Sunday, July 21, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 7/21

 Happy Sunday to all.  Here we are on the start of another new week.  I hope this finds you all well and safe.
It is cloudy this morning but, in the 60's.  It has been nice for a few days and stayed less humid and cooler.  What a treat.  They are predicting that there will be no more 90F+ days for the remainder of July in my area!  Woohoo!!  This coming week looks to be in the lower and mid 80's with many chances for rain.  Wonderful for the garden.
                                                Love the pops of color all around the yard.
The 'surprise' lilies (naked ladies or whatever you call them) have started making their appearance.  SURPRISE!  The phlox is still going strong and smells so wonderful.  Everything in the garden is going strong.
The grapes are hanging thick and still going strong.  I love it.  Some years are good and some not so much.

The bright golden finches have been loving the sunflowers out front as well as the echinacea.  They sing so pretty.  It appears the neighbor 2 doors down has claimed the chickens as his.  They were in his yard a lot and his girls just love them - so guess what?  It appears they live there now!  They graze, and he has built shelter and cleaned areas for them.  Good for him and them! At least they are safe now.
Saw a groundhog several times again this week - it appears smaller and rougher looking than the other one.  It is staying across the alley under their shed - my bet it has been rousted from the burn house yard.
Always something to see around here!

Last night appeared to be July 4th - part 2!!!  Grrrr.  The neighbors across alley shot fireworks off for 3 straight hours last night - non-stop.  So much money blown up!  There is stuff all over the yard - which will get picked up and no longer be in MY yard.  They can have it back.  Just crazy and very frustrating.

My frugal week:
  • Picked basil to dry
  • Mowed finally and trimmed and trimmed some more. Finally got cool days to work outside and boy, did I work.
  • Picking up tons of sticks from the wind and rainstorms
  • Cleaned out parts of flower beds
  • Made hard boiled eggs
  • Cut hair and did a light color
  • Lots of cleaning, lots of laundry and deep cleaned area rugs and floors
  • Pounded stakes and staked up tomatoes - you can walk amongst them again!!
  • Neighbor shared dinner one evening - she is so nice
  • Trimmed bushes
  • Picked one nice bell pepper and my first cherry tom!  I ate that little tom right there on the spot!  LOL
  • Ran to the library to drop off and pick up
  • Been getting to enjoy fresh air and AC off a ton this week
My meals this past week:
Chicken breast filet, fried smashed red pots, salad
Meat/cheese/veggie wrap, fruit
Egg salad sandwich and side salad
Green beans w/baby red pots, corn on cob and fresh veggies
Cheeseburger and salad
Small homemade pizza
Beans/rice, salmon patty (from neighbor) and fruit

It sure was nice to be able to spend time outdoors from Thursday on and not feel like I was breathing water!  So much nicer out.
It was just an overall nice week.  Did some porch sitting and visiting as well.
How was your week?  What has been going on in your world?  I hope those with any garden plants are having success.  Did you find any great deals this week?  No shopping here.

I wish you all a safe, healthy and productive week ahead.
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58

Lord, thank You for this past week and letting us continue in this life.  Please help us to each know that all we do, we do in Your name and honor.  May we each one continue to do good works to help others.  Please watch over us and protect us in this coming week.  Amen


  1. Good morning, Cheryl. Hot, hot, hot in NE Alberta with temps in the 30C. And the smoke from wild fires has rolled in the past few days. Only good thing about the smoke is it dials down the sun's heat a little. Just put the sprinkler on the garden for a bit. Peas haven't filled out yet. Beans are blooming. Picked some chard for tonight's supper. Hosted my aunt & cousin & sister this week. The main purpose of her visit was to visit with mom. It was heart warming to see the glimmer of recognition when she saw her SIL. So then it was a day of changing beds, doing laundry. Enjoyed the neighbor little one day. She will say, "That makes sense," in conversation & it cracks me up to hear a 3 yr old say that. In the kitchen: bbq steak, roasted lemon potatoes, salad, egg salad & tuna buns, veggie wraps with peanut sauce, lemon cheesecake, banana bread. "Be steadfast" aligns with my WOTY - resolve.

    1. Sorry you are hot and sure hope they get the fires down quickly. Sounds like the garden is progressing!
      Nice your family got to visit and how sweet that your mom seemed to recognize. Those moments are special.
      Kids - they say the cutest things. They all talk so grown up now days.
      Your meals sound great.
      Have a blessed week.

  2. We're in for another scorcher today. The humidity is sitting at 90% this morning, which makes it feel even hotter. We're getting your weather and you are getting our weather!
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Hopefully the fireworks are over and done with.

    1. That is a lot of humidity. That is what makes things feel so badly. Yes, it seems the weather has reversed for a while.
      I sure hope they are done too - it sure was noisy.
      Have a lovely week.

  3. Days are a bit cooler now. We've had a little rain - every day there's a chance and sometimes we get a shower. Not much, but cools things down. The plants are much happier.

    Thanks for the ideas on Huge Squash. The big yellow sauteed up nicely and I put Parmesan and some bacon bits on it. Yum! Hope the big green one works as well. :) Each one is multiple servings, and although they feel tough and hard they do cook up tender very quickly.

