Thursday, December 21, 2023

A Holiday Message

 Good morning to all and happy Thursday - it is 'officially' winter today!  The shortest daylight day of the year.  YAY - after today they start getting longer!!  I am ready for sure.  A few short days and it is Christmas.  Christmas can bring out the best and the worst in all of us.  Happiness and sadness.
That is something we all need to remember as we interact with people through the new year.  Not everyone is happy, joyful and celebrating.

Sometimes the magic just isn't there and that is OK.  Each person must find their own way to travel through the holidays and make the adjustments necessary.

Just take time to listen if necessary, take time to give a hug, take time to smile and be kind.  It means a lot to so many.  It will cost you nothing and mean the most!
I know many here are having a 'first' Christmas in a new and different kind of life.  I am so sorry - just know, you will make it.  Next year, there will be others having that 'first'.  We only have 2 choices - go forward and make it through the best we can - or don't.  We want no one to not!!!!!!
Do whatever you need to make it bearable.  Always know there are people who love and care.

The "Christmas Magic" is watching the littles get so excited.  To see their eyes get big and wide looking at the presents under the tree.  To hear their squeals of joy opening that 'best' present ever!  Listening to them tell about seeing Santa.  Children are the Christmas magic to me.  They make my heart happy and young again!
So if you are down and feeling blue - watch or listen to a child or go to a long-term facility and visit some elderly people (who may have no one) and watch their eyes brighten with joy!  Listen to their stories.  Hold their hand.

It is the little things that are big things.  Put a little joy in your life and into someone else's life.
Know you are loved and thought of - and know you too will get through this.

I WILL be doing my wrap-up on Sunday as normal.  I realize that many may not be reading, but celebrating with family.  IF you have a weekend of festivities planned - may they all, be blessed and wonderful.
If you will not be here until after Christmas - have a merry, merry day!

ENJOY the rest of the week!  


  1. This post is such a good perspective on the holiday season. Not everyone is all fa-la-la.

    Low 50's today and that's okay with me. The dogs go for their yearly checkup today. I haven't told them yet...ha! Enjoy your day.

    1. Heavy frost early this morning here, Donna, but we'll get into the low 50s, too. Friday and Saturday are supposed to bring snow. Hope your dogs get/got two thumbs up from the vet!

    2. Thanks Donna - can you believe it is supposed to be 60 on Christmas?
      Yes, not everyone enjoys the holidays - we need to remember that.
      Hope the doggies get a good check-up

  2. Absolutely true, some folks suffer horribly in the Holidays. My dad died the day after Christmas, and that could have been a bad thing, but it really wasn't. I miss him, of course, and it was a shock at the time, but it was best for all that he go, things had been going downhill for quite a while.

    If you suspect you will be alone on the day when nothing is open, nobody else is alone, etc., plan ahead. Figure out something pleasant to do with that quiet day. Often music on the radio can be exceptional on Christmas, you just need to find the right station. ;)

    If the weather is decent you can walk the neighborhood and see the decorations. If not, you can make a cozy little festival for yourself with music, candles, good food, a good book or movie.

    Thank you, Cheryl, for this friendly site. :)

    1. Mary, our oldest son will be alone for Christmas. Kind of breaks my heart, but he's upbeat about it. He's planned Cornish game hen for dinner and we'll skype, but he also has a list of Christmas movies to watch. Great advice! --Elise

    2. Sometimes it is just a blessing when our loved ones go on. Suffering is not what we want for anyone.
      Yes, reading, movies, music, lights, walking, whatever may help put a different perspective on the day. It is all good and people just need to do them!
      Thank you!

  3. Cheryl, thank you for this reminder. And thank you for a wonderful spot to come every day, through the highs and lows of this past year. You have such a good heart and were so helpful to me to navigate this year. Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year. Sending prayers and healing sparkles to those who need it. Hilogene in Az

    1. Hilogene, I am happy you felt you received help from this end. It is not easy, and no two people are the same, but maybe just a little experience or advice can help.
      Thank you for your sweet word.
      "Healing sparkles" - I like that!

    2. Hilogene, You don't know me but I have been praying for you when I realized you were recently widowed. God bless you and be with you. ~Amelia

  4. Merry Christmas and thanks for all you do, Cheryl! You have provided so much insight and love to so many! May your Christmas be blessed with the reason for the season now and always! Just love you, girl! Hugs ❤️

    1. Thank you Linda. I just try to leave the world a little better than it was. I hope it helps people.
      So kind - thank you so much.

