At some point in our lives we all go through something that may make us need therapy. Way, way back in the day I tried going to a therapist. It wasn't for me - or maybe I just didn't find a match for me.
Music provides me with a type of therapy. I love music - all types - but for the most part I am an oldies goldies fan. I love 60's and 70's rock music. I still have every album that both Glen and I had. I have cassettes and CD's. I get music of every type on my cable TV. I love the classic rock.
The oldies take me back to a time and a place - every time. (I guess that could be bad as well). I remember the song Moni Moni by Tommy James and the Shondell's - I am on my Mom & Dad's front porch sitting in the swing on a summer evening listening to the garage band across the way - play that song over and over and over!!!!! LOL. It drove my Dad nuts!!!!! I still crank that song every time I hear it and sing along - oh yes I do.
The song Blueberry Hill - by Fats Domino brings back memories of junior high. In the mornings before school started, we got to listen to records in the gym. We sat and talked, danced, and just chilled before the day started. That song, caught the attention of a stuffy teacher (LOL) and it got banned from morning record time. Too suggestive!!! My first time knowing that things could be banned!
My first ever concert - Three Dog Night!! I was soooooo grounded, but Dad let me go with the guy I dated off and on (Dad liked him). It was summer after sophomore year. His old car broke down on the way home - and I knew Dad wouldn't buy that excuse!!! So we called him and woke him up to come and pick us!!! LOL
I was a fan of Jimmy Hendrix, Jim Croce, Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin, Doors, America, Stones, and Jethro Tull. I was kind a fan of the unconventional groups. I can hear the music of the past and I still sing and I still dance (great exercise as well). HUGE therapy for me.
PRAYER is also my therapy. When everything seems hopeless - I turn to prayer. That is so comforting to me. I can feel the tension leaving my body - because I think God has laid His hands on me. I know not everyone has the same faith, but for me this is a huge relief and help. I have read the book and I know the ending! I am comforted in that!!
I pray many times a day - I just catch myself praying automatically, doesn't matter what I am doing. I make sure to THANK God for all my blessings as well.
I also commune with nature and my pets. Animals are so loving - unconditional love. Our pets seem to know when we are sad and low. Kisses, snuggles, hugs - they all work for me. Watching the beauty of the birds and hijinks of the silly squirrels brings peace. The squirrels make me laugh - they are hilarious! They have such unrestricted fun!!! Looking and and smelling the flowers, seeing the leaves change color in the fall, feeling the crisp air - it all calms me.
Figure out what soothes you and do it often.
LAUGH as often as you can - laughter is great medicine. It has been proven to be a mood lifter and good for health. PRAY - whenever you feel the urge, it soothes the soul. JAM to the music and just let loose and enjoy that moment. Sing and dance!!!!! LOVE all of nature and your fur babies. They can all bring calm and peace.
Therapy can be whatever brings you joy! It doesn't have to cost a cent - just release yourself in the moment.
**Please note that I am not advocating staying away from professional therapy - there is a need and that is what it takes for many.
I love music, too! I turn that radio up loud in the car and sing along. My favorite summer thing is an evening drive with the windows down and the oldies blasting on the radio just like I am still a teenager!
ReplyDeletePrayer is a huge part of my life, too. Nothing comforts me more than talking to my Father in the wee hours of the night when things seem huge and frightening.
Country driving with the windows down, fresh air, and music - the perfect combo.
DeletePrayer can get us through so much.
Prayer is number one best refuge! However, with that said...I was shaking my head Yes as I am a head bobber, sing along fanatic while driving along listening to 60s and 70s Rock. Sisters from another mother for sure! Love your posts, Cheryl!!
ReplyDeleteI am telling you - we are for sure a sisterhood!!!!! Maybe it is our generation - but we all have so much in common. (No offence if you are much younger than me!!)
DeleteNo offense taken no matter what...but I am actually a few years older than you. But, who's!ó
DeleteThat's right!!!!!!!! Who's counting? LOL!
DeleteWe are all here together and sharing - age matters NOT!
