Wednesday, January 24, 2024

What is Going on in Your World?

 Good morning - Happy Wednesday.  It is a very gloomy, foggy and wet morning here.  We are getting rain again, and I am thankful it isn't snow and ice.  It is already in the lower 40's this morning.  The warmest it has been all month!

I figure we all need a bit of color and sunshine in our lives today!  Aren't these lovely?

Today I plan on working on cutting out some pieces for my gr. nieces throw - from her kiddos baby clothes.  I have the backing already, so I need to get busy and make a plan for some sort of design and get to cutting.  That is the biggest part to me.  The sewing usually goes quickly.  Plan your work and work your plan!!!!

I have sure had spring on my mind lately.  I guess we all have.  I keep thinking flowers, garden, and just yard decorating.  Many things I can change up this year, as I just need something fresh.
I am ready for warm!

The house is in good order (clean), laundry is caught up, and the pantry clean - so today will be crafting and maybe some baking.

I am also thinking about my big guy Glen a lot this week.  I always do, but today would have been our 38th anniversary.  It was such a cold and snowy evening when we married.  We both worked all day, and rushed home to get ready.  Mounds of snow everywhere.  People that knew G, were totally surprised that he didn't get called into to work that night! 
He worked for the street dept. and nothing ever stopped him from going in on snow nights!  Well, almost nothing - LOL.
We laughed about that often.
It is a sad day - but a happy one too.  I got the love of my life that day - and he still is.  We had a ton of happy, happy memories together.

What do you all have planned this week?  Are you crafting?  Shopping?  Cleaning?  Planning on spring?
Give a shout out and tell us what is going on in your life.  You may motivate some of us to something different.
Have a wonderful day and make the best of all you do!


  1. Keeping you in my prayers today as you remember your beloved husband and the life you built together. Lynn Ewing

    1. Thank you so much. I do that every day - it has become a way of life. My guy is with me in my heart always.

  2. A day of sweet memories for certain. He may not be with you in person, but Glen remains in your heart.
    Not much on the docket today. I did my major housework yesterday, and I'm not sure I'll be off to Stitch and Chat this afternoon. There has rarely been more than three of us in attendance, and one of the ladies left for Arizona this week. I'll touch base with the other, but her husband has been undergoing cancer treatments so she may not be available. If I don't go, I'll do some stitching here at home.
    No thoughts of spring here yet. We're getting nicer weather and that means more snow is in the forecast.
    Have a good day.

    1. Yes he is.
      Stitching any where will be good. I hope you can get with your friends. I can't help but think of spring on these gloomy days! Yuck on more snow!

  3. Happy Anniversary, Cheryl; it's lovely to remember the big days in our relationships. I think it's even sweeter when you can remember a particular time and how you felt and leave out all the other bits that were crowding your life at the moment...just the pure joy of sharing love with the love of your life. And you can go there any time and there he is; laughing and playing tricks on you.
    Your baby throw will be appreciated. When I was about 4 my grandma sent me a quilt made of various suiting material, all in little squares. I loved to make my bed every day and that quilt stayed with me in my mind. I have made many quilts; one that I made for my son when he was a child had his name spelled out in the pattern. He remembers getting it and loves it still.
    Brown eyed susans! Nice to have a splash of yellow on a snow day.
    Have fun in your clean and tidy house! I'm not quite there yet! Ha.

    1. I love your first paragraph. Yes, we can always pick and choose the times we want to remember and that someone special is right there with us at that moment. It is a lovely gift.
      She requested it to be made and gave me the clothes from her 3 littles. I think it will be a lovely memento to hang on to forever. Those special quilts and throws all mean so much. I like the idea of spelling out the name!
      Well clean and tidy - is easy when you don't have others messing it up!! LOL
      I thought the yellow might just brighten someone's day!

  4. Good morning, Cheryl. Keeping you in prayer today. YES... rain is better than snow. Oh, snow is beautiful and all--viewed through the windows. We've been rainy this week. Much needed in the arid west. And YES, I'm thinking of gardens, flowers, planting, and spring months in advance. Isn't it funny how we do that?

