Thursday, October 12, 2023

Do It Anyway!!!!

 Happy Thursday to one and all.  I wish you each a wonderful day and one that allows you to accomplish the tasks you need to.
The weekend will be upon us in a flash - here is hoping that you get to enjoy it.
Today I want to share a little 'poem/thoughts' I came across while going through some of my old newsletters.  I think it kind of says it all.  
This was from a 2009 newsletter.

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, the final analysis, it's between you and God;
It was never about you and them anyway.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta

You can have what spiritual beliefs you desire - yet this is a good way to live.
If we do our best each and everyday - we are giving the best of ourselves.  Maybe it will wear on someone else, and they will do good as well.  One good thing leads to another.

Be the best you that you can be.
Have a wonderful day my friends.


  1. Great words of wisdom. Thank you for sharing them. Lynn Ewing

  2. I'm trying for the third time, but it won't publish. I'm fine, just busy. Hope you're all well!

    1. Good to "see" you, Debby. You've been on my mind. --Elise

    2. Was wondering about you - I have even had problems the past few days when answering posts!

  3. Very good words of wisdom there. There is another writing about dying to self, very similar. Yep, even when we are misunderstood or our advice is ignored, we must keep on going and die to self. Amen. Easier said than done many times too! Sometimes I just have to mentally walk off and say...Oh let them think what they want. My Italian grandma would say very similar to what you shared too, just do good and don't worry about it.

    Thank you, Cheryl for sharing that, good stuff. : )

    I hope you have a great day, our little Muffie is sure having some ups and downs...More downs these days. Everything is a bit overwhelming it seems for me right now.

    God bless you Cheryl, ~Amelia

    1. "Just do good and don't worry about it." Yes, THAT.

      Prayers for little Muffie and for you, Amelia. --Elise

    2. You are welcome. Times and people are just different in my opinion. Everyone gets so put off these days. Well, all I can do is to be me - they don't like it - I don't care much.
      Prayers for Muffie and hoping it all turns out well. Poor baby.

    3. Thank you so much, Elise. I'm feeling very tired and worn today. Muffie could sure use your prayers too, he's very weak today.

    4. Cheryl, yes, very true. I'm much like that too. Thank you for prayers for Muffie, he's quietly sleeping in his little bed in the living room my vintage Nat King Cole music cd quietly singing from the kitchen. It broke my heart I walked over to check on the little guy and the side of his face was in a puddle of throw-up...Broke. My. Heart. I gently cleaned him with some pet bath wipes I had bought and he stayed resting. It's very quiet here.

    5. Muffie passed away this morning at the vet's office, just unbelievable. He was crying out at 2am and it went back and forth and became worse...More later. Prayers please.

    6. So sorry for your loss, Amelia. Another loss. Definitely praying for you, sweet lady. (((Hug))) --Elise

    7. Amelia, my heart goes out to you. God gives us our animal companions for what seems like such a short time here on earth, but I know we will in time be with them forever in heaven.

    8. Oh Amelia I am so sorry - I just saw this. So much to go through in such a short time. It is tough, I understand. Know your baby is safe with God and you WILL see him again some day. We have these sweet babies for just a short time in our lives - but the love they give us is so precious and always remembered. Unconditional love. Hugs.

    9. Dear Elise, Frances and Cheryl, thank you friends, so very much, you can't imagine how meaningful your sweet replies are to me this morning, your replies literally brought tears to my eyes. Little Muffie has taken a huge part of me with him for now...He found us in '07. Yes, that little fella is in Heaven waiting.

      God bless you, sweet friends. You just don't know what your replies mean.... *tears* (((hugs back))) ~Amelia

    10. What a wonderful long life with loving parents!!

  4. Very timely post for me today. Husband is back in the hospital since last night, and I have some very difficult decisions to make in the next few days about his care. Him being at home is not working. I know I will be judged for whatever I do, most harshly by myself

    1. Frances, sending support for your upcoming decisions. I am 67 and been through this and watched family members go through similar decisions about supporting an ailing family member. In my experience, no matter what you do, someone, including your husband, will always find fault and be angry. I think the anger often gets directed to the caregiver since they are the closest target. Please understand that being able to admit you cannot care for him at him is an honest and rationale evaluation, not a statement about how much you care. My mother, great aunt and brother all very very ugly about the transition but we could no longer care for them at home. All the best, Hilogene in Az

    2. Hilogene said it best, Frances. You're still in my thoughts and prayers every day. (((Hug))) --Elise

    3. Thank you, Hilogene. I've been praying this morning for discernment to make the right decisions. Everything God has sent my way this morning has made me realize that caring for him physical needs at home is no longer an option. Your words help give me the strength to follow through with the decision. God is truly hitting me upsides the head with a 'clue-by-four' and I'm finally getting the message. I have to do what is best for both of us regardless of how hard it is or what anyone else thinks.

