Sunday, October 6, 2024

Weekly Wrap-up 10/6

 Happy Sunday to all.  Hope this finds everyone safe and well.  Hoping those affected by the hurricane are getting some help and recovering a little.
Here we are in October, almost a week gone already.  We have been having nice weather this past week and will again this upcoming week.  There is not a drop of rain forecast for the upcoming week.
I mentioned all the stinkbugs around, we also are going through box elder bug season!  They are everywhere.  They love the sunny sides of buildings during the day.  I am not a bug fan! A tip to anyone having a problem with them - simple soapy water sprayed on them will kill them!

Yesterday was the rescheduled family outing.  It was such a good time.  My niece has a huge in ground pool that is heated and the kiddos and all the younger folks had a ball.  The water felt like bath water. (no I didn't get in). We had lots of fellowship, catching up and lots of good food.
My kitties thought I left them forever, I think!  I was gone much of the day and evening, and they got 'dinner' late very late.  Then I changed into bed clothes, and went to lay down (at 9PM), as I was tired - and here they came.  They both got right up on the bed and curled up with me.  Lots of petting and snuggles.  It was so sweet.
My week was calm and quiet.
  • I got the backyard all cleaned of limbs and debris
  • I took a few walks around the neighborhood this week
  • Picked a bouquet
  • Did some power washing
  • Had a nice visit with neighbors 2X this week - porch setting
  • One neighbor brought me some pumpkin roll and a sweet card.  She was gone most of a week earlier, and I got all her packages that were delivered.  She was planning her granddaughter's wedding.
  • Lots of laundry and used dehumidifier water in laundry
  • Mowed the entire yard - lost a front wheel of the mower halfway through! I persevered and got it all done.  I have worked that poor mower to pieces over many years - may be time to get a new one!!  LOL
  • Family outing - rode with brother
  • NO A/C or heat this past week.  Enjoying fresh air
  • Harvest - cabbage, tomatoes
  • Using rainwater from barrels to water
  • I did a run to Kroger for fruit & cheese deals.  Cheese blocks were 2.99/lb.  Apples and mandarins on sale
  • Cooking from home and using all leftovers
  • Cleaning more and more
Meals this past week:
Sausage gravy over toast and scrambled eggs
Zucchini boat and salad
Loaded baked potato, side salad
Grilled cheese and 'stoup' (last from the freezer)
Cheeseburger, fries and fresh veggies
Family event - hotdogs, chili, and lots of goodies
SNACKS - fruit, popcorn, crackers and butter

Not much exciting here.  Just a calm and quiet type week.  I worked on the mower some after getting done, trying to fix the wheel - I don't believe there is much hope with my skills!  At least it is the end of the season.
I need to go out this coming week to DMV and renew my driver's license.  Can't believe it's that time again.
It will be cool this week, so hoping to get a lot done.
How are you and how was your week?  Again, please check in and let us all know you are OK - we do worry.  Did you get any deals this week?  Still getting garden produce?

Be safe and healthy this coming week.  Prayers for all in need with spoken and unspoken issues.  
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble with its tumult.
Psalms 46:1-3


  1. Good morning Cheryl,
    Arizona doesn’t have autumn yet but I did get to open my windows for a few early morning hours one day this week ;). And while I don’t think I was as productive as you were, I did chisel my way down my “to do” list. Have a good week next week! Hilogene in Az.

    1. Howdy there. We seem to be having a somewhat warmer fall time. No real cold temps at all yet - still just lovely. I hope you get some cooler air soon. I really didn't do that much this past week - so never judge yourself. I am sure you got a lot done - those lists can be daunting!
      Have a lovely week.

  2. I can't believe we are already going into the second week of October either. We have lots of October birthdays here including Bailey, my sister, and this will be my Dads first birthday without him here. Sounds like you had a good week filled with a fun family outing, mowing & clearing, and staying home, which is my kind of week. I hope this new week is a good one for you too.

    1. I hope Bailey has a good birthday. Hugs on dad's.
      I did have a nice week - I like those weeks that aren't overwhelming. This weather is heavenly - hope you are getting some of it too.
      Have a super week.

  3. Excellent and encouraging Scripture! I may have told you, but the Farmer and I read the 91st Psalm each morning.

    Sounds like your family gathering was lots of fun. You got a lot accomplished this past week. Yup, you may be due for a new mower. Your meals always sound yummy.

    This looks like the temps will stay fairly warm for a while. We are watching the latest storm in Florida as we have friends and family down there. It does my heart good to hear of the people who are assisting in the recovery in Tennessee and North Carolina. Glenn Beck has been in Asheville, Samaritan's Purse has had a huge presence, along with so many others. Dolly Parton donated 1M to aid with recovery in Appalachia. I cannot imagine the magnitude of cleanup in that area.

    Off to Menard's to buy some mulch. Take care, see you on Tuesday!

    1. Thanks. We all need a little encouragement now and then.
      It was fun - the kiddos are just so sweet and they are a riot.
      Yep, I think I may go mower shopping this week - they are marking them down at this point.
      I hope all your family and friends will be safe. The devastation is just mind boggling. I see pictures, and it is like my head just doesn't understand. I love that the private sector is doing so much - they need 'real' help from someone.
      Have a lovely day and a great week.

    2. Power outages from the hurricane are not being resolved because the Biden administration gave transformer, equipment switches and related parts to Zelensky for Ukraine's war. That equipment was kept in federal reserve for use in emergencies for Americans, not to be squandered abroad. Trump 2024.

  4. I found beef bones real cheap, no meat on them however they are ideal for stock. Very healthy and great stock for rice, pasta, soup etc... I don't let my two cats sleep in my room. I read that if they are hungry or mad about something, they have been known to chew on a sleeping victim's nose, ear, or whatever. You can't be too careful, they're cute and agreeable however if things don't go their way they can be vindictive too.
