Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Quiet Many Don't Realize

 Good morning all.  I sure hope you are all safe.  There have been some very nasty storms in the past day or so.  We got a lot of rain and noise, but that is it in my area.  I keep reading about tornadoes, hail, and blinding rain elsewhere.  
It seems every year just as the peonies start blooming, we get a pounding rain!  Every year.  LOL
That is OK, at least we are safe and if that is the only damage - well all is good.
I noticed this morning when I went out to feed critters that the shed had steam coming from its roof.  It kind of startled me, then I looked around - all garages and sheds and shorter trees were doing the same.  The sun was shining on them, and they were wet and cool and steam appeared.  Just kind of foggy looking.
Poppies always represent the many service members lost.  Memorial Day is coming soon and we remember.  I always think about the saying 'freedom isn't free'.

We have all had loss in our lives.  Not only service members - but spouses, children, grandchildren, siblings, parents, dear friends and yes even precious pets.
Today I want to share a poem I recently saw that is just so fitting for all.  In those quiet moments of every day - life is affected forever.

Please click on poem to enlarge to read easily.

I just felt this poem said it all.  Each of us go on each day and do LIFE.  We all seem normal and happy.  Yes, we are - but we are still sad and lonely.
Life changes in an instant and it changes forever.  That doesn't mean it can't be joyful again or laugh again and that we can't get back into the swing of things - it just means we all have something in common.  Those QUIET moments.

Please know that it is normal to have those moments.  Hugs to all who are quietly 'missing' that special someone or those special times.

Wishing a safe and lovely day!


  1. Yes, that poem does represent me very well. I want to get in the norm if things, but it still feels forced. I guess that is the norm for now, but with hopes of better in the future.

    1. It does get easier - but it takes time - sometimes a lot of time.
      New normal - doesn't mean we have to like it.

  2. Profound writing by Becky Hemsley. In the words of a lady whose brother died - I have a place in my heart for him & I go there when I need to.

    1. Yes indeed. Yes, always in our hearts - forever and ever. I like that - "go there when I need to".

  3. Oh yes, been there for sure. Some days the pain seems endless.

    1. I know. Yet we can go forward and onward. Life is an amazing thing. HUGS

  4. Every moment it seems I'm thinking of my sister. I go onward but she is there ..but not a day goes by. Beautiful post.

    1. Hugs. I do understand that. Just keep those special memories alive.

  5. It is in the quiet times when I miss his presence the most ... Saturday will be 10 years since my husband's sudden passing. But I will continue onward and live life as he would have wanted me to. Hugs to all who are missing a loved one.

    1. Those quiet moments do speak volumes, don't they? You are doing good, but I understand it is hard. Gosh, 10 years - I am sure it seems like an eternity. Hugs to you as well.

  6. In the last few days I saw an article about saving peony buds for up to three months to put in water to bloom later. It would be pretty awesome if it works. Maybe you could find it by Googling it.

    We already had the weather radio go off this morning putting us under severe thunder storm watch for the day even though the sun is shining. On hot summer afternoons here in the deep South we get short pop up showers and then all the roads steam. It does look odd.

    This is the first Mother's Day without my Mom. We all miss her so much but are so happy she is not lost in dementia and crying anymore.

    1. I will have to google that - sounds very interesting. It is sunny here too, but we have storm warnings for later this evening. Stay safe.
      I am sorry - but you are so right. We sure wouldn't wish back all the health issues and problems. Hugs.

  7. Lovely reading. The author expressed herself very well. Rather timely that you posted this today. I awoke this morning after a dream that my middle brother was alive and I had visited him.

    All the weather reports last evening talked about terrible tornadoes in Michigan and Indiana. We just got rain here.

    The sun is shining bright today...I was thinking heavenly sunshine. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks. Well, in my book - you did visit with him! I know I take those 'visits' very personally and they are special. I love those kinds of dreams.
      Yes, they sure talked it up here, but only rain. Thank goodness.
      It is a gloriously beautiful day.

  8. Yesterday wasn't bad here, but we have had severe weather warnings out all day, especially for this afternoon and tonight. All schools in the area will be dismissing early. Storms never bothered me until I had kids.

    I've been lucky enough that I've never had any close deaths. I've lost grandparents, but was never close to them. Pets have been the closest to me that I've lost.

