Sunday, November 26, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up 11/26

 Happy Sunday to all.  Here we are the last Sunday of the month - and a month from today the 'party' will be over!!!!!  Gosh golly - it is just amazing.
I hope today finds you well and safe.
I hope all that celebrated Thanksgiving had a good day!  Maybe some of you are still celebrating.

It is a cold and dreary morning here.  Expecting some showers and maybe a flurry or two.  The next couple of days will be COLD (highs in 30's), then it gets back to 40's and 50's by the end of the month/week.
Thanksgiving Day was glorious and sunny and in the 50's!  The next day was chilly and breezy.
I had robins at the birdbath again this week.  That is just amazing me to pieces.  I have never had robins this late.

Lil Bit is growing - I swear it has grown so much.  Purring a lot now and loves to play!  Oh goodness. any leaf or stick is prey!!!!  Such a nut and sweety.  Getting much friendlier with me. Hope to update a pic soon.

         Sure are words to live by - huh?  The world would just be so different if all did this.
Sorry this is a bit blurry.  It was through the window at 5:30 AM this morning.  That is how bright the moon was!    Full and bright!

My week:
  • I got the last rain barrel emptied and put away
  • Lots of laundry
  • Root touchup
  • Blackie went to Vet for shots and dewormer (mine wasn't doing the job).  He was such a good boy - more to this story I will relate later!
  • Still working on all the dusting and deep cleaning 
  • Changed the furnace filter and turned furnace to humidifier mode
  • Made a small turkey breast on Friday and baked some biscuits (got to have my leftovers)
  • Got the wreaths out (2) for doors and the Christmas flag.  Will get those out in the next couple days.
It was really a quiet week here.  Just leading to the holiday and I took it kind of easy.  Time to get serious on Christmas now.  My first gathering is on the 10th!!!  It is going to be a busy month in many ways.

My meals this past week:
Made a small pot of soup with leftover rice and beef - added cheese - YUM
Chili dogs and fries
Pork (from freezer), steamed broccoli, and cheesy garlic toast
Chili cheeseburger and salad
Dinner at families' home - THANKSGIVING
Turkey, mashed pots and gravy and biscuits
Turkey, cheese, tomato melt and leftover mashed and gravy
                                                                    Grilled turkey melt
Had biscuits with meal, made a cold turkey sandwich w/biscuit, biscuits with butter and jelly (snack) - ALL GOOD!  Still some left.

How was your holiday?  Did you all eat too much too!!!  Oh my gosh, there was so much food at my nieces - and I think I tried most everything!  It was all so good.  The kiddos were a blast - her littles have always been bashful w/me and they were so sweet and friendly.  I got BIG hugs and kisses!!!!  Loved it.

Did anyone shop this weekend?  I did NOT!  Not anything!
Did anyone get any good deals at the grocery this week?  Are you ready for Christmas?  I am not!!!!!  Not yet!  How did it get here so quickly????  LOL

I hope this finds each and every one safe and healthy.  Please check in and let us know what is going on in your world.  I am missing some of you!!!!!
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise!  Give thanks to him, bless his name!
Psalm 100:4

Dear Lord, we thank You for the gifts we received this week of fellowship, friendship and family.  Thank You for providing warm food for our bellies, and for those who spent the day feeding and helping others.  May we each and every one go forth and do good this month and spread cheer and joy all around.  Please lay your healing hands upon those in need of Your healing touch.  AMEN


  1. We had a lovely Thanksgiving. We drove 2h each way to spend the day at my brother/SIL. His 3 adult kids, 5 grands, various other family/friends of theirs. SIL actually let me help for a few hours (when we go we aim to be there before 0900). I ate too much and didn't sample everything. Always too much food and they know it ;-)

    NO shopping!!!! Dinner Friday at a locally owned restaurant (had a terrific server) and a college football game ($ supports scholarships!). $ well-spent!

    Wishing everyone a Blessed Sunday and much joy as 2023 comes to a close.

    1. Wishing you joy, too, Elle. Our dinner out at a locally owned restaurant was last night. They support many programs in our area. Excellent food and service. The entire main street was decorated with lights. Beautiful! --Elise

    2. Elle it sounds like you had a great time as well. So happy to hear it. There is always too much food at the holidays - but that is what is so much fun! I even tried some new to me things!
      Sounds like your Friday was perfect!!!!
      Have a blessed week.

