Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday Show & Tell at my House

 Happy Tuesday to all.  I sure hope you are all well and safe.  Welp, here we are halfway through another month!  It seems fall is finally here in my area!  Goodness, it is a bit chilly this morning.  Looks like it rained a little over night - not much here as far as I can tell. (the first rain of Oct.).   The Blazer was wet, but that was about it.
Today is supposed to be the ickiest day of the week - chilly, breezy and damp - and guess what?  I have a luncheon to attend that is going to be outside in a nearby shelter house!!  What luck.  I guess I just bundle up a little.  I am betting it will be a short affair! (highs in low 50's).
It is 68* in the house this morning - so still no heat on.  My house warms up nicely during the day and it really holds the heat.
Some of the fall decorations out front of my house.  All free - as the birds are responsible for these.  This picture really doesn't do it justice.  The colors on the plumes are so pretty.  Browns and golds.

                                       What to do when you are chilly?  Snuggle under a blankie!

Just wanted to post a picture of the bean find, so no one would doubt me!  The top pic shows the date on the can.  I still can't believe this find.  Kroger usually has some decent markdowns - but nothing like this have I seen in ages!!!!

Anyone purchased this item?  I used to keep a jug of bleach around for different uses - but hardly ever used it and when I got ready to - it was often leaked out and empty.  Luckily, I kept it in the basement.  I found these and decided to get them to have on hand.  These can be used in laundry, for cleaning or toilets.  I did try one tablet in the toilet, and it fizzed and cleaned well.  Bleach is not something that gets used often in my house - I prefer peroxide (laundry) or vinegar & baking soda - but you never know when these might come in handy.  Shelf stable and no leaking, so I find it a win.  Just a nice thing to have in the pantry.  This was just a little over $3 - I have seen at both Kroger and WM.
I also keep denture cleaning tablets on hand for the toilet cleaning once in a while.  They really work (like Efferent).  I don't have dentures but decided to try them out for cleaning porcelain.  Works.

Well, the sun is shining at the moment - so misleading looking.  Sunshine always brightens my spirits.  It just calls for a smile.
Frost is called for tonight in many surrounding counties, but not here according to the news.  I still have a lot of green tomatoes to get picked.  Yesterday I got all that were starting to turn.  They will ripen in the house - but there is a lot out there!  After the next couple nights, things warm up a bit again.  Oh, we will see how I feel when I get back from the luncheon.  Maybe just a tarp to be sure tonight!

Wishing you each a lovely day.  Hope all of our Canadians friends had a lovely Thanksgiving!
Be safe and smile and spread a little joy.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 10/13

 Happy Sunday to all.  I surely hope this finds everyone safe and well.  Continued prayers for all those that were in the path of the hurricanes and storms.
It is a cool morning and slightly breezy.  Temps have been lovely this past week, but they will be cooling in the upcoming week.  It looks like 50's and 60's for highs.  A couple nights of 'maybe' frost.  I know it is time, but I am just not ready.
Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow to our Canadian friends!!!!!!  Enjoy your day with family and friends!

Nothing looks like this here yet!  So much green still - not much has changed at all.  I have tons of leaves falling from the tulip poplar - but they aren't pretty.
The box elder bugs are ridiculous.  Hundreds (or 1,000's) everywhere.  Hopefully the cool snap takes care of them.  Thursday, I looked out at the birdbath early and there was a robin getting a drink and taking a bath!  Haven't seen one for a couple months.  Kind of late here for them.
We have had so much sunshine - all week.  I did get a lot done outside - I am so sore!