    4. I am sorry he is back in the hospital - I pray for you both every day. Yes mam, Hilogene said it perfectly!!!!!!!
      You are correct. YOU will judge yourself more than others will. No need to - you are human and can only do so much dear!

      I remember when mom passed, she wanted to be home so badly, at the end. I was working full time and had my husband and home, and had 3 other siblings here in town. One went on vacation, 2 were on the road for a week trucking with their job - and I could not do it by myself. She was very bad at this point. Mom went in temporarily to a facility (for 1 week) and she was mad at me because of it. I know she has forgiven me now - but it sure was a tough thing to do. She didn't get to go back home.
      You do what is right for you and him.
      Yes, Hilogene hit the nail on the head that, he may blame you or get snippy or mad - that is 100% normal. They pick on those closest to them for some reason.
      HUGE hugs and many prayers. You will do what is right. Please keep us informed.

    5. Frances, no one else may understand your decisions but they should respect them. God bless both you and your husband, stay strong. Louise

    6. I will pray, Frances. You must be so tired and worn now. When my mil came home from the hospital a year or so ago (she's nearing 100 now), Visiting Angels was a good company to send people to help at home, they weren't that outrageous in cost, surprisingly. You probably don't have much time but there is a youtube lady, she is going through much of the same that you are with her husband, Moosie. The channel is Nanny and the Moose. She did one last week where she was talking about the emotions and emotional outbursts she was having with the hospital and hospital doc dropping the ball on things with therapy etc. She shares how she broke down with their personal physician over the phone. She is usually very upbeat but was very honest on that video, she was saying how she just couldn't do it herself, you may find it interesting what solutions she comes up with.

      I'm praying for you, Frances. God be with you, may you feel His care and love. ~Amelia

  5. Offering strength to you, Frances, as you face these challenges. Prayers.

  6. Lovely! Thank you, hilogene in Az

  7. Thank you,Cheryl! The right way to live! If we all did that the world would be a good and peaceful place to live!

    Frances, until others have walked in your shoes they can't understand. I had to out my parents in nursing care as my father had terminal cancer and my mom had dementia. It was Dads idea but I knew I couldn't provide the care they needed. You really find out who your friends are then. By making sure he has care he needs you ate loving him the best! Hugs!

    1. Yes mam - it would be a lovely world.

      Thanks for your words to Frances as well. Your last sentence says IT ALL!!!!! We have troubles with these decisions because we love so much - but the BEST love is making sure they are properly cared for!!

  8. Love that poem by Mother Teresa. Thank you for sharing it, Cheryl. It's also good to remember the best we can do is the best we can do on any given day. Some days that's just getting basics done. We're not all powerful.

    As you all know, my big Sis is caregiver to our mom, who is 91, frail and has Alzheimer's. If/when she reaches her limits of being able to handle the needs, I support her 100% in whatever decision she makes, including nursing/memory care if it comes to that. Many of us were raised with a belief that we *ought* to be able to handle anything, and if we can't, we're somehow weak. That's not true. It takes strength to recognize what we can't do, and to seek help.

    Seems most everyone here is going through the stuff of life. Many of us aren't spring chickens anymore. We just do our best each day, whatever that is. Thank you again, Cheryl, for always offering encouragement. --Elise

    1. You are welcome.
      Yes mam, we are only human and can only do so much. We have no idea what others go through on a daily basis, and should never ever judge their decisions. Caregiving is the hardest and most thankless job on the planet. And yes it is a JOB! It is tough. So tough.
      With decision making, we need to give ourselves grace and understanding - we are doing what is right at that very moment! All we can do.

  9. I like the good anyways and be happy anyway! They are all good thoughts - these just particularly stood out to be this morning! Thanks for sharing!

    1. You are welcome. I am glad this helped some folks.

  10. Beautiful. And so very true. Thank you for this, Cheryl.

  11. Thank you for sharing. I needed to read this today. :-)

    1. Thanks for this today Cheryl, I have forwarded this to to friend who is having a bit of a tough time, hopefully it will lift her spirits and give her a much needed kick in the rear. Louise

    2. You are more than welcome Louise. I hope your friend gets some good from it.

  12. Thank you everyone for the prayers, advice and support. Cheryl, I'm sorry to hijack the comments again. Your beautiful post is about so much more than caregiver problems.

  13. Well said, Forgive them anyway. That's the key or it could eat you alive.

    1. Ye indeed. That would take care of a lot of personal problems and those of the world.

  14. Great words to live by.

    God bless.