The old music is still the best! I have a good ten years on you so the music I listened to was a bit different. Remember the controversy over Louie Louie? Those songs were mild compared so some of the junk out there today. My daughter is going to see the Beach Boys at the state fair grounds this weekend.
ReplyDeletePrayer is vitally important, particularly these days. My neighbor meditates to some sort of new age stuff. Dangerous stuff I say to allow Satan to enter your thoughts. Praying to our Heavenly Father yields peace and comfort.
Ole Jim says back to the 90's. Today isn't too bad. I'm off to see my primary care doc to have my A1C checked.
Louie, Louie - I do remember. I had a sister who was 10 years older than me and I heard all her music when I was a kid - it stuck for sure!!!! I liked the Beach Boys - that was a good driving to Florida group back in the 70's.
DeletePrayer is our only HOPE today. We need out Heavenly Father more than ever.
Heat is coming! Good luck.
Many years of counselling at AADAC (Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission) helped me deal with codependency issues as my first marriage to an alcoholic unraveled. I come from a long line of drinkers on my paternal side and mental health issues on the maternal side. Such a good recipe for therapists! I like to think I came out on the other side. In addition to formal counselling and therapy, I subscribe to the church of the long grass - NATURE. I find solace and rejuvenation outside in all seasons whether doing yard maintenance, walking or just setting and enjoying. Add music and good friends f a recipe for a for mental well-being.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you that you asked for and got the help you needed. I am so glad you came through it. I know those things are difficult and can really mess up lives - but you survived. I am glad you did. You should be proud.
DeleteWe all have our belief system and we all do what is good for us. Nature can rejuvenate the soul - it is full of beauty and glory.
Isn't it nice that we can find joy and solace in the simpler things in life?
My history parallels Mona's...alcoholic father, severely depressed mother, co-dependent, married an alcoholic (sober for 34 years and counting). When he first got sober, I went to a psychologist. Psych told me I laughed at things that most people would cry about. I told him if I didn't laugh, I'd never be able to stop crying. Didn't see him too much after that. I have largely put my early life behind me. Still married. I still laugh...and I still pray.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you world changed as well. Laughter can be the best medicine. You kind of proved that! Glad you and hubs are together. Loved endured! Bless your heart.
DeleteLaughter and prayer and very good combo indeed!
Music is therapy for the soul. It takes me back to a certain time and place too.
ReplyDeleteLuckily it takes me back to fun times and not bad. I hope everyone has that experience.
DeleteCheryl, you are so cute! You make me laugh. I'm older than you, but I sing too, though in reality it sounds like a donkey braying. And I used to be all about rock but then I found Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson. Now I'm all about pickup trucks and bars and broken hearts. Hahahaaa. And for all those who seek professional therapy, I tip my hat to each of you! You are brave and strong. Get your "grrr" back and carry on!
ReplyDeleteLOL. Well, I can't sing a hoot but I give it my all!!!
DeleteI agree - if seeking professional help - you are brave. I admire people that do.
I love music, particularly while walking or running. I actually really enjoy music while I'm in the car with my teenagers, as they always ask questions about the lyrics & it leads to some really interesting discussions, as you can imagine.
ReplyDeleteMy dad & I went to a John Mellencamp outdoor concert together (his generation of music) & it's one of my top memories.
I also like several of the other things you suggested. My parents/sister + my friends group share offline video chats, which has helped us stay in touch during the pandemic. I meditate, I work in the garden, I spend time with teenagers. They are always full of interesting thoughts. Exercise & quality sleep are critical for my happiness.
I also went to a John Mellencamp concert once. It was great. I really like his earlier music.
DeleteI bet you get some questions!!! I can only imagine!
Young people and littles can really help a mood. There are many things that we all do to help us each day. It is neat to hear what everyone else thinks.
LOL, I turn to cleaning, or baking most times, though lately I have taken to journaling.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
Cool things. Journaling can be such a good way to release feelings. Love that you have found what works for you!
DeleteMusic and nature are my "therapies." Now that I don't have chickens to watch and care for, I have hummingbirds. In my yard I had squirrels and birds that often interacted and played with each other.
