Tuesday, July 9, 2024

My Public Service Announcement of the Month!

 Howdy all.  Hope this finds all well.  Hope you are all staying cool and thinking of those in the path of Beryl.  It has now come onto land and is moving north and east.  Looks like we will get rain today and overnight.  Needed, just hoping it isn't too much.  I know many areas are so dry and needing rain - then others are getting socked with some doozy rain!!
It is a very cloudy morning here and MUGGY!  Temps aren't bad - but it sure is humid.  It is starting to sprinkle a little.

My PSA is for everyone who needs some supplies.

Sadly to say, back to school time is just around the corner for many.  Year-round school sure has changed things.  Anyway - now is the time to start looking for deals on supplies for the kiddos.  Whether they are your children or grands or whether you might to help someone who is in need.  Many area stores are having some sales.  Last week I ran in WM marketplace to get cat food and noticed they had their supplies on clearance!  I am sure is was the stuff they have had for a while, and not this years new supply - but it was still clearance.  I mean a notebook is a notebook!  Right?
You can donate supplies to help children out.  No one should have to be ashamed when starting school about not having supplies.  We have a 'pack the backpack' program in our area that helps many.  You can also check with local libraries or the area schools to see if they are taking donations to be handed out.
I remember back in the day we just needed pencils, paper, crayons and maybe a couple folders.  Then when we started using ink it was pens - remember cartridge pens?  I loved those.
So if you see a great deal - think about stocking up for the kiddos (or yourself).  There will be many kiddos who will appreciate it.
** You might also check with schools to see if they have a clothes closet!  Winter coat, shoes, socks and basic clothes can sometimes be donated to help.  Yard sales and thrift stores can provide so much!

2nd PSA
July 14th, postage stamps go up again in the U.S.
They will go from .68 to .73 each.  I still use a lot of stamps - I know I am a rare animal!  I like to send cards and some letters, and yes, I still pay my bills via mail. 
I ran in yesterday to the post office and got enough for my year.
This is the second increase this year.  I know it seems like a lot, but it is still a pretty darn cheap way to send a letter or card across the country!! 

Both of these items can be costly if one isn't prepared.  So save where and when you can.
Hoping you all have a great day.


  1. Thanks for the reminder of the stamp increase. I knew it was coming soon. Prayers for everyone across the US with all this crazy weather. Be as safe as you can. And I'm jealous of your rain!

    1. You are very welcome. Time to get while the getting is good!
      I wish I could send some your way. Stay cool girl!!!!

  2. The PO is shooting itself in the foot, I think. I already send fewer cards and letters than I used to - and it's not just because my old friends have died. Good to have the reminder though about the increase.

    I hope I can find a notebook I want in these pre-school sales. I'll be looking! I'm pretty specific about what I want.

    Hope you get some proper rain. I could do with a good bit here, but Beryl isn't coming this way. Maybe later there will be another hurricane which send good rain this way - I'm not looking for a flood, just some decent soaking rain! ;)


    1. Well, I guess I figure that I see gas prices so high now, vehicles, people want big bucks and taxes and building insurance...... It sure adds up. It adds up for us, so I know it does businesses too (even though it is govt.) I don't like it, but I will pay it. I am that old fashioned!
      It is softly raining now, and nice gentle rain. Soaking. It is said to increase late tonight.
      I hope you get some rain soon.
      Hope you find that special notebook!

  3. I am not a couponer, but there are definitely some great deals to be found if you're savvy in that way - even on Amazon. I just had a woman give me 200 frozen meals for a family homeless shelter - she got them for a penny a piece by tracking deals!

    1. That is WONDERFUL!!! What a blessing for the shelter. I do my digital store coupons, but no longer do other coupons - just don't find any anymore.
      Sure hope you continue to get such finds for the shelter.

  4. I was reading another blog written by someone in Houston. They got a lot of wind and rain, scary times!
    I'm not certain what the price of stamps here in Canada, but can say it is expensive to mail anything. I paid over $20 to send a small package to the new owners of the Toyota last week. I do pay all of my bills on-line so save postage that way. In fact, I maybe write 4 cheques a year at most, which is also good because the cost of replacing them is astronomical. My last batch of 200 was over $50 for the printing...and now I have enough to last me for 50 years. :p
    It's humid here too, though likely not your level of humid. The days are heating up and the smoke from wildfires is starting to move in.

    1. Yes, the hurricane sure was scary for a lot of people.
      Mailing a package here isn't cheap, but I still feel stamps are OK. Wow, that is a lot for checks. I get about 100 - for around $17. I still like writing checks for bills - I am one of those old fashioned fools - who totally does not trust tech! Just me.
      I am glad you are past the cold weather - but hate the fire stuff!

