Wednesday, July 19, 2023


 Sometimes I sit and just watch people and nature.  One of my favorite past times.  I think I get that from my daddy - he was a people watcher.  He always said you can learn so much about human behavior, just pay attention and watch!  It is true.  The same goes for nature.

I wish I had pictures of the birds I have been watching.  They are just so neat.
I sat and watched a black bird with a kernel of corn.  It was at the birdbath.   It dropped the corn in the water, stood there drinking, then picked up the corn.  It dropped it again, stood there, and picked it up ........over and over until it finally gobbled it down.  I am just guessing, but the kernel was large and MAYBE too hard to swallow - this bird was figuring out how to make it manageable.  SMART!

I watched a pair of cardinals out there eating.  They were adults - no baby bird.  The male would go and get a seed and then go over and feed the female! That just seemed so sweet to me.  They look out for one another.
The blackbirds and the pesky starlings have their place in the hierarchy as well.  The squirrels eat their corn and sunflower seeds and drop the hulls - well, those pesky birds come and clean up the area.  I am glad they do - as that lowers the chances of having racoons show up at night.  They clean up and fill their bellies and that keeps other animals away.

It is amazing to me that all the animals of nature are hunters and gatherers.  I mean the squirrels bury corn and nuts and I have seen blue jays grab peanuts and take them over to an area around a plant and hide them for later!  They aren't dumb.
Even if I were not feeding them - they would find food!!!  There are berries and nut trees around.  Some birds eat bugs.  There are the little pods that fall of various trees - they find food and they survive.
They work hard to make shelter and nests.  They work continuously to feed their young.  They are smarter than many people!!!!!!!!   
Today it seems many people want someone else to do the work for them and to provide for them - and they have no idea what good old fashioned hard work to survive is!  They need to watch the animals!  Just my observation!

The other night we had a very strong and nasty storm fly through the area.  It went through quickly, but it was a bit scary.  The dusk to dawn light turned on at 6:30PM (usually at 9:20)!  It went off later - but it got dark and nasty.  I had fed Blackie a little early, as I knew it was coming.  He stayed in the greenhouse afterwards, as it had started to rain.
Well after it was over, I saw him coming down the alley from checking things out - there was a groundhog on the other side of the alley.  Blackie stopped and watched - the groundhog ran and hid!  Now mind you in years past Blackie has never been bothered by these creatures.  I think this must be a male - and we had had females around before.  Every time that thing is even remotely close to my property - Blackie knows!  He goes out and sprays around on everything leaving a scent!  
I find it kind of funny - yet I am fine with it.  Don't want it here - eating garden or trying to live here. 
This from the kitty that could care less about the birds or the squirrels - he has never once tried to chase either.
Animals sure know their property and know how to defend.

Speaking of Blackie.  The morning after the storm - I went out to feed.  Here he comes running up to me from the greenhouse.  His head and face covered in mud!!!!!!  I figured he got splashed or something - there are puddles in the alley.  Well as he was eating, I start to try and brush - not all is coming off.  So I come in and get a wet cloth to wash his head.  I start cleaning him up and it suddenly hits me - it isn't mud!!!!!!!!
Yep, my boy went out and literally got himself s**t faced the night before!!!!!  LOL
How in the world does that happen?  No where else - just the top of his head and his face!!!!!  Oh the things these babies do!
So I leave you with that vision this morning!  LOL!!  
I sit here typing, window open, listening to a multitude of birds singing and I hear the chatter of squirrels.    The pup across the street is yelping at something, and the birds out front are having a morning feast and singing 'thank you' my way!
Blackie has had his breakfast and is curled up napping in a chair by the garage in the warm sun.
All seems right in the world this morning - at least for this moment!

Have a wonderful day.


  1. Poor Blackie! What a mess. Phew. :(
    Glad the storm didn't do damage.
    We've got cooler weather - upper 70s, low 80s. I can deal with that!
    Saw a bear resting under a tree on my way home from work... this was *in town*, between two houses! Looked like a big black cow, sorta, but it was a bear. Closer to my own home there was a deer running up a driveway.
    Wildlife is cool, but I'm not happy to be feeding it out of my little garden! :D Had my first serving of greenbeans yesterday. Yum! There is tomato turning red... maybe by the weekend?
    Glad Sluggy posted a bit to explain why she's stopping, and I hope she can get checked over sooner than February, gee whiz. Another one to hold in prayer for sure!

