Sunday, February 11, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 2/11

 Hello to all on this Sunday.  Hoping this finds you well and safe.
We had a lovely week in my area.  Quite lovely.  Friday, we set a record by hitting 66*F as a high.  This morning is back to seasonal temps!  Looks like it will be seasonable all week, even a mention of the S word!  Nothing much - but it is still that time of the year, so anything can be expected.

It seems it might be mating season for many animals.  I watch the squirrels getting all frisky.  The stray cats seem to be in season - or acting as so.  Even the birds - the doves and robins are chasing each other all over the yard!  The season of love!
The chickens appear to be no more.  Not sure if they met their end by a neighbor, or if Animal Control finally got involved.  But they are gone!  I really hope they are safe now.

Not a lot going on again.  Kind of quiet still.  Just enjoying seeing sunshine this week - what a treat that was.
  • I got out and did a little yard clean-up.  Raking some and bagging.  Just basics (felt good)
  • Cut my hair and did a root touch-up at home
  • Aired the house on many days!
  • Paid everything I had here
  • Froze some bananas for future use
  • Found a paper shred event that will be taking place on Mar.9 - right up the road.  I am thrilled, I have so many boxes of things to get shredded
  • Made a quick run to Kroger for cukes and toms.  I also got a GC for a wedding shower coming up soon.
  • Made a small batch of orange chocolate chip cookies.  YUM
  • Eating from home and cooking from scratch
  • More decluttering (sorting more paperwork)
  • Cleaning and doing all the normal stuff
Meals this past week:
Baked potato topped with cheese, pulled pork (freezer), sour cream and a side of hardboiled egg
Bacon, egg sandwich - side salad
Tuna patty, mac n cheese, fresh veggies
Mexican skillet dinner (gr. beef, corn, beans, taco seasoning)
Mexican flat wraps (using above)
Stir fry veggies & chicken over spaghetti noodles
Crispy air fried chicken strips and slaw
SNACKS:  nuts, fruit, popcorn
                                      Mex. flat wrap - grilled w/cheese and topped with ranch dressing.

How was your week?  Did you get any projects done?  Any great deals purchased?  Spring cleaning yet?
I hope all that are experiencing illness and family problems are well.  Prayers of healing for all.
I look forward to hearing about your week.

May your week ahead be happy, healthy and safe.
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul;
the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;
the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;
the fear of the Lord is clean. enduring for ever;
the ordinances of the Lord are true. and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold;
sweeter than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.
Psalms 19:7-10

Thank you, Lord, for every blessing we receive every day.  We lift our worries and sorrows to You. Please cleanse our hearts and souls.


  1. I am always interested to see what you have been up to and how you seem to thrive living everyday life. You are so good at being frugal and taking care of things that need to be done.
    I hope you have a wonderful, blessed Sunday.
    Our heat wave is over here (we got to 50˚) and we are back to below freezing...sigh....xo Diana

    1. Thanks! I appreciate each person that checks in. Life happens, might as well make the best of it!! Right? I just do what I need to do and take care of my home.
      Heat wave over here as well. UGH! Another day!
      Thank you. Have a lovely week.

  2. Good morning Cheryl, psst keep your fingers crossed it looks like some sun could happen today for me (can perhaps do some embroidery after Mass).
    What lovely meals. Especially like the looks of that Flat Wrap.

    God bless.

    1. Good morning. Oh I hope you get sunshine!!!! It sure makes a difference in how one feels.
      Thanks. It was just a tortilla - covered half with the leftovers and shredded cheese, fold other half of tortilla over and grilled on a flat pan - flip and grill! It was tasty. You could put anything in it or on it!
      Have a blessed week!

  3. I also got out in my yard and cut up some twigs and fallen stuff. It did feel good to be out there. :) My crocus are blooming and there are daffodil buds showing, but it'll be a while before those open as the weather is to be cooler again this week.

    Today is a sad day - I'm off to the burial of a dear friend who had a stroke last week. They pulled the plug on him Friday and "harvested" organs for donation so he's been able to do a last good deed. :) But today will be rainy and we'll all be standing around in the rain, trying to sing some hymns. It is what it is.

    I love the scripture you have chosen. :) Thank you!