  5. Cheryl, thank you for all that you do to remind us how to be good humans. You have such a big, wonderful heart and spirit. Thank you for your positive, can do attitude.

    1. Do you mind if I second that, Lori? Adding kindness and patience and grace.

    2. Thank you gals. You all are so sweet and have embraced me over the years - I am honored.
      You have all made me a better person.

  6. Your observations, words of wisdom and carefully curated memes are always thoughtful, heartfelt and appreciated. I'll be reading Sunday, but will go ahead now and wish you a very Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you so much Bobi. I appreciate your kind words.
      Merry Christmas to you as well.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. Thanks for being here. Merry Christmas!

  8. Cheryl, thank you for reaching out to those who most needed this post. It can be a hard time of year. It can be a lonely time of year for many. Good advice offered with genuine love.

    Today is our youngest son, Zach's, 31st birthday. We offered to take him out to dinner, but he's leaning towards a steak dinner at our house. I'll be you didn't know, Cheryl, how much YOU have influenced HIM; I often share with my guys what I've read and learned here. It has refreshed his memory about what we did during his childhood, but it's not just Mom saying it. ;-)

    Just wanted you to know your influence goes farther than you might think. A young man in the AZ mountains has embraced a frugal, simple life. Have a blessed lead up to the big day! --Elise

    1. Thank you. Aaaahhh that is so neat. How sweet that you share ideas and thoughts with the boys. That is pretty neat.
      I am glad to have helped in some tiny way! Please tell him happy birthday!
      Thanks for sharing that!

  9. Having a little one (or more) around is definitely the best to bring joy to Christmas. Ours is always a little bittersweet as it was my mother's birthday. This year marks the 20th anniversary of her death. We always talk about her at Christmas dinner, mostly happy memories and that helps.
    I'm looking forward to the weekend, spending time with my grandson and daughter. I suspect Monday will be a very exciting day for our Eli!

    1. The littles! My nephew called me earlier to tell me about how my nieces liked their gifts from me. I didn't get to be there (he videoed it for me to see Mon.). Said they absolutely were having a ball singing, and dancing and playing music! Yeah I'm the aunt that buys the noisy things!!!! LOL
      Things like that warm my heart.
      That makes for a sad day, but those happy and lovely reflections make it better. She is still there as long as you talk about her. HUGS.
      I bet Eli is soooo ready! They are just precious.
      Safe travels.

  10. A very nice message, Cheryl. It's true, not everyone is having a happy Christmas time. I know how that feels. I talked with a lady who works at walmart in the fabric department in smalltown one year. I told her Christmas was coming and she said she didn't like Christmas, I knew it was something from her past, I could tell. She was older and I knew she wasn't being ugly, just very transparent. I just nodded my head and showed care to her. I get it that it's not great for everyone.

    The nursing homes are wonderful to go visit, pass out cards or Christmas pencils with bells on or Christmas pins to wear etc. I used to go all the time, I would make sure and squat down with them to be eye level as we talked.

    Salvation Army and shelters are good places to go too. I can't even imagine what it must be like for a little child with their mommy in the shelter.

    I'm so sorry that some have lost their mates too, that is horrible as you certainly know. It seems like you are not really feeling it this year and that's okay. I get that.

    Not all Christmases have been one hundred percent, we didn't have much at times and one Christmas I had to re-wrap toys from my childhood for my little toddler. Broke my heart.

    There's a couple of sweet movies, Going my Way and The Bells of St. Mary's that are poignant and sweet that may be good for those who are alone this Christmas. I wouldn't think those would make anyone feel badly about their situation but yet elements of Christmas in them, and just very sweet.

    Take care now, Cheryl. Praying for all, God be with us all. May all have a meaningful and sweet Christmas, and feel His sweet Presence! A hug. ~Amelia

    1. And may I add Thank you Cheryl for being there for everybody and really showing *such* kind support to all. ~Amelia

    2. Thanks. I was talking to an older lady today in the grocery. She was walking through the store singing and humming. I said 'you sure sound happy' - her response was "I see so many frowns and it is my little way of giving". I love that. She also said she read smiling improves the face from wrinkles - and said 'heck I should look 10'!
      Nice thing is small children, really don't know - they are happy with anything they get. My nephew said the littles love to write on paper (3 & 4) and he found one of those pens that have 3 colors in it (like we had as kids). They have showed it off and won't put it down - they love it. The simple things. And trust me they get a lot of big stuff!
      So many small things we can do to cheer another.
      Thank you all and praises to you all for helping me as well.

