Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Here it is! Happy 2024 - a New Start for All

 2024 - it is here, and it seemed like just a minute ago, we were saying that about 2023.  We made it - maybe not unscathed - but we made it.
Time to go forward and do what we can to make life the best we can.

On a positive note - we gain 44 minutes of sunlight this month!  It is Leap year - for those that have a birthday/anniversary on Feb. 29th!  Spring is something like 77 days away!  (Mar. 19)
We all get a fresh start on all those things we didn't accomplish last year.  Yeah, you know that happened.
So, it is time to get busy, look ahead, make those lists, get back on the bandwagon, get jiggy with it - whatever way you want to say it.
Let's just do it.

I want to get back to my original mission here.  
Sharing and teaching frugal ways, shortcuts, recipes, easy meals, substitutions, creating, learning, growing, saving..........in all areas of life.

We all have ideas and ways of doing things.  There may be many new folks reading this year - we grow all the time.  I don't always know who is reading, there could be lots of new folks just getting into the simpler and older ways of living.   Wanting to learn how to save a bit here and there.  They need our help and advice.

The "follow" list shows 203 folks.  That amazes me - I remember how I wished I could get 50 (not all that long ago)!  That doesn't show how many are reading.  I check now and then, and we often have 400-600+ people reading EACH post!!!!  That is amazing to me.
We are sharing in ways none of us can really comprehend (surely not me).

I look forward to this new year, as a time to grow and love a bit better.  Much of the world and events thereof, are out of our control.  That is a good reminder of "do not stress over what you cannot control".
All we can do is OUR best, say the NICE things, do the RIGHT thing, and have FAITH.
If we each take care of our little piece of this planet, and care for it and for others - we have done well.

So let us go forward with a new vision.  Let us all learn and share all the GOOD stuff!
I look forward to it all.
I appreciate you all being here and staying by me and helping me grow this little site.  What a gift!

Have a great day and happy 2024.

PS - SAM is giving it another try.  She has a new blog she posted yesterday - called Sam Squared (see my sidebar).  Check it out and encourage her and say hi!


  1. Good morning Cheryl, that is encouraging to know sunlight will be increasing. It seems daylight hours are just too short right now.
    Happy 2024 to you!

    1. Good morning Rhonda. Love the sunlight (or just daylight). It helps us in so many ways!
      Thank you!

  2. Good morning, all! It's a cold sunny day, and I'm working my way through 2023 paperwork clearning space for 2024. :) I've not started crunching numbers yet, but know it will be a bigger total than the years before. Frugality and care will be even more important.

    1. I take it you are keeping tabs on all money spent! I used to do that too. Everything was logged. I don't any more - I just know I have this much and don't spend more. Now I will be keeping track of digital coupon savings and such this year.

  3. Debby in Kansas USAJanuary 2, 2024 at 8:57 AM

    Hello! I'm not a NY celebrator either lol. I remember being about 8 and my mom and dad were heading to Vegas with my aunt and uncle for NY. That was when people dressed up and my mom had a couple of fancy dresses, had her hair all teased up, etc. I asked her why NY was a holiday, that I didn't get it. She said that Christmas was a holiday for kids and NY was a holiday for grown ups, that I'd understand when I got older. Well, I never got it 😂. I went to a couple of parties, but was always the designated driver. But I was usually the one watching people embarrass themselves lol. As for the fresh start, I always saw September for that and back to school.
    :::shrugs:::: Whatever jiggles your wiggles!

    I woke up on December 26th singing, "It's the most wonderful day of the yearrrrr.". I'm always happy to see Cmas in the rearview mirror. January is one of my favorite months. Not much to do but nest and create. I always like to reread The Tightwad Gazette in January, as well.

    Speaking of all things tightwad, cowabunga were regular things expensive this year. We get certain things every year and I was surprised to see the tab. Geesh. I told hubs to expect some very simple meat and potatoes dishes. We managed to take advantage of the interest rate and get a decent CD. I'm trying to save enough to get another one or two in case rates drop.

    And lastly, a gripe lol. Why do parents not make use of the crying room at church?????? Instead, they let their child scream and shriek like banshees, disturbing everyone else. The interpreter can't hear to interpret and nobody can hear a thing. I told hubs last week that I'm gonna start using it for some peace and quiet lol. It's so rude.

    1. GOOD to see you again, Debby.

      "Whatever jiggles your wiggles!" Okay, you made me laugh out loud and I almost spewed coffee across the table. :-)

    2. "Whatever jiggles your wiggles"! Whatever floats your boat.

      When I was very young, parents kept their children in the sanctuary and for the most part the young ones were very well-behaved. There was no nursery at that little church. Have you noticed that more parents nowadays let their children run amuck, no matter the location or event?

