skillet and dirty rice remains with added tomato juice, toasted flatbread
Ham, cheesy potatoes and fresh veg salad
Soup beans w/ham and leftover cheesy potatoes
SNACKS - fruit, fresh veggies, apple and peanut butter, cheese chunks

There you go - nothing exciting.  I did watch some TV - caught up on a few things I had DVR'd.  Just a week doing a bit of this and that at home.
I may actually run out and do a couple errands today!!  It is warmer, the roads are decent and I just need to get out a bit.
How was your week?  I know a lot of people got snow that aren't used to getting it - I sure hope you all stayed safe and warm.  Oh goodness, winter has reared its ugly little head - I have gotten used to calmer weather - guess we shouldn't get complacent.
Did you do any shopping?  Any baking or cooking?  Decluttering?  Look forward to hearing from you all.

Have a safe, warm and healthy week my friends.  Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home!

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
Proverbs 16:24

Dear Lord, help us each to be our best.  May we talk sweetly to others and never put down.  Help us each to be this kind of person.  We may make a day special for another in ways we cannot understand, with a smile or a kind word.  Help us to each live our lives in Your way.
Please be with those who are hurting so much this week from disasters happening around the land.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

So Many Challenges

 Hello to all.  I sure hope you are all safe, well and warm!  It is very cold here this AM.  9*F when I went out this morning.  The sun is supposed to shine again today - which will be wonderful.  As cold as it was yesterday, the sun helped a lot.  It melted anything that was left of pavement I had shoveled.  The plow actually went down our street yesterday.  We have a little more snow coming in again tomorrow - oh, welcome to January and winter!
Just a quick note - I hope none of you are in CA.  If you have family and friends there, prayers they are safe.  I have several old schoolmates there, and I am waiting to hear something about them.  Such an incredibly sad situation - such tremendous loss.

There are so many challenges going on in blog and FB world!  No spend, no shopping, use it all up, etc.
I used to kind of fall for the challenges, but not anymore.  I just do me!

I keep hearing NO spend for the year unless absolutely necessary.  Well, that is just kind of how I live.  I get what I need, don't do a lot of frivolous spending and use what I have.  I make the best of what is in my house.
I keep thinking, if masses of people stop spending, it sure isn't going to be good for an already struggling economy!    Maybe instead, think about shopping at more small businesses, more mom-and-pop places.  Think about buying used instead of new.  Also, you might pledge to stay away from big box stores if possible.
Think about going through your house and garage and seeing what you already have that can be used. (you might be surprised).

I am not intentionally 'NOT' spending - I have a freezer and pantry full of food.  I am intentionally going to be using up the oldest - as I (we) should do on a normal basis.  I have been negligent about using the older items in the freezer - got used to convenience of just buying new and using.  Yeah, that needs to stop.  I can't stand waste - so I am going to work on using the older items.
As far as other items - there really isn't much 'stuff' that I need.

IF you used it all up - as in 'let's empty the freezer and pantry' - you will spend a small fortune to replace all that food!  Use some and replace as needed.  Things were cheaper when you placed them in the freezer/pantry - so remember that prices have gone up.
Continue to look for sales, clearance and mark-downs.  They surely do help pack those pantries.

Another thing to think about this year - IF you can (I know not everyone can) - grow something.  Even if it is a planter of lettuce or a potted tomato plant.  Replace a pot of petunias with a potted tomato or pepper plant!  Not only is it fun, but it is also healthy, and it is cheap!  You can even grow sprouts or micro greens in your house.

Now if you take part in a saving challenge - that might be good.  Saving change, saving ones, trying hard to put back a good 10% of income, investing in a 401K, children's college fund. etc.
Saving is always a good thing.  EVERY single household NEEDS an emergency fund!

Are any of you doing any kind of challenge, or are you just being a good steward of what you already have?
I have sent no money so far this year, but I haven't left the house either!  I am in good shape.  When I do go out in the near future, I will buy whatever I need, but for now I am comfy staying off the roads and out of the stores.  Snug and well fed here.

Stay warm and safe.
Have a fantastic day.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Getting Creative - Using What we Have

 Howdy Ho all!  Very cold morning - my thermometer says 20* F.  The world is a combo of white and gray/dark - that is how the trees look.  This morning though, I had some color outside.  There were 5 pairs of cardinals in the backyard - eating what they could find until I went out to feed.  They sure were pretty. I have a couple big old bluejays that visit and a big woodpecker - who is so handsome!  Just love watching the birds.

I was asked about the sugar cookie dip I made for company.  I will list the 'proper' recipe and the way I made it!!  Yeah, I am not big on following recipes precisely - I use what I have and get creative.

Click on pic to enlarge for easier reading.
OK - now my version which was eaten with gusto!  It was so good.  It tastes much like cheesecake.

8 oz. cream cheese softened
1/4+ C of regular sugar (measured around a 1/4C)
1 C of sugar free cool whip - (didn't have whipped cream or heavy cream to make any) used what I had
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. almond
I pulverized about 5 or 6 sugar cookies and added to mixture (super fine) - didn't have sugar cookie mix
Mix it all together until smooth.
Note if you add sprinkles they kind of melt and change the color of the dip.
I served with vanilla wafers and graham crackers

After company was gone, I made some 'ice cream' sandwiches with the remaining dip and graham crackers.  Wrapped in plastic wrap and then bagged and froze.

