Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Using What You Have

 During any crafting or food making for the holidays - we don't have to spend a lot of money nor do we have to give away our precious jars in food gifts!!!!  Sure, if you are giving away your canning - you will be giving jars out.  Make sure to attach a little note if you want your jars back.  Make a cute little saying up about getting the jars back.  Jars are expensive - but sometimes I guess that is just considered part of the gift.

I have been making up jars of dry soup mix for gifts - and I am using other jars.  I keep all instant coffee jars I get, and I keep any glass or heavy plastic jars to re-use in some new way.  I don't need them back and the recipient can also use them if they choose.

The rounds ones are from Kroger instant and the squarish ones are from Aldi.  They work perfectly and hold the same as a quart jar!!!!!!
I also use other things.  I keep plastic packaging I get in produce dept. - especially if it is a container without holes in it.  They can be used for cookie, candies or even soup mixes.  Wrap tightly and nothing falls out!
I tilted the container as I added barley, rice and peas - to layer (and look pretty).  The little packet on top is seasoning in a sandwich bag.
I then slipped into a zip lock bag.  Now it didn't want to JUST slide in, so I snipped each side at zip lock.  Then in it went and I sealed the zip and turned it down on side and taped!  Nothing coming out until ready to use!  Instructions taped to the top.

Keep those Christmas card fronts - or any card for that matter.
The fronts make great gift tags, postcards, note sheets and really pretty ones can even be framed and used for decoration.  You can also make many holiday decorations for the tree with them.  Above is also a couple 'books' scrapbooking 'cards' that I have - and they too can be used in many ways.
Also, many nursing homes and even pre-schools like getting these for craft projects.
I like the idea of keeping the fronts and writing a nice sentiment on the back - and then taking to a nursing home.  They can be passed out to residents - they bring a smile - and it costs nothing.

You all remember the blankies I made last year for the little girls?  All made from scraps, material I had on hand and hankies.  Cost $0 - but loved.
This is some of what I am using to make Mile's blankie this year.  Gr. Gr. Uncle G's fleece jammie pants that I have kept.  I knew there would be something special I could use them for and then along came Miles.  The plaids are the jammies, and the other item is from my discarded clothing.  So he will be wrapped in Auntie and Uncle's love!

Instead of using paper plates for cookie or candy giving (they often are flimsy) - I like getting pretty dishes at thrift stores or yard sales for pennies.  They can be gifted and then the recipient can keep OR they can use to gift someone else.  Great way to upcycle.

There are so many things we can re-use in new ways, and they cost nothing.  Just get a little creative and your gift giving doesn't have to cost a fortune.  It will enjoyed and loved just as much or more than a generic store-bought item.
What are some of your recycle or upcycle ideas.  
Save a little money and give a lot of LOVE!!!!!!!!

Today's Christmas bit - a little memory

My original 45 record!  Children kitchen tools and mug used for hot chocolate as a child.


  1. I reuse jars all the time. Soup mixes were assembled yesterday. They're topped with a decorative fabric circle tied with ribbon. The sugar cookies are made, ready for decorating when I'm with my son's family at Christmas. I use old Christmas cards as well for gift tags. Seasonal containers are reused. I've given up on reusing gift wrap but do save bows & ribbons. I've been known to iron tissue paper for reuse. I enjoy the anticipation & preparation for this holiday.

    1. Good for you - you sound prepared. I reuse tissue paper and pretty boxes and bags a lot. No sense throwing away all that pretty stuff!

  2. That little mug set is darling! I still have a couple of 33s from my childhood. Mary Poppins is the oldest. Then comes The Partridge Family and Donny Osmond!

    Love your gift wrapping for food. As a glass jar hoarder, I have a nice stash in the basement.

    I was sorry to hear that you hit another pothole on the road of life. I say you wear a tinfoil hat to deflect the Whammies from attacking again! At the very least, you'll giggle when you pass a mirror or entertain the neighbors!! I have two things in my craft room. A pirate hat for when I'm cranky and a green plastic tiara, both I've worn outside by accident. Had a good laugh when I answered my front door and a utility worker with a quick whit said, "Ahoy, matey!"