    1. I know - poor kitty! Yep, it was scary, but all was fine. Nicer a bit here too. Humidity still up a bit, but that is supposed to change by Friday - I think that will be yard work day!!!!!
      Oh my goodness, can't imagine seeing a bear by the house! YIKES. Deer, that would be cool. No, we sure wouldn't want the wildlife to eat the gardens.
      I am glad she posted too - at least there is a reason that is so understandable. Poor gal. She needs prayer.
      Fresh green beans - you lucky!!!! A tomato - I have envy!!! ENJOY

    2. Mary, freshly picked green beans from the garden are the BEST, aren't they?

      We've had bear, bobcats and mountain lion spotted awfully close to town this summer. Looking for water, I think. We're about 6-7 minutes out of town, so deer and elk are commonly seen, though usually at dawn or after dark.

    3. P.S. I saw Sluggy's explanation, too. Praying!!

  2. Like you, I enjoy being an audience to nature especially the cow herd the neighbor brings in each summer. I've gleaned insights into human nature watching the cows. After all, we humans are herd animals. I'm still not convinced that we are all that elevated as much as we'd like to give ourselves credit.

    1. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 19, 2023 at 10:10 AM

      Mona, that is so true! Thanks for the laugh!!!

    2. Cows are just neat creatures. Oh I agree!!!!! We are not elevated much at all in my opinion. Animals seem to be so much wiser and resourceful than the average human these days!

    3. LOL! Some of us are tamer milk cows, while others are the more aggressive beef cows? And you know what Dr. Pol always says, "Never turn your back on an Angus cow."

  3. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 19, 2023 at 10:09 AM

    Cheryl, I'm laughing at your Blackie. Cats are usually so fastidious about being clean. My mom had a cat that just exploded in size after she was spayed. She didn't 3at a lot, just normal, but she was a tubby. Well, she couldn't clean her butt. She would go over to my mom, face her butt at my mom, and then meow until my mom got out baby wipes and cleaned her up. It was the funniest thing. After my mom died, she made me her new wiper. It wasn't bad at all if it was done regularly and with gloves lol. You were probably Blackie's hero after giving him a good scrub!!

    I'm right there with you about watching the animals. I had a blue jay youth at the bath with parents yesterday. Daddy squawked around and all the other birds stayed back until they were done. The robins and blue jays argue with each other daily over ruler of the small bath. The robin thinks it's his personal tub and gets very agitated when the jays get in. He only allows the finches in. Whole hierarchy out there!!

    And people? Yeah, they're just weird lol.

    I'm going to see a good pal later. She had a stroke and is in a rehab unit. This was her second, and thankfully it was mild. Her first was at 60 and it ended her career as a doctor. I have a thrifted vase (just for these occasions!) and a store nearby sells small bouquets for just $4! A pretty bow and voila! I hope it cheers her up a little.

    It's gonna be another hot one today, ladies. Drink plenty of water and don't overdo it! Tata!

    1. Yes, the animals have a hierarchy for sure. The jays and the robins do tend to hog the birdbath for bathing. Those little ones DO hold their guns and get in eventually!!!
      That is funny about the cat. I guess I can see why Blackie wasn't trying to clean himself!!! LOL Geesh
      Hope your friend gets along OK. How nice to take flowers - that is sure to cheer her. Stay cool.

    2. I keep inexpensive (thrift shop or yard sale) vases around for the same reason, Debby. They sure come in handy. I know your friend will love the flowers.

      And people? Yes, many are just weird. In nature, for the most part, critters just get along... or avoid each other. They concentrate on basic needs. Sometimes they seem to "play". But all in all their lives are pretty simple. --Elise

    3. It is amazing with animals. Animals would never go out and cause a ruckus that would destroy their habitat! They wouldn't deliberately destroy what they had worked hard for. They appreciate the feed we give, but they could surely survive without it. People - not so much!