    1. It did feel good to be outside for a while. I did notice daffodil greenery poking through!
      I am so sorry of the loss of your friend. What a wonderful gift he was able to leave others. I hope the rain lets up a bit for you. Take care of yourself.
      Thank you.
      Have a beautiful week ahead.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Mary, it's always hard to lose a good friend.

    4. I'm so sorry about your friend, Mary.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Glad all went well with the surgery. It sounds like it hurt - so I imagine it will for a few days.
      Seems organizing and decluttering can happen every day - all the time!
      Have a good week.

    2. Elise, glad your surgery went well. The Farmer has had a root canal in the past and he said never again. Had some problems with it later on. Dental work is pricey. I told my eye doctor I'd rather see her than the dentist. ha!

      Thanks for prayers for Alana. If she lived closer we would anoint her with oil and pray for her. As it is, we just pray for her swift and complete recovery.

    3. Good that you're done with the dental work. I'm praying that the pathology report comes back clean and you can put this all behind you.

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    5. Hi Elise, you know I am praying for your and am so grateful for the good report so far. : ) Will continue to pray! Oh our youngest daughter would so relate to what you wrote, I took her in last summer for a tooth removal and it was a nightmare, he was digging around and she held her hand up for him to stop as was discussed and he would not do it at the end. Then he just kind of muttered later he was sorry about that. And he was an expensive dentist too. smh

      I'm glad you are on the upswing though! (((hugs)))

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    8. Oh, ok. Gotcha! But that must have been very scary! Blacking out like that...I think I probably would have said something too being so scared. I guess we don't have time time when those things happen to analyze right? smh Yikes. You poor thing!

  5. That scripture passage is wonderful! Well, it is all splendid. Yes, please cleanse our hearts and souls. John 14 was my scripture study this morning. Lots of good stuff! It bears reading again.

    Wonder what happened to the chooks. It is irresponsible to not tend to your animals. Ours would probably like to be out of their compound but there are too many predators and too much garden for them to destroy.

    You always keep busy and productive! It feels good to get outside and move around. The sunshine is bliss even if the temps are a bit cool, but it's February! What do we expect, for pity's sake?

    I "assisted" the Farmer with the fabrication of the herb bed. It sure is heavy as he used 4x4s to make the legs. Still need some lumber to finish it off. Hopefully we can complete and place it this week. Old people can only do so much at a time. ha! He received his seed order from Baker Creek and will start some seeds in the garage pretty soon.

    Alana sent me a picture of her leg after her knee replacement surgery. The incision is a lot longer than I expected. She was up on her feet, standing in her kitchen. She says it does hurt but the pain medication makes her nauseous.

    Enjoy this sunny day! Are the kitties bathing in sun puddles?

    1. Alana is in my prayers, Donna. I absolutely get the issues with prescription pain killers. Blech. I'd rather be in pain than nauseous (or worse). --Elise

    2. I am not sure about the chickens. It could have been an animal - but I most imagine animal control got called by some angry neighbor. This has gone on a long time and they have done nothing to repair the fence or keep the chickens in. I am glad they don't have them now!
      It is amazing how long the scars are for knee surgery. I have some friends and family that have had it. Tell her to listen and do her rehab!!!! Hope she heals quickly.
      The garden raised beds will be nice.
      Have a great week.

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  6. Good morning, Cheryl. It sounds like you had a really good week. I've been working on getting a few things out of the house before I start my spring cleaning. It's amazing to me that I do this at least twice a year, but I always find things I'm now ready to depart with. Four large boxes gone so far, and we don't have a LOT of 'stuff'. lol It's funny how I want less and less as I get older. Our weather is pretty close to yours. The cooler temps are back and tomorrow night low of 28. It is still winter though. Wishing you a wonderful week!!

    1. I do believe age has a lot to do with it! I know I sure look to have less 'stuff' after it is all said and done. I do love my special things - but so much is just stuff.
      Good going on 4 boxes out!
      Yeah, it is going to be up and down for a while yet. Soon it will be hot, and we will complain about that! LOL
      Have a lovely week!

  7. Happy Sunday to all.
    It's been quite warm in north Florida.
    I've planted seeds in trays already.
    They are in my greenhouse germinating away. Flowers,herbs and tomatoes.
    I found a basket of baby pink petunias that had seeded themselves.
    They were iced over.
    I thought they were dead.
    The sun defrosted them and they were alive so I transplanted them into pots.
    Fourteen free petunias.
    I dug up some amaryllis bulbs and separated many good sized babies.
    Gave some to my neighbor.
    I cut back a massive overgrown climbing rose.I also boxed up a bunch of books,DVDs,a new puppy bed ,toys,collars and clothes.
    I donated them to the humane society thrift store.
    I too have to much stuff!