    1. I keep lots of jars too. They are so handy.
      Yes, maybe I need a tinfoil hat!! Geesh. That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Right??
      I am hoping the whammies are done for a bit.

  3. Great ideas! I made gift tags from old Christmas cards yesterday and in that stack was the last card from my parents which I think I will make an ornament from for our tree. I like to buy and pass along thrift store plates for goodies, too.

    1. Love the idea of making an ornament from that last card. I have a couple of 'last' cards and keep trying to decide to frame or make an ornament.
      Those plates work so nicely, and it seems like more than just getting something on a paper plate!

  4. LOVE your gift ideas, Cheryl. Thank you so much for sharing them. I reuse my jars, too, but never thought of using them for gifts of soup mix. Awesome! And what a precious gift for Miles and good use of G's flannel pjs. Still love your blankies for the little girls, as I'm sure they do, too.

    Debby, I had to laugh at your hat story. I can just picture it! :-)

    1. Thanks - those jars are great gifters as well as just plain useful!
      I have one of the little gals - whose momma said she will not nap or go to sleep without her blankie! Makes my heart happy.

  5. Our eldest son and family are staying locally for a few days before Christmas. I used some of last year's Christmas cards to write easy forfeits for a pass the parcel. The children are 4, 8 and ten, there's also a mini chocolate with each. If we don't wreck the cards, I will wrap up another one for the adult grandchildren, partners and our daughter for Boxing Day. They can channel their inner child. Daughter and I have bought each other a Christmas novel each from a charity shop, fortunately not the same one.
    Love the memory blankets.

    1. Heather from the UK

    2. Such a cute idea. I love anything that brings out the inner child of an adult!!!!!! What a neat idea of buying the novels from secondhand shops. Maybe trade after you have each read!!!!

  6. I remember my mom used old Christmas card fronts to put on gifts. I thought that was terrible (for some odd reason.) I always bought the little gift tags. Guess what I am doing now? Using old Christmas cards. "Mom (in heaven) you were ahead of your time." Wish I could tell her...

    1. You just did!!!!!! I think of all the things my folks said or did that I thought was crazy! Now I do and say them. We are becoming them, or we are channeling them - it sure keeps their memory alive!!!!!!! You finally 'got it'!

  7. You are clever with your gift giving and I'm sure they are much appreciated!

  8. I use old cards as gift tags too! And sometimes paste them onto plain paper bags as decoration. Years ago I got pretty calendars and saved pretty little pictures from them and am still working my way through some. :) Also the thrift shop plates for Christmas goodies. Thrift shop cookie tins are great too, for larger gifts. But some cards I save - too precious to use - from people who have now gone home before me.
    MaryB in NC

    1. Good for you. I like the idea of using the calendar pictures!
      YES, tins - I get those too! I always keep and reuse pretty ones as well. Great for story homemade cookies and candy - till company shows up (or me)!
      Maybe frame those special cards (intact) - and preserve that memory.

  9. What a sweet sentiment to use the flannel jammies as a baby blanket.
    I do keep glass jars for use in the pantry, but have never made mixes as gifts. Mine are from spaghetti sauce and they are a nice sized jar too. Hmmm...I've been struggling with what to give my SIL.
    I don't receive (or send) many Christmas cards any more, but I have kept some special ones over the years. Using them as gift tags is a great idea.
    One of my annual Christmas routines is to bake for friends (couple). I fill the same cookie tin each year with half for him (shortbread) and half for her (Dundee cake this year). Every spring I get the tin back as it is defective (empty). I wonder how many more years we'll keep passing the tin back and forth. :)

    1. Smart people to return the tin for REFILLS!!!!!!!!
      Make up a couple nice jars mixes for SIL. Soup, cookie mix, brownies, etc. Just attach a card with instruction for wet ingredients and cooking instructions! Easy peasy and can sure be used!
      My late FIL - used to always return a tin from Rum balls and would say - "don't know what happened - it's empty". He loved those rum balls. Haven't made them since!

