Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Just a Chat

 Happy Wednesday to all.  It is another beautiful day here.  Quite cool this morning, but that is fine.  Sun is up and I can still see that big old moon out there.  Birds are chirping, squirrels are waking up, Blackie and Bits have had breakfast, and Blackie is back to sleep.  Bits is all over the house.  I sometimes call him Kramer - as in those who have ever seen Seinfeld!  He comes running full bore into a room, and stops on a dime and looks at me as if to say, "here I am!".  Crazy boy.

I am all mixed up this week on the days for some reason.  I have been thinking today is Thursday.  No holiday, so not sure why mixed up!  I had another night of bizarre dreams!  This has been going on for a couple weeks - just the strangest things.  No idea why!  I am just weird I guess.
Yesterday I was going through the frig and cleaning and I have some apples and citrus that have been in there a while.  I am thinking of making some juice out the of the two together and maybe making some jelly or just making juice.  I don't want to waste - and I could use the crisper space.

I was out working in the yard and garage on Monday and filled up the big trash can - replaced the bag and lo and behold it was my last big black trash bag.  I am going to have to get some - not that they get used a lot - but I need some.  The last big box I bought was 5 1/2 years ago!!!  Got it at Sam's before G passed.  I can only imagine the cost of them now - trash bags are so expensive.

I have been watching some You Tube videos from  Single Mom on a Farm.  It is pretty amazing.  She is a divorced mom of 10.  6 at home and 4 in college (all earned scholarships at BYU).  All home schooled and all graduated at 16 or 17, and very smart.  She was married and he had some 'personal' issues and divorced her.  She moved across the country and bought a small farm w/35 acres sight unseen (except for real estate ad) for her and the kids.  She is a stay-at-home mom - and takes on all kinds of small jobs to make extra money. (she does get support).
Hers is a pretty neat story of how everyone said NO you can't possibly do that, and how she did.  Pretty inspiring. She is a good example that you can do about anything you put your mind to - perseverance!
She also has a blog under the same name.

Gosh, tis that time of the year that there is so much to do.  Harvests are coming in and canning and freezing and dehydrating are taking place.  Yard clean-up when the days are cool enough.  Taking care of our homes and making sure they are in order before cold weather sets in.  Just seems like the list doesn't end.
Heck, even thinking about holidays and gift ideas!  Yep, that time will be here before we know it.

Well, I guess I better get busy.  Things are calling my name!  Much to do.
May you all have a fantastic day and stay well.


  1. Never ever have I purchased trash bags. Wash the cans on occasion. And I've had cats for many years and yes, the cleanings from it go directly into the outside can. Why does a trash can require "a liner"??? Something I've truly never understood.

    1. I'm in a townhome community and our trash hauler requires that all trash be bagged and then put in the bin; bin to the curb for Monday AM pick up. Recycling as well, but doesn't have to be bagged, just bottles and cans cleaned out, so they don't contaminate paper and boxes.

    2. Our trash has to be bagged or it won't be picked up. The city does the pick-up but it all has to be in bags. Nothing is supposed to be put in there unbagged.

    3. I'm sorry ladies. It is so sad to demand additional plastic be made and deposited in landfills :-(

  2. It definitely is cool this morning! We are making a Costco run but will work outside when we get back. Sure hate to see hot temps the end of the week. It is a busy time of year. One of my favorite childhood books is called "Two Little Gardeners". It was a Golden Book (remember those?), and the illustrations are just precious. The Farmer and I are those two little gardeners. ha!

    Enjoy your day!

    1. Such a lovely day. Have fun at Costco. I have never been to one.
      Yep, you are the 2 gardeners! I still have many of my Golden Books.

  3. I've got to look up that YouTube account! I have been trying to distanve myself from most social media platforms, but I find some accounts on YouTube still beneficial, so I sometimes do watch some videos there.

