Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Info on FREE

 Just a heads up all of you in the U.S..  You can still get 'free' C19 home tests via the mail UNTIL 9/2/22. All ordering will be suspended on that day.

You get to order 8 tests and they are to be sent in packages of 4.  I sent my order the other day.  On the affirmation I received, it says I can order one more time (8 more).  I am going to do that - not for me - but in case someone I know needs a test.  (ordered the other 8).   I only ordered a set (4) once back in the winter - that may be why I can order another batch.  Not sure.

You will want to go to https://special,
Place your order now - as the offer ends in a couple days.


I will be out of town today - so will not be responding much.
Have a lovely day!


  1. Yes, I ordered as well. Gave 2 tests I had to a friend (her hubs tested positive; they were here for dinner last Thurs.). I ordered at and was surprised when they processed it for 8 tests. Better safe than sorry!

    1. Lori - basically I ordered in case someone needs one. Glad you got yours ordered.

  2. The correct address should be with a period, not a comma.

    1. Thanks - I just typed what showed up on the email acknowledgement.

  3. Even though they don't work on me, figures lol, I'm going to order some anyway. You never know when a friend will need one. A friend saved us with one when hubs got sick. Ours hadn't arrived yet. I wasted 3, only to find out I'm broken and don't register on the sick COVID chart. I had to confirm at the doc's office.

    Anybody hear anything definite about the new boosters coming? I wonder how much they're going to cost us. The pharm heads are probably needing bigger houses to store their money. Sorry, my JACOB is leaking out- jaded and cynical old broad.

    1. I am getting them in case others need them as well. Just to help someone out.
      WOW - didn't know they didn't work on everyone. Thanks for that heads up.

  4. I am hoping that I can find a few more up here in Canada for the winter. That's when I think they will be needed even more.

    God bless.

    1. I believe you may be right Jackie. I sure hope all stay healthy this winter

  5. I placed my order and will receive 8 per the order. I was surprised. And, you put a comma in where a period should be if anyone wonders why the address does not work. Thanks for information.

    The other day I took one of my two tests and was so shaky and confused, I thought I might have done it wrong. So, I did the second and still got a negative. So, having extras will be good.

    1. Thanks - either way - you will be guided to the site. Computers usually figure out what we are saying!
      Having extras will be nice.

  6. Make sure you check for the expiration date. I ordered some in July and they expired already.