    I want to thank you for yesterday's post. I'd never considered an idle appliance for storage space. This house came with a small, brand new, stainless steel fridge, but as we brought a big side by side with us, it's stored in the large barn shed. There's a lot of storage space in there! So, again, thank you. We'll free up a little space in the house.

    Nothing much going on today. I'll probably just keep organizing at a slow pace. An update on my mom: Sis called yesterday because mom wanted to talk to me and she sounded more lucid. I think UTIs really *do* affect her. She told me she wants to look for a place to move to (a nursing home), hopefully a nice one where some of her friends have moved to. That's BIG. For Sis' sake, I hope that stays in her mind.

    Continued prayers for all here. To Amelia, you're in my thoughts and prayers today--hope your mom's move to rehab goes smoothly.

    1. Yeah winter seems to take us to spring and summer thoughts. Wishing it all away, as daddy used to say!!
      Oh that side by side will hold a lot. Bug and rodent free when all closed. Dry too.
      Glad you mom has had some clear moments and yes, that idea is great for her. UTI's in elderly can just mess up everything. I sure hope she continues to think that way, it would be a blessing for her and the family. Medical care round the clock.
      Thank you!

    2. I never knew UTIs could effect the elderly the way they seem to. Yes, she's at a stage where round the clock medical care is important. She even said yesterday, "I never thought I'd live this long." Sis is 69 yrs. old now, her husband is 71. Nursing care for mom would be a blessing to all. --Elise

    3. Elise, that is a blessing your mom is the one mentioning that. We had a horrible day yesterday. I'll write more below.

    4. I'm sorry to hear that, Amelia. You're all in our prayers. (((Hug)))

  5. Prayers to you on this special day. I loved the black eyed Susans. Hoping to include them in my garden this year. No actual planning going on, I buy when I plan and it's a no spend month. LOL. But starting next week I will go forward with planning.

    1. Thank you so much.
      They are just so pretty and brighten everything. LOL - planning means spending! That is funny. Well, you wait a bit before planning. Good luck on the now spend.

  6. Sweet story about you and Glen! Not everyone has the privilege of having the love of their life.

    The picture of the flowers is cheerful for a cloudy day such as this. The good thing is that all the snow melted! It was 47* when I let the dogs to go out to potty in the dark of the night.

    Making a throw from your great-niece's children's clothes sounds like a keepsake project. Will you quilt it or tack it? I have a quilt top that my mom put together (it is super old, she has been gone since 1980) and it has some of the old feed sacks in it. My hands won't allow quilting but tacking is an option.

    Having a clean house, laundry done and a clean pantry is phenomenal! Goals to attain! I did finally get one of my robes hemmed so it doesn't sweep up all the dog hair (ha!) and will do the other one today. Socks to mend and then I can clean off the dining room table. Enjoy your day!

    1. Donna, I remember when my grandma would sit watching TV at night, darning socks with one of those wooden things. She'd mend underwear, too. It made me smile to read your comment. So few people do any of that anymore. Most probably don't know how! --Elise

    2. I was quite lucky to have G pop into my life. It was a match made from beyond. We were good for each other.
      I will likely tack it - not being a quilter so to speak. I have an Aunt of G's that is - she does beautiful work. This is just her way of having the clothes preserved in some way.
      Mending is comforting to me. I put it off - but I do gain such satisfaction from it. Have fun!

  7. Hope you have happy memories of your Glen today. I'm sure some will be bitter sweet. He will always be there in your heart. Lovely pic of the flowers, roll on spring.
    Yesterday my husband and little dog went for a walk with his sister, brother in law and new puppy. They came back to our holiday let, what a lively puppy they have, he had a great time playing with Freddie's toys. Freddie played with him for a bit and then flaked out.
    I went for a mammogram earlier and saw another sister in law and had a quick chat.
    The work at home is continuing, unfortunately one of the guys had to come back Monday to fit the plinth around the bottom of the kitchen units which has been delayed. We are back home Friday morning
    My knee replacement operation has been brought forward to Saturday, I have to be there 6 am local time, so hopefully by the time you are awake in the US, it should be done. We are eating an evening meal with my sister and husband Friday night. She said, oh it will be another last supper!!!! Sure she did not mean literally. We ate together twice before our country went into lock down during the Covid crisis.
    My thoughts are with your readers going through hard times with aged love ones and those who are mourning.