  10. Oh my. I'm laughing at Mary Poppins, The Partridge Family and Donny Osmond. Now I'll be humming Super calufragalistic Expea o dosis all day.
    We've taken old Christmas cards and let the kids cut and paste them to oval or rectangle shaped poster board. Then cover with clear tape for a holiday placemat. They come out very cute. We don't get many Christmas cards anymore. And at the price of a stamp, it's understandable.
    Off to Senior 10% off day at the grocery.
    Central Az

    1. Thanks for the heads' up on Senior 10% off day at the grocery store! Just made up a list to send Hubs out. I love your idea of kid-made holiday placements. I've always love Christmas cards, but each year we get less and less of them, though I still send them out. --Elise

    2. Great idea on the placemats. That sounds cute. I so thought Donny Osmond was a hotty!!! I usually get about 25 or so cards. Been that way for a few years - used to get lots more. I think that is about what I send too.
      Oh gosh, I wish our stores still did senior day - none of the groceries do that around here anymore.

    3. Elise, that pirate hat has been more fun! I originally bought it to decorate my Halloween pumpkin when my mom was still here. She wanted to wear it home from the party shop. We kept getting stopped at red lights next to carfuls of kids and they'd laugh and wave at her.

      BTW, my sympathy to you and your family for the loss of your MIL.

    4. Does anyone remember the little baskets made from crocheting Christmas card pieces? I still have one that a friend made me decades ago. She filled it with plastic wrapped snowball cookies. I loved that! I always recycle them. I most commonly use them for grocery lists on the clear side. They're nice and sturdy. I make envelopes from the pretty calendar pages and put a white address sticker on. They're very pretty.

      Ellie, I still know every single song on those albums by heart and I haven't listened to them in 50 years!! I must have driven my family bananas with the repetition. "Because I was afraid to speak when I was just a lad, me father gave me nose a tweak and told me I was bad. Then one day I learned a word that saved me achin' nose, the biggest word you ever heard and this is how it goes, Ohhh, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious..." 😂

    5. Debby I remember those baskets! They were a big thing back in the day. I think mom may have made some.
      Geez guys, now that song is in my head!!!!!! LOL

    6. I remember seeing those baskets when I was a kid, Debby, and I often get a song running through my head. Sunday it was "Those Were The Days My Friend." Youngest son was here and said he always thought it was just a saying. I found it on You Tube and played it for him... from an Ed Sullivan Show in 1968!!

      Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. With modern technology, we were able to be at the small, private graveside service via Zoom yesterday, thanks to Hub's uncle and youngest sister. --Elise

  11. Senior Day was a zoo! The store was packed. Bought soda 4/$12.00 on 6-packs. It didn't LOOK like the price came up right, but the cashier assured me, no it did! Checked my receipt, nope. Had to stand in line at customer service. The customer service person obviously didn't believe I had purchased correctly because she left her station and walked to the soda aisle to check. Me and the 6 people behind me waited. She came back inspected my purchases, inspected my receipt and admitted she had no idea why I was charged the price on my receipt. Over six dollars overcharged. But I was embarrassed to make everyone wait and I didn't have a song in my heart. So much for super califragilitis. Boo!
    Did get my meat for Christmas at 10% off. NOW I should sing.
    I home! No more crowds!
    Central Az
    Ps. EM. I hope hubs experience was better than mine.

    1. Isn't that the most aggravating? I hate when that happens and then people have to wait. Sometimes I catch it in line and then all waiting to check out have to wait. Yep, that is a boo.
      Glad you got your holiday meat purchase cheaper!!!! Yay, for a win!

    2. It's always a zoo on Senior Day and Military Day here, Ellie, but the staff is excellent. That 10% off adds up! Sorry about your soda price mix up. Hubs got the beef & breakfast sausage sales, produce at 97 cents per pound, cereal, eggs, yogurt and salsa w/digital coupon sale prices, and he surprised me with a couple of bakery treats. Total order savings of 50%.

      Since our son is 30 minutes away (with only dollar stores and an expensive market in his area), we buy extras on Senior Day for him to get him the lowest prices. --Elise
      P.S. I'm grateful Hubs is willing to go solo, since sometimes it feels too people-y out there for me. I hate crowds.

