Sunday, February 25, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 2/25

 Hello to all.  Here we are on the last Sunday of the month AGAIN! Daylight hours getting longer each day.  Less super cold and more warmer days (at least here).  Flowers are popping up here and there.  I have daffodil greenery about 4" above ground.

The bed sure felt good this morning.  I have had a few nights of some really strange dreams - not sure where this stuff comes from.  I was laying there this morning all relaxed, and the kitties kept trying to get my attention - then I felt this gentle patting of a paw on my nose!!!  "Mom - it's breakfast time!!"  LOL.  Yep - you know when it's time to get up!

We had a really nice weather week for the most part.  Rain (lots of rain) came in and boom it got cold again.  Saturday morning we had very cold temps and flurries!  That after a couple days before we were in the upper 60's!  We are warming again, then another day or two of coolness.  At least the colder days are less.  The moon has been big and bright the past several evenings (when I could see it).

                                                                        Nature's beauty
This past week:
  • I had a long lunch one day with grade school chums - BJ's Brewhouse.  So much laughter and memories (about 25 of us)
  • Checked all the fluids in my Blazer and cleaned all the windows (here at home)
  • Flea meds for the kitties (had on hand)
  • Lots of laundry - used dehumidifier water in a load
  • Got to air the house a few times
  • Received a lovely gift in the mail from a friend
         A lovely devotions book, 64 assorted tea bags, and a sweet magnet!  Thank you Laurie!!!!!
  • Froze parts of 2 different meals made this week - for later
  • NO grocery shopping at all - "shopped" from pantry instead
  • Cleaned my jewelry
  • Cooked up a pound of ground beef and froze half for another time
  • Using pantry and freezer for meals - tried using all odds and end up in some way
  • Finally organized and straightened the upright freezer a bit.  Found some items I forgot about - I am good on most items.  Feeling blessed.
  • Used a jar recipe I had for blue berry muffins.  I chopped and added the last few strawberries I had and added them.  Instead of making muffins - I made it like a cake.  So tasty to have on hand
  • Had a REALLY long conversation with sis this week and got caught up
  • Just doing all the normal things we all do around the home
Meals this past week:
Leftover beans & rice and sauteed portobella mushroom strips
Loaded nachos
'Stoup' from freezer and added leftover nacho cheese to it - crackers
Out to eat
French bread pizza using what I had on hand
Fish sandwich, oven fries and side salad
Baked spaghetti, side salad
SNACKS - fruit, strawberries & ice cream, nuts, cheese, muffin cake

I have extra French bread pizza and baked spaghetti in the freezer now for another day!

How was your week?  Did you get any deals?  Are you getting any 'better' weather than all the winter nastiness?  Spring cleaning?  It is less than a month until it is spring here in the northern hemisphere.  Some count March 1 as meteorological spring.  It won't be long.  Of course, many of us have the unappreciated time change coming up soon as well!

Debby and Frances thinking about you both!  Please check in.  

I hope this finds each and every one safe and healthy.  May you have a great week ahead.
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

Dear Lord, thank You for our many blessings.  Please continue to be with us, as we need You in our lives daily.  None of us are perfect, and we slip and fall from time to time, and need You there when we get back up and go forward once again.  Hold our hands and continue to place Your loving hands upon us all.   AMEN


  1. It is always a treat to have a really long conversation with my sister so I know you enjoyed yours! And how fun to get to keep meeting with all the old friends! I love the kitty patting your nose story. Yesterday when we were out we noticed trees blooming way too early. I hate it when they do that and then get frozen back. My daffodils are up and blooming. I am always wishing I could bring in a vase full but I cannot stand the smell of them. Just me I guess!

    1. It is so comforting to have those long conversations. Yes, I have a group from high school (includes some of those from grade school) and a grade school group. I just love that "us kids" have kept in touch.
      I know, weather gets wonky each year, and we always have some things bloom too early. I hate that. Wow, on blooming already - that does seem early.
      Have a wonderful week.

  2. Cheryl, You are welcome. I'm glad you like everything. My kitty always taps my face in the morning, are you awake Mom? I'm hungary! We have had a couple of sunny days here, just cold in the mornings. Yesterday we went and picked up our taxes. And visited some with the gal and her husband. They know quite a few of the same people that my hubby knows since they all lived in the same town. Then we went and placed a deposit on a half of beef for the fall. The price has gone up this year but we know where it's coming from and it's grass fed. Today I'll be taking advantage of the nice afternoon to open the house up a bit.
    *Thank you for the very nice prayer this morning.

    1. I loved it all. Can't wait to try some of the teas!
      Those kitties are such a hoot. I think it is the sweetest thing to be tapped awake! Hope all went well with the taxes - I need to get that done soon.
      YAY on the beef. That is great - you will be set and like you said - you know where it came from.
      Each your day!
      Have a blessed week.