    1. Hello Savannah - good to see you. Oh you lucky duck on the warm weather. I know people who have started some seeds, but I think it is early here. I can't wait to get out in the dirt!
      Yay on saving the petunias and separating the amaryllis bulbs.
      I understand too much stuff!
      Have a lovely week.

  8. Sounds like a nice week, productive and healthy!

  9. Hi Cheryl, it is always good to see your weekly update and the antics of all the wildlife. Last week was sad for me, I put our 15 1/2 yr old dog to sleep as her health took a sudden turn for the worse. I knew she was getting near the end but it was very difficult. Our first dog. It also brought back a lot of memories of my husbands passing a bit over a year ago…so lots of grieving this week. I know it is normal and healthy and time heals all wounds. I also think finishing up the renovation on the condo this week also seemed to make this new home official. I am doing okay. And thank you again for your wise words, your adapting to a new life without Glen has bought comfort to many of us.. My new life is a good one, I just miss my old life occasionally. Otherwise, the renovation is basically done, have some furniture to consign and boxes to unpack. Weather here in Az is wonderful so no snow to shovel! Have a good week, Hilogene in Az.

    1. Hilogene, so sorry to hear about your dog. They become like a family member.

    2. I am so sorry you lost your doggy. That is a long time to have her. Huge hugs. Yeah life kind of stinks at times (really stinks), but we have to go on. I lost a total of 4 pets since G passed. It is so hard. I understand about adjusting to the new life - but also to missing the old one. I miss mine a lot. It is normal dear.
      I am glad you have your house the way you want it now. and are basically done. That is great. You need something enjoyable.
      Again hugs and I am so sorry.
      Try to have a good week.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hilogene, I am so, so, so sorry...I know how it feels. We lost three of our precious dogs in two months recently...It was soooo hard. You have been through a lot and I can only imagine how it all feels and how you must miss your life the way it was. I'm praying for you, Hilogene, our pets are our children sure enough. God be with you in a mighty and loving way...My prayers are with you. ~Amelia

  10. Taking care of business as usual here. We cleaned more in Dad's office, workshop, and pole barn. Timmy came and took off trash yesterday and had his pickup bed full of trash. It's nice to see it go, but it is still just a small part of what needs to go. Sounds like a very quiet week for you. We had warm temperatures here too, but they say the end of this week the cold will return. Sounds like all the animals in your neck of the woods are frisky. LOL WAe had vultures hanging around yesterday and figured there was a dead animal in the woods. UGH

    I hope you have a wonderful Lord's day, Cheryl.

    1. It sure feels good when you get rid of clutter. I bet dad had a lot of stuff packed in there. It will take time - just do what you can. Up and down temps - I guess that is Feb.
      Yep, it is frisky time around here for many animals!! LOL
      Yuck, I don't even like the looks of vultures.
      Have a great week.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. We had a week of temps in the mid-50s to mid-60s and plenty of sun here in SW PA. Crocuses are blooming, daffodils are up, and the birds are singing Spring songs. I took advantage of the weather and walked the trail 3 days this week, including 3.4 miles today. Snow predicted for Tuesday night as we return to our regularly scheduled Winter.

    After 11 straight days of driving in to visit Husband, I took Friday and today off. In addition to much needed grocery shopping on Friday, I cleaned out the mud porch (dumping ground) and got rid of a large bag of garbage. Also donated some miscellaneous household items. I don't know where all the junk comes from! Today I finished 2 NICU quilts and went through my fabric bins. I will be returning a lot of fabric to the PL workshop tomorrow. I'm slowly but surely getting it down to a more reasonable level. I washed the living room windows and dusted the screens; a chore that should have been done last Fall.

    Husband is doing well in the new Broda wheelchair. I make sure his legs are elevated on the days I see him. The swelling has already gone down somewhat, and he no longer complains of pain in his feet. I bought him a clock designed for people with dementia. It has the time, day of the week, time of day (morning, afternoon, etc.) and full date. I also brought in a whiteboard so I can display the next day/date I plan to visit. I'm hoping it will help him be less anxious about when he will see me.