    3. Both of those movies bring back memories. Found "Bells of St. Mary's" on you tube, but didn't find the complete "Going My Way". May have to get that one from the library. I have the sheet music for the title song of "Bells of St. Mary's". It was probably my grandmother's. My mom used to play it on the piano when I was a child.

    4. Frances, you may like 'Come to the Stable', it has Loretta Young as one of three nuns, it's very sweet. One part has the nun in her habit playing tennis. It turns out that nun at one time had been a very famous tennis player...It's a very poignant part what the nun says quietly, a wow moment. You can find that one on youtube on a station called, DK Classics III. He has a few stations and so far, no commercials. You can also find, 'The More the Merrier' with Charles Coburne, and Jean Arthur, that is really funny as well as 'The Great Rupert' in another way with Jimmy Durante, but very sweet.

      I wonder if Tubi has 'Going my Way'?

      How neat you have the sheet music, how wonderful that your mom played that on the piano! What a sweet, sweet memory, just beautiful.

    5. Cheryl, that is so great, the lady singing! I like her!

      Last Sunday we were in a very nice Walmart, in a very nice old community, I call it USO town. Anyhoo, there was a gentleman who came down my aisle singing *beautifully* like the lead in a choir, a beautiful choir or even the opera... He was singing Christmas carols as he pushed his basket. I loved it. Even our neighbor nextdoor has beautiful music playing in his barn where he is woodworking, Ave Maria popped up on his list yesterday and oh how it blessed my heart along with others, O Holy Night etc. I can hear it loud and clear as I walk. He's an active Christian, a Doctor of Geology, he's so funny, you would never know this down to earth guy has those accolades. He grew up on a dairy farm in NE. Nice people.

      I do remember those pens! That is so cute, and so funny and typical that the children love those pens! I think they still sell them, I might have seen them at dt too. ?

      The nursing home we visited had a list they liked you to sign when you came in. They had special halls for special needs and one of the halls, you had to have the nurse buzz the door open for the reasons you mention. Of course, they knew us well, the homeschool families were a monthly thing on the schedule. We did music and hymns with them too. Many blessings there. I have stories on who was in there and also just having the privilege of ministering to those who crossed to Heaven even that very day. I still think of those days with those particular friends there.

      God bless you Cheryl, I appreciate you and I hope my grammar errors never offend, I used to type 70 words a minute and I get in a hurry sometimes. So sorry, last week I wrote something without the proper grammar and it looked like I was speaking to you about something uncalled for. lol I figured you knew there was no way I would have said what it "appeared" to say.

      Have a sweet evening, just finished my envelopes to our kids. ~Amelia

    6. Frances and Cheryl, Also, 'Christmas in Connecticut' and 'It Happened on 5th Avenue' are wonderful movies too.

    7. Amelia, I recently watched both of those movies. I liked "It Happened on 5th Avenue", but didn't really care for "Christmas in Connecticut". Thank you for the you tube movie channel recommendation. It looks like they have a lot of good movies. They just don't make them like that any more.
      I'm sure your homeschool group's nursing home visits were such a wonderful blessing to the residents.

    8. Thank you Frances, a hug. That's funny you weren't too crazy on Christmas in Connecticut, our daughter likes that one but my husband isn't crazy on that one either. : ) ~Amelia

  11. P.S. If anyone likes Andrea Bocelli, tbn is showing their new-this-year Bocelli Family Christmas special in Italy. It's a sweet story behind it, very fanciful that many may enjoy. My 93 year old mom is counting the hours down! : )

    1. It's showing in our area at 7 and 10 Central.

  12. I will spend part of Christmas Day with Husband at his assisted living residence. It is truly sad to see how few visitors there are. I've gotten to know a number of the residents from the special needs dining room and from going to activities. Some of them are as happy to see me walk in as Husband is! Many residents of personal care/assisted living have varying degrees of dementia, and for some residents, strangers are very upsetting. One thing about visiting residents of a care facility: if they are not relatives or friends, please check with management first to find out their policies regarding volunteer visitors.

    Another important way to share with care facility residents is to become a hospice volunteer visitor. These wonderful people visit people in hospice care (at home or in a facility) to provide a little companionship and mental/social stimulation by brief visits on a regular basis. They are specially trained by the hospice agency and are assigned to patients based on location and compatibility. It takes a very special person to perform this work of mercy.