    1. Thank you. Yes, joyous memories, just wishing he was here.
      Sounds like a lovely walk and a frisky puppy! I love watching younger animals play. Bits is such a character playing - jumping, running and attacking!
      Yay, back home Friday!!!! That is wonderful. Oh gosh, you get back home and then have surgery the next morning. Enjoy your meal with family - I am sure she meant last supper before a new and improved you appears!!!! I wish you the best with the surgery and will pray for your quick healing and for those performing it to be perfection. Keep us informed as to how you are feeling. Best of luck.

    2. Best Wishes on the Knee Replacement! Surgery is such a big deal.

    3. Prayers for your surgery and a speedy recovery, Heather!

  8. Sounds like a lovely way to spend a gloomy day Cheryl! Happy Anniversary to you! I'm sure he's looking down with a smile seeing how you've managed to continue living a good life. Hugs my friend.

    1. It is gloomy! I sat for a while and watched the birds and then the squirrels playing outside. Kitties are always entertaining.
      I hope he is smiling. I am trying my best!
      Thank you!

  9. What a blessing Glen was in your life, I am sorry for your loss but so happy you found your someone and had a life with him. I'm doing a bit if not all of the mentioned above this week. I am trying to finish up afgan squares so I can crochet them together as I already have another afgan on my mind. I made orange marmalade yesterday and need to check the freezer for any frozen fruit that needs to be jammed and canned still.

    1. Yes, it was a blessing to have the years we did together. I will never regret those at all. Met lots of fun people and made lots of memories.
      I wish I still crocheted. I used to - but it has been decades. So many lovely things to be made. Using up your frozen fruit for marmalade and jams is excellent.

  10. I live a rather mundane life. Go to gym every morning at 0600 to see people and exercise and either cardio or Zumba class. I am alone and no close family ( only 2 nephews in other states) so this helps from feeling so alone. Lunch two times with friends this week which is unusual….but nice. Other than that…just routine things…but I’m never bored. Always something to do or read…. Or appointments. How I fit everything in prior to retirement, I’ll never know!

    1. Mundane I understand! Good for you going to the gym every day. That is discipline! It is nice to have those lunches out now and then. I have started that more in the past year.
      It is amazing how life becomes so busy after retirement! I think it is probably just a time management thing.
      Have a great week!

  11. Hugs to you on your and Glen's 38th anniversay, Cheryl. Your wedding day sounds so sweet and perfect! A good day's work and then...the bliss of marrying the love of your life. <3 <3 <3

    1. Thank you. Yes, we both had a busy day. I moved in the next day (we married on a Friday evening) - as he already had this house. We bought a bunch of groceries and then chilled out the rest of the weekend. Back to work on Monday! What a honeymoon weekend we had!!!! LOL
      Nothing fancy or elaborate - just each other. It was perfect.

  12. Happy Anniversary Cheryl, what a lovely account of your wedding. A definite love story ( and I love to hear those)
    Prayers for you and for everyone here who may need them.

    1. Thank you. We did indeed have a love story!
      Thank you so much. Take care.

  13. Happy Anniversary Cheryl. Your memories are just perfect. We also got married in January. It was a beautiful sunny day, but two weeks later (which would have been the 24th), we had a terrible snow storm and could not attend our friends wedding.

    I am doing some soup cooking, baking and working on some crafts. The day started out sunny so I managed a bit of embroidery, but now it is gloomy once again, and the embroidery had to be set aside. I do have some knitting to do so my hands will be busy.

    God bless.

    1. January must have been the month! We had a bunch of snow - but everything was close by - so it worked.
      Busy hands! Love it. You seem to keep busy with all your projects. Enjoy!

  14. You and Glen were a match made in heaven! It is good that you have so many wonderful memories of your lives together. The story of your wedding reminds me of Husband's and my wedding. We were married in front of the local magistrate (justice of the peace in some locales) on a Tuesday afternoon after I got off work with only his daughter and son-in-law in attendance. My dress was from the St. Vinny's thrift store. I went back to work the next day with the ring (a titanium band) on my finger. It took a few days for some of my coworkers to even notice! Fourteen years later and we're still going strong!

