Thursday, March 31, 2022

Motivation and Attitudes - We Got This

 OK - we have had a long winter and it is easy to get comfy and complacent.  I know I was inside the warm a lot and I didn't accomplish all I wanted.  I was just cozy staying in my warm home and curling up with my kitty!  
Now I do get outside, every single day for a good 2 hours a day.  Yep, every day.  Other than that I am not always out and about.
Now spring is here and we need to get ourselves motivated and up and moving!!!!  There are many simple things we can do to motivate ourselves and change our 'winter' attitudes.
I think we can ALL use a bit of motivation!!!!!!

  • Get up and moving.  Get cleaned up and get dressed every day!
  • MOVE - get outside every day - if only for a few minutes.  Don't matter the weather.  Fresh air and sunshine make a huge difference. Exercise if you can.  Dance - that so brightens a mood - seriously!  Turn up that music and just dance/move.  
  • Give yourself ONLY X amount of time each day on your devices.  Unplug more.  Quit watching so much news and doom and gloom - you DON'T need that.  You need to lifted up not depressed.
  • Schedule chores in 15 minute increments to get yourself motivated.  Do something for 15 minutes.  Clean, de-clutter, garden, cook, etc. and then either rest or change to something else.  Repeat.  It is amazing what you can accomplish in a short time.
  • Learn something new every day!  A new word, a new craft, a new item from history, anything!  Just learn something - expand your brain and mind power.  That re-awakens the soul!
  • Disconnect!  Go sit on the porch, read a book, watch the birds and nature, take a walk, listen to music, work on a hobby or project - just turn OFF devices.
  • Connect with family and/or friends.  Staying in touch helps us stay up and positive
  • Journal - keeping track of your thoughts helps to motivate.  Write what you are grateful for every day.  Write what your plans are.  Write your dreams.  All you need is a notebook and a pen.  You may find that writing gets you back in touch with yourself!!!
It doesn't cost a thing to motivate and improve our attitudes.  We need to get more in touch with ourselves.  We need to move and 'get physical'!  We need positivity in our lives.

You want a positive life?  You have to do something!  It isn't just thrown in your lap.  It takes work and only you can do it.  
Turn off - move - learn - enjoy - and have a great day.


  1. I love this! The only part is I wish I could get outside more but as we are having another snowstorm that will have to wait awhile.

    1. Sorry for the snow storm. Bummer. I go out rain, shine, snow or ice - but I have cats to tend to.
      Get out as much as you can - it sure helps. Even if it is a few minutes a day!

  2. Cheryl, i always keep movong. Im a restless person. Need to be doing something. Cut the grass before i go to Scotland tomorrow.
    At least the sun is shining again.

    1. WOW - cutting grass! I still have a week or two before doing that. Have such a wonderful trip!!!!!!! Safe travels.

  3. I would also add: Create! I'm sitting here on a rainy day quilting. It can be anything creative: sewing, knitting/crocheting, writing, painting/drawing, baking/cooking, etc. Whatever stimulates your creative juices.

    Outside isn't always an option around here, but just opening the blinds/curtains and letting light in and sitting near a window always helps my motivation.

    All of your suggestions are also very good for maintaining brain function as we age, too. TV/non-interactive electronics turn off very vital parts of the brain and turn the watcher into a quasi-zombie.

    1. Yes being creative is huge. Something as simple as puzzles or word puzzles helps.
      I love having the blinds open and the daylight coming in or a window open to hear the birds or catch a breeze. Airing out the staleness of the house if big as well.
      We need to just do something every day!!

  4. Excellent post! Yup, we don't get motivated to do anything by whining and kvetching. Fresh and sunshine is good for the body and soul.

  5. I find my get up and go is more available as the weather improves. I wouldn't say I suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) but gloomy days do make it harder to get motivated. Bring on the scent of fresh dirt in the spring and I'm raring to go.

    Very good points!

    1. AMEN - me too!!!!!! I just get so down and lack of energy in the gloomy days of winter.

  6. You are a ray of sunshine, warming our hearts and soul. I get out there with the dogs but can't physically do things I used to. I always enjoyed the yard work. Once I would get everything done, I would walk across the street just to look at how pretty the yard looked. Loved the smell of a freshly cut grass.

    I get things done in the house by doing commercial cleaning. I get up when a commercial comes on and do a task. The hard part is just to get started but once I do, I keep going. You can get so much done in half an hour. Take a sit down break and then go to the next task. I am always pleased at the end of the day, get so much done with what seems to be so little effort. Last night I actually had the energy left to bath and groom one of the dogs. He did not like it but now he smells like a sugar cookie. I know he must feel better with a new spring hair cut. Have a great day!

    1. I love the scent of fresh cut grass. Takes me back to childhood.
      It is always nice to look at the work done. Getting motivated is my problem!!! I do great once I start.
      I bet the doggy smells so nice and I bet he secretly loves it!