ReplyDeleteNature is just so enjoyable and things are always changing. Every single critter and bug out there is important for some reason and that is just amazing to think about.
DeleteWhat a great post Cheryl! We're from the same era and I listened to all the same music back in the 70's. I need to find a good radio station for the oldies because I got sidetracked with country through the years! Prayer is high on my list too, especially with all that is going on today. I work at a desk job and the highlight of my day is getting home in the evenings and heading out to the yard to water all my plants and just finding little projects outside. It's such a great stress reliever to be out in nature. Take care and have a good weekend.
ReplyDeleteI lost my station in the car a few weeks ago and couldn't remember where on the dial it was. I did Google oldie goldie stations in my area and I found the setting again!
DeleteI used to find that to be true after a day at work. The yard was so relaxing. It still is. On a cool day, I can be found out there deep in thought or even talking to myself (out loud at times). I talk to my loves that are gone as well as God.
It is such a relaxing place.
Have a good one
Where would we be without laughter. I love to laugh. I need to laugh. And prayer of course. Like you I pray all day long and thank God many times a day. And music. What would we do without it? Sixties and seventies rock is the best. So there you go, that's all the therapy we need; laughter, prayer and music.
ReplyDeleteYes mam!!! I have no idea how many times a day I say "Thank you God" or "please help...".
DeleteOh, laughter can change a day. We all need to laugh - it just releases something positive to the world.
I love this post, Cheryl; I like all the ways you mentioned we can lift up our own spirits. It's important to do this even if we DO get counseling/therapy...gotta keep "up" each and every day (as much as we can).
ReplyDeleteCloudy and cool in San Diego today - yay!
Yes we can get professional help - but we have a responsibility to try things for ourselves as well. Any little thing that makes you smile or laugh is great.
DeleteGood for you on the weather. HOT here and humid here again.
I had to smile when I read this. I love music and find that certain songs transport me back to times in my life and old friends or boyfriends. I will sing along and I really don't have a singing voice. lol. Always wished I did. I am also the lady who talks to dogs when we see them or says, "what a beautiful dog or what a cutie. The dogs know when you are talking about them and their tails wag. I never approach a person's dog unless given permission by the owner and I an very respectful and do my best to not frighten or upset the dog. We lost our little Merlin 6 years ago and he was almost 18. Minnie was almost 15 and lost her a few years before Merlin. I imagine some day we will get another dog. They are our family. The last few years of Merlin's life he was almost blind and we made sure we always had one of us with him. That was pretty easy since my husband works from home and I was retired then. Even if one of us traveled the other stayed home. Before that when our dogs were younger we tried a kennel once. Never again! We always hired college or upper high schoolers from the Church to stay with our babies at our house. We paid then and made sure the had all the goodies they liked to eat. We knew their parents and the parents would check in at times unannounced. We never had one problem with them. We always knew they paid attention to our dogs by how the dogs were like, "oh, your home, nice to see you" instead of frantic and upset. lol. My Minnie was a rescue dog. She wasn't trained to recognize medical challenges but she always knew when my heart was going to act up and she would pull on my pant leg and bark and run down the hall to the bedroom. After the first few times I realized she wanted me to lay down. After that I did and it really helped. Sorry I strayed off in memories. Music and animals are wonderful therapy and a good book doesn't hurt either. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI am like you and remember where I was and who I was with, with a lot of the music. Some fun times. I can't sing either, so don't feel bad!
DeletePets are just unconditional love. Yes they know who likes them and who doesn't. I think they can sense good people from bad as well. So smart.
It sound like your babies had the good life. I love that. They are family too and should be treated as such. I know we all worry about our babies. They help us and we help them. I say that every day in a prayer - telling God how much I need my babies and to please keep them safe and healthy - and to say they need me as well.
Have a good day
Hey Cheryl. Was out walking this morning and was thinking of this old post. Wanted to tell you how much your blog helped me when Wild Bill died almost 2 years ago. I’m sorry you lost your hubby just before I did, but you were like the older sister I could go to for comfort. Your blogging friend, Sugar