    3. Donna, when our oldest was a baby, much to the dismay of my in-laws, I'd walk 2 blocks with him in the stroller to the Catholic church on Sundays just *because* they had a mother's room. The Catholic church in town here doesn't have one, but I've noticed the littles are very well behaved. If babies fuss, mom or dad walks them out. Then again, the area we retired to has a strong LDS presence and that influences everything, I think. LDS kids are exceptionally well behaved. --Elise

    4. Howdy Debby - glad to see you have risen from the holiday abstinence! Gal, you just 'jiggle your wiggle' however you please.
      I dislike January the most! Just such a gloomy month. I always reread Tightwad Gazette each year. It is full of good reminders.
      People let babies and little go and cry every where. Seems no one wants to shoosh their kids anymore. It is aggravating.+
      I was surprised when I attended the funeral before Christmas, there were 2 babies - and they both started crying and the parents did remove themselves from the service. I thought - wow, someone with common curtesy.

  4. Yay for 44 more minutes of sunlight and 77 days until Spring! We all need more light and warmth in our lives this time of year.

    On the frugal front, I am considering buying a Nesco VS-12 vacuum food sealer and a 2-qt slow cooker (Elite Gourmet MST239X) to get me started actually cooking again. The food sealer is not inexpensive but does get good reviews. Frozen entrees for dinner just aren't cutting it both financially and nutritionally.

    As for not stressing over what I cannot control... Friday I was informed of a potentially very serious medical problem that Husband was experiencing. Fortunately, another hospice nurse was able to rectify the problem about 9 hours later. During that waiting time (after initially freaking out), I repeated the following mantra over and over and over: "I cannot control this situation, but I can accept it. I can control how I react to it." For me this is a big step. I've also located a grief support group that meets in the daytime and is starting next week.

    I'm one of those who read but am not a follower of the blog. I do think some days I'm probably responsible for at least 100 hits here LOL!

    1. Oh, Frances! I have 2 brand new Elite Gourmet 2 qt. slow cookers that I got for free with points and realized they'll be too small for my needs (picked up a 4 qt. Crock Pot at WM). How I wish we lived closer! I'd give one to you. The Nesco vacuum food sealer is a good one. Just stay away from Food Saver brand. I had very bad luck with that brand of sealer and bags.

      I still pray for you and your husband every day and will continue to do so. I'm so glad you've found a grief support group. Hospice is good, too. And yes... I know that's a big step. It would be for me as well. (((Hug))) --Elise

    2. Elise, I have a 5-qt. Hamilton Beach slow cooker that I would have been happy to give to you! The little Elite Gourmet is only $28.45 at Amazon. It will be a challenge to scale down recipes, but I no longer need to cook enough to feed a small country.

      Thank you for the prayers. Hospice has been a real blessing for both of us these past few weeks.

    3. Miss Frances, you and your husband continue to be in my daily prayers.

    4. Frances, I am praying and am so glad you kept it together repeating the little phrase. That is helpful. Also, I just sometimes just say...Lord, You are going to have to take this, I can't. I know how it feels though. Praying for you. ~Amelia

    5. Elise, that is good to know on food saver brand. I have one that is an unknown brand to me our daughter picked up from a lady in her neighborhood. I haven't tried it yet. Zip locks seem to do the trick most of the time. : ) Crock pots are so nice as well as an instant pot, they are truly little servants.

      Bless you Elise! ~Amelia

    6. Thank you, Amelia. With Cheryl's encouragement I went from zip top bags to vacuum sealer, because food stays fresher so much longer in the freezer when vacuum sealed. Also, no accidental leaks! Especially with the Wevac bags I buy from Amazon. Food Saver bags didn't hold a seal well and opened in the freezer. Yikes!
      (((Hug))) --Elise

    7. Frances that had to be a scry moment - but girl - I am so proud of you. You handled that well. That is all we can do when we can't change something, just change how we react.
      I have a Food Saver vacuum sealer and love it. I have had it for years. Maybe it has something to do with being an older model.
      I got a 4 qt. cp last year for Christmas - my others were 6 qt. 4 is nice for me. I understand about cooking for one all of a sudden. I just cook things and freeze meals for later.
      It is much healthier and cheaper doing your own cooking. Fast food and restaurants are expensive and we have no idea what is going on in THAT kitchen.
      Prayers continue. Love you found a grief group - you are taking all the right steps to help YOU!

  5. Good morning! Can I just say, Cheryl, what a blessing it is to start the year with you and all your readers?! Yes, even those who read without comment. This is a GOOD place to be.

