Wednesday, May 17, 2023

All in Time

 I was trying to decide about this mornings post and I was looking through my pics and memes and something hit me.  I sure needed to hear it this week - and I am pretty sure others do too.

Life gets messy at times, and we get depressed and down.  The little world around me, often goes in a direction I can't control or I can't stomach.  I have prayed so hard recently for someone's soul and eternity.  I truly don't think I have prayed that hard for anyone else's soul.  

I have to put things in God's hands and just keep praying. 
I get so frustrated with others.  I do not understand why they are being what they are being - but then I remember - not everyone is full of goodness and grace.  Some people are just full of evil and all I can do is pray for them.

This is for all that need it this week.  God give us patience and grace.
Help us through each day - as we know that in the end it is all in Your time.  Amen

Hoping you are all having a peaceful and blessed week.
Make sure you notice and are thankful for even the smallest of gifts.

Until tomorrow!


  1. YES!! THIS!! Thank you, Cheryl, as I really did need to see this with my 1st cup of coffee today. Like you, I can't remember praying this hard before, though likely I did. When you're in the thick of it, though, it feels huge, doesn't it?

    Years ago, on the phone, my Sis asked me how I'd rate myself, on a scale of 1-10, for patience. I told her I couldn't give any firm number. It really depends on the situation. Sometimes I'm 10+, but occasionally I'm in negative numbers.

    Lately it has seemed the latter. Not happy with myself about that. Thanks again for the reminder and the prayer. --Elise

    1. Wednesday ads for AZ shoppers means Safeway this week, and I'd get there early if you can. They'll sell out. It's a guarantee.

      Digital coupons for bone in pork loin chops at 97 cents per pound, Cheeze-It crackers at 74 cents per box, and Farmland sliced bacon at $2.99 pkg. All digital coupons have a limit of 2. No coupon needed for chicken drumsticks, thighs or leg quarters at 97 cents per lb. (no limit), 4/$5 blueberries or blackberries (1st 4), Naval oranges or Cosmic Crisp apples at 97 cents per lb. (no limit), General Mills cereals in large size + Skippy peanut butter + Smucker's preserves or jam are all 2/$5 (1st 4), Bush's canned beans + Libby's canned vegetables are 4/$5 (no limit). There are coupons for butter, ice cream, breads, etc. On Friday only, boneless top sirloin steaks will be $5 lb. and Haas avocados 5/$5 (limit of 5). Happy sale shopping!

    2. Elise same here. Usually I am very patient - and actually I have been. I have truly minded my words and actions - until my little outburst. This person has been nasty and said a lot of things in the past few months - and I have smiled, nodded and said OK. BUT, in all of that I am losing me and my peace, and I can't do that anymore. This is my home and I want to be happy and have peace here.
      So I have been praying like crazy. I pray for others all the time - but this is a different thing. He truly needs his soul healed.
      I figured you would feel the need for this as well.

    3. What great store deals. I still haven't looked this week. I really need nothing - so haven't paid attention.

    4. Oh, I sure do understand, Cheryl. I posted one last mini-rant in yesterday's comments and I'll shut up now. It feels like I've not been myself in the past several weeks, which I'm sure YOU understand all too well. Sometimes we have to take back our own peace and just give it to God. I'll be praying for your neighbor, too. Just so you know.
      Hug, Elise

    5. We sure better pray one for another, my blood pressure has even gone up due to things with my mom and people not understanding. She's very upset right now behaving as if everyone else is happy but her, the problem is, she has always said things like that. Always.

      I sure sympathize on dealing with people who do not want to change, it's horrible and we feel like we are in bondage to them. They need a heart change and a willingness to change, but we must pray in every way possible.

      I hope you are safe Cheryl. The situation reading between the lines sounds horrible. Elise, I'm sure things are very grating on you if it's what I think.

      I need a hug and ya'll need a hug! (((((((hugs))))))) ...and prayers too.

    6. I am so sorry you are going through all that with mom. That has to be so hard.
      I AM safe. I just don't want to share too much - as it is very disturbing in so many ways. No one needs to hear about it.

      Indeed, we have each other and we all need prayers. Huge hugs - sure hope there is improvement.

  2. Pinned the quote! A good one! Pray and leave in the hands of the Father. Sometimes that is difficult for me to do. Hands off!

    1. Pray is all we can do. Have faith and pray - God will work it out.

  3. Love the verse that says "Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think." Yesterday He answered a specific prayer after praying for some time. Keep praying - I love the saying PUSH - Pray Until Something Happens!
    Safeway has great sales here in the PNW, too!

