Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Mistakes - We all Make Them

Happy midweek!  We are now over halfway through the month, and less than 100 days until Christmas!  Just thought I would throw this out there.  LOL!
The moon sure was something to see last night and this morning!  Bright and full - and a cool morning - seems like fall!  Temps are still pretty warm after reaching the mid-mark each day.  Not changing anytime soon.  Sunday will be officially fall, but summer isn't letting go anytime soon around here.  I sure wish for rain!

Yes indeed.  I can guarantee you, there is not one person here that hasn't made a mistake (or 2 or 3+) in their life.  I know I have made many.  You don't always get things right the first time, and to me mistakes mean you are living and trying.  Not every test gets an A every time - you have to study and to try.
To those who are just beginning this journey, just know it is normal to mess up!  Sometimes many, many times - before you get it right.
It is frustrating, yes!  But you keep on trying and you keep moving forward and you will eventually get it right.  
The above statement is one of the biggest reasons people fail.  Credit, can be nice to get you through a rough patch or to make a purchase of a big item - but it can get you in trouble.
Many people think of credit as - "I don't have to pay for it"!!!  
YOU DO have to pay for it.  Minimum payments get you nowhere!  They just add to the debt and over time get you deeper in debt.
Lots of people buy things they would never spend cash on.  They buy a lot of wants, not needs.
YES, I know many do not carry cash and use cards for everything - but these people pay off the debt each and every month!!  This is important.  I use mine too now and then for bigger purchases.  I do pay it each month 100%, I don't pay interest or late fees.  I get points I can use to get free items or gift cards.
For the majority of what I buy, I use cash.  I am old school and will go down fighting for cash! (I don't even own a debit card).
Buying sale items or clearance with a card, then making minimum payments - gets you nowhere at all.  You will end up spending way more on those items than they were worth at regular price.  Just DON'T do that!

The old saying, "Take care of your pennies, and your pennies will take care of you" is so very true.
Be mindful and don't do silly things just to impress others.
Remember the huge difference between WANTS and NEEDS.

Just remember mistakes mean you are trying and living.  LEARN from those mistakes and then CHANGE your behavior.  That change can make your life so much more comfortable and easier.

Have a wonderful day everyone!


  1. A great reminder this morning, Cheryl. Buying sale items or clearance with a card, then making minimum payments is a false economy and no way to save money.

    1. Yes mam. We can make ourselves believe things if we want - but it isn't true. Such a big waste of money - those interest rates will get you.

  2. Love your sentiments today!
    I had something similar to your first meme tacked on my bulletin board when I worked, because I had an extremely critical coworker who loved to point out the mistakes of others. I'd always point to it and tell her at least I was trying (and the truth was that she usually was not!)
    Also, I've heard a different variation of "Take care of your pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves."

    1. It is so true. Who in this world doesn't make mistakes? Her mistake was criticizing and not trying!
      Maybe that is how the saying goes - it still has the same sentiments! Take care of your money and it will take care of you.

  3. I know it won't happen but wouldn't it be FANTASTIC if LAYAWAY made a comeback! Want it? Earn it!

    1. I loved layaway!!! I used it every holiday. I remember mom using it for various things. That would be a lovely return to days gone by.

  4. Loved the Will Rogers statement. So true!!

  5. The Will Rogers quote is great! I put it in my quotes journal. Yup, if you don't try, you won't fail and won't learn anything.

    The unelected powers that be are trying to eliminate cash from our society. So many people don't use banks, rely on cash only. Yes, it would be nice if layaway programs came back but that is unlikely, alas. The store owners would like to be run by AI, not people.

    Off to run some errands before it gets hot. I know I will complain when it is cold, but daggone, I'm tired of hot weather. Enjoy your day!

    1. Yes, if we don't try we won't fail. Failure is simply learning.
      I really hate that they are trying to get rid of cash. It is a means of control in my opinion. Knowing all! (like they don't already)
      I worked out in the yard all morning. Enjoy your errand running. Not too hot yet!

  6. We didn't see the moon last night, but rather had thunderstorms rolling through most of the evening and throughout the night. I woke to lots more rain, but it is beginning to clear up.
    I've made a few money mistakes in my life - thankfully not too many. My mistakes tend to be with relationships, dealing with others emotional needs.

