Sunday, October 29, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up 10/29

 Happy Sunday to all.  I do hope this finds you all well and safe.  Here we are in the last few days of yet another month - ever closer to the holidays and the start of another new year!!!!!  Just seems crazy.

We had a luscious week of weather here!!!  It was so lovely - warm, breezy and pretty.  Heat off, windows open.  I even slept with the window open and the fan on several nights.  Well, that has come to a grinding halt.  It is wet, wet, wet this morning.  Rained all night and more rain later today - and the temps are a falling!  We have 3 or so nights this coming week that we are to get below freezing.  Then it warms a bit again.  UGH!  So not ready for winter - just not my season at all!
I had a really good week this past week.  I kept busy, visited with friends and had some family come by as well.
The 'chicken' lady in the alley - had a big clean-up done outside and inside her privacy fence.  She put the fence up and we were all happy - it looked so nice - well then she never mowed or trimmed behind it EVER!  (it is backset from the alley maybe 15') It looked like a woods.  (also a trash magnet).   It looks wonderful now after a guy worked all day back there.  He even leveled the ground, put down weed barrier and spread gravel!!!  He had quite an assortment of attachments for his little dozer.  Inside fence must have been as bad - as he bush-hogged in there as well!!  I don't think she has chickens anymore - haven't heard them.  What a mess.  I just don't understand people and how they choose to live. (she is much younger than me and gets around good and owns the property).  At least it looks nice now and it is much safer for everyone!!!  You could have hidden a small army behind the trees and weeds.  Can't even imagine what she paid to have that done!

This week:
  • Made a small batch of stew.  YUM!  Ate on it a couple times and froze the rest
  • Using the fall scent candles (had on hand) - love those scents
  • Cleaned out the chest of drawers that G used.  His clothes have been gone - but it was full of kinds of stuff.  I trashed a lot - no idea why we either kept, and donating a bunch.
  • Found $30 in ones
  • Started doing a deep clean on the living room shelves (oh the dust) and getting rid of knick-knacks that have no sentimental meaning.  Things I got at yard sales and no longer enjoy.
  • Got rid of some scrap metal - it was gone within minutes of setting it out!
  • Scrubbed down the outside of shed - mossy looking
  • Still eating red/green tomatoes
  • Picked the final last small green toms - probably about 15
  • Did a little more yard work
  • Went to lunch with friends from grade school.  It was supposed to be about 8 gals - and there were 20!  The gal that set it up - knew of my birthday and 2 others - all right together - and got lots of people to show and celebrate!!!  How cool!
                                                I got a little cake and a trick or treat goody!
  • I received a gift in the mail this week from CINDY of WV.  I was so surprised.  I got a card and this lovely mug.  THANK YOU Cindy!!!!!!!!!
Click on pic to enlarge and read easily
  • I mentioned I went to Aldi.  I did gets some gift items and some items for me.  I got broccoli so cheap, great tasting pears, cheese, milk and few other items.
                 The remote is for reference - it is 6 1/2" long.  Super lovely broccoli.  2 crowns.
  • Windows open a lot this week and aired the house
  • I received flowers from my brother and SIL.  They came for a visit.
  • I got several cards and received a very cute Halloween card from COOKIE.  It looks homemade to me - and very well made.  Very cute - did you make it Cookie?  Thank you!
                                                        Cookies card is on the right!
  • I also received a $25 GC from Kroger this week as a gift!
  • All meals from home - except day I went with friends
  • Using what I have, and using leftovers
  • Talked with my friend in OR - and got to talk with some of my nieces who live out of town
It was a NICE week to say the least!!!!!

Meals this past week:
Stew with garlic toast
Stew and some crackers w/butter
Smoked sausage link, mac n cheese, and fried green toms
3 cheese grilled cheese and tomato soup
Chicken strip and veggie wraps
Out to eat - Prodigy Burger Bar
Tenderloin sandwich and oven fries and small salad
SNACKS - pears, apples & peanut butter, cheese slices w/crackers

Some weeks just amaze me at how nice they are.  I am grateful for all days on this earth, some are just what I call 'super smile' days!  
How was your week?  Did you get any good deals?  How are all those dealing with family issues and health issues doing?  So many are on my mind and in my prayers.