    We're having warm temps and rain, and the snow is almost gone. I drove in and saw Husband briefly this morning, then worked at the Project Linus workshop for a couple of hours before returning to Husband's residence and spending a couple of hours with him. I learned that the receptionist's dog has taken quite a shine to Husband and spent lunchtime yesterday in his lap getting petted and loved on. Coincidentally, the hospice volunteer coordinator called me this morning to check if it was okay that Husband receive visits from a volunteer with a therapy dog. I'm glad to see another dimension of care open up for him.

    I spent yesterday going through and culling some of the fabric I'd brought home from Project LInus over the years. I just have too much at home, so I am returning most of it. I'm now concentrating on the NICU quilts to cover the isolettes, and our main hospital system has very specific requirements for them.

    Not really thinking about gardening this year. The Burpee catalog came last month, and I haven't even looked at it. If any volunteer tomato plants come up, I'll keep them. Probably buy a flat or two of annuals for the front flowerbed around the perennials, but not planning on starting anything from seed. Just too much to take care of this year. My house isn't very clean right now, either, but I just can't seem to get motivated. I do plan to bake applesauce-raisin bread this weekend and would like to find a recipe for pork chops in the slow cooker since they're on sale this week. I haven't had a pork chop in years.

    1. Love your story. Simple was perfect. No need for big and fancy - and it took just fine!!!!! How neat.
      Glen got a suit (his mom insisted) from the thrift store - only suit he ever had! My mom bought me a pretty knee length dress. His parents & my mom were there and us. That was it.
      That is what I have always told younger folks - fancy and spending all that money doesn't make you any more married!

      Oh how sweet with dog. Love doggy must have loved him. Nice they have therapy dogs too. I love that there are different things for them all to do. That is pretty cool.
      How sweet on the NICU covers. What a lovely thing to do.

      I think you have been a bit busy lately - they house can wait. The bread will be good and yum on pork chops.
      Garden time will be here soon - but just do what you feel like doing. I love having those surprise volunteer tomatoes. I seem to get a lot off them.
      Be safe

    2. Baking is better than cleaning! Just pick up one thing and call it cleaning. I do this a dozen time a day and eventually the house looks better...well, to me it

  15. Well, I'll say Happy Anniversary to you anyway. It'll always be so. I can't believe you both worked on your wedding day! I was too hyper lol. I remember laying awake and hearing my bf snoring. I wanted to wallop her for being calm enough to sleep lol. But, that just goes to show you that a simple wedding can be forever. My ILs anniversary was yesterday. Would've been 83. They made it to celebrate 62. They just went to a local mission and asked the priest to marry them.
    I see so much time, money, and effort go into weddings these days and nothing into the marriage. I went to a friend's wedding in my 20s that had more than 500 people. Groom was my friend and I disliked the bride from the moment I met her. I shutter to think what that all cost in a swanky Los Angeles hotel, 15 bridesmaids, etc. It lasted 2 years. TWO!! I wasn't a bit surprised. That spoiled bride was all about celebrating HERSELF. However, the cake was delicious 😂. And she didn't even have the class to send a thank you card for the gift.

    Love the flowers cuz I'm sure missing the sunshine. 🌞

    1. I shudder, I don't shutter 😂😂😂. And autocorrect almost got me again!!

    2. I'm so glad you had 30+ years with the love of your life. Many are not so fortunate. He sure was a handsome dude and you deserved each other. You were both lucky. Sweet memories Cheryl. Cindy

    3. Thanks to you both. I think he was pretty handsome - my big old handsome lumberjack (actual teddy bear).
      No amount a of money throw at a wedding can make it a forever one. I'd rather spend the money on something else.
      I had a nephew who had 3 weddings to the same gal (one destination) - and it lasted less than 2 years! It was all about the childhood girl dreams! Nits.