    1. I would have liked to have had the rain, instead of seeing the moon!
      Hey, those are life mistakes too. We learn and grow from them (hopefully). Life in general gives us lots of opportunities for making mistakes and to try again.

  7. My daughter & husband recently bought a dining room table. They paid cash. It was $1500. I haven't bought furniture in years (probably decades) so I don't know if that's a lot or not. Anyway, after they told the salesman they wanted to buy it he started to give them the spiel about their credit offer! He assumed they weren't going to pay for it right then.

    We figured out that it would be 3 years. Yes 3 years before the table was paid off. I said multiply that by everything else people buy every month and make minimum payments on.

    I do cringe when I remember some of my mistakes. But I remind myself that now I know better. I like to think I make better choices because of what I've learned. I used to buy foods on sale or clearance that we didn't eat but I hoped we'd like. Honestly, that took awhile to get through my noggin that was a waste!

    When my daughter was learning to ice skate many years ago I'd remind her that she had to fall to learn to skate.

    I mean if you don't ever make mistakes how do you know when you're right?

    1. That is so true. Those mistakes teach us all so much.
      Smart kiddos paying cash. I know some places offer a discount know if you pay cash. I just heard from a neighbor today, that our closest WM is going cashless in less than a month. Get very little business from me now, but if they take that off the table - they will get zero business from me.

  8. We don't have a debit card either because about ten years ago we had the number stolen and our bank account cleaned out. Now everything is a credit card and paid off monthly. That is just peace of mind for us to have the extra security.

    1. That is scary. I just never wanted one - but that is scary. I can't imagine the horror of that happening. Your decision is a smart one for you.

  9. Another "no debit card" person! I don't want that kind of instant access to my bank account - for me or a merchant or a crook. I'm a cash person, but I'm finding that more things work better with a card - like purchases where there might be an issue. Everything is paid off when the bill comes, I keep a running total every month to see what's on the card. Call and see what the balance is sometimes, keep an eye on it. Make sure the statement is correct.

    Yes, I've made plenty of mistakes in my life. Some of them turned out to be Long Term Errors which I still mutter and grumble about. Fortunately most of them are short term so I can do better next time.

    We got RAIN! 3.75 inches in the gage over a three day period. I'm so happy. :)


    1. That is how I feel too. I don't give checks at stores anymore either. cash or a CC for me (usually cash).
      Yes, you have to pay attention and make sure it is all accurate.
      I think we have all had our share of mistakes, large and small. I have!
      YAY for you - how lovely. I sure wish we would get some. My grass is brown.

    2. I will pay with a check at a shop, but I don't like sending them through the mail. I use a gel pen for mailed checks, and take them to the PO when the PO is open and hand it in over the counter or use the inside drop slot.

      Sure is tiresome to have to do all these dances to avoid crooks.


    3. Lately I have found stores that I have always shopped at no longer take checks .
      Now many don't want cash either.
      I have had my account hacked by low lives. The recent hack disclosed most of the people in the United States social security numbers. There's nothing you can do to stop this.
      I had two medical facilities and my retirement account hacked in three weeks. Oh they offered me worthless credit monitoring for a year. Free! How nice.
      So I'll know where my stolen identity is being used next.
      That's all it would do.
      Not using cards. Cash only period.
      I had to go out and get personal
      Credit monitoring and insurance.

  10. I never used a debit card or my bank cc until covid. Now, I rarely have money on me. But, if cc is used, it is paid off each month. Same with Tommy.

    1. I know a lot of people did that - but I continued to pay cash. I will as long as I am able.
      Pay off each month is so important.

  11. The moon was lovely last night. There was a partial lunar eclipse last night, very late. I tried to stay up, but I'm an early to bed person! I use cc a lot because it earns cash back. I always pay it off monthly, often every two weeks! No profit from me for my bank!

    1. I didn't stay up late, but I get up very early - and it sure is bright and pretty.
      Earning points, and not paying interest - is a win-win. Good job.

  12. I can't really think of big financial mistakes we've made. Probably the mistake that happened most was choosing cheaper, lower quality products over more expensive, higher quality products. Quality, even when more expensive, really is cheaper in the long run! But when you're seriously tight on money, your money stretches only so much that you sometimes make these "mistakes" out of necessity.

    1. I have made mistakes, and not all were financial. Just life in general. BUT saying that, in my younger years I did make some financial goof-ups!
      Quality is important if one can get it.
