Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Middle of the Week

 Here we are mid-week again!  It has been an interesting morning here.  I am now the proud momma of 2 indoor kitties!  Oh my goodness, can we say they are NOT happy with me at the moment.  Downright pissed might sum it up!!!!!  LOL
I let them eat some breakfast outside - then nabbed each one to bring in.  That was the easy part.  Getting them in wasn't hard - but they are both in hiding now in their little room!  There is food and water in there for them and a potty box, beds and a cat tree - so we will see how the day goes.  They will come out eventually - I guess!
Scared babies!!!!!!  
Say a little prayer they come out soon - so we can love it up!!!!!

Paternal grandma, grandma's teapot she got from me as a youngster, and my birthday cup and saucer!   My sweet display!

Just a holiday thing or two.

IF you haven't sent cards yet, maybe think to add a wrapped seasonal tea bag to each card! (like Celestial or Lipton).  Or a packet of flower seeds (they can still be found at garden centers).  Just a little something special.

String some popcorn or cranberries and put them outside in the trees for the birds and squirrels.  You can also coat pinecones with peanut butter and bird seed and hang outside.  The birdies will love it!    

1 C cinnamon (buy at dollar stores in large bottles cheaply)
1 Tbsp. cloves'1 Tbsp. nutmeg
3/4 C applesauce
2 Tbsp. white glue (like Elmer's)
ribbon or jute twine
Blend together cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg, stir in applesauce and glue.  Knead until smooth, about 2 minutes.  Divide the dough into 4 portions.  Roll it out to about 1/4" thick.  Cut with chosen cookie cutters.  IF you want to hang them - insert a hole in the top with a straw.  Place ornaments on racks to dry for several days.  Turn daily so they dry evenly.  Thread and hang.
They smell so good!

Styrofoam balls
Strips of various fabrics
straight pins or glue (whichever you prefer)
Just wrap those strips of fabric around the balls and either pin or glue in place.  Continue to wrap using different fabrics.  Make a little hanger if hanging or place in a bowl for a vintage look.
You can use all the same fabric or mix it up - like a Christmas quilt ball!

Well gang.  Have a wonderful day.
Wish me luck with the kitties!!!!!


  1. Okay, that's simply not enough information. How did you come to receive the kittens. Were they feral? An unwanted litter? Boy/girl, colors? Good luck!

    1. Blackie has been here for 4 1/2 years and has been outside. After the last kitty out there passed I talked about bringing him in. On 11/10 a kitten showed up and they love each other. I just worry so much with them being outside with critters and traffic and such - so inside they came.
      There is more to the Blackie story- which I will relay later.
      Blackie is a boy and I do 'think' Lil Bit is a girl.

  2. Oh my goodness, I love sweet kitties! Hopefully they will come around and enjoy loving soon.

    1. Well we will see. Blackie and Lil Bit are both still hiding! Here's hoping.

  3. Good Luck with the kitties. I'm so glad you're taking them both in and making them house cats. I hope they'll calm down soon and realize being a house cat has so many more benefits than being outside. Have a wonderful day!!

    1. Thanks - they need to be safe and I need to quit worrying so much about them! I know - warm, no rain or snow, or traffic, or critters, etc. I hope they love it!!!

  4. I'll certainly be praying, Cheryl. They'll come around, though. Winken was an outdoor cat until our son moved into his own place and brought her with him. She was indoor only from that point. She got used to being inside very quickly.

    Want to hear something cool? Hubs' grandmother--Grandma Griff--had the same collection of tea cups and saucers and gave us each the cup/saucer set for our birth months. We have June and December.

    Have a GREAT day! --Elise

    1. I think they will - it will just take time. Once they get hungry enough!!!!
      That is the cup LaurieS sent me for my birthday. How cool grandma had a whole set.

  5. Best of luck with the cats! That's quite an achievment. :) It will be a couple weeks before everything settles, don't you think? Maybe by Christmas? :)

    Yes, there are things from generations past that make the home *our* home, so one must be careful culling & downsizing, not to discard those things.


    1. I hope sooner. Blackie goes back to Vet again next week - so I hope he chills a bit.
      Oh, I never get rid of the things that are special. I have many of them!!!!!!

  6. Are they new kitties or Blackie and the baby kitty?

    1. Blackie and Lil Bit. It was just time - I am tired of worrying about them both all the time. They will come out when they get hungry!! I HOPE!

  7. The kitties will soon discover the benefits of being cozy in the house.

    Sweet display with the picture of your grandma, the teapot, and cup and saucer. Memories make a house a home, not something from Hobby Lobby.

    It is daggone cold this morning. Erin and I are going to shop for fabric to cover the stools that go with her kitchen table. Probably a few more stops along the way and lunch somewhere. She is on vacation this week, otherwise she wouldn't have time to do this. The Farmer will be on his own for a few hours but he didn't care to traipse around the stores with us.