  3. I'm so glad you're getting out a bit and spending a little time with old friends. It always rejuvenates me a bit. Your meals all sound so good.
    Every cat we've ever had woke us up in the mornings for food except Binx. He likes food and has a healthy appetite, but he doesn't seem to care much if his bowl is empty. He also rarely even meows.
    Enoy your Sunday and have a wonderful week.

    1. This past year has kind of been my awakening from such a slump in my world/life. It is enjoyable to see them all.
      Oh, you are lucky Binx isn't all too demanding! Mine wake me, meow at me while I am in the bathroom, and run to the kitchen and holler until I fill their bowls! How soon they get into a routine.
      Thanks. Have a great week.

  4. Encouraging devotional! It is comforting to know that the Father is with us always.

    Good for you getting out with longtime friends! We have a BJ's down the road from us.

    The weather bounces around this time of year. Looks like rain is predicted for a couple days this week (but that can always change).
    We do have some hyacinths popping up. I haven't been in the front gardens to check for other bulbs coming up.

    Awww, cute little kitty letting you know it was time for breakfast. It's like he was saying, "Okay, you've slept long enough. Time to feed us!".

    1. Thank you and yes mam - He is always there.
      That was my first time at BJ's, it was pretty good and reasonable.
      Yeah, the weather just keeps roller coastering on us. I need to do a good walk-about this week and check growth.
      Even at dinner time - if I don't get dinner at a certain time - they come and stare at me. I swear them little buggers wear watches.
      Have a wonderful week.

  5. Our area is very similar to yours, Cheryl. Rain and then turning cold again, and daffodil greens about 4 inches up from the ground, and big, bright moon most nights.

    Your meals sound good, especially adding nacho cheese to your stoup. Yum!

    We continue to declutter here, as you know, and got rid of some big stuff this week, which makes me very happy.

    I hope you have another good week, Cheryl.

    1. The weather will straighten out one of these days - I guess it keeps us on our toes!
      I sure didn't want to waste the nacho cheese - so it just sounded like a good idea to mix it in. It was good!
      I am so glad you are making such great progress on the decluttering - gosh you are finding goodies along the way as well.
      Thanks. You have a great week too.

  6. A week without shopping is a good week!
    With spring and gardening in the near future, I enjoyed watching a youtube video about the importance of organic farming and reminded myself to produce as much of my food as I can using organic methods. Here is a link should anyone wish to watch it.
    It's snowing today. We did our first boil of sap yesterday and made 3 pints of maple syrup. I think it will be a good year for syrup with such an early start.
    Enjoy your Sunday, everyone.

    1. Yes, I talked myself out of going a few times. It is nice to get out - but I just didn't need a thing.
      I do organic gardening as much as possible too. My dad got me started on that years ago. He was ahead of his time I think.
      Thanks for the link. I will check that out.
      Fresh maple syrup - oh be still my heart! Goodness that has to be wonderful. I sure hope you have great success and get lots of sap!
      Hope your snow melts soon. Have a wonderful week.

  7. Wouldn't it be fun to make syrup? I think that is so neat.
    Walnuts are a 'hard nut to crack' jokingly and literally. They are really a pain - yet the squirrels have no problems.
    Good Lent project. It is kind of fun getting imaginative with things using what you have. I found some things I forgot about, so that it is fun.
    Yep, the weather is crazy. Soon it will be much warmer.
    Have a great week.

  8. You could tap a tree or two and drink the sap. I'm sure it has some good minerals. It has a very slight sweet taste. I always freeze several containers for my kids to enjoy when they visit later in the year. We have spigots but you can fit a tubing section into the drilled hole and let it run into a bucket on the ground. drill at a slight angle upward.
    If you have black walnuts, I understand. We have one black walnut tree that produces a few nuts and each one is very precious to my husband who grew the tree from a nut. He hates nuts but always preps them for my use.
    Congrats on the grocery challenge!

  9. Wow Rita, your husband grew the whole tree from an actual nut. That’s really impressive.

  10. It's a beautiful day here except for the will blow you over! Stuck inside we moved back the oven and cleaned behind there.
    We are scheduled for more 60 degree weather and I love it! Anybody could get used to it for sure! Glad you had fun with your friends!

    1. We had a pretty day as well. Breezy - hope your wind dies down soon.
      Yes, got to love the 60's - I could sure get used to it!
      Thanks. Have a good week.

  11. It's been back to normal for me this week after a few nights away last week. I seem to have run around like a crazy lady, starting a million things and getting none finished. Meals were all boring ,standard, easy ones, a lot pulled from the freezer, and last night was a " finish it up" night just to use up all the leftovers. Tonight we are having a roasted lamb shoulder with a few vegetable sides, that I found in the murky depths of the freezer. While it was nice to find it, it has made me realise that I am just not on top of keeping track of things.And knowing what you have, and making sure you use it well is a big part of being frugal, right?
    I hope you have a lovely week Cheryl, take care. Louise.

