Sunday, January 28, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 1/28

 Happy Sunday to everyone.  The last Sunday of the month! Again, time flies.
It is rainy, rainy, rainy here.  Did I mention rainy?  LOL.  I sure hope this helps the drought numbers.  Goodness, it hasn't stopped since yesterday afternoon.  Looks to be in the 40's most of this coming week as highs, so not too bad.

Been watching lots of birds and squirrels in the yard.  The big old woodpecker was out there this week.  So majestic!  This morning, I saw Rocky the racoon out there!  I figured there was one around, as a couple mornings the water bowl that sits on the deck had 'dirty' water in it.  That only happens with the racoon.  And the neighbor had set a trash bag outside his back door the other night, and the next morning it was a mess - someone hunting for food!

It has been kind of quiet around here this week.  Just going with the flow,

  • Worked on cutting up some material for my gr. nieces throw/quilt she wants
  • Paid everything I had in house and mailed a package
  • Did a little more decluttering
  • Baked a butter cake - plain
  • Made some hard boiled eggs with the older eggs I had
  • Ran to the feed store for the critters!
  • While out - ran into Kroger for fresh items.  I have been craving fresh fruit and veggies.  I also got eggs - 18 count for 1.99 (2), milk, fruit, veggies all for FREE with a GC
  • Got gas while out to use up the Dec. points.  Due to buying GC's last month at Kroger I had a lot of points - saved $1 gallon, paying 1.99/gal. for gas.  I only needed $10 and some change worth.
  • Using what I have and using up leftovers
Meals this past week:
Sliders, oven potato bites
Homemade pizza (using lots of older veggies on hand)
Fried cabbage, scrambled eggs and bacon
Leftover pizza
Chicken tenders, mashed potatoes and gravy
Beef (from freezer) sandwiches and leftover potatoes
Fried green tomatoes (home canned), and a small chef salad (used leftover chicken and hard boiled eggs)

How was your week?  Have you been decluttering or spring cleaning?  Any great deals this week?  I think this may be the week that many just decided to chill a bit, from what I have been reading!  We all need a quiet week or two now and then.
I hope that all having health issues or family health issues are doing well or better.  Please know you are all in my prayers daily.

Blessings to you and yours in the coming week from my humble little home.

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words.
Romans 8:26

Lord, we pray for all things and people as best we can.  You know our hearts and you know what we need and mean.  Please help us each one to have faith larger than our fears.  Lay healing hands upon all in need.  Amen


  1. Good morning Cheryl, glad to hear that you are getting rain. And decluttering ;). Good week here at my home last week, furniture and boxes were moved out of storage, so now I have more than one chair! Other odds and ends were done, so I can see the end in sight! Yeah! And I really like the renovation, thankfully. Next week I finish up a few more odds and ends and start unpacking the boxes. Since they were in storage four months, I should just take them to goodwill, but I will go through and hopefully not keep everything ;). Have a good upcoming week, hope it dries out there a bit. Supposed to be over 70 degrees here today, Hilogene in Az.

    1. Hilogene so glad you have your things at home now and are getting all settled into your new home. I am glad the reno is complete and up to your standards. You did a lot of decluttering before, so hopefully you got rid of most of the things you didn't need then. Enjoy the week and finishing it all up.
      Have a great one!

  2. January is my hibernation month. Lots of screen time, reading & chilling. I did make pyrogies, antipasto & Valentine sugar cookies last week. Besides leftovers, I enjoyed a pork roast & vegetables. I decorated the sugar cookies for my oldest granddaughter's 16th birthday. I was invited to join her family for lunch 2 hrs away awa watch the other granddaughter's ringuette game yesterday. Sugar is the latest thing experiencing supply chain issues here. I found both at a Walmart while I was at the "big smoke". I need to get outside today for a good walk in the mild temperatures.

    1. Good for you - I think we all need a good hibernation! I bet the cookies were lovely and will be enjoyed. What fun getting to go to lunch and the game. Enjoy your walk and the warm up.
      Have a good week.

  3. Good morning Cheryl, Your weather sounds like ours this past week with more rain to come. Our grass is getting pretty high.
    *I also mailed a couple of packages out this week. I made a tied fleece blanket for my granddaughter's 3rd birthday and sent s craft box with color crayons and color pencils and I printed off a bunch of free color pages. And sent a care package to my son, cold meds and some cat food my cats won't eat but his will.
    I finished a scarf I was crocheting.
    *I made sloppy joes the other day and we have been eating that between salads and chicken. Today I have some burger to use up, I've been thinking of salisbury steak.