  4. We love watching the birds and other wild life on our property. The jays, cardinals, plum finches, gold finches, robins, chickadees, downy wood peckers, mourning doves and a host of others. They love to perch on the posts of the chicken wire I have around the raised bed garden. We even have a robin who we call our resident robin who comes to the front of the house and perches on the top of our small weeping cedar. The squirrels are so hilarious. My neighbor has one of those swing sets that has a slide onad other things on it and the squirrels have figured out that they can jump from a tree branch on to the deck of the swing set and slide down the side. We can see their antics from our kitchen window. We have a ground hog who has climbed the mulberry tree at the back of the property and stripped it of all it's fruit. We get rabbits and ducks. We have one duck pair that comes back every year and proudly show off their ducklings. We have Canadian geese as we are about a block away from a lake. Even a few herons who are so majestic.
    Life is good. Cookie

    1. Oh how I love water birds, Cookie, and Herons are truly majestic. --Elise

    2. Oh my goodness, what a group you have. That is so neat. I have many types of bird and love watching the squirrels play. I don't mind the groundhogs if they stay away from here! That has to be hilarious watching the squirrels on the slide!!!
      I have geese fly over twice a day - but never land - no ducks. I hear the neighbors chickens a lot.
      Enjoy your watching!!!!!!!

  5. Poor Blackie! They get into such messes, don’t they? 😂

    1. Oh good golly yes. Still trying to figure this one out!!n LOL

  6. Silly cat! I wonder where he found the poop and whose it was.
    I do so enjoy watching the birds too. The wrens that built a nest in the bird house on the shed have raised their young but it seems one or two of them are still hanging around (they are a bit shy, but I hear their songs).
    The robins had a nest in the evergreen out front, and for once the crows didn't get the babies. Two of them were practicing their flying skills and both hit the front window. Thankfully both survived. They've been hanging out in the back yard too.
    If we're still in this house this winter, I won't be feeding the birds (and the squirrels) as the tree was taken down. I'll miss seeing them but my neighbour will be happy. She was very annoyed this spring to discover bird poop on her fence. (Funny, how this comment started and ended with poop. lol)

    1. Maebeme, I can't resist... that's sure poopy of your neighbor.
      :-D --Elise

    2. Who knows. I can not even imagine!
      Birds are so fascinating to watch. Love how they tend to and train their young. Birds poop - goodness, if there is a fence - there will bird poo! The critters will miss you!

  7. What a beautiful post, Cheryl. Well... all except for the poop on Blackie's head... I imagine that wasn't "beautiful". LOL! These are some of my favorite posts; just hearing about your little pocket of the world, the plants and animals in it, your observations about it all are wonderful! You paint a picture with words.

    Poppy woke us up at 4:20 a.m. and has been a little pill so far today. Hubs went back to bed after walking them. She then did ALL her business in the kennel, which will need to get cleaned up and hosed down. In the meantime, the solar workers are running late. Which gave me time to do a quick hair wash in the kitchen sink (gotta love Dawn), get dressed and my teeth brushed. At least I won't scare them.

    What I spend much of my time watching here, in addition to the birds, are some baby lizards that have decided to live here. They'll scamper so fast, then stop to look at me, tilting their heads a little when they do. Yes, I talk to them. Wild rabbits have decided this must not be the best place for them (with the dogs), but a herd of deer came through the other night. I'm guessing for the water bowl in the dogs' kennel, as that gate was swung wide open afterwards. Animals are smarter than we think!

    We've been setting records for heat this summer. One benefit of getting up at o'dark twenty is it's still cool and sunrises are spectacular. I don't think I'll ever tire of them. Even if I'm tired myself. Have a good and peaceful day! One of us ought to. I'll be so glad when the work is finally done.

    1. I hope your work gets done in a timely manner.
      Poppy sounds like a handful! Animals are so amazing. Wow, a herd of deer! How neat. I remember watching the lizards in Florida when I would visit - they were fun to watch and fast!
      Animals are very smart - smarter than us I do believe.
      Stay cool and out of the sun. Hope the day goes well.

    2. Well, they're almost 4 hours late. Of course. Because I always feed workers, and I keep some things on hand for that, I baked (canned) cinnamon rolls and biscuits, along with a dozen eggs (in jumbo muffin cups) and cooked sausage patties... egg & sausage biscuits or cinnamon rolls as their choice. The egg & sausage biscuits can (of course) be frozen for quick, microwavable breakfasts. I'm just not sure they'll show up at all today. If they do, we'll be w/o power during the wort heat of the day. Sheesh!