  2. I love the "do everything with a good heart" saying, That is so very true. We had Thanksgiving dinner on Friday with family. It was so much fun, we didn't leave until midnight! I didn't overeat, but the food was delicious! Yes, onwards to Christmas now. I'm glad your new little kitty is finally coming around. They are so cute at that age. Your dinners sound delicious. I'm using up all my leftovers too and avoiding food waste in the process. We've been cleaning, but now it is time to start decorating. I'm excited about that. I hope you have a great Sunday and a very good week, Cheryl.

    1. Belinda, anymore I turn into a pumpkin at about 10 p.m., so midnight would mean a very GOOD time together indeed!

    2. Belind wow, Midnight - that is late!!!!! I'm an in bed by 9 or 10PM gal!!! Sounds like a great time. Yes, kitty is coming around!! Cuddles are warm and soft.
      I am trying to use it all up - I can't stand waste. Yes, onward to Christmas - it will be here in a flash.
      Have a wonderful week.

  3. Had a lovely lunch with friends on Saturday and then went to sing some hymns together at a friend's house. Very nice day. :)

    Happy your kitten is making friends, hope you can get it to the vet before it either begins to spray TomCat scent everywhere or turns up pregnant. ;) Always a challenge with young cats!

    Your poor Blackie, a trip to the vet, usually a most unwanted visit! The vet does have better wormers, for sure.

    I still have a fridge full of leftover sides from Thanksgiving, will be working on those a couple more days - froze the leftover turkey and ham.
    Stay warm, folks, it's wintery out there. :)

    1. 20 degrees and icy here this morning, MaryB. --Elise

    2. I bet your Saturday was lovely. Yeah, Blackie wasn't happy - but he did great. He has a couple more visits to make (a long story). Lil Bit will be getting to the vet soon as well.
      Leftovers are grand.
      It is raining here at the moment - just a dreary day and it is 37*. Just ick!
      Have a great week.

  4. Thank you (again) for the Sunday verse and prayer, Cheryl. So glad you had a nice holiday. We did, too. Oldest son arrived Wed. night and headed back early this morning. He stayed longer than he'd planned and it was wonderful to have the 4 of us together again (youngest joined us each day). We had the large chicken with traditional sides they made on Thanksgiving, a pork roast and leftover sides the next night, and dinner at Cattleman's Steak House last night. Pork stew is on the menu today.

    No good grocery sales/prices here; we didn't need anything anyway. No Black Friday shopping or cyber weekend shopping. My shopping is done. Baking will now commence. LOL!

    I'm already formulating goals for the coming year. There's much I want to learn and do... all of it related to mindful, frugal living and being more self-sufficient. As Christmas approaches and the year winds down, I wish everyone peace.
    P.S. In the night I've been taking the 1st awkward, tentative steps to the bathroom (holding onto furniture) w/o it the walking boot! Still unsteady, but WOO-HOO!!!

    1. I second that Woohoot! Soon you'll be dancing 😁

    2. Sounds like a lovely family holiday. Glad both of the boys were there. All your food sounds yummy.
      I didn't leave the house this week until Thanksgiving and that was it! No need to fight those crazy crowds.
      You be careful girl. Glad you are walking w/o boot - but do be careful!
      Have a lovely week.

    3. My 1st PT is tomorrow. Hubs tried to encourage me to ditch the walking boot, but I told him I'm too unsteady w/o it yet and want to trust PT to get me ready for that. I really, really don't want to fall and undo everything from the past (almost) 3 months. When I was younger I'd have pushed all limits. There *is* some wisdom that comes with age.
      ;-) --Elise

    4. Just an FYI (that I haven't mentioned), the calf on my surgical leg has shrunk down to almost 1/2 the size of the other one. Those muscles need to be redeveloped. For now I joke that one leg is mine and the other is Hubs', who has skinny legs.

  5. Excellent devotion! Everyday is thanksgiving around here.

    Glad to hear the kitty is warming up to you. Blackie is a good kitty. A former neighbor of ours from Lebanon has a veterinary practice in Greenwood.