    Cheryl, I picked up DVDs of "Holiday Affair" and "Holiday Inn" today from the library. I plan to watch one tonight.

    I'm patting myself on the back because I sent Christmas cards today for the first time in years. These were mostly to family and friends who did not know of Husband's situation. I kept the message short and to the point and requested prayers/kind thoughts.

    1. Frances and Cheryl, I wrote above (specifically) what was required at the nursing home we visited monthly. Our visits were scheduled monthly by the nursing home and we signed a list as we came in. We went in for almost 30 years.

    2. Thank you Amelia. Yes, each and every place has their own rules and people need to check first. There are so many different situations that can occur - that people just may not think about.

    3. Yes, every place and area may be different. I just always want to be very careful not to discourage anyone from going because most staff love visitors. Most people are already king of gun shy on going to the nursing home. Also, it's best not to bring sweets or any kind of anything to eat or drink because of dietary needs. But it is truly a blessing, the residents just want someone to talk to many times and a hand to hold. I have so many stories I could tell, WWII heroes, a famous author, one of Ruth Bell Graham's hair dresser etc. But of course it didn't matter, some of the biggest saints were the normal John Does. Some, you get very close to, we had a special guy like that named Calvin. He could only use one arm and we walked in one day as he made his bed neatly. He couldn't talk or hear out of one ear, he was an angel. They blessed US. : ) We also went in the rooms when appropriate and sang to them if they couldn't get out to us in the common area. I have a lot to type (say) from my heart on this.

      Hope you have a sweet Christmas weekend, ~Amelia

  13. Holidays can be hard, especially if you have lost some one you loved (well always will love). I have a bag of items to take to the food bank tomorrow, though I think I might wait and add to it and take after the holidays. Seems our food bank is always looking for donations after the holiday season.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, the holidays can be very tough.
      How nice of you. I know people tend to think of donating at the holidays - but people need supplies all the time. So any donations will be greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!

  14. Dear Cheryl. Your post is so accurate and I send love and blessings to those who will find Christmas hard this year.
    Sadly one of our daughter in law's ex brother in law died aged 42 a couple of weeks ago and his funeral was last week. He leaves two children aged 13 and 9. He was a great guy who sadly had two unsuccessful kidney transplants.
    Although he has a very large loving family, father in law finds holidays hard without his wife who died in 2018. He is having a mass for her tomorrow at the local RC church which some of us will attend.
    Our daughter works for a Domestic Violence charity and several organisations have donated hundreds of Christmas gifts for children who have witnessed violence and their parent (mum's and dads) Yesterday morning and all day today daughter and her team will be dropping off gifts to their houses. This includes the Refuge and several 'safe' houses in our part of the county. She says this really starts her Christmas. There are a wide spectrum of families but some really in need.
    We are blessed to have our eldest son, DIL and 3 grandchildren staying for 3 days, then a break Christmas Eve before 8 here Christmas Day with 3 dogs.

    1. Heather you really put a good perspective on what I was saying. My goodness, so much sadness. Deaths are always hard, but when they happen so close to the holidays it is so sad. Special days can be very hard - and often get celebrated or observed in different ways.
      Children - what can I say? No child should have to go through the horror some do. I have done things to help kids of abuse and bad family home situations for years. It just breaks my heart that they have to go through so much.

      Glad you have family staying with you! What a joy. Enjoy those little ones! Have a great day with a house full on Christmas.

  15. Embracing simple gifts: yesterday I was able to STAND and take a shower for the first time in almost 4 months. Now *that* is a Christmas gift. --Elise

    1. WOOHOO!! That is quite a milestone!

    2. Yes mam, that is a very special gift. I bet it felt heavenly!

    3. Oh yes, Elise, that is a huge PTL! ~Amelia

    4. Such a wonderful accomplishment Elsie. The best Christmas gift of all.

    5. Oooh, Elise - I remember my first shower after some months in a brace. It was, as you say, bliss. :) So glad you're on the mend.

  16. Thanks for this...the littles are the ones who carried me through this year. I think about my last sister everyday but try not to let the sadness overtake me. They keep me busy and exhausted.
    You have a wonderful Christmas.

    1. You are welcome. It is hard, when loved ones are not with us. Huge hugs to you - and I feel your sis is looking over you! Talk about her and make her a part of your holiday! Have a good Christmas with those little ones.

  17. (Little Penpen) Merry Christmas to you sweet Cheryl!! Thank you for the pretty Christmas card.

    1. Merry Christmas Penny. Hoping you have a blessed holiday!