    1. I have some green grass - but still a lot is brown looking. It won't be long till mowing. I noticed when changing calendars, that 2023 I marked it that I mowed my front in March!
      I can't believe she is already 3. They grow up so fast. I bet she will love her gift from grandma! Sounds like neat items - especially the throw. Kitties sure can be picky, can't they?
      Sloppy Joe sounds tasty - it has been a while since I made that.
      Enjoy your dinner, whatever you decide upon.
      Have a lovely week.

  4. Happy Sunday! We had rain, light snow, lots of gray and cold and gloomy this week. Ice every morning. It will warm up now for a few days before the next "atmospheric river" (aka Pineapple Express) comes through. The arid west needs the moisture. I'm keeping any complaints to myself.

    Shopped the freezers and pantry for meals which kept us well fed all week. Added leftovers to the freezer for quick meals later.

    Puttered/organized/purged. A trunk full of donations got dropped off yesterday when we went into town. Prepaid returns were dropped at the post office.

    Thought a lot--still planning--about how to do grow-ceries come spring. In pots? Raised beds? Researched deer proof herbs & such to repel hungry nibblers.

    Thank you for the verse and prayer, Cheryl. This was a week of much prayer. So many going through so much. I'm grateful to have the time to do it. It's one of the perks of being retired. When we're young we're so darned busy; as we get older it's easier to be mindful. Deliberate. Focused. Have a GOOD week ahead! --Elise

    1. Much prayer here, too. I'm finally learning how to be mindful and more focused. I think it just takes a certain level of life experience and maturity to be able to filter out the extraneous and focus on the truly important.
      ELISE, how is your mother doing?

    2. Sounds like a resourceful week for you. Yes, being more mindful and focused helps so much. One of the perks. As we get older, there are just so many things going on with family and friends - it sure isn't a bed of roses. Pray and keep praying. We have you in our prayers.
      Have a good week.

    3. Mom is doing about the same. They've been looking into memory care and to quote my Sis (each new place they visit), it's just depressing!" I don't have the heart to tell her even the better places aren't *happy* places. Your prayers are appreciated. Mom thinks they're looking for assisted living, so is very confused. Yes, this isn't a time of life for the fainthearted. I pray for strength, mercy and grace for ALL.

    4. I hope they find a good clean place for your mom. I've heard one should be aware of the smell of the place. So hard to go through this. Best wishes and prayers for a good solution.

    5. Hi Elise, My prayers are with your family, I so get it. No, it's not for the faint at heart at all. God will help us though. Have they looked into 'Visiting Angels'? That is what they have here if needing someone to come for visits and such to take the edge off. I'm concerned (as you know dear one) with my mom too...She's in rehab now and prayerfully will at at least learn to walk with walker, that will have a lot to do with her future. (((hugs))) ~Amelia

    6. To MaryB, thank you. Yes, Hubs and I are aware of that, having been Grandma Griff's caregivers before she passed at 100, but Sis is just learning and it's shocking to her. Memory Care is even more... sobering than general nursing care.

      To Amelia, I'm glad to see your comment. You and your family have been in our prayers. My own mother is beyond something like Visiting Angels; Sis (awhile ago) hired help for mom a few afternoons a week to give her and her husband time together. It's nights that are the main problem. My mom gets up, wanders around, falls. She actually falls quite a lot now, needs to be bathed, helped for other (too) personal stuff, etc. Hoping *your* mom heals up well. (((Hug))) --Elise

  5. Excellent devotional! The Ruach HaKodesh looks out for us and helps us out when we don't know what to say. Some folks are real prayer warriors but we needn't fear as our stumbling pleas will be heard. Erin has been suffering with a horrible cough and she found out last night at Ascension St. Vincent that she has bronchitis. (No covid) We have been praying for her to get over her sniffles and cough and this was the answer. Already feeling better with the stuff they gave her last night.

    Fried cabbage! We add it to stir fry dishes but it's time to have a cabbage dish. Saw a recipe for making cabbage hash browns. We had turkey sandwiches yesterday. Online I saw a sandwich that had turkey, bacon, spicy mayo, lettuce and melty cheese. We used our turkey bacon and it was an excellent sandwich. The Farmer found some 0 net carb bread at Fresh Thyme. Most of the low carb bread is not very good but this brand is excellent.

    We have gotten enough rain! Gloomy day but it's January... It won't be long before we see some budding and spring bulbs popping up.