My week:
  • Did a lot of yard work out front - deadheading, pulling and cutting
  • Changed out yard flag
  • Ran out on Wed. to do bank and DMV.  Well, the computer lied and the DMV was closed Wed. not Mon.  So that didn't happen - still need to go there.  Will do this week when cooler.  I did go to the bank and took care of things and stopped at Ollie's for peanuts for the squirrels and blue jays.
  • Neighbor sent me over a bowl of her corn pudding (the best I have ever had).  YUM.  She also gave me 10+ pounds of apples - called Mollies - they sure are good.
  • Got the house power washed and the garage - took 2 days.  The back of the garage (N side) was actually green, top to bottom!! (it hadn't been cleaned in 2 years).    All is white and clean now.  One thing leads to another - so I cleaned the case of generator, the underside of small overhang (side door), the cement bench, the big angel, the backdrop of deck and the deck, and part of the shed!  Yep - this old gal worked her bum off.  Of course, I still need to do the deck again - after drying, I see what I missed, and I need to do the underside of the big front porch roof.  Another day!
  • I then had to wash windows
  • Ran to the hardware up the street and got a new connector to repair the big hose.  Got that fixed
  • Took apart the old potting table.  The wood was rotting and the metal all rusted.  So, I set the metal out back for the scrap guy
  • Another neighbor came over and gave me a nice bag of homemade Chex Mix!  NUM
  • Did a big vacuum and dust inside
  • Used water from barrels for watering plants.  I still have geraniums blooming as well as inpatients. The begonias still look pretty too.  Garden still going.
  • HARVEST - tomatoes, one zucchini
  • NO heat or AC
  • I rigged the wheel on the mower to hopefully give me one more mow this fall.  It seems to be sturdy (for now).  We will see - just didn't feel like shopping for one
  • Ran to Kroger on Sat. for grapes .99/lb. and milk 1.39/half.  Looked around and did I get a deal!  I got 10 cans each of navy beans and dark red kidney beans (10) for .14 a can!!!!!  Dated 2027!  I usually make my own - but will be nice to have on shelf or to donate.  Got 4 cans of garbanzo beans on clearance for .77 each.  I got all that was left.  WOOHOO
Meals this past week:
Chicken strips, corn on cob and sliced toms
Hamburger hash, cuke & toms cut up
Small veggie pizza - using what I had on hand
Chicken/rice/broccoli - corn pudding
Grilled zucchini 'steaks' and salad
Spanish style rice with beans and sausage added
Grilled bean/rice/cheese burrito topped with a little salad

There you have it.  I did work hard this week.  I am sore and tired (especially my hands).  BUT I got it done and feel so accomplished.  Not too snaggy for an old chick!  I did sleep well a couple nights!
Now it will be getting the garden stuff cleaned out.  Oh, how I hate that - since it is still growing.  It just seems so final - summer is over.

Did you get any deals this week?  Do you have any garden still going?  Canning or freezing?
What have you been up to?  I love hearing from all of you - near and far.  I am missing some of you - please check in.

Many continued prayers for all that are in the south and for those in other places that have been having big storms and rain and flooding.  Hoping you and your families are well.
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

O give thanks to the Lord, call on His name, make known his deeds among the peoples!
Psalms 105:1

Lord, we thank You for all that we receive each and every day.  Not every day is what we may want or expect, but we are truly blessed to wake each day and have food to nourish our bodies.  There are so many tiny things in this world, that are beautiful and wonderful and aren't really so tiny at all.  Help us each to appreciate all the wonders and blessings we receive - both large and small.  With a grateful heart we pray.  AMEN

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Wealthy or Not - Much More That Matters

 Good morning to all.  Hope you are safe and well.  Hope all in Florida are safe.  Thank goodness this storm is moving out to sea.   So much clean-up to do.  I sure hope you are safe as well as your families.  Check in and let us know.

Today just a bit about money or lack of it.  I know some folks who are pretty wealthy (money) and never help a bit or give a dime to anyone or anything.  I know folks that haven't got a 'pot to **ss in', as they say, that are as generous as can be.  Of course, I know some that have money that DO all they can - so it really isn't about money.  It is about HEART to me.

We just never know what is behind the scenes.  There are people with lots of money that look all prim and proper - but how do they live their 'private' lives?  We see glitz and glamour - but not the well kept older clothes or the fact that they may eat only at home or the giving that they do.  You just never know.
I also know some that barely make it financially - yet they have such caring and big hearts.  If they can't give money - they give of time, they try to be good citizens, they do lots of little bits!
I want this to be an encouragement to many struggling and thinking it isn't worth it or feel bad about their selves.
You are GOOD and you do the best you can.  That is what is important.

