Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Some Days You Just Have to Laugh

 Good morning all.
I have a couple stories to tell you.  I am sure at least one will ring true to some of you.  A story of "well that didn't go as planned" and a story of an angel on Earth.

The Light Bulb Saga

It is dark here until at least 7:30AM here every day and it gets dark about 7:30PM.  Last week I was getting kitties fed and working on my morning drink when the kitchen overhead light burnt out.  I finished what I was doing with a kitchen night light.  Thinking I will get that changed after I watch the morning news.
Well, as all things go on - I get busy and forget.  
Come evening and I ran into the kitchen to get some ice cubes and flip the light switch.  Well, crud...I forgot to change the bulb.  Let's do it now and get it done.  Mind you it is 8PM.

Coody is in the bedroom on the bed (other side of house).  I turn on the dining room light so as to have some light and I position the adjustable flashlight to aim on the kitchen light.
I bring in my stepstool and get busy.  The globe is held in with 3 'tiny' screws.  Number one and two come out (I am being so careful not to drop them or the globe) - and oops - screw number 3 falls to the floor.  INSTANTLY Coogy is in the kitchen and sees it and smacks it!!!!!!
Under the washstand (microwave stand) it goes.  Well, crap.

I set the globe down and get off the stool.  Move the flashlight and can't see the screw.  So I get my yardstick and rubber band a micro fiber cloth in the end.  Reaching under stand I try to fish out screw - no screw - just what looks like baby kittens!!!!  Dust bunnies galore!!
I move the stand out from wall - and finally see the screw and LOTS and LOTS of dust bunnies.  Oh my word.  So now I need to clean under and behind while I am down there and know what is there.  
As I am working (on hands and knees) I kick Coogy's water bowl and water goes all over.
I put a towel down to soak up that - and then decide that I may as well 'mop' the floor after I get all the dust cleaned up.  My kitchen is small - so I clean the floor on hands and knees.
I pick up throw rug and figure I might as well step outside and shake it - dust bunnies all picked up - floor swept and them mopped.
FINALLY I get back on the stool and change the bulb and work to get the globe back on.  One screw doesn't fit as well as the other two and it is all I can do not to drop it again (mind you Coogy is watching intently).
Light bulb changed and globe in installed!  I have light!  Floor is clean!   It is now 9PM!!!!!!!  UGH

All that and I forgot to get my ice cubes!
Some days you just have to laugh and just shake your head.

Angels Among Us

I was at Aldi and I happened to notice an elderly women trying to open one of those plastic produce bags the stores have.  Of course she has on a mask - so no licking fingers!
I see her struggling.  I walk over and hand her an antiseptic wipe (I carry a baggie of them always).  I told they help me wet my fingers, so as to open up those little bags.  She said "what a clever idea, thank you".  We got to talking about masks, precautions and ventured to life, death and God.

I told her I was cautious but I believe my God has control of everything and only He knows when my day will come.  Her eyes got wide and she smiled and said "I love to hear you young people testify to your love of the Lord".  YES - she said "young people"!!!!
I had to laugh out loud - and I told her I was a senior citizen.  She seemed surprised and she said - "it doesn't matter to me, you are still a young person in my opinion."
We finished our conversation and gave each other blessings and went on our way.

I smiled all the way through the store and to be honest she made my day.  I have told this story to several since that day.  A small gesture on my part - a lovely conversation - and a common love of the Lord.  We were meant to cross paths.  Things happen for a reason.
I hope she smiled all day as well!!!!!

So there you have my stories.  I hope this 'young-in' gave you a smile or two today as well.
Blessings to all.


  1. Your first story made me chuckle while shaking my head in agreement as that sure sounds like things I've gotten myself into. Your second story warmed my heart as I am also a senior and get a kick out of being called young....rarer all the time..ha! Plus, sharing your faith and lifting one another up...what a reason to smile! Thanks for sharing...love it!