    "I want to get back to my original mission here.
    Sharing and teaching frugal ways, shortcuts, recipes, easy meals, substitutions, creating, learning, growing, saving..........in all areas of life." <--- LOVE this!!!
    Getting back to basics is my goal this year:

    H - Hunkering down financially
    O - Open to new ideas and willing to try them
    P - Planning ahead with patience and persistence
    E - Enjoying all the simple, little things even more

    Thank you for the time you spend on this blog, Cheryl. Thank you for being here. Thanks to all the readers who've helped make this a community, and to God for blessing all the efforts. --Elise

    P.S. To MaryB, yes I think it's all going to be more important this year. Right there with you!

    1. Elise, love the "HOPE" acronym. I need to post that where I will see it every day and apply it to my life.

    2. Elise, love the HOPE acronym, just like Miss Frances. That pretty much sums up a good plan for 2024.

    3. Good morning. Thank you! Someday I think why do I do this? It gets really tiring trying to come up with things. Then everyone chimes in and lives are touched and I realize why I do it. IF it helps or cheers just ONE person, I have done something. I sure do appreciate everyone that visits.
      I really like the acronym. That is great and a great way to go forward. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Wowsers, those numbers must be telling you that you are doing something right. 400-600 hits is pretty damn impressive. You should be very proud of yourself.
    I am looking forward to some more frugal inspiration this year, after Christmas I sure need it. Boy, did my finances take a wallop !!!!! Simply feeding my crowd this year was mind -blowingly costly. I am not complaining though, it was lovely to have a full house and enjoy our time together, that is priceless.

    1. Good to see you again, Louise! Yes, holiday food was so expensive this year. Even sugar for baking. Glad you had a nice Christmas. --Elise

    2. I have just spent a lot on all the kiddos and the nieces and nephews. That is saying a lot - because I do so much homemade! I bought a lot of GC's this year.
      It is always fun to get with family and share the love and good times - that is priceless!
      Glad you are looking for ways to nip it in the bud - me too.
      It really is impressive to know that many folks read here. I know that many are repeaters, like Frances said, just checking in for new posts from everyone - but still. It makes my heart happy.

    3. Well the numbers don’t lie Cheryl, so I think you should be rightly proud.

      Thank you Elise, I am hoping next year to be better planned ( although I thought I was well planned this year, as in had most of my shopping done by Nov.) It was just the food bill that tipped me over. I also had a lot of meat already frozen, so I’m just not sure where things went astray.
      Also back reading through Cheryl’s posts, I’d like to also say that a blog from you would be a great idea. Louise

    4. Thank you, Louise. I almost froze into a statue when a 2 lb. bag of sugar was $3.99 on sale (!!!!) in the grocery store. Two lbs. can last me a year, but yikes! And lactose free milk runs $7 a gallon here. It all adds up. The meat was the lowest cost of our holiday dinner. --Elise

  7. Hi Cheryl, yes, I'm trying hard to not stress over what I cannot control especially when it comes to my aging mom. For some reason, that one thing can really nerve me up as they say.

    I need to get jiggy alright with my studio! lol I need to just start pulling things out, it's a cinch by the inch and hard by the yard.

    I may make a big pot of veggie soup today with split peas in it to give it that velvet-like texture and some white beans too, tomatoes and all kinds of goodness. I saw Lydia on pbs make the soup on one of her recent broadcasts I taped.

    Your blog here is very nice and I will try to keep things on target as far as the purpose here, I try to be considerate on that, I really do! : ) but I do want you to know your blog has been a Godsend to those who need a little boost in life sometimes as in fellowship. So I thank you for that, allowing people to share what's going on in life but I understand trying to stay focused too. : )

    I still have my Christmas decorations up, am still enjoying them. : )

    Take care now, have a sweet day, ~Amelia

    1. You enjoy those decorations as long as you need them!
      I understand, our parents can do that to us. Heck, I fretted over my pets - so I understand the people thing, which is far greater.
      The soup sounds great.
      I am glad to offer fellowship for those that need it. There have been many that have (I was one), and many that will.
      We guide each other through a lot.

  8. Hello! I rarely comment, but at the New Year I just want to say "thank you" for this blog and your consistent posting. It is a blessing!

    1. Hello Marceline. Glad to see you post. Thank you so much for your kind words. I try to stay to a schedule, so people know what to expect. I appreciate you and all that read.
      Have a great week.

  9. Cheryl, who could not like your blog? Lots of good advice, humor, inspiration and even some nostalgia. You have the best readers and the conversations they inspire are well, inspiring.

    I noticed that this is a leap year. The days suddenly seem dark and cold. We were spoiled by the warmer temps and sunny days.