Here is another sugar free type cookie for those wanting a taste of sweetness without the all the calories.
These are really good.  I use regular milk - as I don't keep almond milk.  Raisins - craisins or any dried fruit if desired or maybe some nuts.
Just use what you have!  Great way to get fruit and oats into kiddos!!!

Need brown sugar and out?  1 Tbsp. Molasses to 1 C sugar - mix well.  
Need powdered sugar and out?  Put regular sugar in blender and pulse until powdered.

Cooking bacon?  That grease is GOLD!!!!!  Whether you fry or bake your bacon - keep the grease.  It is FREE and it adds flavor to many fried items or for flavoring in others.  It is all NATURAL as well!
I keep a jar in the frig with bacon grease all the time.  I just keep adding to it.  Mom used to leave hers out in a tin on the stove - but I like to refrigerate to keep it fresh.
You can now BUY bacon grease at the store, and it is very expensive!!!!  Use your own.

It is all about having a good life and eating yummy things - all the while using what you have.  It doesn't have to cost a lot of money - it just takes a little thinking and creativity.
It truly is about "making the most of your resources" and "living richly on less".

Have a fantastic day.  Be safe and warm!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Let's Get Busy With It - Ways to Save at Grocery

 Hello to all.  It is a cold day here, and a white one!  Yep, we finally got a big dose of winter.  We have had such mild and non-snowy winters for a couple or more years - welp, it ended yesterday!  Total 9" measured here at my house.  Doesn't look to get above freezing for at least the next week - if not much longer.  I know some are used to this, but we have been spoiled here.
I got my cardio on yesterday!  Took 3 different sessions to get the paths, walks and the drive clear.  I had drifts in the drive that were over knee high.  
Sure was hoping some kid might want to earn some money - but nope!  One guy walked down the street with shovel in hand and only stopped at places that needed little shoveling.  Drifts, long drives, etc. he just walked past.
At the end of shoveling, I was out by the street clearing the gravel end of drive (past walk and cement drive by street), and the neighbor's grandson and helped me for about 15 minutes.  Grateful for that.
I was tired!  
New day, new year - new habits!  Or old habits being used again.  It seems we all get off tack during the holidays.  Extra food purchases, stocking for winter, gifts, higher utilities, etc. 
We can't change inflation - BUT we can change how we do things and what we spend our dollars on.

I wanted to share something - my yearly savings using digital coupons with our Kroger store.
My digital savings for 2024 was $1,070.12!!!!  That is significant in my book.
Now that was just digital coupons.  Also, for every 100 points accumulated over the month you get .10 per gallon off your gas.  That adds up as well.

I am also gifted a coupon book for our city each Christmas.  It has $5 off grocery (Kroger) purchases over $50 once a month.  That is another $60 a year.
If you have a grocery store that offers points for dollar purchases - think about utilizing this feature for gasoline purchases/or some offer cash.  IF you have a store that utilizes digital coupons - use them.  You do NOT need a smart phone.  I simply get the ads online and add my Kroger card number and click on the coupons I want to use - and when going to the store - present my card and get the discount.  
** generally, each digital coupon can be used to purchase 5 of an item.

Now I get savings in other ways as well.  I try very hard to NOT pay full price for things.  Sometimes it can't be avoided. but I try.  I am a lover of the clearance sections in my store.  I am fortunate as each department has its own clearance.  Bakery, meat, dairy, general merchandise - and even freezer has clearance.  You have to look around - even make friends with the department managers if need be.
Those savings I get from clearance or manager's specials do not show up in the 1,070.12 savings.

                                            This is 10 meals for me - pretty cheap for a protein!
Just a few deals found over the year.  Sometimes, you really have to look.  There may not be a lot of any one item.  Like the ice cream - it was after the holiday season - so eggnog flavored ice cream was extremely reduced (great for a malt)!  Not sure why the beans were so stinking cheap - not even remotely close to date.  Maybe they were just stopping that brand, or packaging is changing.  Half price meat is a deal!  Maybe a day or two until sell by date - no problem.  Bring them home, repackage in meal size packs and freeze.  I NEVER buy meat that isn't on sale or reduced.  NEVER!  I have a good year (probably two**) of meat in my big freezer.  If I needed to, I could stretch that much further.
Also, you need to remember that ground meat or cut up or chopped goes further.  As in many meals from soup, chili, stews, or skillet dinners.  You can stretch a half pound of meat to many servings that way.
**USE a vacuum sealer if you can!  Makes meat last much, much longer in freezer!!!!!!! NO freezer burn.
Heck, I even got my vacuum sealer for a stupid cheap price years ago after the holidays.  The store goofed up but had to honor their price!  (keep your eyes open)

I will be sharing all kinds of ways to stretch food and other items in the coming posts.

Does anyone get senior discounts at the groceries anymore?  Most of our stores stopped that.
Do you have a discount grocery store?  We finally have one - but it is hit or miss (and very small).
What are some of your favorite ways of saving at the store?
Look forward to hearing your tips!

Stay warm and snug.
Have a good day!