  16. Cheryl, I'm so glad you have such good memories of your life with Glen and I always love to hear about your sweet marriage. Have you ever shared how you make your quilts or throws that you gift? I'm getting ready to retire at the end of March and am going to be looking for new hobbies and I'm really planning to enjoy spring this year with all my spare time. Another subject entirely, but have you been happy with your cataract surgery? I'm also planning that for this spring and I'm so excited at the thought of having good eyesight again! Hope the weather warms up for you soon and I always enjoy your posts! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you. Congrats on the upcoming retirement. Be prepared - you will not have all the free time you think!! It sure seems that way. Most who retire are busier than ever!
      SOOOO happy I had the cataract surgery. One of the best things ever. I am over a year out and it is wonderful. The world looks so different.
      I have shown my quilts (throws) before - they are just basic. Cut and sew - I do not actually quilt. Soft backing and put the 2 together. I pick spots to sew around on the throw to make sure it doesn't separate when washing. I also add a little yarn ties here and there.
      Thank you for being here.

  17. Thinking of you today on what would have been your anniversary. I’m sure you have many, many wonderful memories! ♥️ I’m so looking forward to spring, too! I wasn’t very productive today at all, but maybe tomorrow I will find something to get into.

    1. Thank you - yes many good ones.
      Spring will be here soon. We are just so impatient!! LOL. Some days we just have those days - and I love them. A do nothing day here and there is needed.

  18. I know your thinking of him and good times was bittersweet. I have been looking at flowers and seeds. Spring will be here next month.

    1. Yes, lots of thoughts and conversations today. Sure do miss him.
      It will be here in a flash.

  19. Happy Anniversary! He will always be in your heart. You are a lucky girl.
    I fly to NC today! My sister has been here in since sunday helping me organize and do things around my new little home here in Florida. Now we are going back up to her house (and my other sisters lives next door to her) to do some things aorund HER house. She is pretty established though, lol. I love NC and would have moved there if my daughter and her little family would go, but I can't leave those grand babies!Also hoping to get some cooler weather! It was 82 yeasterday (yuck) and going to be about that today. I know you guys are inundated with cold, but you can send it to me anytime you want!!!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Oh Barbara I wish we could have sent you the colder weather!
      Sounds like a great family - to help each other like that. Glad you are getting all settled in. Nice to be close to those grands! How nice of you to help sis and now you get to see the other one too.
      Enjoy your visit and be safe.
      Thank you!

  20. (Little Penpen) what a sweet story of you and Glen. I was so sorry when he left you so suddenly. His love lives on through you and we can tell he was a sweet and loving man. Looking forward to seeing your crafting and sewing. I’m back into cross stitch these days, as it takes up very little space and it’s easy to grab a few minutes here and there. Speaking of spring, I noticed a tulip peeking up from the ground yesterday. Spring is on its way!

    1. Thank you. Yes his love lives on. I read something the other day that spoke to me. A life may end, but the relationship lasts forever. TRUE
      Glad you are back to your cross stitch. I know you enjoy it. Oh golly a tulip? WOW. It will be a while here.

  21. Happy Anniversary to Cheryl and Glen! I know he's there too. He sounds like such a love. What a wonderful wedding with all the snow and everything, so neat. Your wedding sounds just wonderful and I know you must miss Glen so very much now. I hope you are doing okay with everything, times like this are bitter sweet I think. I will sure be praying, it must be so tough, Cheryl.

    The only thing I've done lately that is creative is iron my Valentines skirt, finish a belt to go with my Susan Winget, Christmas horse and stable skirt. I hope that today I can unwind and maybe spend a wee bit of time making an apron to match the Christmas skirt for therapy for myself.