A fine home has nothing to do with size or stuff in my opinion.  It is about cozy, comfort, cleanliness and love.  You may not have a lot of stuff - but you can have the greatest home around.
A McMansion doesn't impress me much - or actually at all.

So many people think because they buy second hand or cook at home or use up bits and pieces or cut hair or mend clothes, etc. means 'poor'.  NOPE.  I am not wealthy - yet I am good, but I do all those things.  It is just good sense to me.
Doing the best you can to be a good steward of your life, your money and your time is important.
We truly do not need to impress anyone!  
You can have a low income and have an upbeat spirit.  That is so important.

Never be ashamed of being frugal - regardless of how much money you have.  NEVER!
Do not be pressured into immediate gratification, or unnecessary spending.  You know you and what you can do - stick to your guns.  Be proud of who you are and what you DO have.

To quote Amy of Tightwad Gazette:
"To be successful and happy in the frugal lifestyle, we have to be proud and confident in our choices.  We must have a clear view of our goals, and we must understand the tradeoffs we're making.  If we do this, we will feel no shame about being frugal.  Instead, we'll understand that we have a wealthy attitude."

Life is all about choices.  Make the best ones you can for YOU and YOUR family.
If you have money or not - live with a good and caring heart.
No matter how small the act you do - it may totally change someone's day.  A helping hand or a smile can mean more to another than a thousand dollars.  
Spread positive words not negative.  As crazy as it may sound, YOU will reap great rewards from that one!
Small acts pay huge rewards.

Prayers for all involved with these darned old storms.  Many prayers will continue to be said.  Bless you all in every way.
Wishing you all a good weekend.

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Short & Sweet

 Morning to all.  Another cool morning here, warming later in the day.  I plan on going to the DMV today - oh joy!  I hope it goes smoothly and quickly. I hate going to places like that - but it is time to renew the driver's license.  Then on to the bank (across the street).

I am praying so hard for all those in the south.  I cannot imagine what they are and will be going through.  As you can - please check in if you are in this part of the world.  I truly hope all that are so inclined will PRAY.  I pray that God lessen the severity of this storm and keep all in its path safe.
I have always intended for this little blog to be an informative and helpful place.  I also want it to be a safe place for people.  A refuge of sorts.
Let us be the light that others need.  You never know who you may need tomorrow - so be kind today, to all that show up in your path.
Lift up, praise, applaud, and promote others.  Do not criticize and say negative things.
We are all learning - no matter our ages.

This blog is like a child to me.  I have cared for and nurtured it over the years.  I love it and all the sweet, lovely people that come to visit.  
I look forward to people asking questions and to those saying 'that really helped'.
Thank you to all the rays of sunshine in my life.
You can't pour from an empty cup - so all the encouraging and helpful ideas are appreciated for all.

I try to keep this spot free of politics - that can be a very volatile subject.  If others want to do politics or discuss it on their sites that is just fine - but I just think this is one thing I will continue to stay away from on my little spot.

May you all have a lovely and beautiful day.
PLEASE PRAY for all involved in these nasty storms.
Safety for all.

                                             WORKING TOGETHER IN A POSITIVE WAY

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Handy Make It - Have It - Gift It

 Hello to all.  Very chilly morning here in central IN.  It will warm up today - but these cooler nights do make for good sleeping.  I have my bedroom window open a couple inches all night, no heat and feeling all snuggly in the bed.  
Thinking of all the people in Florida and south of there.  So sad they are having to go through all of this yet again.  Please leave if you are in imminent danger of any sort.  MANY prayers for all. 💕💔

Just a few recipes today for making things at home, instead of buying them.  Great to have on our pantry shelves and they can make nice gifts for those goody baskets.  
I know many of these items can be purchased cheaply, but often we have no idea what all they contain.  Make it yourself and you have a better idea.  Plus, they just taste better!