    The only one who over-ate was the Farmer...ha! We didn't prepare as many side dishes this year. The Farmer made a cherry pie and Erin and I made a pumpkin roll. I always make deviled eggs for Erin. Using the last of the turkey in a turkey noodle casserole today.

    Definitely a November day! I let the dogs out and discovered it was raining. Good day to stay in.

    1. Thank you.
      Well, you all who did had restraint have my admiration!!!! LOL
      I always overeat on holidays. Came home - fed the cats - got jammies on and was asleep in no time!!!!! Food coma!
      Casserole sounds good.
      It is nasty out. Just came in from taking out the trash - and yuck - chilly and wet.
      Have a great week.

  6. Snow here today! A couple inches looks to me.

    I did stop in the store yesterday. Got 5 red peppers for 99c, 6 portabello mushrooms for 99c, and 5lb bag of potatoes for 99c. I'm vegetarian so that will be some good meals I can create this week for me .

    1. You MAY keep the snow to yourself!!!!!! LOL
      What fantastic deals you got. That is great. Good eating there. I love portabella mushrooms!!!! Can make a nice 'burger' out of them!
      Have a good week.

  7. Our Thanksgiving was awesome, even though my family lives right down the road I missed them when they all left.
    I cleaned and put away all of the Fall decor on Friday and then decorated for Christmas. My heiny was dragging by the time I went to bed. LOL.
    I mostly decorated with "all natural" this year, it just felt right to do so.
    No shopping, I do want just a few things from the grocery store this week but honestly could go without them. I have plenty in freezers and pantry.
    Snow and cold this morning but not enough to worry about.

    1. Isn't that the way? You see them all the time and then miss the festivities when they leave!
      Sounds like you got a lot done after all the food and company was gone. Natural sounds lovely. Natural may be my theme too - as in leaving it pretty much the way it is!!!!! Just not much in the mood to decorate this year.
      Stay warm and cozy. I hear you on having plenty at home! Great problem to have.
      Have a lovely week.

  8. Ha, It was September and then boom it's Christmas I don't know where the months went to! We had a nice Thanksgiving just the 2 of us.
    It's pretty cold here was 24* here this AM. So we either stay home or wait till it warms up to go out.
    *We got the tree up now to decorate it.
    We didn't do any shopping or eating out locally. I cooked top sirloin from our beef we bought last summer. I couldn't believe it was so tender I could cut it with a fork. Elise your pork meals sound yummy!
    *We have family event on the 16th and another get together with Butch's Vet group on the 14th; it's also a white elephant game. Those are so fun.

    1. Yes mam - Halloween and boom it's Christmas!!!! It is like we are time traveling!!!!! LOL
      That is cold. I saw the pic Butch posted of the tree - I love the lights. I bet the kitties like it!!!!
      Your beef sounds wonderful - I love beef.
      You have a busy one too! I have family on 10th, another vet appt. 14th, friends holiday 18th, then Christmas and the kids somewhere in there! It will all fly by.
      Have a blessed week my friend!

    2. Thank you, LaurieS. Since an oops when we were newlyweds, I always put a frozen pork roast into the crock pot, season it simply with meat tenderizer or salt + pepper and slow cook on low for 8 hours. It's always fall apart tender & juicy. This one gave me 2 cups of fat trimmed "broth" for gravy. --Elise

  9. Happy belated thanksgiving Cheryl. I read your accomplishments during the past week and wish I had that much get up and go ;). All in all, it was a lovely thanksgiving for me. My husband and I always cooked a Turkey and had a nice meal, even for just the two of us, so I was happy to accept an invitation to go to a friend’s home. Excellent meal and it was such a change, I didn’t compare to the past meals. So it was a good holiday! Now I need a Christmas plan ;). Glad Blackie and the kitten are doing well. Hilogene in Az

    1. Thank you. Glad you went to be with friends. Yes, the holidays change completely - but we go on. New ways, new traditions, and holding old memories and ways in our hearts!! HUGS. It for sure isn't the same.
      Yes, I am with you on needing a Christmas plan - I think I will be at brother's Christmas day. But first I need to get busy!
      HUGS to you. You made it through!
      Have a great week.

  10. I'm on the bus heading home from our weekend of shopping. I got.some great deals and met a wonderful group of women. Snow has fallen while we were away but it is warmer than when we left.