    1. Glad you are safe and had no bad storms. I guess they have to give us the worst case scenario - then when it doesn't happen we are happy!
      You are very fortunate. Someday it happens for each of us - some many times. I hope it continues good for many years!

    2. Pet loss can be terribly painful. Some of them get closer to my heart than many people who are close blood kin. Sometimes I see Blackie out of the corner of my eye, but it's just a shadow. Then I'll weep, even though I now have Allie and she is getting sweeter as time goes by.

    3. I totally understand that. Pets are family in every way. All pet people can understand.
      I have often said I like animals better than some people. May sound crude - but it is true. HUGS

  9. The rain has ended, with nearly another inch yesterday; the sun is shining and the forecast looks wonderful. Everything is greening up, the lawn needs mowing, and the robins have been frolicking in the backyard. Such a wonderful time of the year.
    The poem is lovely.

    1. It is a lovely time. We had a bunch of rain last night, today the sun is out. The birdies are so fun to see and hear.
      It just seems like all is right in the world at these times.
      Thank you.

  10. It's so pretty here today.
    But boy is it nasty elsewhere from Springfield MO east to Charlotte NC and we have family in both places!

    1. I sure hope they are all safe. It has been so nasty in the central states - it sounds really nasty today!

  11. Thanks for sharing that lovely poem Cheryl. I definitely agree, losing pets can be traumatic for many. I guess saying goodbye to anything you love is hard.
    On a brighter note your poppies look amazing. We went to view a house today that had a garden that was just a sea of poppy heads. In a day or two it will look great. Whenever I see poppies I always think “fresh”. Sadly I have never been able to grow them in my yard, but I do always admire them in other people’s gardens.
    Take care, Louise

    1. Yes, any loss can be devastating. Those losses can be traumatic for years.
      I do love poppies. They just look happy to me - all that brightness. I wish they lasted longer.

  12. The poem so spoke to me. I think of my sister every day, missing her, yes quietly. Hugs to you, Cheryl.

    1. I am glad it spoke to so many. I was hoping so. I knew many had been through a lot and sometimes we just need to be reminded it is OK to be sad, lonely and quiet. Thanks

  13. I think of our family that left us too soon and those friends that are no longer with us every day. Quietly, quietly.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, ever so quietly. It is sad each day. Always remembered.

  14. When I lost my mom recently, I learned that for me, happiness and sadness can live in the same spot at one time.

    Great poem. Really touching.

    1. Yes indeed. You are very right - happiness and sadness can live in the same spot. Very well put. Hugs

  15. Yes. I can so relate to this poem...So very much so. I still take a double take at Muffie's bed, when I hear an airplane I think of Daddy, when I see a rose I think of Al, the clouds, my grandparents...even the light the way it shines in in the evenings...Yes. It doesn't take much. I tear up right now thinking of it all...And my mom with dementia now, a slow goodbye that hurts my heart many a day. I just stood outside on the porch and heard the sounds of evening, the cicadas in the trees and that too...Memories of my little girls once playing outside to those same sounds, I remember like yesterday.

    1. So many occasions in life that happen take us to those quiet moments. Very grateful that we have been allowed to have memories. As stated above - happiness and sadness can live in the same spot. Some memories and thoughts are for those gone from this earth and others that are here, but slowly leaving us in one way or another.
      Hugs to you

  16. I’m glad you have been spared from the really bad weather! So scary, these storms happening here lately! I’ve sure been missing my daddy and Maw-Maw this week. I’m so sad they won’t be here to see The Teen graduate on Friday. I sure do miss them, but especially during these milestone times. I like to think they can still see what’s going on in some way. 😌 Hope you and the kitties are having a good week!

    1. The storms have been something for sure. Thank you and yes we are well. I sure hope everyone from here is.
      Those important dates do make us yearn to have our loved ones here. I am like you, I think they can see too. I believe in a moment, you can feel it. Just think of them with a smile and they are they are there. Such a special time for your family.

  17. A lovely poem. I feel that often especially as I am thinking of my mother as Mother's Day approaches. Thank you and God Bless.

    1. Thanks. We all have out moment and times for our loved ones. I hate that people have to have those moments - but life has a way of getting us. Blessings

  18. That poem sure says a lot...and it is so true.