    1. Yes, we are always heard no matter how simple our prayers are. Glad Erin is feeling some better, medication should help.
      I love fried cabbage, and add it in here and there. Your sandwich sounds yummy. I am thinking of going to Fresh Thyme early this week. Haven't been in ages.
      Yes, it is gloomy and wet - but glad it isn't snow. Brighter days ahead - January is always the gloomy one!
      Have a great week.

  6. This was definitely a chill week for me - I can't say I accomplished much beyond the normal chores. This upcoming week currently looks much the same but things can change in a hurry around here.

    We've got a warm-up starting today with a increase in temperatures above freezing! After the previous week or so of brutal weather, it will seem spring like. Though that is still quite far in the future for us.

    1. That is cool - lots of people have been relaxing of late. It is just that time of the year. We will be busy soon enough.
      Yes, after the frigid cold, above freezing is lovely. Hope you have another relaxing week.
      Have a great one.

  7. Got my new range yesterday! So I'm planning to bake a lot this week.

    Went to a free craft swap at the library yesterday. I picked up lots of fabric to make clothes for the grandchildren. Plus stuff my grandson and I can do together (card making supplies mostly). I'll be sorting it all into its proper storage place this week. I have been reorganizing my craft/sewing room also. All the homeschooling stuff is still in there and I need to find a place to store it until my daughter needs it.

    Hope everyone has a good week.

    1. Our library hosts free craft swaps, too. I should see what I can pick up for the crafting activities at Husband's facility.

    2. Yay on the stove - you feel like a different person now.
      How fun on the craft swap. Sounds like you got some neat items and it will be fun for not just you but your grandson as well. Organizing never seems to end.
      Have a wonderful week.

    3. I would love a craft swap at the library! I'm going to suggest that they look into that even though I'm a little frightened by the possibility of boxing women 😂.

    4. We have a seed swap table and a magazine swap table at my library. I'd enjoy a craft swap, although I'm not sure I have much to swap out right now. During Covid I used up a lot of my supply.

    5. The library craft swap I went to didn't require a donation to participate which I thought was good idea. I didn't donate this time as I only saw the advertisement for it a few days before. Next time plan I to donate since I'm busy reorganizing my craft area right now and I will have stuff to get rid of.

  8. Above normal temps this past week have the first daffodils and crocuses coming up in my front flower bed. Lots of early morning bird song to remind us Spring is coming. Plenty of rain last night and today, but at least it is not snow.

    This was an up-and-down week for me. My mother moved to the memory care facility. Her CT scan showed no reason why she had the sudden downturn with her dementia, but no further testing was ordered. I haven't called her yet. I need to be having a good day to do that so I hand handle it emotionally if she is having a bad day.

    I visited Husband yesterday for a few hours. Bless his heart, he has been telling the aides that I'm 55 (I'm actually 63). He does realize that he is 92, and doesn't think he is good looking any more. I reassured him that he is still a handsome guy and that none of us look like we did when we were 19! He has such a nice personality and is a real favorite with the staff.

    I walked a mile outside each of the past four days. I'll do the treadmill if I have to, but outside is much better. I baked two loaves of Applesauce Raisin Bread this morning. I used a couple of cans of applesauce that someone had left at the mailboxes and splurged on Sunmaid golden raisins. I'll put 3/4 of it in the freezer for the future. Got a good deal on bone-in pork chops at our local grocery: $1.88/lb. I bought a family pack, cooked three for meals this week and vacuum sealed and froze the rest. I cooked them in a tomato/mushroom sauce in my large crockpot. Baked a couple of potatoes, too. I hadn't had pork chops or baked potatoes in years. Finally motivated myself to do a little housecleaning. I will be culling some more fabric to take back to Project Linus tomorrow. Cut out some NICU quilts and will sew this afternoon. Gave my sewing machine a good, thorough cleaning and lube job yesterday. It really needed it! Just trying to stay busy and distracted.

    1. Wow, you have flowers already coming up! I go out in the mornings and hear the birds from all around and it sounds so sweet - yes, spring is coming.
      You poor momma. I hope she is comfortable. Call when it is right for you. You have to keep yourself self well for you and hubby.
      How sweet of him. Glad he is interacting with the nurses and he is chatting about you and life. I am sure is still one handsome fellow.
      Doing good on the walking - that is great. So glad to hear you are cooking for yourself. All your food sounds tasty. Enjoy those pork chops and that baked potato!
      Enjoy doing all the things you do for others. That is just so nice, and just take good care. Have a blessed week.