    3. Oh man. Well you are nice to the workers - goodness.
      I hope you don't get over heated! Good luck.

    4. They were a no show today. Again. Not for the 1st time. Thing is, we signed a contract with them last June, so it's more than a year now and the project still isn't fully finished. I think they're only in AZ but I don't recommend Bright Home Energy. --ELise

  8. I got a chuckle from the Blackie story, wondering how he got to be such a mess.

    Birds are more industrious than a lot of people. We have been watching one of the house wren families feed their young. The little ones are loud and very insistent!

    The farmer came in with a poblano, Anaheim, bell pepper and a small jalapeno. The jalapeno was not hot at all.

    A little hazy this morning. More smoke? Enjoy your day.

    1. Oh it was funny - but he just looked at me and talked while I was cleaning him up. I guess he may have been saying "it isn't my fault mom"!
      Animals are great creatures and SMART! Yep, more industrious than a lot of people I see.
      Yay on the harvest! Cool.
      It is a lovely morning!

  9. Isn't it so nice when all is good in your world? XXXXX

    1. Yes mam. I love those days! It isn't always that ways - but some days - yes!

  10. How in the world did Blackie manage that? I'm sure he was so thankful when you cleaned him up. We took Binx for his yearly wellness check yesterday and he charmed them both to the max. I will spend time in nature and with animals instead of most humans any day. Enjoy your Wednesday!!

    1. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 19, 2023 at 1:27 PM

      Love the name Binx!! That's one of our fave movies. We watch it at least 5wice every October and have for nearly our entire marriage! Hubs bought me a shirt that says I Smell Children! with a cauldron on it! I get asked over and over where it came from.

    2. I love Hocus Pocus too and when we rescued this solid black cutie I had to name him Binx.

    3. don't ask me how he managed it! LOL Crazy cat - it was a first!!! Hoping a last!
      Yes, I agree. I prefer the company of an animal every day - not always a human!!

  11. Oh Blackie! We had a dog when I was growing up that would roll in skunk if he found it. He was of course always inside before we knew . Funny thing is that his name was Blackie, too!!

    1. No idea what happened - but it happened! Crazy kitty. He wasn't washing it off either - can't say I blame him seeing how they bathe! Oh my!

  12. Speaking of animals vs. humans...

    Late in the day Bright Home Energy showed up. As they've done before, the workers made a lot of "busy noise" for an hour or so, then told us the problem is on their end, yada, yada, yada, they're calling it a day, and someone will call us tomorrow to go over everything. We've gone through this for months, ever since the original installation didn't include emergency back up power to the house. I (personally) believe the way it was installed--many months after contract signed--prohibits doing so without undoing much of the install and redoing everything but the solar panels.

    Couldn't they just say that? Of course not.

    So... I suggested to Hubs that he tell the company to send us a check to cover a propane generator for the key rooms agreed upon at contract. And call it done after such a check would be received, deposited and cleared. Our original contract was signed June 2022. Would more than a year be enough for you? Or would you wait longer?

    1. I would think they should have things taken care of by now. Over a year - yeah. Long enough - that is crazy. I like your idea!

  13. Poor Blackie!! Hopefully it doesn't happen again. I also love watching the birds.

    God bless.

    1. Hopefully first and last time!!!! Birds are such neat creatures. And they sing to us too!!!!!

  14. I wish I had a cat to chase away the groundhog who kept nibbling on tomatoes. He would taste one and then another. We like watching birds. One day sparrows were chasing crows away from fast food leavings on the ground.

    1. Yep, those critters can be a problem for sure. They can also cause structural damage.

  15. By the way, HOW does a cat get a poopy face?

    1. I wish I knew!!!!!!!! LOL Never happened before and hope it doesn't again. No idea!

  16. We are people watchers too. I love your description too of outside..*happy sigh* ......So very nice.

    That little Blackie! Oh. My. Goodness. Now, how in the world did the little fella do that?! Poor mommy!!! lol

    Just saw you wrote a new one too! ~Amelia