    1. Thank you, Vickie. I'll remember PUSH. Especially during those times I want to push someone off the rim! :-)

    2. Vickie - that is so true. All in God's time and His way. Maybe we go through all the 'stuff' to learn a valuable lesson and be reminded! Glad your prayer was answered.

  4. Cheryl, how I smiled when I read this. I am, I hope, one day away from closing on the sale of my old house, and simultaneously closing on the purchase of my new home. It has been months of looking for a place to live, selling my home, having an estate sale etc and I have found I have used up all my patience. I kept asking my realtor how much we could speed things up and he kept replying, patience! Yesterday I asked what time closing would be, he said they don’t have a time yet. How can that be? Anyway, his additional comment was patience. ). Arggghhh. So I need to reread your opening above and realize I am not driving this car, God is. Thank you. Hilogene in Az

    1. Just sent up a prayer that both closings go smoothly! Do let us know. And congratulations! --Elise

    2. Being married to a real estate broker, I will say they are more than likely waiting on papers to arrive. It's difficult I know. Even we ourselves were buying land once and one of the long distance signers from the family decided they just were not going to sign the papers. I was actually getting dressed for the closing. I know it's a crazy world out there...There really is a lot to all of it though. : ) Praying you all have a smooth and timely closing. I hope your realtor is sympathetic and patient with your questions.

    3. Huge prayers it all goes off without a hitch - as it is supposed to! Patience is something we all need to work on, and something we probably all need more of.
      You have accomplished a lot in a short time - you should be proud.

  5. A nice reminder that God is driving the bus or car!

    1. Thanks - He sure is. Somedays we think it is all going to crash and then He says "I got this". He always has us in Hs hands for sure.

  6. Sorry you are suffering with this angst, Cheryl. I am suspecting the person you are praying for is the male neighbor who helped you with various things. So sorry about that. I can't imagine what he did to provoke you so. I think you said he was a friend of your late husband.. From past experience, it is so hard to feel at peace in one's home with a neighbor who has turned into a less than friendly person. Hugs to you...Jane

    1. Thanks. It is nothing he has done TO ME perse'. Just actions that are very disturbing and extremely uncalled for and totally wrong. I cannot be friendly with someone behaving that way. No one could. I just say nothing and ignore his presence.
      I must say that this is day 2 1/2 of the 'thing' not happening. So maybe my prayers are being answered. I pray he sees how evil he has become.
      I sure have been praying and so have others (he got put on a prayer list on Sunday by some of my family!)

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you - I will be ok. God has me - L needs the prayers for his soul though.

  8. Boy, do I need to hear this today! I am having a very rough time coming off the antidepressant meds and have not been myself lately. My husband even said that sometimes he doesn't know who I am when I behave that way. It's been about six weeks, and I did some research on the withdrawal effects and timeline (could be up to a year!) and have been praying to get through one minute-hour-day at a time. On the positive side, I have slept well the past three nights and have been in a good mood today. The physical effects are lessening, the mood swings and anxiety are the problem now. It's all in His hands.
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. Oh Frances, you dear sweet lady. I am so sorry you having such a problem getting off them. Those darn things can mess people up. I have know people who have had a terrible time weening off them.
      Sounds like sleep is coming and days are a bit better. I will pray that you have less problems and that God gets you through this quickly.
      Yes, all in His hands!!!!!!

  9. Cheryl, I am struggling with patience as I was supposed to have major work done on my house back in February. I am having my electrical updated- still have knob & tube wiring in places.I packed everything up in boxes so the men could get access to walls. They told me they would have to cut some holes in my plaster walls and ceilings and that it would be a mess. I’m still in boxes and the men haven’t shown up. This week I caught a virus that absolutely wiped me out and I didn’t have the strength to even eat. If I had my pantry, I could have had canned chicken & noodles or even ramen noodles but my food is all packed up. So frustrating- I haven’t missed the fancy dishes but I sure miss having access to my pantry. I didn’t realize how much I use it to cook everyday meals until it was all packed up. When this is all done, I am going to work on decluttering but I am keeping my large Amish made oak pantry filled with essential food items.

    1. Oh what a mess. Have you paid money or have a contract? I would sure think of having someone else come in and take care of things. They don't sound like they are being very good business people at all. I would sure get some things out and keep close at hand in a box for emergency meals.
      Hope you are feeling better today. Bless your heart.
      Seems we sure get some 'learning' lessons in life - don't we? Remember and never do things that way again! Take care!!!!