I wish each and every one of you the best.  I hope you all have a wonderfully safe and healthy week ahead.  Stay warm and safe - there is snow a lot of places!  EEK
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Jesus Christ for you.  Do not quench the spirit, do not despise prophesying, but test everything; hold fast what is good, abstain from every form of evil.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-22

Lord, help us each to hold our faith regardless.  Never let us back down or be ashamed.  Help us each spread the Word, and perhaps gain new believers.  We pray for guidance and strength through all the trying moments we have in life.  Thank You for Your love and protective hands.  Amen


  1. Your devotional is certainly timely. Praying and giving thanks is always good and especially now in these times of war.

    What did you think of the Prodigy Burger Bar? I looked at their menu and of course the pictures all look delicious.

    Wow, that must have been a mess at your neighbor's house. I wonder if the city told her to clean it up.

    What a cool mug! You have such good friends. Pretty flowers from your brother and SIL. And still finding money! You may find more later on.

    You have had a very good week. It has been nice to have windows open but that will come to a stop. We are going out to pull up some plants in the garden. I need a fresh pepper or two and some parsley to put in a salad.

    1. Prodigy Burger was excellent in my opinion. The food was great - heard no one complain.
      It was a mess - we have all complained to the city. It wasn't the city that cleaned though - they do a decent job - but wouldn't have done what this guy did. She had to have paid big bucks!!!!
      I love the mug! SO pretty. She said it reminded her of what I tell everyone on here.
      Yes, windows are closed for a while. UGH. So nt ready for winter.
      Have a great week.

  2. It sounds like you had a great Birthday!
    It's finally getting cold here, 28* here this morning. Ha Ha, be careful what you wish for; after saying I wish it was cold!
    That is an awesome mug that you got from Cindy.
    Your meals sound wonderful. We had Mexican food Friday night and I had leftovers last night, I can never eat it all in one setting. I made hamburger gravy over rice last week, Butch ate it for several days. He really likes it the dairy in the gravy bothers me.
    We are moving some things around in the garage today so the electrician can get to the panel box tomorrow.
    That's about it. Maybe a crock pot meal today!

    1. I did have a really nice birthday week. Yep, be careful on those wishes. I am NOT wishing for that cool - but it is coming.
      Love Mexican food. My favorite probably. I made some gravy today!
      YAY - finally getting the geni set up!!!!! That is great.
      Yes - so sad and so young. He was my very favorite from the show Friends.
      Have a wonderful week!

  3. Wow, sounds like your neighbor definitely needed to clean that chicken overgrowth mess up. I'm glad it looks better for you all now. Sounds like you had beautiful weather there this week. We did too with some highs in the 80s! Sounds rainy and chilly today though, or weather is going to get colder starting tomorrow. I can't complain though as its been nice this week. I hope you are having a beautiful Sunday!

    1. It was a mess back there on both sides of the fence. You should have seen the brush he hauled off.
      It was just lovely last week. All good things must come to an end!!! I think most areas will be getting colder this week.
      Thanks. You have a great week!

  4. Happy belated birthday Cheryl! You had quite the birthday week. The flowers and cards are lovely.

    I think, sometimes, people let things go and by the time they realize what a huge mess they're dealing with it becomes too much to manage. Glad to hear your neighbour took steps to clean up the mess of her back yard.

    I'll trade your rain for our snow. I'm watching it fall, lightly so far, this morning, and temperatures are dropping over night and even more on Monday night. I will likely need to clear the driveway tomorrow at some point. Fingers crossed the warmer weather (just about freezing) will arrive by moving day.

