Sunday, December 24, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up 12/24

 Happy Christmas Eve to all!  In just a few hours from now most of the festivities will be a memory.  Some will be celebrating off and all week.  I have my last event of the season on Jan. 7.  It will not be a white Christmas at all here.  It will be a rainy one.  
This morning is damp and very foggy.  It is currently 50*.
I hope you are all well and safe on this holiday weekend.

I have had very few birds in the last couple weeks.  Every now and then there will be a day when they all flock to the feeders, and then days with hardly none.  I do believe there must be a hawk in the area.
The squirrels are all visiting.  

The kitties are doing well.  Blackie is still healing.  After the effects of the anesthesia and the topical pain meds all wore off - he has been rather reclusive and sleeping a lot.  He eats well.  Last night he and I sat for a while together.  He curled up in my lap and we just chilled together!  Bits is a fun and active furball!  Visits to my bed in the evening and early morning are happening now!

This week:
  • I delivered some gifts for early celebrations to some family that are spending the holidays out of town
  • Paid everything I hand on hand
  • Had lunch with many school friends
  • Did a lot of gift wrapping
  • Ran to the bank and cashed a check I received a couple months back and got my 'allowance' for the next couple months
  • I did stop at Kroger for a couple gift cards I still needed.  I found a dinner plate size head of cauliflower for 2.29!  It is lovely.  I ran in there very early on Thursday morning and it was already nuts! 
  • I did run up the road from grocery to Shoe Carnaval for a gift card (it was wished for!).  While there, I bought myself 2 gifts!!!!!!  I never buy myself stuff.  I got a replacement for my dressy casual shoes I wear (exact same ones).  I have had mine for many years and they are literally falling apart.  I also got myself a pair of pre-laced no tie tennis shoes that will be for good (not yard).
  • I went to a funeral yesterday for an old friend.  He had been sick for a long time and is now at peace.  
  • Just doing all the normal stuff

Meals this past week:
Stir fry veggies/chicken over rice
Lunch out - best catfish I have ever had, mac n cheese, fried cauliflower
Scrambled eggs, sausage and toast   - (Lil one loved eggs and big boy loved sausage) 😍
Baked potato topped with cheese and bacon, side salad
Tostada and tacos
Big salad and a sausage sandwich
Potato soup (freezer) and salad

I haven't done a lot of baking yet - I will do more closer to when company will be visiting.  
What fun ways did you spend your week?  Baking?  Visiting?  Relaxing?  Shopping?  Movies?
I know many are already celebrating - so if you are reading - know that I wish you all the best weekend ever.  Love and hold your friends and family close.  Share memories of those not here - it keeps them alive in your heart and memory.

Have a healthy, safe, fun filled week ahead.  Blessings to you and yours from myself and my kitties from our humble little home!

And the angel said to them, "Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

Dear Lord, we thank You for the greatest gift and blessing ever given.  May we hold all goodness and kindness in our hearts and live our lives to represent the life of Jesus.  Prayers for peace on this planet for all people.  May love and joy be spread by everyone.  Amen


  1. A very Merry Christmas to you, Cheryl! We're also having a wet Christmas... ran vs. snow... but at dawn today it's dry. Beautiful sunrise.

    How wonderful that Blackie was curled up in your lap and that both are making visits to your bed. I had a feeling they'd settle in quickly.

    Simple meals again this week. We had bacon eggs and toast last night, sausage and eggs another night, sausage and potatoes before that; guess we've been all about breakfasts for dinner for the most part. Groceries were another sale spiral cut ham (for the freezer), milk, yogurt and margarine. Hubs did get crackers and fruit and dip for snacking over today and tomorrow. Our oldest sent us a Swiss Colony sausage & cheese box + Petit Fours. Both should last through New Year's day.

    My baking was finished early in the week and delivered. Kept some double chocolate cookie bites for us. No more baking needed for awhile. Youngest son's birthday cake will be dessert through tomorrow, then my birthday is on the 27th and we'll have cupcakes to last us at least until New Year's Eve.