  12. Oh I love those little layered dishes with the seasoning and recipe on top. I would be thrilled to get that for a gift!!

    1. I love getting those kinds of things - although I don't get many. My family just loves these kinds of things.

    2. Well, Cheryl, you could always adopt your readers! :-D

  13. Would you please share your dry soup mixes in a jar recipes? Please??
    I have kept the round tin cookie containers over the years and reuse them for cookies and fudge every year. I have had some of them for quite a long time! Also, I’ve bought tea in tins and you can reuse for candy.
    Love your quilts! How special to make them out of a loved one’s clothes, or old hankies!
    Thanks for all your ideas!

    1. Sharing is my plan for Thurs. post!!!!!
      The tea canisters are great too. Herbs or candies - perfect.
      Thanks - I feel it will just leave a bit of us with our family. Someday, maybe they will talk about us (nicely) and that keeps memories alive.

  14. I think in all the years I have made quilts there are perhaps 3 I actually bought fabric especially for. Mine are usually scraps from clothes I made for myself, or those clothing items that are beyond repair. The sons actually bring me home any clothing that they no longer wear or like here are beyond repairing.

    I love to reuse the plastic containers you get from ice cream, yogurt and margarine. I use them (labeled of course) in the freezer to keep extra soups, sauces and other meals.

    God bless.

    1. Jackie, while all the designs in planned quilts and afghans are beautiful, I love the scrappy stuff most of all. My college roommate crocheted me a round Mandala afghan last year from her scraps and it is spectacular. Like a color explosion!
      My favorite quilt growing up was made from our family's old clothes. I wore it out.

    2. I am also a huge fan of scrappy quilts. They are just so pretty and they have memories and love in them!!!!! Great use for old clothing - heck our grandmas all did that. They had to had to use what they had.
      I keep many of those plastic containers as well. I used an old ice cream container on Thanksgiving to take the dessert I made - I had to laugh as the date on the lid was 2013!!!!! Yep, I keep those things and re-use often!

  15. Yes, some of those dates are good for a laugh. I keep an old glass jar for Bouillon cubes, doesn't let damp air in like plastic can, and the date on that is years ago, when bouillon cubes were sold in glass! :D

    Marmalade jars are good: They are glass with metal lids.
    MaryB in NC

    1. I love getting glass jars with metal lids - they are amazing. I buy in larger jars, and it keeps so nicely for ages in the jars.
      I am not a big advocate of dates!!!!! Most are there just to get us to spend more money in my opinion.

  16. I love these ideas! And all the gifts look beautiful. -Carol

  17. I was about to donate 3 plates and a bowl to my favorite charity thrift store when I realized I could use them for my items I'm contributing to our church's bale sale this weekend.

    I often make up my mixes at the same time I'm baking or cooking. I just fill up the jars while I already have the ingredients out.

    1. There you get go! That is a neat idea and someone will get a pretty extra when buying your goodies! That is an avenue I never thought of. I like that!
      Good idea to mix up the mixes when baking. You are already making a mess in the kitchen - might as well go for it.

    2. LOVE that Idea, Margaret. I think I'll do the same!

  18. It's a few weeks later. Wanted to share that our son wondered about my gift tags this year. They seemed very large to him. He laughed when I said they were free, just last year's cards, cut up. He's all about frugal, so appreciated what I had done.
    Also, Farmer made our youngest grandson a Busyboard for Christmas. He used the tabletop from their old table and we had been watching garage sales and store sales for bits and bobs to put on it. And old computer keyboard, old handheld phone, old pvc pipe for a ball shoot, old bike horn. Latches and door stoppers, push-on light. All the kids were delighted in it. Maybe it cost more than a boughten one, but this was personalized in every way. And a little bittersweet as it is probably the last grandbaby gift he'll get to make. No more babies planned and we will NOT start making any for the greats. (First one arriving in Feb.) We'll leave that to those grandparents.

  19. The blankie with the handkerchiefs is so cute....I bet Glen's jammies sure made a warm blanket for Miles.