    1. That sounds like such a fun excursion! I bet you had a blast. I look forward to hearing about it on your blog. It sounds like something from a novel!!!! Stay safe and warm.
      Have a good week.

  11. November always seems so odd to me. I think it's the time change and getting dark earlier. I feel like I spend the weeks after trying to adjust. I don't like that it gets dark so early then the clocks back an hour makes it worse.

    I think that's why it always feels like to me that it was just Halloween then time for Christmas.

    1. Margaret, one big benefits of retiring to AZ is no daylight savings. For years it was so hard for me to adjust to the time changes twice a year. Meaning... "I hear you!"

    2. Margaret I think you are right. I absolutely hate the fall time change. I can't stand it being dark at 5:30 in the evening. I like to be outside and this dark stuff stinks. I think that is probably why it always seems to fly by in the fall. After Christmas - winter will drag on!!!!!!
      Have a great week.

  12. A belated Happy Thanksgiving to Cheryl and all. So thankful for your online friendship. I find your site helpful and uplifting, especially on days when widowhood is forefront for one reason or another, even all these years later. I picked up my Mom on Tuesday and shopped with her for a winter coat on Wednesday. Thursday was Thanksgiving with my daughter and some members of her husband's family, and on the way home, Mom said she needed to buy a few other items -- undergarments and tops that we could have gotten at the same store we were at on Wednesday. So, Black Friday shopping it was. We ended up shopping at 3 different stores, and none were very busy. I'm thinking everyone was buying online for in-store pick-up. Returned Mom to her assisted living home on Saturday, and then back home for dinner at a dear friend's home Saturday night. Today, the weather has not cooperated -- we've got about an inch on the deck rail and I've heard sirens in the distance off and on, so assuming the roads are slick. I've gotten the Autumn decor put away and have moved furniture to make room for the tree. Bins will be brought in from the garage in a little bit, and I plan to get the tree put up tonite, though won't have it decorated for another day or two. Time is flying by, so I need to get back to tackling my to-do list.

    1. Thank you so much. I just love all the online friendships that have come about here. There are many! Some have met, some have written, some of us just pray for each other - but we are all friends. From all walks of life and cultures - I love that!
      Yes, widowhood rears it ugly head even after many years. It is not a thing I would wish on anyone! But we do what we have to and move on.
      Sounds like you had a great few days. Glad you got to be with mom and daughter and other family. That is cool. Friends too! I bet you mom loved it.
      I heard on the news the stores weren't real crowded, but they said sales were at an all time high. Guess inflation isn't stopping folks!!! LOL
      Decorations will be few here - that is just not something I am feeling this year.
      Have a great week.

  13. No holiday here but a lovely weekend at any rate. I worked on projects, Harvey started a few things and I have a feeling he is going to surprise me with something he made that I can use in the sewing/craft room. Cleaned my baking supply cupboard and considering we are having trouble getting any kind of sugar was happy to find another bag of brown sugar.

    God bless.

    1. Well I am glad you have had a lovely weekend - Mr. & Mrs. Claus at work!!!!! Oh how neat, I can't wait to hear what it may be!
      Seriously, you all are having trouble finding sugar? Dang, I wish I could send you some - it has been plentiful here and pretty cheap. Have you ever made brown sugar? Pretty easy - I have done it several times. Molasses and sugar - blend! That is it.
      Have a great week!

    2. Jackie, I have to wonder about the sugar thing. Plenty of high priced plain, granulated sugar here, but you can't find brown sugar or powdered sugar at many stores. Vinegar is also in short supply.

      Cheryl, how much molasses to granulated sugar for brown sugar? Could you share the ratio? I have powdered sugar now, but expect that could be made by pulsing granulated sugar in a food processor? --Elise

    3. Powdered can be made by yes, pulsing regular. On brown sugar - it just depends if you want light or dark. You can kind of judge the amounts yourself. I just wing it.

    4. Elise, you can make powdered sugar by putting 1 cup of sugar and 1 TBSP of cornstarch or arrowroot powder in the blender and mix until it's not grainy. The cornstarch etc. keeps it from getting hard and caking. I make it all the time with the arrowroot. Cookie

    5. Thank you, Cookie! And Cheryl! --Elise

  14. Beautiful prayer and scripture Cheryl. Amen. : )

    We had a lovely Thanksgiving, very busy but so nice with family, I really enjoy our son in laws, they are so sweet and I do not take that for granted. A huge blessing!