    Now that the walking boot is tucked in a corner, I did buy myself some Columbia brand hiking boots (on sale) for stability and warmth. All that metal can be painful when my feet are cold! You know how they tell you to ice sore feet? Yeah. No. Not when you have screws, plates, pins and metal wedges under the skin. But a hot shower is now bliss, as I can stand in it, and an electric mattress pad for heat was a wise buy during pre-Black Friday sales.

    For those who are traveling, prayers for a safe journey! For those gathering with family, prayers for more laughter than stress. Wherever you are and whatever your plans, may you be blessed! 2023 is winding down; in one week we'll be preparing for a New Year. Is it just me, or do they seem to go faster than they used to?
    --Elise <--looking forward to plans/goals in 2024

    1. Oops... RAIN vs. snow. And Merry Christmas to ALL!

    2. Thank you. Yes, the babies are coming around and things are going much better than I truly thought.
      I bet it was bliss getting in that hot shower. I am good on most things, but cold feet just chill me to the bone.
      Sounds like lots of yummies to eat and snack on. That is always fun. Good luck with hiking boots - I always have trouble getting them on.
      Enjoy your time with the family.
      The older we get, the faster they seem.
      We finally have sunshine today - and it is nice out. Tomorrow looks to be very wet.
      Merry Christmas and have a wonderful week ahead.

  2. Yes, soon the holiday festivities will come to a close. Like going on vacation, part of the fun is the preparation. I enjoyed the Wonka movie, more song & dance than I anticipated. Friends joined me for lunch on Monday. The last of the Christmas drop offs were done. One of my neighbors gave me fresh caught perch so that was supper last night. I had a play date with the neighbor little. She says the Christmas tree is "bootiful". The highlight of the week was the solstice fire under a half moon with a neighbor. I got in 3x2mi walks this week. I've been waking up by 5AM & have watched sappy Hallmark movies over the first cup of coffee. In the kitchen: pickled eggs, cranberry snack cookies; hot dogs w/ potato salad & coleslaw, leftover carrot/rice soup w/ salmon &/or egg salad buns, charcuterie or as one blogger calls it - pickety bits. Merry Christmas, Cheryl.

    1. Daddy used to say the anticipation of things was always far greater than the realization. I often believe that.
      Glad you liked the movie and had such a nice week. The fire sounds pretty darn nice.
      Lots of good food bites at your house! I bet the tree is 'bootiful'. SMILE
      Have a love Christmas and a great week ahead.

  3. Merry Christmas Cheryl! Sounds like a lovely week for you. Those early morning kitty visits in bed are the best. It is warmer here too, much warmer than last Christmas, which I am happy about. We had our family get together last night and had so much fun. I made some fudge yesterday and pigs in a blanket for the get together. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

    1. It was kind a quiet low key week - so yes, good. Oh last Christmas was horribly cold! Dangerous cold. I will take these warmer temps for sure.
      How lovely you had your get together last night. I bet it was fun - it is just a lovely time to be together.
      Merry Christmas and have a lovely week.

  4. Merry Christmas Cheryl!
    Sounds like a great week. I'm so glad the cats are both doing well and starting to feel comfortable in the house.
    Christmas Eve through New Years day is my favorite week of the year and I'm looking forward to enjoying it with TBG.

    1. Thank you. They are just so sweet.
      I am glad you are in your element! Enjoy you time with hubs and have a ball all week long.
      Merry Christmas and a great week.

  5. I arrived at my daughter's early yesterday morning, and they have some snow! So I'm getting a slightly white Christmas. :)
    It's turned quite cool today, but I believe it will warm up before I leave on Wednesday.
    There is one excited young boy here. He asked this morning, if it was time to open presents. Not quite but tomorrow morning will be very exciting.
    I'm so happy to hear that Blackie and Lil Bit are settling in so nicely.
    Merry Christmas!

