Thursday, October 3, 2019

If IT Hit the Fan

If the day comes that IT hits the proverbial fan - could you survive?  Are you prepared for anything?  Are you stocked with food/water, medical supplies, seeds, pet & animal supplies, just the basics?  Or do you have a supply network where you could get these things?

There are so many things to think about.  I often wonder what would happen if the grid failed and we were all plunged back into the 1800's!  Statistics show that 70% of the earth's population wouldn't survive.  They have no clue how to do things manually without technology or energy.  THAT IS SAD!
Technology has given us many advancements in this world - but I also think it has become the DUMBING AGENT of society as well.
Yes, as crass as that sounds, people today are really ignorant when it comes to how to survive on their own.
Today I just want to give you some things to ponder and perhaps prepare for.

We really have no idea how the grid affects EVERYTHING!  Well, we may - but we don't think of it often.

NO GRID - means nothing is probably open.  Stores, banks, gas stations, everything is electronic and computerized today.    If a store opened and only took cash - odds are supplies would run out in a matter of a couple days.
NO GRID - means your vehicles would not work.  Even if you have a supply of gas - the cars and trucks today are computerized and won't run if the grid is down.  You would have to have a very old model vehicle if you needed to leave.  This also means no new supplies would be coming for stores (no transport).
Have a bicycle????  That is about all that would work.
NO GRID - no phones.  No computers, no e-mail, no FB, NO COMMUNICATION.
NO GRID - no heat or AC (unless you have a fireplace or wood stove or solar)  "I have a generator" you say - well once your gas is gone - there is no more.  In many cases it means no cook stove or oven - do you know how to cook over a fire?

It is amazing how life would change.
NOW, is the time that we should educate ourselves.  We need to read and have books that teach basic survival living.
We need supplies.  Food and water are number one (and seeds for food plants).  Simple medical supplies would be next.
NO GRID - there would be no running water.  Unless you have a well and a hand pump - you would have to rely on your stored supplies and rain, creeks and rivers.
You would need a way to dispose of human waste.

This is something everyone should have.  Life straws will purify any water so it is safe for consumption.
If there were no modern communication - we would have to rely on old school ways.  CB radios, walkie-talkies, battery radios (not sure what we would hear), telegraph, etc.
There would be no mail - as you need vehicles both ground and air for that.

We could possible be separated from family and loved ones with no means of communication.  We might possibly be left to fend for ourselves all alone.
Do you have the personality and attitude it would take to get through this kind of scenario?
Do you have people close by that you could POSITIVELY trust?
Do you have a means to defend what is yours?

Hopefully this never happens - but it sure is something to think about.  There is a lot of strife in the world today and attacks happen.  This is a way of everyday life for some places - but we are spoiled and pampered.  Yes we are!
We have been complacent for many, many years.

Our ancestors had what it took to survive.  DO WE?


  1. There was a power cut near the retail park a few years ago and it was chaos. The traffic lights didn't work so the traffic was snarled up. The tills didn't work in the shops so they all closed. Sometimes when I phone government departments or hospitals they will say the computers are down so they can't access any information.

    1. It is amazing isn't it? Nothing would work. CHAOS is exactly the word for it.
      Life as we know it would just stand still.

  2. I often think about that. We could survive but I would not like it.

    1. I would survive too - but I agree. I wouldn't like it.

  3. As grim as this sounds, Cheryl, I agree with you. I'm still able (at 84) to do things the old-fashioned way. Yes, I know how to build a fire and cook over it and I lived with and was taught how to cook with a wood stove. We had an oil heater in the living room and closed off all unused rooms, including bedrooms, with blankets hung over door ways. My main concern since I live in a city apartment and everything is electric is; how to keep warm in cold weather or cool in hot, etc. For cooking I have a fondue pot to be used with sterno. But that is merely to heat water or soup. I do have a stocked pantry however on the small side. No balcony for growing seeds. Any suggestions would be appreciated. BTW the Manager just pooh poohs the subject even about storing water for emergencies. Shirley PNW

    1. It could be grim. We just never know.
      I have no fireplace and use gas heat - but you still need electricity for the furnace to work. As for me, I never get rid of a blanket or quilt. I know that sounds crazy, but they may keep me and the animals warm someday. Lots of layers of clothes as well. Hats, gloves, socks and layers.
      Keeping cool - I guess you could just spend time outside during the day.

