Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Frugality means.......

 Frugality means something different to everyone.  One thing I know is that people who are frugal are responsible people and they are not cheap!  Big difference between frugal and cheap!!
Here area  few things it means to me.

  • Frugality helps reduce clutter (hopefully).  We love to recycle and reclaim things and re-use items.  We love finding new and exciting ways to use leftovers.  We tend to not just buy to be buying - it needs to be a serious need
  • Frugality promotes an environmentally friendly lifestyle - pretty much the same reasoning as above.  Reduce, re-use and recycle and reclaim
  • Frugality helps us learn creativity.  There is no limit to our imaginations!!!
  • Frugality seems to reduce stress, gives a state of peace of mind while gaining a greater simplicity in our lives.  If you aren't spending a lot - you have less bills and more money to pay the ones you DO have.  Living a simpler way of life  is freeing!
  • Frugality gives me a gratitude mindset.  I am thankful for everything.  The small things mean a lot and I have learned to appreciate and love things that God has given us that cost nothing.  Nature is wonderful, taking a walk is wonderful, spending time with loved ones is wonderful, a child's laughter is wonderful.....
  • Frugality gives you options and freedom.  It helps you save more for things that are really important.  Having a retirement account.  Having an emergency fund.  Having more for less.  Making the best use of what we do have. 
  • Frugality helps reduce debt.  Watching your funds and spending is a great way to pay off debt and get out of the grasp of lenders.
  • Frugality helps you be more generous to others.  Watching your spending allows you to donate to those in need, whether by funds or goods
  • Frugality is a great hobby!!!!  You learn new ways, you save, and you pay off debt.  It becomes a game and a challenge to see just how far you can stretch a dollar.
  • Frugality helps you realize your priorities!  It isn't about stuff - it's about moments and security
  • Frugality means WAITING and planning.  It means no rash and sudden decisions.  Think and plan your spending.
  • Frugality  is about being a good steward of what you have
I truly believe the quote above.  I don't think the bulk of the people of the world have truly learned the riches of frugality.  We seem to live in such ME society.  Immediate gratification  is a way of life.  I was always told by my Daddy that the anticipation always far surpasses the outcome.  I have found that true over and over.  
The longer I wait and save for something - the more it means to me.  The harder I work at something, the more I appreciate it.

You can become RICH in so many ways by being frugal.  Richness is more than money!!!!!
Frugality can make you a much happier person in so many ways!

Tell us what frugality means to you!


  1. I'm borrowing a quote from another blog (G.Donna's) that says, "(Frugality) is being careful and understanding the cost and consequences of everything." That pretty much sums it up. Too many people act without thinking of the consequences and end up paying for it one way or the other.

    1. Absolutely!!!! Truth on both counts.
      There are consequences to our actions - and it seems many have forgotten that today.

  2. Frugality also means (to me, anyway) valuing quality over quantity when it matters -- and knowing when it matters. I am willing to pay more for a pair of everyday blue jeans (or fill in the blank) that I will wear (use) over and over and over again, rather than buy a cheap pair and have them quickly wear out and need to be replaced. And when buying quality, where the price is generally higher, I will shop the sales, clearance racks, and use discounts/coupons whenever possible to get the quality item at the best price. But for other things, like holiday decor or a seasonal blouse or sweater, thrifting or a big box discount store is just fine, "less is best" in that instance. So, frugality is also being attentive to quality when it matters.

    1. YES! Totally true. Quality is usually a one and done. Buy cheaper and you will be replacing over and over.
      I so agree - especially on bigger ticket items and things that you use often.
      Great reminder! Thanks

  3. To me frugality is avoiding waste. That can cover a multitude of things. Resources such as raw materials, electricity, gas, food and money. I buy second hand when I can as it avoids items being thrown away. Every little scrap of food is eaten here. Money is used wisely. As you said it doesn't involve being mean. It makes it easier to give.

    1. I like that. Why should we waste things and then go back and spend more money on them. So many things in this world are limited and should be appreciated.
      YOU my friend are a good steward of what you have!!!

  4. Loved this Cheryl. Frugality means better choices. When I am frugal, I have more options for the things I love.

    1. Yes mam. You hit the nail on the head. We are frugal to do/have the things we love!!!!!

  5. Another excellent post and excellent comments! If I had not been interested in living more frugally and preparing for whatever may come our way, I would not have met you and the lovely ladies who add to the conversation. I think frugality requires thought and patience, instead of saying "oh yeah, I NEED/WANT that!" and running out to buy it, only to be disappointed later. I read on some of the fashion blogs that ladies figure out a price per wear value, which makes a good garment a bargain in the long run.

    1. Thank you. I love your comment about meeting people. That is so true. Had I not chosen this lifestyle and had I not chosen to blog - I would have missed out on so many wonderful friendships and acquaintances!! That is better than all the money in the world!
      My goodness - no more often than I get clothes and then usually at the thrift/yard sales - mine must cost me next to nothing to wear!!! YAY
      Thanks for a lovely sentiment.

  6. I spend money easily for needs and wants but I don't waste it. Frugal indeed. Since I hate to shop both in person and online, temptations aren't much of a reality in my life ;-)

    1. Good for you. I love to grocery shop but that is about it. Not much of a shopper for other stuff. I don't shop on-line either, so that is good.
      Staying away from shopping is indeed the best way not to spend!