    2. Most of my bills are paid by check, but not all. I'm beginning to use charge cards more and pay those by check. Partly it's the cost of stamps, partly the insecurity of the mail. Maybe I've been reading too many horror stories of checks stolen from the PO mail boxes, "erased", and forged. Very depressing thought. Gel pens are supposed to stop that, they don't erase well, but the check itself will be missing. My credit union gives free checks for us old folks. For how much longer, I cannot guess.

      Indeed the cost of a mailed package is astonishing, even local, but overseas... OMGoodness. I quit sending gifts to my daughter overseas - the postage was *way* more than the cost of the gift itself! So I send her a card and an email and put $$$ in an envelope to save here for her when she visits. She likes this, it gives her cash to spend when she's here and no fuss with exchange rates and such. (Used to be there was overseas "slow mail" or "airmail", now it's all the expensive (air) kind. Bummer!)

      Modern times are confusing for me. ;)


    3. Locally I pay cash most often, and sometimes CC (just for points). I have used gel pens for years as they are the most secure. I only mail at the post office now - never my mailbox anymore. I understand the worries.
      Packages are really expensive - and yes sometimes more than the gift. Good idea on putting cash away for when daughter visits. Win-win for you both Mary.

  5. I do pay my phone and house payment over the phone for no additional fee but everything else I'm old school and send in checks. I don't like to do auto pay because too many things can change or go wrong with that. I am wanting to change banks and it's already going to be a lot of work re routing three auto deposits. Like you said, 75 cents to send something is not that bad.

    1. Yay, someone else like me! I have made a couple payments on the phone - but hardly ever. Bad enough my monthly income is direct deposit! LOL
      Oh goodness, I can not imagine the headaches of changing banks.

  6. Buying stamps was on my to do list for this week. I have bought school supplies for over 50 years, maybe more, counting what parents bought for me, what I bought for children and grandchildren. I needed supplies when I went to university. Plus, when I taught GED, I bought for students. Then, I bought to give to children who need and still do.

    1. Get those stamps now and save a little.
      Super nice to buy and share for the needy. I love that people are so willing to help. Thanks

  7. Back in the day, we didn't start school until after Labor Day. I lived in a rural area and the children were expected to help with harvesting and of course, there was the State Fair. I loved getting new Goldenrod tablets and new pencils. It is fabulous that folks donate supplies for children whose parents can't afford them.

    Bought stamps at Costco and saved a tiny bit. Do most of my bill paying online.

    We saw the aftermath of an auto accident on our way to take the shoes to Old National Bank in Avon, which was the drop off site. A lady driving a small car tangled with a dump truck and needless to say, the truck was not damaged. The whole passenger side of her car was demolished and windshield shattered. Still couldn't figure out how that happened.

    Got very little rain this morning. I went out to pick green beans and tomatoes to take to my neighbor. Just sprinkled lightly. Did get the flowers trimmed off the hostas on the front sidewalk. Wouldn't want to impede the Amazon delivery person! ha!

    1. I remember starting after Labor Day too - guess that is showing our age! I used to get so excited about new supplies.
      Oh goodness, I hope the lady is alright. Not good to tangle with a big old truck.
      We got several hours of good soaking rain already and more coming in tonight.
      Thanks for donating the shoes!

  8. I pay all bills online, so other than Christmas or birthday cards, I can't remember the last time I used a stamp. I just counted and I have 244 1st class postage stamps, probably enough to last the rest of my life. I haven't bought stamps since 2018 when they were $.50. The oldest are from 2007 and are the first "forever" stamps. They were $.41. When I cleaned out Roger's hidden stashes of office supplies, I found more than enough notebooks, etc. to last me a long time, too.

    Got the car fixed this morning. Turned out to need only rear brake pads and rotors; they said the calipers were okay. Also got state mandated safety and emissions inspections, a coolant flush & fill, replaced the engine and cabin air filters (all scheduled maintenance) and a "free" car wash. The total was over $900, but was much less than I'd anticipated.

    We're supposed to get @1" of rain from Beryl, but it looks like the main storm track will go north of us. Right now my thermometer says 92F.

    1. Hey, Forever means Forever - so those should all still be great!
      Good find on the notebooks.
      Oh happy days on the vehicle fix. That sure is good news that it wasn't as bad as anticipated. Those kinds of things can sure make a day!!!
      I hope you get some rain. We have had nice showers today - more coming tonight.

  9. I still use lots of stamps, too, because I love to send cards to friends and family. Great reminder to check with schools about clothing/toiletry items closets. I know from working in schools in the past that these donations are so appreciated!

    1. I like hearing that people still send cards and letters. It is so personal.
      Good to know - I am sure there are many districts that would love some help for the children.