    Hope your new tenants make up to their new home very soon!

    1. I hope so too. It is much better in here than outside! Just all new to them.
      Thanks, I love the older things and pictures! I have so many family pictures in my house. They surround me with happiness.
      Yep, very chilly and gloomy day for sure. Be safe and have fun.

  8. Love the memory display! I have my grandmother's salt & pepper shaker collection on display in my kitchen. Her children would send her souvenir salt & pepper shakers from around the country and the world when they traveled. I have fond memories of them being displayed in the glassed-in pass-through cupboard between the kitchen and dining room at their old farm house.

    Totally off-topic PSA: Banks are no longer allowed to cash saving bonds when presented by an attorney-in-fact (POA). The POA and bonds and appropriate form must be sent to the Treasury for redemption. Took me most of yesterday to get that taken care of, but at least Husband's drug addicted grandson will not inherit them.

    Off to visit Husband today. I am looking forward to seeing him!

    1. Wow, Frances, I did not know that about banks and savings bonds. Useful info.
      I learned recently that investment houses have their own forms and prefer those to the POA. Most irritating. I knew my bank wanted to see the POA and have their legal department "vet" it, but I did not realize investment houses (like Vanguard) would not necessarily honor one.

    2. My mom had a huge collection of salt & pepper shakers as well which I inherited. No place to really display them here and they are pretty much packed away. I have shared many with grandkids too. I am glad you can display and enjoy.
      WOW I did not know that about savings bonds. I have a couple in the bank box. I might as well cash in (in my name), as they won't do anyone else much good. Glad you got that taken care of.
      I hope you both have a wonderful visit!!!!!!!!

  9. Awww.... Sweet kitties! Sometimes it takes a while, at least for from my experience it does. These little kitties they have a mind of their own don't they? ; ) What a fun Christmas Gift!

    Thank you for the recipes for ornaments and the idea for the fabric ornaments, that is so very cute! And it wouldn't cost hardly anything either, if someone doesn't have styrofoam balls, they could use anything wadded up in the middle right?

    Aww.... Your grandma looks so sweet! She's pretty! I think maybe there is a resemblence there with you too? That is so sweet that you have her teapot that you gave her. Isn't it special when we see how they treasured these things? Love the teacup set! Do you know I have the same teacups from my Italian grandma too? I think they are sooooooooo pretty! That is a lovely vignette of items along with your grandma's portrait, just love it.

    Praying for kitty-babies, they are going to love it there! A sweet Christmas for sure. Have a wonderful day, the littles, their mommies will be here with my mom, prayers are always welcomed and appreciated. : )

    Blessings and hugs, ~Amelia

    1. They will calm down I am sure - this is just a big scary new situation for them. I did coax them out to eat - so that is a start!
      Daddy looked just like grandma - I look like my mom - 100%. I wasn't real close with grandma - she lived farther away - but she was a sweet lady. Not affectionate at all, but sweet. I just feel this brings me a little closer to her.
      Sure you could use anything wadded up to wrap material around. It would be an easy project for sure.
      I hope you have a wonderful visit!!!!!!!!

  10. OT Question for canners:
    My apple scrap jelly didn't set up at all. I'd used the scraps from Honeycrisp apples and followed directions from a You Tube video, adding time for high altitude. How would you salvage the unset jelly?

    I know a lot of you canning, jelly and jam making all the time, but it's been years since I've made any jam and never have done canning, other than helping a friend/neighbor do it a couple of decades ago. I appreciate your patience. --Elise

    1. Oops... a lot of you *do* canning, jelly and jam making.

    2. How long ago did you make it? Some jams and jelly's don't set up for a week or two, ae: apricot being one.
      *Did you use liquid pectin or powdered? I don't like liquid pectin it takes longer to set up. I know by experience.
      *You can recook it just go by the directions from the pectin box. I would use powdered.

    3. I agree with Laurie - it can often take weeks. I don't like liquid pectin either. Yes, if just made and all sealed recently - you can recook and add more pectin and re-can.
      I would give it time though. IF it doesn't set - you have apple scrap syrup - good for breakfast or ice cream!!!!!

    4. Thank you, Laurie. I made it on Monday using powdered no/low sugar pectin. This morning I poured it back into a clean pot, boiled it down by half, and ladled it into sterile jars. Since it was made from apple scraps, I'm only out 2/3 c. sugar and one packet of pectin if it doesn't work.

      Just finished eating an English muffin spread with the cranberry-orange jam, also made Monday. Two thumbs up! It's just the right sweet-tart flavor and well-set consistency.