  7. Debby in Kansas USAMarch 31, 2022 at 4:40 PM

    Cheryl, that 15 minute rule is golden! Even if you only do it once an hour, that's 4 hrs. In a typical day. Alot can get done in that time. I followed that rule after my surgeries and I now do it when I e been sick or droopy.
    It works great. You can do almost anything when you know you're done in 15!

    I've been getting out almost every day that the weather cooperates. We had snow this morning, but it's already melted off. I might wrap a quilt around me and go sit outside for 30 minutes or so. Feels good!

    I forgot to post yesterday about a simple recipe I use with cabbage that even hubs likes...this is a man who counts French fries as a vegetable!! Cut a 1 1/2 inch disk of cabbage per person. Spray both sides with olive oil and sprinkle with desired seasoning. I use that Everything but the Bagel kind from Trader Joe's. Bake on a cookie sheet for 30 min. at 400. Really simple and delicious.

    1. It is amazing what 15 minutes allows us! Slow and steady - got to work up your resilience again!
      Breathing in that fresh air is exhilarating.
      What? French fries are a veggie in my book! I love cabbage steaks - so yummy!

  8. I truly believe that working in the dirt is good for the soul. Not only is it good exercise it feeds you mind. Plus, if you get food from it or the pleasure of beautiful flowers you get to double dip. I did the 15 minute thing last night when I looked around at the baskets of laundry to fold and the messy kitchen. I set the timer and on 1/2 an hour everything was put away and spiffy. I am so looking forward to planting the garden.

    1. I am ready to garden too. Love the dirt, sunshine and air.
      Good for you - those daunting tasks aren't so bad when do a little at a time.

  9. I'm starting my seeds next week. I've never done that before. I figure if it doesn't work I'll still be able to buy the seedlings!

    I garden at a community garden. I like doing it but it is frustrating as the ground isn't the greatest.

    I just was scrolling through tv channels and stopped on QVC. I probably haven't looked at that channel in 20 years. I was curious to see what they sell now. They were offering 16 frozen, unbaked scones for $46!! I can't imagine spending that! Yes, it works out to about $3 and MAYBE for a treat on a trip I might buy a scone for $3 but I can't imagine spending nearly $50 for a batch of scones. I'm certain I could make 16 for a lot less.

    I have a pan of cornbread in the oven. I wished I'd thought to put some of my frozen blueberries in it. That sounds good to me! Will have it with my cabbage soup I made.

    1. Good for you on starting seeds. Still time. I love the idea of a community garden.
      I am like you - it has been at least a couple decades since I have watched QVC. Wow, that sounds like a lot for something you don't even know is good! Like you, once in a while - but to buy a bunch - no.
      Cornbread sounds good. Enjoy your soup.

  10. Your picture of goulash made me hungry for some. I am in the process of finishing up some remodeling in my bathroom and my house is a mess. So cooking has NOT been on the agenda. But I was SO hungry last night for something good then I remembered I had goulash in the freezer. Pulled it out and had a dish of it and a slice of homemade buttered bread! Tasted SO good! So today is finish up the bathroom day and I am treating myself to some goulash again for supper. Thank heavens for my freezer and sticking some away for a busy day. Love your positivity. We ALL need to start thinking more positive and unplugging!!!!

    1. LOL - well, glad you had some to pull out of the freezer. It sounds like you truly enjoyed it. It is such a comfort food to me.
      I hope you get the bathroom all done today and the mess cleans up quickly. I bet it is nice. You can sit back and admire your efforts.
      Thank you!

  11. An old Nike advertisement is posted on my fridge - walking isn't just good for the heart, it's good for the soul. I get out most days for a 1-2 mile walk. I choose happy over sad without being a Pollyanna. And this I got from Bob Lowry's My Satisfying Retirement - each day I do something that needs doing and something that wants doing.

    1. Great words of wisdom there. Glad you get out and walk - it is so good for you. Why not happy? Don't understand why everyone doesn't feel that way!!!! If I can be either - I choose happy all day. You have it figured out - good for you!!!

  12. I am so happy that I can get out once again and walk every single morning. So much nicer than the treadmill and walking inside.

    God bless.

    1. The great outdoors is indeed great. Fresh air and sunshine are the best!!!

  13. Great thoughts, so true. The only person besides the Lord that can make us happy is the person we see in the mirror. I try to divide my day up many times in increments, like junior high school sort of... I clean up a few clutter stashes in my room for ten minutes setting a little timer, I sew for a while without going into a stupor lol. I walk at least a few times up and down my long driveway, garden a little using the same anti-stupor rule, but the weather is so wonderful it's tough going back inside! I barely have time to eat lunch and fix dinner so I guess I keep pretty busy. Good thoughts and encouragements here, in your blog and comments too.


    1. Thanks. Yes, only God and ourselves can make us happy. Life is what we choose it to be.
      I like your philosophy! Good job on tackling your chores.
      Small bites and bits are always easier.