    1. I am glad they made you smile. Yep, some days all we can do is shrug our shoulders and keep going!! LOL
      I had hope everyone would like the story about the lady at the store. It does a heart good to run into good people.

  2. Some of my best friends are Senior Citizens. (smile) I also like your tip of carrying the wipes with you to help wet your fingers.

    1. I love your tip..I can never get those bags open.
      That's how things roll around here too one thing leads to another.

    2. Laurie - me too!!!! Snuck that little tip right in there didn't I? It sure does help when trying to get those darn things open!

    3. Vicki - some days it just almost doesn't pay to start a project. I guess that was my little nudge to clean under the wash stand!!!!
      Glad you caught the tip as well.

  3. Oh boy! You just nailed life at our house in your first story! Add my husband's brain injury OCD to it and it would be 10 PM because he would have washed the light fixture and cleaned the fan at the same time and then cleaned the floor a second time.

    1. LOL - well I had just cleaned the light fixture and fan blades like a week before ....soooooo.
      Oh those days that make us laugh.

  4. Too funny about the light. One thing leads to another. I probably would have had a cat climbing the ladder with me.
    What a sweet story with the woman at Aldi. Sounds like you made her day. Bless you!

    1. I am surprised he didn't try to get on the stool - but he was busy looking to see if he could see something else so tiny that he shouldn't be able to see it!!
      She did make my day! Some days it only takes something little.

  5. You gave the mouse a cookie, I really needed your post today as I am struggling with a little blue, don't know why? Just am.

    1. Well I hope you got a smile or two from it. Hugs and hope tomorrow is a better day.

  6. I am here giggling as I read about your your 8 p.m. adventure! I thought I was the only one that has had those days!! Now I can remember yours and laugh, instead of using some choice words....

    The Aldi meeting was a charmed and wonderful moment that will be a a treasured memory.

    1. There you go - I eased your memories of yourself! LOL Oh some days!

  7. A friend of mine is married to a fellow who is originally from Hong Kong. He worked for the city Health Dept. and had gone out to do a home inspection of some kind - she got a phone call and he was whispering - and asking her what a dust bunny looked like! He had heard others referring to them and he had never heard of this creature but knew it must be something serious. They still laugh about this!
    I must remember to have a wipe handy when getting produce next time as I too find it really difficult to open those bags when I can't lick my fingers! Great idea.

    1. Oh my, now that is hilarious! Those sneaky ever evasive dust bunnies!
      Glad the tip will help. I figured it out quite by accident - but it sure does make a difference.

  8. Oh my, you sound so much like me. Forget, then remember, start to do what you had forgotten and then like domino's things start to happen that need your immediate attention.

    Yep, I agree, age is all in one's perspective.

    God bless.

    1. Life can be a comedy some days! I walk in rooms and have no idea why - go back where I was a finally remember. I trip over things not there and run into walls that have been there for 34 years too! Call me Grace! LOL

  9. Oh, Cheryl, in our family we call your light bulb story the Lampert Twirl. Except, the ending would have been different in that the light bulb probably wouldn't have been changed! And so true about perspective.

    1. Too funny! I was determined after all that - to have light!!

  10. Cheryl, your first story is MY LIFE!! Nothing ever goes the way it should the first time around. Murphy's Law is what I call it. If some can go wrong - it will!!

    1. Aint it the truth. The best laid plans of mice and men.....

  11. I loved both stories...the first made me laugh. This last time we were getting ready to dogsit, I had everything about ready. And at the last minute I opened a cabinet door to grab a can of soup or two to take with us for something quick when we got there.

    I had just put out extra catfood and extra water. and some of that was below thos canned goods. You guessed it...one fell and hit the plate that had the food in it. It was corelle and broke into a thousand pieces...so had that to clean up. Threw away that catfood...and emptied the water and started afresh.

    The bright spot...at least it wasn't the water.

    1. If anything can go wrong - LOL!!!!! I think we all have those days - I guess it keeps us on our toes!