    5. Cheryl, I only have powdered pectin for no/low sugar recipes. Thank you so much for the encouragement.

    6. This is the only type of jam that takes more than a few hours to set up for me. Mine took almost a week but sure enough it is really set up now!
      Amy in Phx

  11. We usually eat is as sauce over fruit salad, pancakes, or dessert. I'm usually too disgusted with it to reprocess it. One time we ate prickly pear syrup for a loooong time. Ha!

    1. Thank you, Ellie. I'd like to learn how to reprocess, because mistakes happen and I hope to learn from them. The GOOD news is the apple butter is delicious and the cranberry-orange jam set up perfectly. My hunch is I used too much liquid for the apple scrap jelly and might have to cook it down. I did add no/low sugar pectin to the original batch.
      P.S. God has a sense of humor. Over the summer, when many here were canning, etc. I felt a bit intimidated and judged for not being among them. But we'll be regaining 43 ft. along the length/depth of our acre, according to the surveyor, who suggested growing fruit and produce. Especially in the manure filled corral. AND grocery prices have jumped seriously in the past few months.

    2. You have never been judged for not canning gal. We all do our own thing. I think that parcel of land should be great for planting - plenty fertilized!!!!!
      Yes, you can dump and cook longer and just go through the canning process again. Like I said above, syrup is good too!

    3. Thank you, Cheryl. We'll see how my effort this morning turns out. You know... it would be wonderful next growing season if those of you who *do* can, preserve, etc. would be willing to share *how* you do what you do for those who want to/are able to try it. For other people it might not be possible; I'm thinking of some here who live in RVs year round and have no space for such projects, but maybe so?

    4. Elise, Do you have any "Ball Brand" canning books? They are very helpful. Check for used ones. Good prices.
      *Actually Cheryl helped a lot on the canning. I used to only do jams and jelly's but now I do everything!

    5. Thanks, Laurie, and yes, I have them on order. I saw the how-to of pickling and hope to try that next year. Must have missed how-to of canning. And I hope I didn't come off wrong (above). If I did, my apologies. --Elise

    6. Ball Books are the best! They pretty much have new one every year - but in my opinion that isn't at all necessary. You can do anything you set your mind too. Jelly, jam pickles and tomatoes are by far the easiest. You got this!

  12. Congrats on getting the kitties inside. Hopeing they come to know that it's a good place to be and they'll be more comfortable in a warm bed than if they were outdoors. It's been a crazy week so far, dealing with medicare supplement and RX selections, when a new med (Tier 3) is being added to the mix, having to file for supplemental assistance to cover that extreme cost. Additionally, my pup had some surgery and I've been working with making him comfortable. Love your teapot and cup and saucer! And, I appreciate the suggestions for tea and flower seed inserts. :-)

    1. That is a good idea. They have come out to eat (from hiding). I held Lil Bit for a few minutes and Blackie lets me pet him - they are just really skittish about the new digs!!!!
      I am sorry you are going through all that and the work week is only 3 days in. It is all so frustrating and the costs are nuts.
      Hope pup is going to be OK - Blackie has some surgery next week - poor cat can't catch a break!
      Take it easy!

  13. Give the kitties a t-shirt you have worn so they can get accustomed to your scent.

    1. Great idea. I posted that above -- oops!
      I held Lil Bit and been petting Blackie - so trying to get my scent on them. Time - it will be OK.

  14. Once they are both used to being inside they will definitely come out of hiding. Sudden moves will probably scare them a bit still though. Hope they come out soon to get some loving.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks. Things are improving a little at a time - we will get there! They are just so sweet.

  15. There’s a Facebook group called “canning” that is super-duper helpful. They promote safe canning practices as well. I highly recommend! Hope the kitties continue to acclimate to their new digs.

    1. I belong to a couple canning sites on FB and both promote safe canning. There is a lot info out there if one looks. Thanks for the recommendation.
      Thanks - I think we will adjust soon.

  16. Yay! I'm so excited you have new kitties!! I know they will be so glad you scooped them up once they get used to being inside. They will appreciate a warm, loving home in the winter. Can't wait to hear more on how they are doing. I love your little tea display. Such special memories!

    1. Not new kitties = just brought the outdoor ones in! Blackie is a big boy and has been around for a long time, and Lil Bit is the kitten that showed up about a month ago. They are buddies, it is so cute.
      We are doing a bit better - coming out to eat and get petted. We will get there.

  17. Good luck with the kitties! I actually too in a stray that was living in my brothers neighborhood just this Saturday past. She is doing well. At first she hid in my spare bedroom, but now she comes out to eat, etc. She is a couple of years old and so sweet but still skittish so just give them time.
    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Thank you for saving a kitty!!! It was time to bring them in - Blackie was alone for the first time and then the kitten showed up and they bonded. Just safe and warm now. It is improving just over night!
      Thank you!

  18. I was wondering how long you had had them...finally came across this post!