    1. Glad that leg of your trip was safe. How nice to enjoy a white Christmas and hoping it is all gone for your trip home. Children just get so stinking excited. I love it. You will have a blast watching him tomorrow. Enjoy and have safe travels home.
      Merry Christmas and a lovely week.

  6. Merry Christmas Cheryl. Glad Blackie is healing and how lovely to have night and early morning visits from Bits.
    We had a great visit with son and family. They left last night. Our daughter came rounds this morning to prep veg for the 8 of us tomorrow, her three adult children and two partners. I kept saying, I'm sure that's enough, she kept saying, think you should do more!!
    It's the evening here and husband and I are watching The Polar Express. I am looking forward to playing board games and cards tomorrow evening. We have eldest granddaughter, her partner and little dog staying so I expect it will be a late night.
    Hope you have a good holiday season and enjoy your meet ups.

    1. Thank you. Yep, the little visits and toe grabbing are sweet.
      How wonderful to be enjoying the family. Nice to kind of have it spread out a little. More one on one time.
      Polar Express is a neat movie. Enjoy your late evening, and have a wonderful visit tomorrow and enjoy playing cards and games.
      Merry Christmas to you and yours and have a fantastic week.

  7. Merry Christmas to you, Cheryl and every one. It will be a mild and wet Christmas day here too. Cheryl, it looks like you had a good week . All the baking and candy making is finished and dropped off. We went out to the farm for eggs and fresh veggies. I saw something on instagram that I filed away for easy gifts for next year. It was whipped honey. All you do is whip the honey with an electric beater, repackage in sterilized jars. Label, decorate if you want, and give for gifts. We had simple meals this week of meatloaf,salad and baked potato, turkey from the freezer, homegrow green beans, and homegrown roasted sweet potatoes and carrots, homemade vegetable lo mein, wraps, chips and fresh veggie slices, homemade pizza from the freezer and salad, blueberry pancakes with bacon and fried eggs, pork chops, cauli-mash and chard.
    I got some sewing done and made two new aprons. Reorganized the craft room yet again. Blessing , Cookie

    1. Thank you. I think a lot of people are having a wet and mild Christmas this year.
      The honey sounds neat. That would make a lovely gift. You could also make honey butter.
      All your meals sound just up my alley. Yum.
      Sounds like you have kept busy.
      Have a wonderful Christmas and a great week.

  8. You have had a busy Christmas season! I made cookies last night. I think I stood on my feet three hours doing it! But, it was so worth it! I only make these once a year. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I know that's tough during the holidays. Glad to hear the kitties are doing well and hope Blackie feels 100% soon! Merry Christmas!

    1. Sounds like you have been busy too. Don't over do it!
      Thank you - it always hard to lose a friend - but so very sad for his family especially at this time.
      Thanks - they are precious.
      Merry Christmas, enjoy those cookies and have a great week.

  9. Merry Christmas Cheryl, Blackie and Lil Bit!

    1. Thank you! Merry Christmas to you and have a lovely week.

  10. Merry Christmas, Cheryl! And Blackie and Lil Bit! I am so very delighted about the kitties. - Carol

    1. Thank you Carol. Have a wonderful Christmas and a great week!

  11. MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!

    1. Thank you Margaret. You as well and have a great week ahead!

  12. Merry Christmas!!!

    I'm so happy Cheryl that the kitties are doing so beautifully and snuggling now too! Awwwwwww What a extra special Christmas Gift!

    It's very true about our loved ones, it's good to talk about them. : )

    I finally made my puffy sugar cookies I used to make when our daughters were little. I used to make a *big* popcorn tin full of different kind of cookies for my dad. I still have the photo in the theatre of my mind of my daddy sitting with that huge tin on his lap eating a big puffy sugar cookie! I made mine smaller yesterday, and used almond flour and a raw sugar-stevia mix. They turned out scrumptious. These are not the big ones, just two inches in diameter and I had to spoon them onto the cookie sheet because the almond flour made it a bit more runny. Oh but are they gooooood! Only one gram of sugar a piece too. I can have three! lol

    Making my Gardein balls with pasta gravy in the oven now, sauteed some spinach in olive oil with garlic and eggplant parm is in the freezer.

