Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Some Days You Just Chuckle

 Happy Wednesday - boy midweek happens quickly.  I sure hope everyone is OK - after all the nasty storms that crossed the country yesterday and overnight.  Nothing much here.  Today off and on rain and then flurries - oh my.  Much cooler this morning and today.

Today I am just going to chat - haven't done that in a while.  There are things that make me chuckle and laugh each day - some good and some - well......  There is nothing real exciting in my little world, so the little things are what get my attention.

This PINK house sits exactly one block due south of me!  I cannot see it from my front door but can see it from the dining room window (the back of house) and from my drive.  Now let me tell you - the picture does not do the pink justice!  It is BRIGHT HOT pink.  Much better than it was, and everything on the house was pink - everything.  Also, the privacy fence 'was' painted pink, the foundation and the sidewalks!  YEP
Well, they toned it down a bit as it is FOR SALE!  LOL
It sits on a very busy and noisy main thoroughfare.  I have to say it does have a huge, fenced back yard - although messy.  A notable realtor has it listed (amazingly), and I can't believe the pictures from inside that they are showing on the computer.  Usually they are nice and neat - not these. Oh my!  Walls covered with marker swirls, dirty clothes everywhere, a partially tiled kitchen floor, a broken window - but it does have a cute vintage bathroom and the basement looks dry!!! LOL
This was the original home for this area, before the subdivision was built.  It is much older than our homes.  I am sure it was a farmhouse back in the day. 
My neighbor and I have bets how long it stays this color once it is purchased!!  LOL
I will say that IF someone buys it, they will put a lot of money in it - but it does have potential!
I chuckle every time I look up and see this!  And shake my head.

I thought the chickens were gone.  I had not seen them at all for over two weeks.  YAY!  Looked out the window yesterday and there was one coming my way.  Seriously?  I walked out on the porch and it immediately turned around and went back the way it came! As if to say "well crap - busted".  
I had to laugh.

My kitties always make me laugh.  By morning, they have usually left the bedroom and are in the living room.  So, when I sit up in bed to get up - here comes Bitsy running full bore into the bedroom and jumps on the bed yelling at me!!  What a way to wake up - how could I possibly be in a bad mood in the morning?  Blackie saunters in and sits there waiting for me to head for the kitchen.  They know the routine.
They sure do love each other and me!  Bitsy loves me and rubs and plays and talks to me a lot - but no one else.  He does not like other people and hides - under my covers!  Yep, he runs in the bedroom and sneaks under the comforter and hides!
                                  See that lump in the circle?  Yes, that is a kitty hiding!!!!  LOL

They do love being together too.  They are just too sweet.  I am so glad they are in here with me.
Pure joy is all I feel with them.
Bitsy propping his feet up on Blackie while they nap!  They both lay with bellies up a lot!  I have read they do that not so much for petting, but it means they are trusting and comfortable in that space.  I sure hope so.
I think they are enjoying their best life!

I have a squirrel out in the yard (one of many) that runs up to me every time I go out back.  It sits up on its bum begging for a peanut!  It is the cutest thing.  It sees me and comes running.  I guess they really do know who feeds them!
They make me chuckle.

What makes you chuckle or laugh each day?  A child, a pet, nature, a neighbor, a song or sound?
Life is more than just serious stuff.  We have to have little joys that just make us stop and smile or laugh.  Those are the moments that bring us joy.
Tell us what makes you chuckle???

Have a wonderful day all!


  1. Really enjoyed your cheery post today, Cheryl. I somehow managed to delete my whole post before hitting publish. dang. Too lazy to do it again. Hope your storms are past. We are immersed in slush and will go out to look for storm damage soon.
    Enjoy the day.

    1. Thanks. I hate it when that happens - sometimes things just go poof!
      Yes, storms are past for the most part - nothing bad coming that I know of. Hope everything on the home front is good and safe.

  2. That house is Pepto Bismol pink! You can be sure that the new owner will do some refurbishing.

    You kitties are so cute. They bring joy to the day.

    We didn't get any of the rain/snow that was predicted. That's just fine, don't need it.

    1. Yep - I can't imagine thinking you will get full asking price!
      We had an intense rain late yesterday afternoon. Sprinkles so far this morning - but it is windy and cold out there.
      Yes, love my kitty snuggles.

  3. We have two houses I pass on my way to town that always make me wonder...

    One is bright blue, a light blue, rather like the "Publish" button right below my post here. I wonder if that's the blue they expected when they selected the paint, for paint looks very different when it covers a big surface, like a wall. :)

    The other house is dark blue with brilliant orange trim - doors, outdoor furniture, window surrounds. I'm sure that is Team Colors for some college. It is eyecatching.