1 C instant coffee
1 C sugar or measured equivalent of sweetener
4 1/2 C nonfat dry milk
1/2 C cocoa
Stir everything together and then process in the blender until it is powdered.
Use 2 Tbsp. to one small cup of very hot water
It does taste like espresso!  Adjust your water to taste.  I am not a regular coffee drinker - but really do love this.
Put in a cute jar with instructions and neat little cup - super gift.

1 pack of yeast
1 1/2 C warm water
1 Tbsp. sugar
1 Tbsp salt
4 C flour
1 egg
Combine the yeast, water and sugar together in a large bowl.  Stir in flour.  Knead the dough until smooth.  Pull apart pieces and shape into pretzels.  Use water to 'glue' ends together.  Place on a greased baking sheet or parchment paper, brush with the beaten egg and sprinkle with salt.  Bake in preheated oven at 425* for about 15 minutes.
I use pink salt that is larger grain than regular salt.  Just my preference.
Fun to make and eat.  Gift with some cheese dip!

1/2 C cocoa
1 C water
2 C sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. vanilla
Mix the cocoa and the water in a pan - heat to dissolve cocoa.   Add sugar and stir to dissolve.  Boil for 3 minutes.  Add salt and vanilla.  Pour in jar and keep refrigerated.  Great over ice cream or any favorite dessert (yummy on cheesecake).  Lasts for many months in the frig. 

Click on recipe to enlarge and see better.
Use up the apple scraps when making applesauce or apple butter or pie filling.  Use and make a new yummy!

As the temperatures cool, I get in the mood for comfort items.  I like having ingredients on hand to make these items and not having to make a trip out to buy them.
It can be a fun thing to do with the kiddos and it is just good old fashioned good eats!
Mom always made our chocolate syrup, and she made jumbo pretzels and scrap jelly.  Nothing was wasted and most everything was homemade.

Have fun and try something new.  Encourage someone today and be a POSITIVE light in the world.  We need it!  
There is so much negative in the world - WE DON'T NEED NEGATIVE COMMENTS HERE.

Have a great day to all.
Enjoy all the simple joys!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Weekly Wrap-up 10/6

 Happy Sunday to all.  Hope this finds everyone safe and well.  Hoping those affected by the hurricane are getting some help and recovering a little.
Here we are in October, almost a week gone already.  We have been having nice weather this past week and will again this upcoming week.  There is not a drop of rain forecast for the upcoming week.
I mentioned all the stinkbugs around, we also are going through box elder bug season!  They are everywhere.  They love the sunny sides of buildings during the day.  I am not a bug fan! A tip to anyone having a problem with them - simple soapy water sprayed on them will kill them!

Yesterday was the rescheduled family outing.  It was such a good time.  My niece has a huge in ground pool that is heated and the kiddos and all the younger folks had a ball.  The water felt like bath water. (no I didn't get in). We had lots of fellowship, catching up and lots of good food.
My kitties thought I left them forever, I think!  I was gone much of the day and evening, and they got 'dinner' late very late.  Then I changed into bed clothes, and went to lay down (at 9PM), as I was tired - and here they came.  They both got right up on the bed and curled up with me.  Lots of petting and snuggles.  It was so sweet.
My week was calm and quiet.
  • I got the backyard all cleaned of limbs and debris
  • I took a few walks around the neighborhood this week
  • Picked a bouquet
  • Did some power washing
  • Had a nice visit with neighbors 2X this week - porch setting
  • One neighbor brought me some pumpkin roll and a sweet card.  She was gone most of a week earlier, and I got all her packages that were delivered.  She was planning her granddaughter's wedding.
  • Lots of laundry and used dehumidifier water in laundry
  • Mowed the entire yard - lost a front wheel of the mower halfway through! I persevered and got it all done.  I have worked that poor mower to pieces over many years - may be time to get a new one!!  LOL
  • Family outing - rode with brother
  • NO A/C or heat this past week.  Enjoying fresh air
  • Harvest - cabbage, tomatoes
  • Using rainwater from barrels to water
  • I did a run to Kroger for fruit & cheese deals.  Cheese blocks were 2.99/lb.  Apples and mandarins on sale
  • Cooking from home and using all leftovers
  • Cleaning more and more
Meals this past week:
Sausage gravy over toast and scrambled eggs
Zucchini boat and salad
Loaded baked potato, side salad
Grilled cheese and 'stoup' (last from the freezer)
Cheeseburger, fries and fresh veggies
Family event - hotdogs, chili, and lots of goodies
SNACKS - fruit, popcorn, crackers and butter

