Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Meals, Mending and Icky Buggers

 Happy Tuesday all.  Hope this finds you all well and safe this morning.  It is another cool morn here, and it is lovely.  Looks to be warmer all week, but with no humidity!  YAY! We sure need rain - not sure any will come this week.
Yesterday was a busy day here around the homestead, got all kinds of things done, before it just got a little too warm for me.  I got to talk with a niece last night and that was enjoyable.  It had been a while.

Let's talk about a couple things I mentioned in the wrap-up post.  Just ways I save a bit of change around here.  I like things that are simple - so here we go.

I mentioned a couple of the simple meals I had.  One meal was leftover day.
I had a big helping of 'garden' veggies left, baby potatoes and a bit of taco meat w/beans.  It became a meal.  I know it looks like a lot of food for one - but remember that it is my one meal I eat a day, other than that, it is an occasional snack.  Also, it is loaded with veggies.  Threw the meat over the baby potatoes.  The veggies were just sauteed together - all from the garden with a bit of cheese on top.  It was filling, pretty healthy and yummy.  And the best part - nothing wasted!  The veggies are pretty too!
Jalapeno popper zucchini bites!  I used a small/medium zucchini and cut into chunks.  Barely cooked, then added the cheese mix.  It was a bit of sour cream, cream cheese, cheddar shredded and diced jalapenos.  Let it all simmer together.  I topped with a few bacon bits.  It was so good, and no need for the oven.
I loved how the cheese got crisp/browned around the edges.

A cute patch for my jeans.  Long ago I had a denim shirt that just wore out - it had embroidered flowers on it, so I cut those out and saved.  Well, I used one to patch the small hole.  I used Liquid Stitch, for the mending process (I love that stuff).  Super easy and kind of cute!

Now let us talk icky buggers!  Stink bugs!!!  Oh, how I loathe those things.  They are not only ugly, but they are everywhere right now.  It seems everywhere you look outside they are there.  They sneak in at every opportunity as well.  And yes, they do stink if you try to pick them up or smash them.
They have what looks like a coat of armor to start with, then add the stink - and you have a nasty bugger.
They even try to hitch a ride on humans when you go outside.  I have brought in a couple of them.  They climb on the window screens outside and drive the Bitsy nuts!
They really are pretty creepy looking.  Not sure what their purpose is on this earth, but I guess they must have one!

Have you had any simple yet yummy meals lately?  I just love it when things come together, and you can have a yummy meal for pennies!  I so enjoy eating all the great items that come from the garden.
I think 'maybe' today will be a chef salad - not sure yet.  That does sound good - throw a bit of cheese and summer sausage on top (or tuna) and I can have a meal for pennies!
There are always ways to get an inexpensive meal.  Don't waste and be willing to get creative!

Well, that is it for this morning - I am expecting a service person to show up sometime this morning, so won't linger.
I wish you all a super lovely and productive day!


  1. My 3pm dinner yesterday: filled a plate with tortilla chips, topped with the dregs of cheese on-hand, melted it up. In a bowl mashed up 2 small avocados and some of my canned salsa and VOILA! The dregs of tortilla chip/crumbs are gone, the Avo isn't wasted and the salsa jar is washed ;-) This morning is eating the last 2 apples from CSA 2w ago before they spoil. Then when I get hungry, the last slice of Saturday's whole wheat bread I made with some peanut butter/blackberry jam (made from our patch).

    I don't ascribe to traditional foods at traditional meal times. Like you, I eat what needs to be consumed!

    Happy Tuesday all!

    1. It all sounds so good. You have that right, I have been known to have breakfast for dinner, and leftover pizza early in the day. It is all food and all good. I will eat whatever needs to be eaten IN TIME. I hate waste.
      Love this.

  2. After living alone it is a challenge to come up with "proper meals" when I have company! I'm used to eating whatever is at hand, using up bits and pieces of stuff here and there, not worrying at all about what is *supposed* to go together. The two things I do pay attention to are having some protein every day and concentrating on more veggies.


    1. Yes mam. It is funny - when I need to cook for others - it is usually a crowd, so that seems easy for me. Alone, well whatever I have is the case at hand. I usually have some kind of protein in the day - even if a dab of peanut butter. I love fresh fruit and veggies, so that is never a problem.

  3. All of your meals look so good -I love the jean patch too. Today we are having BLT's from a tomato I found in the garden.

    1. Thans. That is a favorite summer meal! I had one Sunday. So tasty.

  4. Cute patch on the jeans - you were smart to keep the flowers for another day.
    I truly enjoy salads but my son does not. There always has to be meat and some starch at dinner time, and I can have the salad on the side or for lunch.

    1. Thanks - I keep things that MAY come in handy!
      I love a salad. Some people are just that way and need meat and starch - that is cool. I think we consume what we really like.

  5. I did something productive today. I bought magnets that were .99 this week at CVS. I put pictures of my kids pets on them. So I just got 2 stocking stuffers for $2 and I know they will both love them.

    1. WOOHOO! What a cute idea. Smart thinking and shopping. Love you are working in Christmas.

  6. Love your mending job! Cute! A matter of reusing a piece of a garment. My mom was the queen of reusing things.

    Your meals look yummy! A vegetable plate is always a favorite. I asked the Farmer to find some cube steak in the freezer(s) and he found one from 2021. It looks fine and will be smothered in onion and mushroom gravy (which improves anything!). The Farmer planted some broad beans that were purple and a light yellow. They are delicious. The key is not to cook them as long as regular green beans.

    Yukky stink bugs! I don't know if there is something to spray on them to hasten their demise. Have to check that out on Pinterest.

    I think I told you my old computer died and would you believe, I got a virus (fake) on this new computer. The popups were relentless and the Farmer found a YouTube video that took care of the problem quickly. Gotta love YouTube.

    Are you looking forward to cooler weather? The mornings haven't been too bad for working outside. Snuggles to the bitty kitties.

    1. I love re-using things. We learned well.
      I could eat a plate of veggies every day - I guess I could kind of be a vegetarian - but I do love my burgers!! LOL
      The beans sound good.
      I have tried all kinds of things and they just have to take their time going away, it seems.
      Yes, I love the mornings. It could stay like that all the time in my opinion. It hasn't been too bad since there is no humidity.
      I will gladly hug the silly kitties!

    2. Pinterest has lots of ideas for getting rid of stink bugs.

  7. I love having leftovers on hand to create meals with. I made cauliflower taco meat the other day with cauliflower, walnuts, and mushrooms. It's something different we enjoy,

    I detest stink bugs! And it is that time of year for those little stinkers Ugh!

    1. That sounds tasty. I love trying new combos and mixes of things.
      They are nasty little bugs for sure.

  8. We rarely see stink bugs. It has been years.
    The way you describe a meal, I suppose I only eat one meal a day, too. Cute flower for your jeans.

    1. The bugs are very common in Indiana. They are all over the place. I think much of Ohio Valley has them.
      One meal a day is all I need. Unless one has dietary restrictions or sugar problems, doctors even say one is enough.
      I eat earlier in the day, never close to bedtime. That is my preference. Eating too late causes me not to sleep.

  9. Here in southern Ontario we have noticed a lot of stink bugs in this last week. I painted trim around the front door so needed it open so it could dry. Fortunately we have a second door so the visitors were contained lol. I have a “bug jar”, a mason jar so I can put it over any bug, slide the flat lid under the rim, and move them back outside. I know every creature has a purpose, it is just not their purpose to live in our house!

    1. Well, I guess they aren't just in my area! They are a nuisance.
      Good idea on a bug jar.
      I do wonder what their purpose is! I agree, it isn't to be in my house!
