I mentioned on my weekly wrap-up that I did an inventory of my dry goods. WOW! Is all I can say. It is amazing how much one can accumulate and not be aware.
I will survive for ages!
I can be happy with pretty basic meals. I am not a fancy food eater AT ALL. During my inventory I found I have "pounds" of basics.
*Dry beans and peas - just about any type you can imagine. This is the largest inventory item I have - a pound of beans gives a few meals and great protein. (prob. 45/50 lbs.)
*Rice - homemade rice-a-roni - and rice with soy (TVP) - I have bunches and bunches - can be used in so many ways. Extender, fried, side, casseroles and soups, with stir fry - just no limit (total prob. 30 lbs.)
*Pasta - all shapes and types - pounds of it. So many uses - great carb (prob. 30 lbs.)
*Seasonings and spices - more than I imagined. Can make a bland dish taste much better. Great barter tool as well. Many bouillon cubes and powders as well
*Dehydrated potatoes and veggies for soups - about a gallon and a half - that is a lot of veggies
*Flour and sugar - LOTS and lots
*Tomato products of every type - home canned and store bought. I can do anything with tomatoes - eat, season, soup, blend with other things, you name it.
*Pickles and relish - all home canned. I know it isn't considered FOOD per se - but you know what - it would keep me from starving!!!!!! Great for sides and seasoning.
*Jams and Jellies - not really food - but great to add flavor to things, over things, in recipes, add to the blandest of food for flavor
*Oats - both quick and regular. I don't really like oatmeal at all - but this girl could eat it (jazzed up) if I was hungry. I keep on hand a fair bit. I use as an extender in meat, use in suet for birds, baking, etc.
Simple ingredients can keep you alive. It doesn't have to be fancy or exciting. All basics can be perked up with flavoring and spices and herbs. Mix them together. Think about surviving well!!!!!
I will not go hungry. I have items I can barter with and exchange with family and friends for other things.
I try to keep a variety of canned meats as well (as well as frozen) just in case. If I lose power - first the neighborhood will eat well for a day or two - think major BBQ!!!!! But I will also have meat on the shelf for later.
Dry beans and peas - a good variety
Pasta - all types
Tomato products
Flour, sugar and baking goods and Spices (cornmeal as well)
Potatoes - canned, dehydrated or instant
Popcorn (real not microwave)
Canned, dry or frozen veggies and fruit
Ramen noodles - I know (but a cheap add in if hungry)
Peanut butter - great protein ADD Jams or jelly and you have a meal
SOME canned meats
Think about maybe having some powdered items as well - milk, cheese, egg replacer, bouillon
I also have powdered butter, nutritional yeast and many odds and ends. You would be amazed at what you can find in powder form!!!! Do some research - you may be surprised. Look around at health and natural food stores. Even the regular grocery stores are starting to carry a lot more different items.
Get informed and get prepared!
Take an inventory and see what you have. How long could you survive? Hopefully for a long while.
The items above are all INEXPENSIVE items and can be added weekly to your stash.
Again, this may not be how you are used to eating - BUT it could save your life in a really bad time.
Are you prepared with all the basics?
Get busy now!!