Not much exciting here.  Just a calm and quiet type week.  I worked on the mower some after getting done, trying to fix the wheel - I don't believe there is much hope with my skills!  At least it is the end of the season.
I need to go out this coming week to DMV and renew my driver's license.  Can't believe it's that time again.
It will be cool this week, so hoping to get a lot done.
How are you and how was your week?  Again, please check in and let us all know you are OK - we do worry.  Did you get any deals this week?  Still getting garden produce?

Be safe and healthy this coming week.  Prayers for all in need with spoken and unspoken issues.  
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble with its tumult.
Psalms 46:1-3

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Let Us Shop SMARTLY - and Eat & Live Well

 Happy Thursday to all.  Hope this finds you all well and safe.  Still needing so many to check in - I am worried about a lot of you gals.
Looks to be a lovely day here - hoping to get some yard work done.  Planning on staying home again today.

Might as well finish the week with a continued talk about pantries, freezers, shopping and supplies.  We are all seeing the stories about people hoarding things already.  It is just crazy.  The West coast ports are still open and local and regional items are available as well (in many places).  There are many people in need right now after the storms and devastation - so please be kind and thoughtful and do not go crazy with hoarding.  Slow and steady.

Just some things to think about when shopping:
USE IT - if you buy it, make sure it is something you will use. Never waste.

LEARN to USE & ENJOY Leftovers - in some way - new or conventional.  If nothing else save for soup

PLAN your meals - Plan around what you have FIRSTLY - and then around ads

Make a LIST and stick to it.  Now I realize many of us hunt clearance as well - if it is something you will use, get it at a cheaper price.

Make a BUDGET and stick to it.  It may mean that you rethink how you shop.  You may not be able to buy all the things you used to buy - change happens and we do what is necessary.

PLAN you trips - make them count.  No running out for one thing.  Make the rounds and do all shopping and trips at one time.  Gas is also an expenditure.

Buy store brands when you can.  Many name brands and store brands are the same - same manufacturer - just different labels.  Give things a try.

Avoid as many convenience foods as POSSIBLE.  Yes, it is nice to have some things on hand for those busy days - but try to stay away from them.  They often cost more and have nasty ingredients.

Get RAINCHECKS when possible if the store is out.  Many places still offer those and you can get the cheaper price later

Use store cards and coupons when you can.  I know they aggravate many of us (the tracking of things), but they do save money.  They may also offer points for money back or for discounts on gas.

DON'T shop hungry!!!!  You WILL buy more - trust me!

Buy in SEASON as much as possible.  Those things will often be cheaper and fresher

Think about using a DIFFERENT store - read the ads and look at other options.  It could save you dollars.

AVOID the stores tricks to get you to spend.  Endcaps often have impulse items they want you to buy.  Eye level items are often fancy packages to entice (but they cost more).  Look high and low.  Avoid temptation.

Make SNACKS at home - try to stay away from all the junk food.

Mainly - just think.  Be courteous and only buy what you need to add to your pantry - not to hoard.  Use what you buy and learn new recipes - easy recipes - to make your food budget stretch as far as possible.

I saw this today, and thought it was pretty interesting.  No need to panic with those TP purchases.  We don't need to see that problem again!!  TP isn't imported (granted maybe some of their supplies might be).
Just don't go crazy.

So there you have it - a good week of looking out for our homes and families, by taking care of our pantries.  We still CAN cut costs and EAT WELL.

Have a great weekend.  Have a beautiful day!