  10. Praying Cheryl, patience is hard and discernment sometimes on what to do is even harder it seems. God help us all. He will help us and protect us but in the meantime it's a valley we are walking through.

    I hear ya. When dealing with evil doers: Ps. 37.

    I do know how it is with bad neighbors, even out here there will be very mean people that raise their ugly heads. It makes us feel imprisoned. There is a very mean middle aged woman from the suburbs out here who is so mean to people, even people who have lost loved ones because she sees their dog out etc. I had dealt with someone like her over 20 yrs ago and it was a nightmare, they will provoke and then call animal control or whatever fits the situation to seek revenge when you finally lose your temper with them. It's a horrible situation!

    Praying for you all, hugs and prayers... ~Amelia P.S. I covet your prayers as well. Things can paralyze us at times.

    1. Oh my goodness is your first paragraph accurate!!!!!! Totally true.
      Thing is - this person was a good neighbor and something changed with him. I can't help but wonder if he is drinking again. Or is he sick. I just keep asking God to show him the right way and get things back to peaceful normal. 2 1/2 days and so far so good - that is huge after a couple months of hell.
      Prayers for you and your family as well.

  11. Thinking about you. I really think that sometimes things build up and its difficult not to lose patience. Must be difficult living so close to someone that has been rude and hurtful. A close relations daughter has done something recently that is very difficult to accept/forgive. She is like the 'elephant in the room'' trying not to mention her in conversations, I'm not the only one who has to pray for patience in our family and to be careful not to say what I actually think.
    Sending you best wishes.

    1. YES - it is very difficult. We all have limits!
      I understand your feeling about tiptoeing around the subject. It is often very difficult to forgive and accept. I cannot accept this - I am trying hard to forgive as there has to be a bigger issue. Prayers for you and your family as you maneuver through this situation.

  12. Luke 18:1 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. I have many family members who do not know Jesus. I just keep praying and I will never, never stop praying. Take good care. Linda T

    1. Thank you - love that scripture. TRUE. I will never stop praying for him or anyone. Thank you for that - hugs!!!

  13. Hugs and prayers to you Cheryl!

    1. Thank you. There are so many here that need prayers at this moment - I am glad we can all share!

  14. Yep - hate sucks the life from us. I will not say I hate this person - but I don't like him much right now.

    I am praying for him, and I know God has this. I have removed myself from the toxic situation by just ignoring him and not interacting. So doing all 3!!!!!!!
    Glad you got away from the situation - and just know that as bad as it was for you - I bet life for someone else (with him) was worse.

  15. It us hardest for me when it is adult children. But after 13 years of praying for one child our prayers have been answered.

    1. WONDERFUL! I can not even imagine. Your children are always your heart!

  16. Sorry Cheryl you are such a wonderful person and mean so much to me, don't ever forget that.

    1. Aaahhhh thank you so much. I have so many wonderful friends that one bad apple shouldn't ruin it for me! You guys are the greatest.

  17. Long ago I learned that hate/disliking someone intensely only hurts me. Life is full of those who hate and we need to fill this world with kindness and love more then ever. Each of us, like you, can do so in our small corners. Hopefully there are enough of us to change the world.

    God bless.

    1. Oh Jackie I sure hope so. Yes mam, we so desperately need people to be kind and caring and good to one another, That is part of my prayer every morning and evening. That the evil, hate, and meanness will cease. We all need to put positive into the world.
      Thank you!!!

  18. Wonderful post Cheryl, patience and grace are what a lot of people are sadly lacking today. Both are easy to have in the good times, but when things aren’t so good they are two attributes that get lost pretty quickly.
    This evening I called into the store to pick up some milk and watched a middle aged woman throw two full bags of groceries onto the floor because her card wouldn’t work. I hate to imagine what kind of day she had to result in that action. May God’s love reach all those who need it. Louise

    1. Thank you. Today, things and people have changed for sure. It is not the same kind of world I remember growing up. It sure seemed people were kinder. So many entitled folks now.
      Oh my gosh, what a rude thing for her to do - yep, I am sure that helped the situation - NOT!

  19. Cheryl, it amazes me how often your posts are relevant to so many readers, myself included. You are such a gift to all of us. xo Cindy/WV

    1. I do believe God leads me to write things. Some days I have no idea what I will write - then comes the thought. He knows who needs kind words.
