Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Good Words for Us All

 Good morning to all.  It is a windy and gloomy morning at this hour.  The winds are supposed to stick around all day (some up to 45 MPH), but the sun is supposed to shine later.  We had quite a rain come through last evening.  It poured!  Nothing flooded this AM -- which is good.  AC is off this morning, with a nice breeze coming in for now.

I hope you are all safe and well this morning.  So many having so much happening.

Today is just a couple memes I saw that just say so much to my heart and thought you might like them as well.  Much in our life is attitude - how we look at things.  Take time to look at your life with new and different eyes - you might like what you see.
So true.  Only we can make the change in our lives that we to see.  No one else can do it for you.  Pull up those big girl panties and get busy.  You can make change!!!!!

HOME - such a lovely word.  It is my favorite place to be.  Lying in bed this morning, it felt so comfortable and snuggly - I felt I could have laid there for a long while.  Then my babies showed up and began telling me it was breakfast time - when I ignored the 'talking' I got soft gentle pats on the face!  I love those moments.
Yes, it can be a busy place with the cleaning and the laundry and the cooking and the yard/garden - but it is your/my place.  We can do as we wish, when we wish.  Home is comfortable.  Home is security.  Make the best of it.

Take a little time to just be happy you have a home - many don't.  Take time to be thankful.
If it is not what you want - do something.
We are all so fortunate and WHEN we are happy with the small things, the simple things - life is good!

Have a wonderful day to each of you!!!
Life is good.


  1. My prayer of thanks - thank you for my home in the hills, the home in my heart & the people who lead me there.

  2. HOME! It will be 109 today on the Idaho desert. (it was still 79 when I got up at 0500).

    I am grateful :-)

    1. Oh goodness. Stay in and stay cool. Glad you have your home to be in!

  3. We got two inches of rain last night. It was bucketing down! No need to water today, nor work outside.

    Mrs. White is a favorite blogger. She has such a gentle way about her. No pictures of horribly expensive houses or clothing, just everyday living.

    I, well, both of us, are homebodies. A big excursion is a trip to Costco. No passports necessary for these old folks.

    Enjoy your day! The sky is beautiful right now, gorgeous blue with fluffy clouds.

    1. yes, it was really coming down last night. I did go out to the garden for a bit, but that's about it outside.
      No passport for me either. Homebody through and through.
      Still pretty cloudy here - but lightening up. Nice breeze coming through the window.

  4. The heat is on here, 29C/84F yesterday and a high expected of 31C/88F today...may even get hotter the rest of the week. I'll be watering the containers and the garden, as there is no rain in the forecast.
    I am very content in this new to us house with my daughter and grandson, and happy too when I get to spend time with my son in the city. I'm fortunate to have both places to live and while they are very different, they both have attributes that make them feel like home. (Being with my family is top of that list.)

    1. Boy, it has warmed up there. At least you aren't cold.
      I am glad you have two different places to go. So nice for you and the family. Yes mam, family is most definitely the TOP of the list!!!

  5. Thank You so much for introducing me to Mrs. Whites blog! I just looked at it and put it on my favorites list. It would appear to be right up my alley.
    We have had a lot of rain and high winds here also. Lots of big limbs down again....
    My favorite place in the world is home. I may not decorate like a magazine or a decorators blog but it just screams " me". I have done a bit of travel in other countries and I appreciate the way others live. I try to take the things that appeal to me about the way they live and use them, but I don't look at what they have so much as how they live with what they have or don't have.
    Gratitude and contentment are important to me, I want to always express them and live them.

    1. Her blog is a down home place!
      I am with you - my favorite place. The way we decorate or act at home - is us. It doesn't need to be a showplace. For me, neat, clean and comfy is all that matters.
      You have the best attitude to have. Always keep it.

  6. Cheryl, lovely post today, thank you! 117 degrees here today in Phoenix, sigh, but I am mostly indoors with AC ;). Hilogene in Az

    1. Thank you so much. Wow, that is hot. So far you win the record HOT number! Please stay in and stay safe in the heat.

  7. Mrs. White's blog is lovely, I've enjoyed it for years.


  8. I just loved this post. My life has been topsy turvey since school let out, but I'm getting back into a routine slowly but surely.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

    1. Thank you Laura. Hope things calm down for you and you get back on a sort of schedule.
      Thanks for stopping by.
