Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Reflecting and Having Faith

 We all know the world has become quite unsettled this year.  SO many things in the world are just troubling.
It is every where, not just this country.  We are all trying to do what we can to brighten the days for each other.  That is why I am so thankful for the group we have here.  

I read my horoscope in the paper this morning - 
"You set out to lift people, not to lean on them.  And yet, you wouldn't want to rob anyone of the chance to help you.  You need it, and they give it - a perfect confluence of interests."
Not that I believe in horoscopes - but this is so true.  All I have ever wanted to do in life is teach - and I try.  It is not exactly what I had in mind while in college - but teaching is teaching.
The thing I have realized over the years is that I GET more than I can give. 
I love the support and help and loving that everyone here shows.

We are all teachers.  We are all learners.  We are ONE!  We may be all over the world, and we may have different beliefs, different religions, different habits, different ways - but we are more alike than we are different.  Isn't that wonderful?

I have my faith and that gets me through each and every moment of each and every day.  I am not ashamed of it.  You may believe differently and that is OK for you.
We all do what we need.

This is something all the people of the world need to realize.  Actions are so important.  Your opinion is yours - not necessarily anyone else's.  

We all need one another.  No one on this earth can do this thing called life totally alone.  I truly believe that the legacy that we all will leave - is how we helped, treated and supported other people.  

Let us all be kind and giving.  Let us all teach.  Let us all be what we want to see from others.  Let us all be positive and resourceful.
Let us all know that there is someone far greater in control.

This is it!!!!!  Focus on what you can control - your thoughts and actions.  The rest is faith!  
Be compassionate to yourself and others.  Use kind words.  Do good deeds.  Just keep moving forward.
Regardless of what happens today or tomorrow - life does go on.

MAKE THE BEST OF IT and PEACE my wonderful friends and sisters.


  1. Very well said Cheryl.
    Before early retirement I never really had the time to volunteer but with only working PT here last few years I've been able to do all kinds of volunteering through the church that I joined. And truthfully - I have learned even more than I have taught others - and most of my fellow volunteers would say the same thing - we get just as much out of the doing than those we serve.

    1. Yes mam. Isn't it funny how life gives us more than we give? I love it. Making little changes in people's lives is huge! Our reward is the best part!!!!! Life is awesome.

  2. I feel sunshine today---have heard from all of my family and many friends...for today is my birthday #73 :)

    1. Happy, happy birthday!!!!!!! So glad you have heard from your family and friends. Enjoy your day thoroughly and enjoy the beauty of another year.
      God bless.

  3. Peace is what we all need and want in this year we'll look back on and think, how did we make it? As you've said, by leaning on and giving to others we can create a small bit of peace.

    Take care, stay well!

    1. It takes a village for sure. We surely do need one another. I hope next year - all of us here can look back and smile. We have had some fun and some laughs. Yes we have shed tears together as well - but we had each other.
      That is good.

  4. Bless you but isn't this the truth. Put your trust in the Lord.

  5. Just wanted to wish you well today Cheryl and let you know that I am thinking of you.
    I love coming to your blog and learning new ideas and tips.
    It is a place of peace.
    Thank you for hosting.
    Pam in Texas.x

    1. Thank you Pam. I hope you are well too.
      We all need a quiet place to go in this crazy world - I am glad you feel this is one.

  6. So very true. If everyone would just do this the world would be a wonderful place.

    God bless.

  7. Your words are so comforting in this crazy time we live in.

    1. Thank you - I think we all need some calm once in a while

  8. You are a voice of calm and faith in this present crazy world. I think all your readers feel this also.