    Actually hubs and I did go shopping at Penney's on a whim on the way back in from the city. We were able to purchase a beautiful diamond chip and sterling silver cross necklace for our youngest for Christmas for $19.99 from the find jewelry area. It's diamond chips but very sparkly and 1/10 of a carat, it's a simple necklace that she can wear when she goes out with her friends to eat at a nice restaurant or to church. I also snagged a petite pearl drop and crystal earring and necklace set from Penneys online for her birthday, its is from the jewelry department also and was $13.99. It's lovely too! So dainty and pretty. So we went shopping but not for the reason of black friday...we just had the druthers and haven't been to Penney's in years. It brought back sentimental memories when our daughters and I would go there. Oh well, life is full of new normals right?

    That is a wonderful meme Cheryl and I love the photo too. Aren't mornings so wonderful? I'm glad to hear Little Bit is thriving! Wonderful!

    I'm so glad you were with your family, I know they must love you to pieces!

    Glad to hear you are doing well, such a nice place here to stop in for "coffee" or "tea". ~Amelia

    1. Glad to see you - I figured you had been busy. How nice on the jewelry - it sounds lovely. She will love it. Can't beat the prices!!!!
      Nice in-laws are sure a gift. I know my momma sure did love her some Glen!!!!! They were buddies and would talk about everything.
      Mornings are pretty amazing - although I would rather see the sun! LOL
      Thank you, I had a grand time with family.
      Have a blessed week.

    2. GREAT deals on the jewelry, Amelia. She'll love them. Penney's still is one of the best for affordable pretties.

      So glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. You have a lovely family! --Elise

    3. Cheryl, how sweet that Glen and your mom were buddies! My mom even likes talking with the son in laws too!

    4. Thank you Elise! Penney's is a conservative store too which is a good feeling when we spend money there. : )

      Thanks again Elise for your encouragement!

    5. Thank you Elise! I had replied and it didn't post here...So sorry. We really like Penneys and a nice conservative company to deal with too.

      Thank you for your encouragement Elise!

    6. Cheryl and Elise, One of my son in laws, the one who married our second born, he and our daughter went to Penney's jewelry department and bought his wedding band and it's the prettiest band! And it has held up beautifully too! : )

    7. Glen and I got our plain gold bands at Service Merchandise back in the day! Good quality and inexpensive and still going strong today. Come January it will be 38 years old!

  15. Aww, I just love the Lil Bit updates! Can't wait for more! No shopping here, but we did have a wonderful Thanksgiving with our family.

    1. So glad you had a great Thanksgiving. Smart gal - no shopping!
      Have a great week.

  16. One of my pre-Black Friday deals was a seasoned cast iron skillet shaped like the state of Texas for $14.99; we got it for Hubs' youngest sister and her family who moved to Texas. It was sent as a combo housewarming gift and Christmas present. They opened it right away. She texted me a picture of it filled with golden brown cornbread, saying she loves it. Then she texted a pic of the cornbread with a hole cut in it, saying, "B had to be weird and eat Dallas." They all live in the Dallas area now. It was a GOOD laugh to start this last Monday of the month! And it proves good, FUN gifts don't have to cost a lot. --Elise

    1. What a unique gift!!! How neat. Love the Dallas story!!! LOL

    2. Yup. Unique, fun and frugal. Saw this headline/article this morning on Newsmax:
      "After a busy holiday shopping weekend, discount seekers are expected to spend between a record $12 billion and $12.4 billion on beauty products, electronics, toys and apparel on Cyber Monday, according to Adobe Analytics."

      All I could think was, WOWZA!! How many of those gifts will be remembered over time? --Elise

  17. I ate too much of the little I did cook. That is a good picture of the moon. Yes, I am on my way to Christmas. I bought nothing over the weekend. No BF purchases. It is finally cold here, freezing or below at night, and 50 F in the day. Brrr.

    1. It is the day to eat too much!!! That is OK.
      Christmas will be here soon - gosh, it is flying by.
      COLD here too! This morning is 18 and only going to about 30 today! Warming up after today - YAY!
      Have a good week