      That would be a big one, living in an apartment. I think I would store water any way, as best I could. Keep bottles of it in closets, or under beds. Do you have a storage unit at the apartment?
      Protein powders, dehydrated foods, freeze dried foods, even MRE's (like military food) would be options to expand the pantry. Store as much as you can. Shoot candles can even be used to heat small amounts of food. Buy foods that could be eaten without being heated. I could eat soups, sauces, veggies, fruit just straight from the can in emergencies.
      You may be able to grow seeds inside - if you get light and air from windows.

      It sure does make you think about things differently.
      You apt. manager may not have a pot to pooh-pooh in someday without water!! LOL

  4. I am a HUGE believer in being as prepared for things as possible. I watched my Grandparents growing up and they were preppers before it was cool I also spent over 20 years in SW Florida dealing with hurricanes. People need to realize that store shelves empty faster than you can imagine when something happens or is about to. 8 days is the longest we went without power and let me tell you it was brutal because of the heat. August down there is HOT. Homes now are not built like they used to be with cross ventilation, etc.
    Now that we are back in the Midwest I still make sure we are as prepared as we can be.
    One of the neatest things I have found is an electric/crank/solar radio, flashlight, charger all in one. It is awesome. I bought it a couple of years ago on amazon for around 30 dollars and it is well worth it.
    We do not have a fireplace here. (Go figure we had one in FL but not one in IL, what were we thinking??) Anyway, I am still trying to figure that one out. I've heard good views on the 'Little Buddy' propane heaters and may get one of them.
    Thanks for posting on this topic. I don't think a lot of people understand how fragile the system truly is.

    1. Thank you for your testimony. No, people do not realize how truly easy the cart can be upset and how vulnerable we all could be.
      Here in the grocery stores in IN, they keep no back stock any more. What you see is all there is. No deliveries - well too bad.

      I like the sounds of that device you have. I will investigate that - it sounds like something we should all have. Good price too.
      Propane heater - never though of that. DUH! Of coarse you still need to be able to get fuel.

      One major event can change everything. It is definitely something we need to think about and prepare for.
      Got myself thinking now - I need new tires for my old bicycle.
      Thanks for your thoughts.

  5. One book that helped me think more clearly about this was "Alas, Babylon." It is a fiction book about the Cold War and Russia bombing the US. The little town where the story takes place is spared fall-out but the grid is down. Several things that are important for survival were whiskey, ammunition, clean water, fishing hooks/tackle, salt, canning jars, needles, seeds, how-to books.
    The older folks who knew how to do things were suddenly important. Money was worthless. Some people just gave up or buried their heads in the sand. Some paid the price for their greed. It is an interesting read. I highly recommend it. Follow the link below to the Amazon page for it.

    1. Kay, thank you. I definitely want to read that. It sounds very interesting, and exactly what I was talking about.

      I have all those survival items except the fishing items. I think we got rid of those many years ago.

      Again, thanks, this sounds so interesting.

  6. Good advice!
    I need to get one of those life straws. Thanks for the reminder. I think water storage is my weak point, esp if the generator can't run the well. Since we camp, We have a lot of camping equipment from sleeping bags to stoves and lanterns and dutch ovens etc. Dh has his ham radio license but I think his radio needs a new battery. I'm trying to stockup more each week but I need to do a lot more.
    Thanks for the tips.

    1. Sounds like you have a good handle on things. Camping equipment is always a plus to have. I still have propane cook stove, lanterns and stuff.

      I like the ham radio - I have a battery and a crank type radio - although I could only listen - at least you could communicate with others.

      Those straws are great - I think they would make a nice Christmas gift as well!

      You are welcome. Thanks

  7. Another good book is One Second After and One Year After. Really opened my eyes. My family thinks I'm crazy but they'll be happy if IT hits. Great tips.

    1. I have heard of those books and they sound very interesting. I haven't gotten them yet. Sounds like I have some new reads to get for my winter reading.
      Yes, you will be the IT person should something happen. I figure better to prepare and be wrong, than need it and have nothing.

  8. Great post, Cheryl. I would add to it the importance of like minded people around you...a good community. No one could go it alone.

    1. ABSOLUTELY! We have to have a decent attitude about things and we need people who think like us around so we can work together. I love how we are all sharing more ideas here.


  9. Another great blog post, Cheryl. Something I thought of while reading it, is that we need to have a manual can opener just in case the power fails. Hopefully that won't happen, but anything could in this day and age.

    1. Oh good one. That is all I use, so it didn't enter my mind. So many little things that we take for granted and never give a second thought to.
      Thank you.