    1. Thank you.
      Oh golly it was a mess back there. I am just thrilled it is clean now - at least nothing will grow through the winter!
      Won't be getting any trade from me - I do NOT like snow at all!!! It is just amazing so many places are getting so much snow already. Stay safe - I hope it all melts before you move!
      Have a good week.

  5. Happy belated Birthday, Cheryl! Always a blessing to celebrate with family and friends.

    Like you, we were on the weather roller coaster this past week. Tied a record high temp at 81 and then the next day was in the 40s. Not looking forward to sub-freezing temps and the possiblity of snow on Halloween! Take care and cheers to the start of another trip around the sun!

    1. Thank you! It was really nice.
      Up and down - the weather just can't decide! Yes, we had 80 this past week and today is 50's and wet - next few days I think 40's.
      Most happy to have this new trip!!!!!
      have a lovely week.

  6. Cheryl, being 70 miles or so north of you we had about the same weather. It was awesome! I cleaned windows in the sunroom and they look great. I had been putting it off because of the farmers taking in crops around me. The dirt and dust just rolls across the fields to my house. I wanted to keep that off my clean windows. I still have a corn field across the way that is unpicked but the weather was so great I just cleaned them anyway.
    Lots of soups, fruit smoothies and salads for me this last week.

    I keep chickens and can't imagine letting their area get so nasty. I do have areas around my acreage that I can no longer clean up myself, at least not easily and quite frankly sometimes I just don't want to LOL. I am lucky that I know people that do stuff like that for extra $$ and I have no problem getting stuff done.
    Happy Belated birthday and have a good upcomng week

    1. It sure was nice. Not so much today! Dust can really get the windows a mess. Glad you got them all cleaned. Love soups!
      I used to hear the chickens - but haven't in a while. Don't know if the critters (racoons, opossums) got them or if hawks did or they just died. Poor things - can't imagine they had a good life. It was really awful - so much brush hauled off.
      When you can't - you can't - but you know those that can. That is the difference - she just didn't give a patoot!
      Thank you. Have a wonderful week! Stay warm the next few days!!

  7. Your week looks wonderful, Cheryl. And your meals look so yum.
    The weather here was gorgeous all week with a topping off of 81 degrees yesterday. Sad to say that all changed overnight and we are in the low 50s today with frost and possibly snow flurries during the week ahead. A lot of garden clean up got done. We did make a shopping trip for items not available at the farm and I froze several quarts of swiss chard. We noticed that there were a lot of wasps going in and out of the eaves on our roof -- time to call the exterminator to check it all out. He treated the roof yesterday and next week the roofer will come and inspect to make sure there are no entry ways. The we noticed a garter snake suning itself on our patio. Ugh, snakes really creep me out. I had hubs get a shovel and pick the thing up and relocate it far from the house and then ordered snake repellent from Amazon, which arrived today and will be sprinkled regularly around the base of the house, garden, containers, shed and any other places we can think of. We don't want any of them to slither their way into the house. Tuesday I was a slug and watched craft day on HSN the entire day and into the night. I tell my husband it's my Super Bowl. I'm glad you enjoyed the card and, yes, I did make it. Now I need to refill the jar with the candy corn and peanuts. Have a blessed day. Cookie

    1. First - thank you again!
      it was a gorgeous week - and it sounds much the same as here now. Oh gosh I hope you get the wasps out and have none in the eaves or the attic. I don't like snakes AT ALL! I am with you on that.
      Cute - your Super Bowl! There is an HGTV craft You Tube channel as well. I have seen a few of those. It is called HGTV Homemade.
      I bought a new bag of candy corn this week - need to refill mine too.
      Have a great week!

    2. Cookie, back when I lived in the L.A. foothills, it was cable TV or nothing. We had basic, but through some quirk got an extra 10 channels. One was QVC. Whenever they had a craft or scrapbook day, my cableless friend and I would have an all day watch party and take notes lol. Those were fun in the days B4 YouTube and Pinterest.