    2. Frances, I noticed a few little clumps of tiny daisy-type wildflowers are blooming here... and we just had snow melt! I've asked Hubs to rake out wildflower seeds in the former mule corral section before it rains again, as we need to let it age a full year. I have large packets from last year, along with blue sage seeds. If they don't germinate? (shrug)

      Glad you had a better week. I'm the same as you... have to be in a good frame of mind before a call with my mom. So glad your husband is in GOOD spirits. And heck, I wish mine thought I was 55 instead of 62! LOL! You remain in my prayers daily, dear lady. --Elise

    3. Frances, you are in my thoughts and prayers...That is wonderful that your husband has a good personality like that. : ) ~Amelia

  9. Great deals at Kroger, especially the eggs and gas! Your meals sound so good especially the cabbage and fried green tomatoes, yum!

    I decluttered a lot this week and set some things aside for the next consignment sale. Getting rid of even a little bit seems to help so much. I love the the space that opens up when I declutter.

    1. Thanks. The eggs are very nice too. I will take all the discounts I can get on gas - dang it is pricey.
      Yes, decluttering anything seems to help. It just makes us feel better.
      Have a lovely week.

  10. Kroger had quarter sliced hams marked down to .79 lb so they were all roughly $2ish each. My mom had me pick up 10 for her to freeze and share with my grandma and they all rang up wrong. I had to go to customer service and dig out 11 hams from an overflowing shopping cart (I only got one for my house as I'm allergic to red meat and my husband doesn't much care for ham and for my toddler to try as he'll eat almost anything). Poor kid at customer service was flustered, but got it done and had to refund me almost $50.

    Found a ripped pack of nighttime pull-ups on clearance half price and had a $1.50 off coupon making them cheap.

    Target sent me a $5 off coupon for downloading the app. I downloaded the app and discovered a 15% off coupon which worked for online orders too (closest Target is a 2 hour drive). They also had spend $100 on baby care items and get a $20 gift card. Spent $80 for $100 of stuff, plus got a $20 digital gift card to use on a future order. Target sometimes has had the best deals I can find on diapers and cat food and litter.

    I also had a 15% off my entire purchase coupon at Ollie's. My husband likes the Hart brand tools he gets at Walmart and Ollie's had several Hart items. I got him a chemical sprayer with battery and charger that costed less than if I had just bought a new battery by itself.

    1. You got some great deals. That is great on the hams - but sorry they rang wrong. Nice deal at Target too.
      I like Ollies too. That 15% was nice - I used mine around Christmas. You did great.
      Keep on deal hunting! It sure can save some $$$.
      Have a great week.

    2. It’s annoying when items don’t ring through the register correctly. I’ll take it when marked down items don’t always go through at the changed price, but when items don’t ring through at their advertised price it bugs me no end.
      Years ago when I was much younger and on a shoestring budget, I got a huge dressing down from a middle aged women when I corrected her about a price , she literally tore shreds off me. It was embarrassing but I stood my ground because it would have been more embarrassing not to have had enough in my purse to pay.
      Have a great week everyone.

    3. Oh Louise, I am so glad you stood your ground when that happened. Hopefully it put her in her place and it made you a stronger person. I sure hope you complained about her to management. I sure would have. That is just so wrong.

    4. Cheryl, I didn’t complain because, well, you know, small towns. She was just a sour old lemon. If it made her feel better about herself to spread her meanness then God help her.

  11. This was a crazy weather week! We got at least ten inches and now everything is just mud. One time two raccoons actually stole our garbage can. We heard a racket in the night and Hubby went outside to look and two were rolling it down the side of our house toward the woods! I wish we had a video of it!

    1. Wow, what a week indeed. That is a lot of snow to now have gone. Oh my gosh, that would have been a $10,000 video!!!!! Guess they liked what they found and were hungry!! LOL
      Have a good week.

  12. Hello, all!

    Major Announcement! We have sunshine! I think it's been a week of cold, damp, foggy weather. And today? Beautiful 🌞☀️🌞☀️🌞☀️.
    Everyone at church was talking about it like a major celebrity was spotted in Smalltown KS!!!

    The gloom made for a tough week to get motivated to do just about everything! I wanted to sit in my comfy chair under a blanket and read! However, I powered through my chores and even managed to get a few extras done. No 4eal decluttering, but I'll take the victories where I can!