    After 9 days in the hospital, my mother was finally released yesterday. The delay was due mostly to getting the memory care facility to take her back. She refused to do PT and OT, and with her level of dementia, I question whether it would be of much value anyway. She didn't break any bones when she fell; the facility wanted her to improve her gait because she is a fall risk. Once a person gets to a certain level of dementia, falls are inevitable. The brain, eyes and body simply do not work together any longer. Fortunately, she is back in the memory care facility, as the only other option would have been a skilled nursing facility at over twice the expense.

    I baked brownies and made taco meat Friday, and have 2 baking potatoes in the oven. Froze most of the meat, had a taco salad and plan to have a taco baked potato this week. Will have the other potato with baked tilapia tonight. Cheryl, your Mexican wrap sounds good. I might have to make a version of that myself (olives instead of corn).

    Wishing everyone a good week!

    1. I like that - our regularly scheduled weather!!!! LOL. For sure.
      You have been busy gal. I think it is good you took a couple day break - I am sure your body needed it, even if busy at home. You need breaks too.
      It sound like your hubby is doing good - love that the chair has helped and the swelling and pain are leaving. I love the idea of that clock! I didn't know they made such a thing. That is pretty cool. You got this thing down - I love it. Smart thinking.
      Well, I hope you mom improves and I hope she stays safe. It is so difficult once dementia has set it. Things are just different. I hope they can keep her from falling again.
      Sounds like you have gotten into cooking for yourself and I am glad. Olives would be good on that wrap - gosh you could use anything you like.
      Have a blessed week!

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    3. Frances, I love day clocks! I had bought two for my mom and I made sure she has one in her room right now at our daughter's and I have one here too for her. I kind of enjoy it actually, I have it setting in my kitchen. I bought my mom's from Amazon.

      You have a lot on your plate, it's good you are also getting things done at home too. I'm so thankful your husband's swelling is improving. Praying for you, Frances. ~Amelia

  13. A full week, this first full week of Feb. My cousin brought supper on Sun - loaded fries - to enjoy after the card game. I did purchase a used 4x4 truck, badly needed on this rural property. I just learned from friends that dealerships are reluctant to have vehicles paid for in cash; they want the interest $$. I'm glad I found a private seller. The Home Routes concert on Wed was a success with a good turnout & excellent performers. A house concert is a 3-day affair - prepare, execute, then clean up. It's kind of like operating a B&B. I got mom for her lab work & CXR on Fri; she had to be out of her room at the assisted living lodge while er room was being deep cleaned. She tolerated it all pretty well. She will be 91 next week. My SIL's BD was celebrated with dinner out & a concert featuring the music of The Platters. Fun. And today, my granddaughter's ringuette game. I'm ready for a day at home tomorrow. Have a good week, Cheryl.

    1. Good golly Ms. Mona you had a busy, busy week. I'm tired just reading about it. Glad you got the vehicle - I am sure that will be a big help. Hey, if I get another car - they better take my cash - cause this gal isn't financing either.
      All the concerts and music events sound fun.
      Hope you get a day or two of rest. Sounds like you could use it.
      Have a great week.

  14. Thank you Cheryl, the scripture was so appreciated! I'm going to write it in my notebook this week to remind myself. I hope blessings for all the ladies.
    That dental work had me cringing! Hoping for a good outcome.
    I'm glad the chair is helping Frances husband, it was good she took a few days off. Everyone needs time to catch their breath.
    I saw daffodils blooming here for the first time today.
    Today my only son turned 31, and it was the 21st anniversary of my Momma's passing. I miss her still. I actually bought myself a couple of live roses at the dollar store today. She would have loved the deep red one, the other was a pretty deep yellow tipped in plum. We always bought her roses, she loved them and I stood there looking at that pretty store display, and remembering her. It was a sweet moment, the grief is still there but it is not the agony of loss it used to be. I am hoping to root both of these roses. Annie

    1. Glad the scripture was appreciated and needed.
      Oh, to see blooming flowers will be a joy! Happy birthday to your son. Those anniversaries are always sad. We always miss our momma and daddies. My mom passed in 2001 and I still miss her so much. You said it eloquently - the grief is still there but it is not the agony of the loss it used to be. That is so true.
      Good luck rooting the roses. Enjoy them!
      Have a lovely week.