    3. Debbie, I do take lots of notes too and now you can go back to HSN's crafting site and watch the video presentations again and again. Some of them even show up on youtube. I know you are a cardmaker as well from your posts. I don't know if you've ever watched her on youtube, but the Posh Paper Lady .com is phenomenal when it comes to constructing things like boxes, baskets, folios, journals and other useful items using cardstock. Cookie

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hey Rita - what's up? Hope you post again.
      Have a good week!!!!

  9. Happy Birthday!

    Wanted to let you know that your blog and blogroll have been a light in my life this week...I got Covid and couldn't tolerate reading the news. Blogs like yours really helped.
    (p.s. recovering well.)

    1. Thank you.
      Oh I am so sorry you are ill. I hope you are getting along much better. I don't like the news either - I understand. I am glad you enjoy being here. Thank you for your kind words.
      I hope you feel better quickly. Have a lovely week.

  10. I guess I owe you a Happy Birthday, Cheryl! Sounds like you had a lovely week. You got some wonderful little gifts! I had a chuckle over the glove filled with candy. My friend's husband was an RN and he always brought home the extra small gloves for Halloween bags. The kids loved getting those filled with candy. They didn't get too many T or Ters so it wasn't too expensive. I haven't seen one in at least 20 yrs.

    That messy house lady probably had a rat encounter. I've heard that can freak most slobs/hoarders to change. Since critters love overgrown yards, it attracts some of the creepies like snakes, rats, etc. Ick. In any case, I'm sure everyone is thrilled.

    I love that you keep finding money tucked away here and there. Reminds me so much of my grandma. She was like a money squirrel. If you've never seen The Dollmaker starring Jane Fonda, I highly recommend it. Hate her or not, her performance in that was a knock right out of the ballpark. It's on YouTube. I was recently thinking about watching it again.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I'm going to finish everything by Halloween, as I had hoped. The weather is not cooperating. I'm painting luminaries in the dining room and I need natural light to see well. First it was way too hot and that is the hottest room in the house. Then we got the gloomiest and haven't seennthe sun in days!!! I only have 4 left that I can finish in 2 days, assuming the sun comes out for at least 8 hrs. this week. Everything else is done!! Shipping gifts packed, 1 mail-order gift to order this week, and Christmas is done! My Thanksgiving cards will go out around the 10th. I haven't done anything for my brother for Christmas cuz he's a mess and I have no idea if he'll be homeless again or not. He called last week to ask for money, I sent some, and now we wait for the next self created crisis. I also have 2 December birthdays, but one of those is done. The other is coming along and both will ship Thanksgiving weekend. I'm so relieved cuz the next 5 weeks are jam packed with extra stuff.

    1. No one owes me anything - but thank you!
      The gal that gets the lunches scheduled was a teacher - so she always does something creative.
      One time we even had what looked like mimeographed homework!
      Well, if she had a critter problem - they can just stay over there! I don't want to see any. I did see a racoon for the first time in ages the other morning before sunrise!
      Dang gal. You are on the ball. No where near that here. Glad you have taken care of it all - now you can sit back and just enjoy! Movies, read, lights, hot chocolate, etc.
      I hope your brother is OK - I think all families have one hot mess of a relative!
      Have a wonderful week!

  11. Hi Cheryl,
    Loved the mug that you received! And glad you had a good week. I do miss the seasons that you get, even though the winter is a hard price to pay for the other three ;). All is well here, renovations are coming along, flooring should be in town the 2 or 3rd week of November….so I am guessing all the work will be done by the end of December. I am going to visit my brother in North Carolina the first week of December so that might be when the floors go in. I am super happy with this condo, and it will be wonderful once the work is done!
    Have a good week, Hilogene in Az

    1. I do enjoy 3 of our seasons - but not the 4th!!!!
      So happy to hear that things are moving along with the condo. It will be wonderful to have it all done, and be all back to 'normal' to start the new year!!!! Glad you like what is being done.
      Have a great week!