    My oldest daughter bought me an Erin Condren daily faith planner called "Choose to Believe" last year for Mother's Day. I have never been one to write down my feelings even when all the other girls had the little diary with a lock on it. Sad to say I'm just now starting to use the journal. I started on 12.31.2023 and after three days have discovered there is just not enough room to write everything down. I felt a great moving of the Ruach Ha'Kodesh (Holy Spirit) yesterday and was more blessed than the recipient of a practical gift. It is better to give than receive.

    We are headed to Lowe's to see if we can identify the model of kitchen faucet and find out to stop an ever increasing drip. We are generally very good about keeping all manufacturer's info and don't seem to have this one. May check out the houseplants while we are there. We added a basil and thyme plant to the stand.

    Stay warm and cuddle with those kitties. My Chihuahuas are little heaters. ha!

    1. Donna, I never kept a journal or diary as a child, but boy do I burn through them--and pens--as an old lady. LOL!

      Ruach Ha'Kodesh. I like that.

      Hug those pups for me! --Elise

    2. Thank you Donna. I hope people enjoy being here and visiting and come back often. I do have a good group here.
      I used to try and journal for me and that was never a success. Then I started the blog and everything is written down in a notebook, so I can remember! This blog is my journal of sorts. I can go back and read and see just where I was in life at different points. I think it is good to write our thoughts - very cathartic.
      Get that leak fixed. Drips amount to gallons after a time!
      Have fun shopping.
      Love cuddling!

    3. I kept aa diary from about 10 yo until 30 or so. They started out so simple with a general listing of my exciting activities like going to Girl Scouts up to dealing with my mom's Manic Depression. Before we moved here, I read every single thing I wrote. Some was stuff that left me in stitches, others in tears. And naturally some that I'd forgotten for a good reason and wished I hadn't read. Then I burned the lot.

  10. Incredible numbers Cheryl! I notice I only have 10 followers, but between 180-200 readers each day. I never thought I'd see that many views either.
    Looking forward to this year's lessons.

    1. Maebeme, I read your blog regularly, comment infrequently, but don't know quite how to "follow" a blog w/o a blog account. Seems to require one? --Elise

    2. Thanks. I have just never done the 'follow' thing on anyone's blog! Crazy. I just see who has posted, do to update on the sidebar. It is amazing how many there are - for sure.
      I check you out each post - usually only post a reply on the weekend.

  11. I read your lovely blog consistently, but never/seldom comment. Consider me one of your happy followers! Wishing you much joy and peace in this new year.

    1. Well hello! Love you name - XOXO!!!!
      I am glad you are here and glad for you to follow along. Never feel uncomfortable replying to something. Post whenever you like. We love having new ideas!
      have a great week!!!!

  12. I am hoping that this comment goes through as I haven't been able to comment on many blogs for about a year now - no idea what Google has been up to. So - if this works, Happy New Year, thank you for all you do and I look forward to your posts in 2024.

    1. You made it Margie!!!! YAY
      I never understand what Google, Blogger any of it is doing. I do believe it has a mind of it's own.
      Thank you and happy new year to you. I appreciate your words and hopeful we have a great year here!

  13. A brand new year full of opportunity to share and try new ways of being frugal or living a simple life. Let's all make this a year of getting back to basics (I do refuse to beat my clothes in the river with rocks though, LOL).

    God bless.

    1. I'm in agreement, Jackie... no beating clothes in the river with rocks! :-D

    2. Jackie I agree - let us make this THE year! I kind of refuse to do that too! I could do them by hand if necessary, but will forgo the rock!!

  14. Love to hear that your blog is growing in reach! It's because you are so down to earth and you share so much wisdom here. I'm always gleaning good financial advice and other life advice from you! Hope 2023 will be your best year blogging yet!

    1. Thanks. It sure makes me feel like it is worth doing it. I am just me - and I like things simple. It seems maybe a lot of others do too! I appreciate it.

  15. Cheryl, I have quoted you to so many friends and family so know that you reach more than the numbers indicate. Thanks so much for your time, and common sense, and for sharing your faith. Cindy/WV

    1. How sweet to hear. That it is really cool. I am glad you are here and you all make it all worth it!

  16. Happy new year to you, Cheryl. I read regularly, though don't post often. I really do enjoy your blog. Thank you for posting!

    1. Hi Celie. Thank you and happy new year to you. I am glad you are here! Your posts are always welcome.

  17. Happy New Year!!! (Little Penpen)

  18. Happy New Year!!
    I'm with you on keeping things simple.

  19. Frances, I hope you don't find me unkind to say that I'm happy your husband is in hospice because that's not exactly true. I'm glad you're getting the help you need. My mom's hospice nurses were angels and they cared for me just as much as they cared for her. And a support group for you is wonderful. God bless you both.