    1. Glad you are getting a bit of a down time and can maybe catch up at home. It is frustrating never feeling that things get accomplished.
      Boring and standard is OK. It is nourishment and fills the belly - not all meals have to be special. I know - going through my freezer was enlightening - I need to use some stuff up. You are so right, if we have it, we need to use it, that is frugal!
      Thank you. You have a great week. Please tell Linda I said hello!

    2. I will tell her, and she will appreciate that. It’s been a tough week for her.

  12. Used up lots of bits and bobs, though there is still a great deal in the freezers that need using.
    Worked on making sure I was following my challenge to myself of shopping at home first.
    Added a new frugal habit to my repertoire this month and since it worked so well I will be continuing it. Planning another for next month.

    God bless

    1. It is so good to use up all those bits. Just wise. I have been doing that more this month than I have in a long time - my stocks have not depleted!
      I love that you are adding new frugal habits to you life. That is wonderful.
      Have a blessed week.

  13. Last full week in Feb. The days fly by. The new year has been fraught with deaths in my community; two more this week making eight in total. Some were folks who'd lived long lives; some not. When you've lived in the same community for ~ 7 decades, some of these community members are like family. It just makes me all the more determined to engage in life. I got in 9 mi of walking this week. And the basement got vacuumed. And the mattress got turned. Those were the big accomplishments of the week. I've just returned from my youngest granddaughter's ringuette tournament where the team won the provincial championship in their league. Happy times for them. I was introduced to a new massage therapy called Bowen Therapy. Reviews are mixed but I felt much relief of aches & pains. In the kitchen: green salad w/ chicken, carrot pineapple muffins, baked trout, artichoke lemon pasta.

    1. Yes, the month has just flown by. Goodness, that is a lot of deaths in one community. So sorry for your losses. Neighbors can become like family.
      Good for you for making yourself more active. That is fantastic. Don't over do it though. The massage sounds heavenly. I still need to do that.
      Yay, that your granddaughter was on the championship team!
      Have a great week.

  14. I had a friend that had a huge black walnut tree in her back yard that was started by an actual nut by her daughter. They did it as a science thing in first grade and her daughter was about 20 when I visited. It was a huge tree! Nuts would be every where!

  15. Popping in to say hi. I can't remember the last time I posted. I feel like I was sick all of February. I had a stomach bug, about a 3 day break, and then some strange head cold hybrid. It presented entirely as a bad head cold. Normal stuff, sinus pressure, etc. But then, a few days in, the fever and shivers kicked in. And with them, night sweats! The kind that literally soak your jammies and you have to change. That was very flu like. So what am I recovering from? Who knows?! And now everything is starting to sprout so I suspect I'm also dealing with allergies!! In any case, I'm tired and sneezy.

    With this bizarro weather, I'm wondering if we should be expecting a freak March blizzard lol. It's supposed to be 78° today! On Saturday I sat on the patio with bare feet!

    Anyway, I have leftover breakfast that I'm going to make into a burrito for lunch.

    Hope everyone is well!

    1. Hey kiddo - good to see you post. So sorry that you have been so sick - bummer. It sounds like it knocked you for a loop. Glad you are finally doing better. Gosh, I hate being sick.
      I have seen snow here in IN in May, so nothing would surprise me. 70's here today and tomorrow - then cold again for a couple.
      Take care and get to 100%!!
      Have a good week.

  16. Happy Tuesday! I've had some really strange dreams lately too! I didn't have to shop this week either! I did a big grocery trip a few weeks ago and I still have plenty left to choose from. I did a "paper goods" stock up too, which I like to do at the beginning of a new month. I stock up on toiletries, paper goods, detergents, etc. so that during the week, if I need anything, it's just food. Pet your cute little kitties for me :) Have a blessed week!

    1. Morning! Strange dreams are just off putting. It has been a good week now of every night - weird. Wonder what is in the air!!
      Good for you - it is a nice feeling to not need much if anything.
      Thank you - I will pet them!
      Have a great one.

  17. Some days are almost 80F. No deals in ads. Pooh on that.

    1. Wow, 80*. That is warm - but I would be happy for it.
      St. Pat Day and Easter coming up - so ads should get a little better soon.
      Have a good week.

  18. (Little Penpen) what a sweet gift from your friend! We are finally back to normal from having Covid a couple weeks ago and I had eyelid surgery on Friday. I feel so behind on things, but our weather is supposed to be warm this week. I hope to just be and enjoy!

    1. Thank you - yes, she is a sweety.
      Og goodness, what a couple of weeks. Sorry you have been sick. Hope you are feeling much better. Hope all goes well with healing from the eyelid surgery.
      Take care and just enjoy the warmer weather. Stuff can wait!
      Have a good week.
