Sunday, October 18, 2020

Weekly Wrap-Up 10/18

 Happy Sunday to all.  Hope you had a good week.

We have had a mish mash of weather this week.  Thursday and Friday nights got down into the 30's and we had heavy frost.  We have had rain (YAY), sun, wind, warmer and cooler temps.
This coming week is to be in the 60's and low 70's again and night in 40's and 50's.  We are supposed to get light rain many days -we'll see if old Jim (weather guy) is right.

The crimson maple trees are at their peak around my area and they are just glorious!  I do believe that is one of my favorite trees for fall color.  The critters are all hungry and eating lots - makes me wonder if winter is just around the corner.  Mr. Woodchuck looks like a tiny bear cub!!!!  I told me neighbor that Chuck's fur sure would make a nice warm hat or gloves!!  LOL  His fur is so thick and pretty.  He has really bulked up in the last week.
The kitties have enjoyed their warm beds this week.  They have been napping and sleeping in the greenhouse a lot more.

My week:
  • Got the hose out back all drained and put away for winter.
  • Got more of the garden and pots cleaned out.  Doing a bit each week
  • Did a color touch up on my hair
  • Used dehumidifier water in laundry
  • Kept a parmesan shaker lid and a shaker lid from a cheap spice bottle
  • I am on the budget plan for my lights and gas (you pay the same every month - 12 mos. a yr.) and this time I had a $88.05 CREDIT on electric and a $14.15 CREDIT  on gas.  WOOHOO
  • Ran to the library.  It is in the park and boy was it pretty!!!!!
  • Ran up the street from park to Aldi (haven't been in ages).  Happy to report they were FULLY stocked and NO limits - except paper products and scented candles!!!!  Yep, scented candles!  The prices were fantastic.  I went for chips/snacks (always so cheap), eggs, and yogurt - got a lot more goodies for deep pantry - will post this week.
  • I also ran into WM Family Market to get some birdseed until I get back to feed store.  I looked around and was so pleasantly surprised how well stocked it was.  Saw items I haven't seen in ages and many new items as well.
  • I came across some mixes I received in a gift basket at Christmas, that I had put back.  I figured I better get busy and use some of them up - (pretty sure I will more in a couple months - fingers crossed).  I used  a potato soup mix and added cauliflower, peas and bacon to it.  YUM.  I also used a mug cake mix I had, and it was a very tasty treat.

  • I have become so frustrated with my glasses I got a year ago.  They just never seemed right - but I kept thinking I just needed to give them time - then everything shut down.  I figured I was going to bite the bullet and spend more money for a new exam somewhere different.  Nothing seemed to line up right for clear viewing.  I always moving the glasses around, turning my head, etc.  In desperation (I figured what did I have to lose) I just messed with them a bunch this week and realigned and bent frames and ear 'thingies' a bunch and OH MY GOODNESS - so much better.  Geesh what a nimrod I have been.  I will continue to tweak, but I am much happier.
  • I got to go to my brother/SIL's for a cookout yesterday.  Saw all of their kids and grands that I haven't seen since the end of Feb.  I even got to meet my newest gr. gr. niece (born during shut down).  Golly, I love hugging babies!  It was a fun time.
  • Brother sent me home with a bunch more bell peppers!  I brought home some cookie cake as well!
Meals this past week:
Baked spaghetti and garlic toast
Baked spaghetti leftover and fried green tomatoes  (froze balance of spaghetti)
Loaded up potato soup topped with sour cream and crackers
Cup of potato soup and a chicken sandwich
Stir fry veggies over veggie pasta
Dinner at brothers - chili and chili dogs and goodies!
Had popcorn, apples and peanut butter, cheese and crackers all for snacks

So there you have it.  Nothing exciting or dramatic - just a day in the life!  No big anything going on  - just tidbits of this and that.  How was your week?  What has been everyone been up to?
Love hearing from you all.

I have a grocery store/pantry update this week and a sweet story and a laugh for you all!
I pray you are all safe and healthy.  
Blessings from my humble little home to yours.

Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalms 119:105


  1. The beauty of ordinary days. I'm still working on the crafting room, it's coming together. Did a little bit of stocking up this past week. Butch hunted 3 days this past week, no luck but it's been pretty warm here. Hoping for cooler weather to get the deer moving. Going to head to Costco today and then back home to start putting things in the trailer! Weather is still good here so maybe we can get out in the trailer for a couple of days. Have a good day!

    1. Yes ordinary days are wonderful. Sorry Butch didn't get anything hunting, but there is still time. Have fun stocking and I sure do hope you get to try out the trailer for a few days. That would be fun and probably a beautiful trip!
      Have a great one my friend.

  2. I love maples pretty! Glad you got your glasses straightened out..that can be so frustrating.
    So cold here ..funny how 50 degrees can seem so warm in the Spring and freezing in the fall.

    1. Funny how our perspective works! What is warm at one time is cold another! Have a good one.

  3. Cool beans on your $88.05 CREDIT on electric and a $14.15 CREDIT on gas, Cheryl. Now utility bills like that are not a bother. LOL

    Sometimes ordinary days are the best days. :)

    1. I love utility bills like like - they could send them every month.
      Yep ordinary can be extraordinary.

  4. Our optometrist told me that while he was going to optometry school he got new glasses and just could not see. He complained to his classmate and she took them and bend them and twisted them and handed them back and he could see perfectly. He said he felt so dumb. So, not just you and me!

    1. Well I finally figured out (took me long enough) that they made them to be aligned to my face. My eyes are not symmetrical at all. My left eye and eye brow is a bit higher than right. When I aligned them to my eyes - they work!!!
      They look crooked (a tad) on my face - but who cares? I can see and saved a bunch of money.
      I am a bit crooked too - so no big deal!!!!!!! LOL
      Glad to hear a professional had it happen too!

  5. Love reading your blog. It is so inspiring!

  6. It was good that you got to be with family and see the new baby! Especially now family visits seem more precious. Only one daughter lives in Indiana so we spend some time with her when we can. She usually works six days a week.

    You might see if the optical department at Walmart will adjust your glasses. We have done that in the past even though we didn't buy the glasses there. Can't see out of cock-eyed glasses as well as when they are properly aligned. My right eye is lower than my left one. I'm just grateful to be able to see!

    The Wayne branch of the library was shut down for a few days as a patron had COVID and personnel had been talking with that person. It is back open now. I try to get my books via my Amazon tablet.

    Still sorting through canned goods on the shelves in the garage. Found some older stuff so it went in front of everything else. Too wet to do anything outside but we're not complaining. So happy to have some rain. The Urban Farmer checked our rain gauge and we got just at an inch.

    I am so happy I found your blog (don't remember how now).

    1. Well I am happy you found your way here too!
      WM is where I got my glasses - first time using them and just wasn't happy - I have them adjusted now and my oh my can I see better! It is a real blessing that I finally figured it out (I'm slow that way!). I have even prayed about it. Finally I let God lead me and now I can see well!

      I like to have a real book in hand. Old fashioned I guess. I have a tablet - but just like real books.

      It sure is chilly and wet out there today - but so needed.
      I was so glad to see everyone and get a dose of snuggles with a baby!!! I get snuggles every day with my kitty - but a baby can't be beat!

      Keep on sorting!

  7. So happy you got in some baby snuggles, isn't that just the best.

  8. You have been busy! Soup sounds good to me any time, but not so much to Roger. Rachel sent me home with vegetable soup for me the other was delicious. Even though I just made a big pot a while back, and ate it all myself. Roger did not eat one bowl even. He was never a big fan of soups, but always enjoyed them the first day. Now, since his stroke, the only one he really enjoys is chili.

    1. I love soup too - all kinds. Chili is a favorite as is stew. Guess you just have to make smaller kettles full and freeze in containers for yourself maybe.
      I do love a good bowl of veggie soup too.