    I'm hoping you are having a sweet Christmas, Cheryl. It sounds like you had a decent kind of week. It's pretty balmy and has been rainy here but will be cooling tomorrow. : )

    The immediate fam with the littles and my mom will be here tomorrow. Busy bee me. haha.. Amelia Bedelia, that's me.

    Christmas hugs for you and those great kitties! May God be with us all! ~Amelia

    1. Thank you Amelia. Your cookies sound very yummy and I bet they will be a big hit.
      Sweet memories!
      Enjoy your family to the fullest and make every moment special.
      Have a very merry Christmas and a great week.

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you Donna - and to you and yours.
      Have a great week.

  14. "A little child,
    A shining star,
    A stable rude,
    The door ajar,
    Yet in this place,
    So crude, forlorn,
    The Hope of all
    The world was born."
    --Author unknown

    On this beautiful, misty Christmas morning, wishing everyone peace and joy! Elise

  15. Merry Christmas to everyone!

    I went to visit Husband this morning and learned that he has the stomach flu. It is going around his facility. Oh well...good thing I didn't have any special Christmas plans.

    1. So sorry to hear that your hubs was not up to par. Hope he mends quickly and that you get to see him soon.
      Merry Christmas to you as well.

  16. Merry Christmas, Cheryl! Let us know how you like your new dress tennies--the ones that don't tie.

    We celebrated Christmas last week with our son and daughter-in-law who live in a small town in eastern Idaho. I brought a prime rib (bought on sale for $5.99 lb. and 10% coupon = $5.39) and my son cooked it--his first time. He made the mashed potatoes and my daughter-in-law made a fab salad. I only had to make the gravy! I have officially passed the torch! We had French dip sandwiches the next day. I brought home the bones and made a huge pot of soup.

    At home, our celebration mostly consisted of a lovely church service on Christmas Eve. I find that I really enjoy Christmas more when I can separate the religious from the secular celebrations.

    I wasn't sure what we were going to have for Christmas Eve dinner. My husband suggested going to the deli for a shrimp ring, cheese and crackers, etc. This is something my late mother-in-law did when she was alive and his idea was a winner! But instead of going to a deli, I cooked and chilled shrimp that I buy in bags at Costco, stirred up a little cocktail sauce, put out Ritz crackers with co-jack cheese (I know he expected something a little fancier, but it's what I had), made a plate of black olives and stuffed celery with Philly garden vegetable cheese spread (that one was a nod to my own mother) and made orange jell-o with canned mandarin oranges. This was all dead simple, and except for the cream cheese spread, I didn't have to buy a thing. We enjoyed it so much that we are going to do this every Christmas Eve...maybe with a little fancier cheese and some little smokies in barbecue sauce.

    Today I cooked a boneless pork loin with butter, brown sugar and apple slices, butternut squash from my garden, and tried out my new air fryer with rosemary roasted potatoes. I also made an orange cake with orange frosting.

    I don't usually yammer on so much about what I cook, but I'm on a roll! Hoping it lasts at least until New Year's, LOL.

    Best wishes to you and all of your readers from Maxine up in the Idaho panhandle. We didn't have a white Christmas, either. Why do they call it a green Christmas--looks pretty brown around here!

    1. Hi Maxine - good to see you post. I will let you know on the tennis shoes. Beats bending over and trying to tie all the time. They are not the real expensive ones advertised on TV (those are over $100) - but I think they will work.
      Glad your sone came in early - from the weather looks - it looks like your area may get snow and ick this week. I hope you stay safe.
      All your food has my mouth watering. My goodness, that all sounds good. Glen & I used to do shrimp every New Year's Eve. I haven't had it since. That sounds really good - it may be time again.
      It was a wet day here - and I agree, not so green!
      Have a fantastic week - sounds like you Christmas was a success!