  12. Happy Belated Birthday Cheryl, I am so glad you had a wonderful week, you deserve it. Louise

    1. Oh thank you so much. I appreciate it.
      Have a lovely week.

  13. Happy Belated Birthday Cheryl. It sounds like a wonderful week and who doesn't love Nothing Bundt cakes? SO good. I love all of your cards and gifts. It's always nice to be thought of. I hope you have another fabulous week.

    1. Thank you. First time having one of those cakes - and yes, it was very good! I am overwhelmed at the lovely gestures people make - makes me feel good.
      Have a wonderful week!

  14. Congratulations on another trip around the sun, Cheryl. It's nice to be celebrated & to celebrate special days. Cold & first snow fall this past week. -4C will feel like a nice winter day in January! The yard has been put to bed for the winter; the last of the tomatoes has been made into salsa & sauce; there's ~1 cord of wood left to stack (there were 8); exterior windows were washed before the cold set in. I attended a family wedding, had overnight guests x 2, hosted the first of the season's Home Routes concerts, saw a favorite performer in concert, brunched with cousins, hosted my mom's friend at the lodge, went shopping with a friend for her mother-of-the-groom dress. In the kitchen: carrot/pineapple muffins (using the pineapple zucchini I discovered on this blog - thanks); rhubarb muffins, monster cookies, lemon/poppyseed loaf, carrot cake, tortellini soup, ham w/ scalloped potatoes, stir fry, spaghetti w/ meat sauce, charcuterie board, cheesy corn risotto, trout w/ roasted veg & garlic mashed potatoes. It's been a full month. I'm ready for a NOvember.

    1. Thank you!
      Sounds like you have had a full week of fun! You through in some work too and eewwwww on the cold. All your activities sound like a blast.
      I think I want to come to your house to eat!!!! YUM on everything.
      Onward and upward - gosh New Year's will be here before we know it!
      Have a great week! Stay warm!!!

  15. Hi Cheryl, I'm back. : )

    So glad to see the treats and such, so very thoughtful! You are loved! Happy Belated Birthday!!!! That mug is great, I need to see that every single day! Haha!

    The flowers with the little pumpkin is so nice...I bet you love seeing that little scene in your home for autumn. Love that bundt cake...So cute.

    Buttered crackers...Oh that sounds so comforting. When I was little, my mom, dad and I would go to a restaurant that offered the saltine crackers with the salad with was always so good to me. I had my salad with Thousand Island dressing when I was little. : ) Do you remember that dressing?

    Wonderful prayer and scripture Cheryl, very good reminder. It sure sounds like you have some wonderful friends and that is a huge blessing! Nice to be back, I'll have to visit your entries from last week as soon as I get some down-time. : )

    I appreciate you! Have a cozy day! ~Amelia

    1. Glad to have you back. I was truly blessed this year with great people and lovely items.
      I love butter and crackers with chili - my favorite way to have chili - been that was since I was a kid. They were good with stew too. I have Thousand Island dressing in my frig!
      Take care and enjoy reading.
      Have a lovely week!

    2. Thank you Cheryl, we had gone to Fredericksburg to clear our heads a bit, things were becoming overwhelming... I'm very happy you had a good week with special blessings, you deserve it. The gal's yard sounds pretty bad, it's too bad she waited so long.

  16. ELISE and FRANCES hope you are both OK and all is well!!!!!!

    1. Husband and I are getting used to the new arrangement and how things are done at the personal care facility. He is rather confused and not able to communicate well with the aides or even me. The poor guy is so weak from being in the hospital most of the month that he fell twice yesterday. Fortunately he was not injured beyond bumps and bruises. His visiting nurse comes every Monday for his catheter care, and he has been evaluated for PT, OT and Speech therapy which start this week. I've been there every day, but am starting to taper off, both for my sake and his. My anxiety has been all over the place. I was awake since 2:30 a.m. today, but came home after meeting with the visiting nurse this morning and took a long nap followed by a shower this afternoon and am starting to feel human again.
      I am getting a new kitchen stove tomorrow. The old one was putting out gas fumes when I used the oven. I bought an inexpensive Hotpoint (made by GE) that is just like the old one. No frills, just cooks the food. Less to go wrong. It was $140 off at Lowes, and I get a 5% discount with my Lowes credit card.