    Let's see, for meals we had
    Mini tacos
    A cream cheesy broccoli kielbasa concoction that tasted good!
    Chicken noodle soup that needed more carrots lol.
    Beef barley soup
    Pork chops and baked sweet potatoes
    We also had leftovers.
    Most everything had an ingredient or 2 at the end of its life lol.
    I always feel so righteous when I do that hahaha!!

    Went to a basket making class. Without a doubt, this was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Blood, sweat, and nearly tears for the prettiest little basket! It's about 6" x 8" with a handle and a pretty curled trim. It's woven by hand, real wood! I broke every single fingernail to the quick, I bled, and I seriously doubted I would finish it. I did it!! And now I know why Longaberger Baskets are so expensive!! It's really hard!! If anyone is interested in buying it, I'll entertain any offers over $5000....maybe 😆.

    I hope life is kind to all, especially those with difficulties. I read some tough stories here.

    1. Hi Debby - so glad you got sunshine. We had some one day last week and that was about it. Yesterday was rainy all day.
      Your meals all sound good, love that those odd ball forgotten items got used!
      How fun on the basket class - sounds painful too. I bet the little basket is lovely and you will most likely treasure it forever!
      Have a great week.

  13. We had one sunny "warm" day here and it was lovely. I even cracked open a kitchen window when the sun was shining on it and felt the warm air coming in! I have daffodil noses poking out of the ground in warm areas now, and Hellebores blooming. :) So encouraging.

    1. Mary how wonderful. I amazed at you that have flowers poking through the ground. Yes, very encouraging. We get so impatient during the winter month - every year. Spring will be here soon.
      Have a great week.

  14. @Debby- your basket story! Sorry but I laughed a little ;) Bet you never get rid of that basket!

    1. Glad I gave you a chuckle, Margaret! I come from a very crafty family, both men and women. We were those people camping in Yosemite that had rocks around our site, decor on the picnic table, and various twirlies hanging in the nearby trees. All made with what we had. One of my most precious keepsakes is a piece of firewood, about a 6" chunk that my Grandpa and I wood burned using a screwdriver and the fire. Not even a fear of burning myself at 9!!!

      And then.....THE BASKET....😂🤣😂. Over under....mash it down, measure, are the reeds wet, are they too dry, spray them, don't break your lash, but pull tightly, keep the box form, jam that reed under that one.... So much finger work! My fingertips are still very tender! Oh, I would do it again, but it isn't a common craft, it's an art form!! I truly almost wept about halfway from the frustration. And then I wanted to skip with my beautiful basket!!! Probably the closest thing to childbirth I'll ever experience bahaha!!!!

    2. I love that your favorite keepsakes is a piece of carved wood. That is too cool. Sounds like the hippy culture from back in the day!!!
      That had to be frustrating to make - but oh so satisfying when done.

  15. Cheryl, a slow week is the best! My husband doesn't feel well so it's been all about him this past week. I'm glad I'm here for him. He is getting better slowly so all will be well I hope in a couple of days. We watched the Lions Game together and were proud even though they lost. Watching football is not something I do and I know nothing aboutm but when it's a team from your state you kind of muddle through it and say it's a touchdown! LOL
    I'm interested in your canned green tomatoes -I didn't realize you can do that. Sounds delicious!

    1. Hope you hubby gets to 100% very soon. Hope you don't get it too.
      I am not a football fan either - but have done the same, when it is a home team.
      I have posted about canning green tomatoes before, I will make sure to do that again in the near future. They tasted just like fresh picked! mmmmmm
      Have a good week.

  16. Hi Cheryl, Love the prayer and scripture. Enjoyed seeing what you are up to, too. Last week as you know was "crazy-week". God is helping me though, and that is what keeps me afloat, He goes before us.

    Thank God the staff at this rehab are very sweet. Mother has improved and has calmed down. Please pray she will be learning to walk at least with a walker, I think she can do it, but it's so important as I know you agree, this will determine quite a bit in her future. She's still very weak, and she just keeps saying..."I'm tired, just so tired, I just want to go home..." She was wheezing a little bit yesterday when sleeping, the nurse said they had 'respiratory' in there earlier so at least they were on it.

    The birds are so pleasant to watch aren't they? They really minister to my heart unless it's a chicken hawk...I don't know what I'm doing today. Just the next thing I suppose...

    I do need to do my mom's taxes today or soon though. Maybe some light sewing on my apron?

    Have a sweet day Cheryl, and thank you for prayers! ~Amelia

    1. Glad you checked in - was getting a little worried.
      Glad the staff is nice and mom has calmed down some. Hope they keep an eye on her chest and respiratory with being so sedentary. Poor thing, she has to be tired and probably a little confused.
      Take care of yourself and do something that makes you smile.
      Have a blessed week.