    1. She is a sweet woman and the kids are adorable. They all help and just seem so sweet.

  4. Big cool down here in SC! Hubby is going to get out there and mow while it is so nice

    1. Got to love the cool down for now. Summer will be back - so make hay while you can!!!

  5. Won't cool off here until October in the Deep South so I am jealous. At least the humidity isn't through the roof today.

    1. Well we got a reprieve for a few days. Heat is back end of the week. Less humidity is always good!

  6. I stumbled across a YouTube video yesterday by a retired couple on how much you can save if you just do basic things like make your own coffee, make your own breakfast to go or take lunch to work. None of it was complicated. All told they estimated you could save $13,000 a year!

    Years ago my husband used to buy a coffee every work day (and sometimes on weekends). I estimated it was at least $100 a month. I don't do coffee so I decided to treat myself to something different. I put $100 per month into a savings account and after 2 years I had the serger of my dreams! I still have it and use it all the time.

    Nowadays my husband has become a little more savvy about the cost of things. He makes his own coffee now. I buy him ground coffee on sale.

    I was watching another youtube video a few weeks ago and the host was reading letters from people who were lamenting that they could no longer buy brand names. I admit I chuckled at that. I don't buy brand named items unless they're on sale or clearance for less than store brand. (If the store brand doesn't work or taste right I won't get it any more and try something else.)

    I think I read that most grocery branded items are owned & manufactured by 3 or 4 conglomerates.

    1. YES most are owned by the same companies - just different labels. I have seen that over and over.
      It is amazing how much people spend on 'stuff' every day. That is a lot of money!
      Other than groceries, I spend on very little (just normal stuff). I don't have to - but I am content with what I have and do.

  7. The heat is still sticking around here, along with high humidity (95% this morning). I've been doing the bare minimum outdoors, a bit of weeding and deadheading. We did get some rain so the containers haven't needed watering the last day or so, but will need it by end of today as we're expecting another 90F+ day. We might get a thunderstorm but those storms have been mostly been missing us.

    1. Sorry you have so much humidity. That sure makes it miserable. I can understand staying in more. Rain sure is appreciated.

  8. We are on the same page. I'm working my way through my pantry today, sorting, checking dates, and getting an idea of what I need to add, and what may be able to go to the food pantry. I've got a small collection of well past due dates for the trash, and a bunch of home canned goods that go back to when I first moved here. I did discover that, while I thought I had plenty of plain tomatoes, I only have 3 jars left and that's of Roma's, not what I use for chili, soups, and stews. all but 2 jars of applesauce were pre-2018 and turning brown (though lids still sealed), so those are getting dumped. Have beef broth, but no chicken or vegetable, so need to keep an eye open. I've got most of the canned goods done, organized, and re-stowed. Next up, baking supplies and dry pasta. And, then on to the freezer.

    1. It sure is a good time to get all that stuff inventoried. Now is the time. Hopefully sales will start to pick up some with upcoming holidays and things can be added.
      You have a good plan!

  9. Tommy goes through the cabinets and boxes of food to keep it all current. Thankfully, we find few things to toss. Have the cats noticed it is cooler?

    1. That is a good idea, to check cabinets regularly.
      They sure like being in the windows! They love the fresh air.

  10. Much cooler here - I woke in the night and was chilly! Had to pull up a blanket. :) Ally Cat snuggled all night behind my knees in the bed.

    Now that I've done laundry, bought gas, bought milk, and cooked the basis for tomorrow's dinner I'll go out and weed some more. It is unending since we got rain in the last few weeks - before that the weeds were all crispy and browning. Now they're all lucious and green. :( Dear son needs to come here and mow, grass's getting knee high!


    1. I love sleeping in cooler weather. I am happy to hear Ally cat is getting some snuggly now. Sounds like things are turning around.
      No kidding - the weeds are going crazy. You have a lot done already. Don't over do it!

  11. Yeppers. We can do what we want and be succesful at it. 100%.