      Wishing you a Happy Belated Birthday, Cheryl!

    2. I am so glad you posted - thank you. I have sure been worried about you both. It is going to be a big adjustment for both of you - especially your hubby. Bless his heart.
      I am glad you got some rest today - a nap and a hot shower - those can do wonders. Yes, I do hope you can back off a little and just take care of you too.
      Glad he will continue to get his therapy.
      That is a wonderful price for the stove - good for you! Better to be safe than sorry.
      Thank you for the birthday wishes and hon, please take care of YOU!!!! Keep us informed, we are all worried for you both.
      The best to you both, and I hope you have a good week.

    3. It's good to hear an update, Frances. Awww, your poor hubby, I'll pray things will stabilize for him. I'm sure you are feeling much change as well, I understand the anxiety. It's nice you are getting a new stove set, the Hotpoints can be just as good as any, I had the washer recently replaced, we are very hard on our washer and dryer. We have found to make sure and get the either 5 or 3 year warranty (the longest the store possibly offers) with a less expensive machine since they all have computer panels anyhow. When it stopped working they allowed us to just pick another new washing machine! I'm trying a middle of the road Maytag with a larger drum, and paid a little difference but like I said, we are *very* hard on our washer and dryer. I think you can add the warranty on after you buy and it's delivered even, if I'm not mistaken but it's worth every penny. Even if they send a repairman, it's great. They fix whatever it is including computer panels.

      Praying for you and thinking of you, Frances.

    4. Sorry so long on the Hotpoint, the comment was meant to be about you, not about appliances. : )

    5. Care home just called, and the nurse thinks he may have a broken rib. They're sending him to the hospital across the street for an X-ray. Praying it's nothing more serious. Should know by morning if not sooner.

    6. Five broken ribs and a possible fracture near the base of the spine. Was transported to a trauma hospital in the city for admission for a few days because of possibility of pneumonia and other complications. Please pray for us.

    7. Oh no! Poor guy. I am so sorry to hear this. He should not be allowed to get up by himself while he is so weak. Prayers that he gets through this well and heals quickly. Many prayers.

    8. Frances, I will certainly be praying, I copy Cheryl....Many prayers.

  17. Cheryl, I second that. Hope all is well.

  18. Sounds as if you had a great birthday week. Quite a get together too, bet you all had a good old chat. See you have your own trick or treat goodies x We had a fun couple of days with kids and grandchildren. Good news too that hubbies second 'cut' shows no cancer :-)

    1. That is very good news indeed, Heather!

    2. I did. Oh, the poor waiter and waitress - what a group they got!!! They asked us to be patient with them (they had 2 big groups), so we said only if they were patient with a group of gabby and laughing women!! Needless to say, they got a great tip from all!
      How wonderful to hear. That is the best news!!!!!!!
      Glad you and the kiddos had a fun time.
      Have a lovely week.

  19. What a full and happy week! Lots of friends and gifts! And speaking of neighbors who don't take care of things...we have one and he lives on the very first piece of property as you enter our street. It's so frustrating! His house is surrounded by junk, so that's what everyone sees as they come down our road. I've called the city on him several times, but nothing changes. I always wonder what right these people have to bring down the value of the properties around them. It's so frustrating!

    1. It was a great week - had a lot of good times.
      Oh that has to be aggravating! I don't understand why the city will not do something. Not only does it decrease the property values and is unsightly - but it is unsanitary as well. Can you imagine the critters? ICK. Hope you get some satisfaction soon.
      Have a good week.