    Wonderful that your two cats get along so well. I wish Ally would warm up a bit more but I'm not holding my breath. She's only really friendly at brushing, feeding, or if I'm getting in bed. Otherwise she runs from me. :(


    1. It is amazing how people are painting houses today. It is the "in" thing to go bold around here - but hot pink is a bit bold.
      Yes, I bet that one is team colors for somewhere.
      I wish your Ally would warm up to you. At least you have those moments - I would sure stretch out to last a bit!!

  4. Hah! My biggest laugh of the day came from that "Little pink houses for you and me" listing. $150K for that hot (pink) mess on .16 acres? On a super busy street? Hahahahaha!

    Your kitties are so adorable. In the last photo, it looks like Bitsy was debating if he should pounce on Blackie. My guess is he decided YES. LOL!

    1. Now I laugh - hadn't thought of that song in ages. Can't believe I didn't think of it about that house!!!!!! Now it will be in my head all day.
      Oh Bitsy does pounce a lot. Blackie acts like it aggravates him, but I see him instigate it sometimes. They are buds.

  5. I hope someone buys that house and restores it. I hate to see beautiful old houses in disrepair. The pink really stands out, doesn't it? lol Your fur babies are so cute. Cats are the best. Not a day goes by that Binx doesn't make me smile. Have a great Wednesday Cheryl.

    1. I wish I that kind of money to pour out on a project. I would love to see it restored too. Yes mam, that pink sticks out!
      I hope someone does something good to it.
      Kitties are the best. They give many, many reasons to smile.

  6. Wonderful post Cheryl! Your descriptions of the house, the chicken, the cats and the squirrel all made me smile.
    Today, it was looking out and seeing that all the snow we had last week is completely gone in my front yard. The back yard is shaded so still harbours a bit of ice but today's high temp of 18C/64F should take care of that.
    Yesterday, it was watching a pair of Hungarian Partridges marching down the sidewalk in the early morning light. If you recall, I had a flock living the winter in my back yard at the old house. I hope this means there will be young ones later this spring living nearby.
    Of course, my cat Saku is always a source of feelings - be they joy or annoyance. He can be a real pest especially when he wakes me at 4:30 a.m. looking for breakfast but also a big love bug. :)

    1. Thanks. YAY snow gone!!! At least in front.
      That is so cool on the Partridges. I hope you have a family living close by. That would be neat.
      Kitties are a trip - they want what they want when they want it. Big cuddles!

  7. That pink house looks like a rental. And I wonder why they'd have the washer & dryer resting on top of pieces of wood. It could be a very cute home. I suspect it will need more than cosmetic updates. It sold for $22,000 in 2009.

    1. Many houses have washers and driers on pallets - in case water gets in the basement. I think a couple of my neighbors do that too.
      It could be nice - but it will take work.
      I have no idea if it is a rental or not - but can't imagine the owner allowing a renter to paint it that awful color.
      We shall see.

  8. You've let the cat out of the bag. Now we all know where Barbie and Ken live!

    1. LOL - well there you go. That is hilarious. But now we know!!

  9. When my grandparents retired to Florida from Iowa we moved into their house and it was a pale pink. Pink was my grandmother's favorite color and their Florida house was pink inside as in pale pink countertops and such. It was not a tacky color but just a nice pale pink. It was just how our 'Little Mommy' was. Yes, that was her family name and she was a cute 4'10".

    1. I could see that as pretty. I have even seen little Victorian houses with all the gingerbread and stuff in lighter pink and it was pretty. I would like a pink and black bathroom, as in 50's look.
      What a cute name. I love that. She sounds neat!

  10. Okay I’m going to come clean here and say that I have just painted a house pink ( think browny pink like the underside of mushrooms). I added a milky coffee colour for trim and a mission brown fence. All highlighted by grey green foliage in the tiny front garden. Sounds horrific, but it was very pleasing to the eye ( well my eye at least) It will be on the market in 8 weeks so I guess we will see if someone else likes it. Your pink house has great potential and with a bit of elbow grease someone could have a lovely family home.
    Those kitties are just adorable, what joy they must bring to your life. They must think they are the worlds luckiest cats to get to own you Cheryl.
    Rita, the tomatoes survived !!!! Rain was very heavy and the wind was strong, but they stayed safe under the tub. I’ll wait until they have three sets of leaves and then transplant to a better location. They won’t do well where they are, not enough sun. I feel like I have a head start in the grow-cery department, so thanks for the tip. Louise

    1. I have nothing against a normal pink - just HOT pink! I bet it looks nice and the trim sounds very compatible. I am sure yours is lovely. Hope it sells quickly.
      Well, I bet they do think they are lucky and YES they do own me!
      Love that the tomato plants made it. They will give you many 'grow'ceries later on!

  11. As popular as the Barbie movie was and is still talked about, there's probably plenty of people that love the house (the outside anyway). I have a bright pink pantry. It was a cheap mistint I picked up and I'm not 'girly' in the least but I like it. Definitely better than the white it was before.