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  15. Hi Cheryl, it sounds like you had a productive week and that is nice. Contentment is a beautiful thing and you exhibit that. : )

    My mom is up and down but thank God she used my daughter's phone to call me and thanked me for some knit pants and t tops in pretty colors. She needed a smaller size in pants so Wally to the rescue! They have her on vitamin D and that seems to help thank the Lord. PT is coming today. I'm doing a lot of homework with various docs and such.

    You wrote with the scriptures in the prayer: "We lift our worries and sorrows to You." Amen...And if I would stop taking them back that would be good. God is so patient with me.

    I appreciate you! ~Amelia

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you - I am content.
      I am glad to see you post, was getting worried. Glad mom is doing better and could call you to boot. You dau/sil have their hands full. Bless their hearts.
      Vit. D is so very important. I take it, especially in the winter and darker months. I am in the outdoors a lot when it is warmer - so get it naturally. It sure can make a difference.
      God takes care of us - never doubt that. Prayers for you and your family.
      Have a blessed week.

    3. Hi Elise and Cheryl, there was a good reason I was on your mind, this weekend was a crazy time and it's really bothering me, mom was going up and down, acting really bizarre and one night up over ten times at my daughter's home. Thank God she slept most of the night last night, they gave her 3 mg of Melatonin, and the Vitamin D is a large dose just like the dose her nutritionist had given at the beginning for 2 weeks and then he tamps it back down. And one nurse who came out was a bit know-it-all but ended up okay but a bit concerning when you know how these people can be but daughter took care of it well, she cracks me up, a tiny little gal who was very ill herself at one time and has a lot of knowledge on things now, she speaks her mind with wisdom. Some nurses have no knowledge of side effects and our daughter said it was so funny, when she showed this particular nurse the side effects on paper and the nurse read aloud to herself the horrible side effects of a psychotic med.

      It's been *very* stressful. But today was good with the PT girl. She was sweet in how she handled things. And thank God I found a doc not too far to at least get things straight with and discuss meds and such who doesn't think natural medicine is voodoo who is balanced. The Lord actually reminded me of him the other morning! Mother had gone to him years back, he's a Christian, a fellow homeschool dad and young enough to be around for awhile and handles elderly well. I remember the little lad's big brother, another doc, was actually friends with him and had good things to say on how he handled the past few years, the little lad used to come in handy for these kinds of things. Haha. And I don't believe the doctor's in a giant office with a roster of other doctors. I had taken our eldest daughter to him once for a boil years ago when mother went to him and he was very sweet so thank God, thank God! Plus he's getting her in in a couple of weeks, not June! Can you gals imagine? Especially when the nurse is drilling us about meds?! We're not happy with the blood thinner nor the exhorbitant cost either, the pharmacist assured us there were others much more economical if necessary, so I think this can be discussed pleasantly with this doctor. It is a battle out there for sure...Motives everywhere. We must be so very careful.

      God has gone before us, He is soooo faithful. Yes, Cheryl, God sure does take care of us. I appreciate the encouragement so very much, it warms my heart and helps me feel supported by friends. (((((((supertight hugs))))))) ~Amelia

    4. Yes, Amelia, He DOES go before us. As an update/prayer request, Sis has finally found/settled on a good place that's very nearby for our mom. It *is* memory care adjacent to a regular nursing care/rehab place.

      They've lived in that small town for years. A guy who works at the post office will help my BIL move a recliner and TV over, family pictures, and whatever else to make the place feel familiar. Friends will pitch in, too, and visit mom regularly. It's been coming a long time and everyone there knows it. Still, this is hard on my Sis. Please pray her heart will be at peace with the decision.

      Thank you in advance. --Elise

  16. Oh Elise, you can count on my to pray! It sounds like they have some true-blue friends too, that is wonderful. I'll pray for the entire situation and especially your sister and mom. That is so very hard and agonizing.

    Our daughters and I have been very affected by my mom lately. My husband too...But he's not as tempted to worry as we are. I will say God answers those prayers though and that gives me great Peace in times of uncertainty when I go back to what He has done. But yes...I so get it, I truly understand. God be with you all during this transition and may God send angels to minister to your family, may the Lord show Himself in very special ways.

    A hug. ~Amelia