    2. Amelia, I'm so glad the staff at the rehab is GOOD. I've debated sharing this story and have decided to as an ENCOURAGEMENT for you...

      When Grandma Griff was 93 we moved nearby. Hubs had specifically applied for the job and took a big pay cut (33%), because all other family was at least 3 hours' drive away. She'd lived in an AL studio apartment for more than 20 years. She was about 95 or 96 when my FIL--her only child--stayed with her one weekend for a brief visit. In his 70s, dementia had set in after a series of cluster strokes following his heart bypass surgery. That's important to note, because he moved her coffee table one night. GG was legally blind. He forgot.

      She tripped over the coffee table in the morning and broke her hip. Hubs and I met them at the ER. She was hospitalized for testing. FIL went home. I followed along when she was transferred to rehab. Every weekday for the next month I drove out to be there for her physical therapy. She was less likely to refuse or give them any trouble if I was there, and was more motivated to DO the therapy, too. It was also instruction for me for when she'd be released to go home.

      Amelia, she did heal, was able to walk with a rollator-type walker, and went back to her assisted living apartment. Possible because it *was* assisted living. And there she lived until shortly after her 99th birthday, when she fractured her L1 vertebrae. After rehab that time she needed full time nursing care and moved to a nursing home in our town (she'd lived 25 minutes away), which by the grace of God was to top rated nursing home in our county.

      I don't know if your mom is in assisted living or not. It was a true blessing that Grandma Griff had been, as it allowed her to be independent far longer than otherwise would have been possible. Although my 91 yr. old mom now lives with my Sis, her house hasn't been sold, but she's not been capable of independence for awhile. The plan now is to find nursing care/memory care for her and sell the house to cover the astronomical costs [so far quotes of $6k-7k per month].

      Sweet lady, I fully get it. None of this is easy. NONE of it. That's why you're on my mind and in my prayers daily. Frances, too. And others here. Take care of you, knowing God will carry you through. (((Hug)))

    3. Thank you so much, Cheryl. Today, so far I decided to pull out a frozen soup and I'll just make brown rice to go with that. I've put away a Christmas box of some things. Still have Valentine-Winter trees out etc. Put a little red light up barn on the kitchen table...Just puttering. Washing some stuff. Yes, yesterday we were so busy visiting her twice, had to go back because of her physical therapy the first time. Today I am pretty tired out. Some of our girls will visit her today so that is very nice. I think the next thing on my definite to-do list is take a walk today. The next thing is sew for a little while... : ) I didn't sleep well last night so firstly a nap is in order (as usual!) Haha. I appreciate you, ~Amelia

    4. Cheryl, I just need to say, thank you for such a precious place for us to come to and your godly, sweet and loving support as well! (((hugs))) ~Amelia

    5. Today two of our daughters and a son in law were at the rehab, they got mother out in the sunshine, but mother still has cough. They are giving her meds for the cough 3x day. Daughter asked nurse if they could please not give her sugar because of her cough. Nurse replies that they are giving her meds for the cough. Daughter says, "She still does not need sugar, it will make her cough worse." So nurse hopefully will do that little thing although reluctantly. They are supposed to schedule her for xray as well so that is good.

      Thanks again, everyone for prayers and support. God be with us all. ~Amelia

    6. Having that right-there-in-person support is such a blessing, Amelia! May God richly bless your daughters! Also your son in law. It's a rarity to have so much help on hand. Yes, it can get wearying to go it alone. I'm grateful you're getting much needed rest. Many prayers are being answered daily!!!

      I'm glad that sharing my experiences helped a little bit. I was in my 40s at that time and can't imagine how I'd hold up now at 62. My Sis is 69. She does have a solid, large support system of friends that are friends of my mom's, too. I thank God for that every day. And she has the woman hired to help a few days per week. I believe God *is* with us all as we face these challenges... and always. --Elise

  17. No spring cleaning here yet. I will probably start that in April when the weather should be much nicer. More using up what is in the freezer and those items in the pantry that are getting close to their use by date happening here. Which I think will be another month.

    We also planned a bit of a get away for September to a park that we have never been to. Pretty excited about that.

    God bless.

    1. I hear ya. Some like it to be warm before the big clean - I just do what I can when I have time.
      Good going on using up pantry and freezer goods.
      How fun. Always nice to have something wonderful to look forward to!
      Have a great week.