    1. You may be right on the bright pink exterior. It 'could' be a selling point I guess.
      I bet the pantry is cute. I have even seen a pink kitchen that I thought was adorable. Just not keen on the big 2 story house!

  12. Whoa, the all-pink would have been a head-shaker for me, too. Poor old house…hope it gets some proper care soon.
    That’s so funny how your kitty hides under the comforter. “You can’t see me”😆
    I’m so glad you’re safe after those mean storms that covered so much of the mid nation. It’s sunny, windy and cool here today.
    Take good care,
    Mary in OK

    1. Yep, I shake my head and chuckle ever time I look that way!
      For sure on Bitsy. He really thinks he is hiding.
      Man oh man there has been a lot of nasty weather going across the country this week. I am so glad you are safe.
      It has been sprinkling here on and off and super windy and cold feeling.

  13. Debby in Kansas USAApril 3, 2024 at 5:59 PM

    Love your stories. The pink house made me smile. I would bet that was a nod to that John Mellencamp song about "little pink houses for you and me.". Especially because I'm about 99.9% sure that he's from Indiana.

    Speaking of pink houses....back in Cali, hubs and I were driving and along the foothills were the oddest and cutest little pink houses. I commented that I'd be wary of anything built that fast. It had only been about a month since we'd last been that way. They were strangely charming. About a week later, we read that our city hall had received hundreds of phone calls asking for realtor information because people loved them. Turns out they were simply fronts for a movie....Dr. Seuss!!!!!! Remember when everything turned pink in the book?!

    1. Yeah, Sue mentioned that above, and I laughed out loud - because for some reason I never thought of that!!
      That song was back when he why Johnny Cougar!!! LOL
      I think CA and FL both have a thing for pink house on the beach areas. That is cool - and kind of tropical. This one not so beachy!!!
      Oh that is funny on the Dr. Seuss house fronts!
      Different strokes!

    2. Debby in Kansas USAApril 4, 2024 at 7:35 AM

      Yes, Cali and Florida love their colorful hues, for sure. My friend there called the style "bastardized Mediterranean!". Our home was an orangey stucco with turquoise doors! My friend had pink stucco with palm green doors. No changing allowed, they all matched. So I guess it's no surprise that pink Dr. Seuss houses would appeal!

  14. Now that is one pink house. Glad to know they toned it down a bit. Still one could always find it!!!

    God bless.

    1. Yes, that has to be a good directional!!! Just look for the pink house! Only one around here. LOL

  15. Oh wow! That pink house is something else! Haha! That's going to need a LOT of work! I cracked up about the chicken! Haha! And the precious! Those animals know who love them and take care of them. I love seeing updates about your kitties! They are so cute! My Jake has a set routine, too. My favorite part is where I have to sit on the top stair before I come downstairs and pet him until he's had enough. Haha!

    1. I would to get my hands on that house - it is old and could be neat.
      I just love all the critters.
      Cats sure can get some habits. They train us well! We are wrapped around their little paws. Pet Jake for me!

  16. I'm so glad you get such joy from your kitties. My son lives near and brings his dog for a visit every day. They both make me laugh out loud. Fur babies are such fun and love you unconditionally. OOXX Cindy/WV

    1. Thanks. Oh how fun for you! Grand pup visits. Love it.
      Yes, they are fun and full of unconditional love. They sure do grab our hearts.

  17. Wow! That is pink. Our little dog is like Bits. He jumps up on the bed and on to me in the morning for a cuddle and an ear rub. He makes me smile a lot. When hubbie has taken him for a walk, he runs to find me and if I'm sitting down jumps in me. Other times he likes to hide behind the sofa in his safe space, who knows what his life was like before at the puppy farm.
    Our next door neighbours children Harper and Hunter make me smile when they are outside playing. My late Dad would have said Hunter was vaccinated with a gramaphone needle, he chats constantly. They are three and six.
    Gav, our other neighbour went to school with our youngest son, he does everything on the run! He is a great guy but has such a girly giggle while playing with his daughter's or nieces and nephews, always makes me want to chuckle too.
    Really don't have to go far to be happy in life.

    1. I love your last sentence. "Really don't have to go far to be happy in life". SO TRUE
      Our pets are just miniature versions of kiddos! They have such sweet habits and show so much love and joy. You know your baby is happy and safe now. I wonder if animals have memories like we do and think about the past? Just knowing they are safe is so special.
      Your neighbors children sound like a hoot. Hunter must have much to say - and you need to know it! LOL
      I love seeing a guy engaged with the kiddos and playing - not all of them do that.

  18. OMG OMG OMG OMG. I LOOOOOOVE the pink house. Love it I say, love it. That said, I'm painting our new place yellow when we get it. Always dreamed of a yellow house with white trim. No shutters.

  19. Copper makes me laugh until I cry...usually at least once a day. Sometimes what he does, and sometimes just the look in his eyes.