    Yesterday was a nightmare. I arrived at the hospital and when I walked through the door, my mother said..."Mama, please be with me, Mama" Things got better and I tried so hard to tell her she would be transported to the rehab, I had our daughter, Zuzu and hubs there to greet her and settle her. We went to get a bite to eat around 2 and my son in law called to get over there, my mom wasn't doing well. My mom was soooo upset, imagining things and was very angry and hostile at all of us. (very unusual for her to be like that w/Zuzu) She took a swipe at me and that made me want to cry, still does now. It reminded me of glimpses of her former self off and on when I was young. I so pray she will learn to walk, and become a bit more coherent or we will have to have 24/7 care as well. The physical therapist yesterday at the hospital before we left said because of her dementia things she teaches my mom aren't sticking and she hasn't gotten her to even try to walk. But I know we've been told things before and it did not turn out to be that way. We will pray and I covet ya'lls prayers too. My mom thought the ambulance was bringing her home and does not want to be at the rehab no matter how we try to explain. It's a horrible situation as of yesterday, all the other elderly ladies are so quiet and submissive being brought in and my mom is about to put her boxing gloves on. Oh dear me. smh I feel like I'm at the cafeteria and someone has heaped food all over my plate and it's falling all over because the plate is not big enough.

    I hope I didn't go on too long here, but I do know we are a praying bunch for the mostpart and I appreciate that so very much.

    I appreciate you, Cheryl, please take care, stay warm with those kitty-angels. ~Amelia

    1. Oh, Amelia, sweetie... (((BIG, Long Hug))) A verse the other day made me think of you and I'm sorry I didn't share it then. Sounds like you NEED it today.

      "Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My victorious right hand." Isaiah 41:10

      It's so very hard. I understand completely. I know sedatives can be dangerous in the very old, but I also know (from experience) the staff at rehab will try something mild for your mom if necessary. They have to in some cases. Please don't be alarmed if they do. Praying very hard it doesn't come to that. Grandma Griff (at 99) had NO dementia, but could be very, very difficult when she wanted to be to the nursing staff. She could be abusive to me, too, at times. Hospice said it was because she trusted me most. The Lord WILL get you through this.

      Yes, sew today. Or do something else that calms your heart. Love on your fur babies. Lean on those who love you. I wish I lived closer. I really do. We'd pray together and find something to take your mind off the worst of everything right now. --Elise

    2. Elise, *tears* What a blessing you are! ~Amelia

    3. Sounds like hospital delirium, very common in the elderly and those with dementia. Husband had that during one of his hospital stays. Once he settled in at the subsequent rehab he returned to his normal demeanor. Praying for all of you (as he snores in his wheelchair next to me).

    4. Thank you Frances, that is very interesting. I do hope she calms down, I felt so horrible when I walked in the hospital that morning well before transport and she said..."Mama, please be with me, Mama". Tore my heart out and now of course it's the opposite. Thank you for your prayers! It means the world to me. God bless and be with you, praying for you too, thank God your hubs is peacefully snoring there next to you, music to your ears. ~Amelia

    5. Oh Amelia I am sorry everyone is going through this. Your poor momma just doesn't understand. Dementia is such a thief. It is so sad, then all the other things on top of that. I hope she eventually gets settled down and settled in. I hope the nurses and care givers are kind to her and let her work out her aggression. That is all just so sad.
      Pray dear. That is all we have. If you have time to worry you have time to pray! A good thing to remember.
      I pray all things work out and your mom calms down and does her therapy. Get some rest and 'sewing therapy' - whatever you need to do. You are all in our prayers.

  22. Cheryl, yes, it is horribly sad, breaks my heart. I am so praying, and praying she will be able to walk with a walker, that will be the difference between night and day...Our eldest daughter was also there for a little bit yesterday afternoon/eve and she said mother was sleeping and talking in her sleep. She lowered her bed a little to make my mom more comfortable, and today we'll swing over there too. Our daughter gave the nurses chapstick for her, she said the nurse was very nice about that so thank God. Thank the Lord, He has gone before us and the staff there is very nice too, the first day the nurse held out her hands to my mom and said, let's pray. My mom took her hands and the nurse said "You pray first" and my mom bursted out a quick prayer. (Loved it that the nurse prayed with her like that, knew to do that and felt ok doing that) Yesterday, I was able to take a nice walk with doggies, and sew (quickly cutting out an apron) yesterday before I cooked for supper.

    God has been good, and that, I can rest in, so true on prayer, Cheryl. I must pray, I must talk with my Father in Heaven, I couldn't live any other way really. I'm the little girl holding the puppy in the drawing I did, and I know God sees me like that. I know He does...

    I covet your prayers too. ~Amelia