    *Mona* - what is WOTY? Be steadfast is a good motto for sure.


    1. Got to love the little bit cooler - it sure can make a difference in everything. Yes, the gardens are loving it.
      Sure, the way you fixed it sounds divine! Mmmmm. You can pretty much use them the same. I just love the diversity of meals with squash.
      Have a beautiful week.

    2. Thanks so much! I kept trying to make it be a "Jesus" word, but it wouldn't work! :)


  4. My mother worked in the ER as a nurse so there were a number of things we weren't allowed to do as kids such as shoot off fireworks. I can understand maybe shooting off a few for fun but 3 hours? Honestly, 30 minutes when the city does them for July 4th is long enough! And I enjoy firework displays.

    Thankfully, where I live has so many trees that shooting fireworks would be impossible.

    This past week when I wasn't watching the grandchildren I was focused on decluttering my kitchen especially the refrigerator! I'm working room-by-room. I did go outside to enjoy the beautiful days at lunch.

    Sounds like you had a lovely week (fireworks excepted). Enjoy the coming week! It looks to be nice.

    1. I know right - the cities big display is usually 20-30 minutes. Crazy people.
      I bet you enjoyed watching the grand kiddos. You go girl - great on the decluttering. Good reminder - it is time to clear the frig again.
      Have a great week.

  5. We have had rain most every day. We are so thankful after weeks without a drop. The temps are down by ten plus degrees as well. Summer is looking much better!!

    1. It sure makes a difference doesn't it? Not just for the earth but for life in general. It is smile weather.
      Have a lovely week.

  6. Just lot my comment-darn it! Anyway-love visiting you and always learn something coming here..and come away enthused about being more frugal. Too bad about the fireworks though. xo Diana

    1. Thanks. That is a sweet thought. I hope it generates positive in some way here!
      I guess in the scheme of things, it could be worse. I could still have the neighbor from h*ll!
      Have a fantastic week.

  7. We show the love of the Father by how we treat others. My Scripture study this morning was 1 Peter 3 and he was speaking of how we speak to others. Short chapter but I gleaned lots from it.

    We could share the $$ those folks send up in smoke. Some is still going on here, just not near as much.

    I guess a naked lady would be a surprise! ha! My Stella lilies are blooming again. Picked beans this morning and we had them for lunch.

    Glad the chooks have been adopted. They are actually social little creatures.

    You had a varied and healthy menu last week. The Farmer and I commented that we are sure going to miss the fresh stuff come fall.

    See you Tuesday!

    1. Scripture always offers so much.
      I would be glad to take that money - it could do some good, instead of disturbing the neighborhood.
      I am glad the chickens have a permanent home too.
      Thanks - yes, come fall it is always hard to stop with all the fresh goodies.
      Have a great week.

  8. The weather has finally cooled a bit. So thankful. Now the forecast is all sitting at 50/50 for rain for the rest of the week so who knows. My tomato plants have shot up and I finally have a couple of tomatoes growing. The fireworks would drive me crazy this late out. Around here it's mostly gun shots (thankfully mostly stopped since the boy next door deployed with the national guard) and people letting their little kids drive ATVs and golf carts extremely fast on the road (hopefully they'll wisen up and stop that, I don't know if it was a kid or adult but one of them wrecked and we had every emergency service sitting outside my yard and someone taken off in an ambulance).

    It's been a rough week. Got into poison ivy or something that left both arms covered in painful itchy blisters as well as a sting or bite from something which took a little chunk of skin with it. Then had a very stubborn wisdom tooth removed. Then stung by something else which left my entire hand swollen and mostly unusable for a couple of days. Then some in-laws came over to help get a porch replaced, but discovered some rot on some joists so we're having to do a lot of work there.

    As far as frugal goes - my husband's family does all the construction and work themselves so they are helping with labor on the house, definitely cheaper than hiring out. My husband's a veteran so we get a 10% discount on a lot of things at Lowe's, it adds up. I bought my kids vitamins on prime day, I buy them monthly so I know it was $4 off the usual price. I cut both their hair at home. I took them to the park and splash pad which they enjoyed and picked up their weekly breakfast and lunches from school. I had a 30% off one item coupon at Ollie's which I used for a pair of much needed pillows. I found my oldest a pair of new looking jeans at Goodwill for school and a Minecraft book that looks like it's never been opened for his upcoming birthday.

    1. The cooler weather is dreamy. It is sure making the plants go to town. Glad yours are doing well.
      Well I will say it does sound like a rough week. Goodness. My poison ivy is about gone - gosh the itch is so intense. Then you had something bite you too? And the tooth. I bet you are glad to start a new week.
      Glad you have help with any construction activities. Those discounts all add up. Great finds at Goodwill.
      Hope you get to feeling better. Have a good week.

  9. I'm making 2 big changes (for me). I've been drinking crystal light SF for several years as I get tired of plain water and I drink a lot of fluid (we have 60+ days over 90 here). I bought 2 bags each of lemons/limes at Costco, borrowed a juicer from our FB Buy-Nothing group and squeezed them all. I froze the juice in ice cube trays. One cube per pitcher of water. Cost: $0.59/gallon. Savings: not gonna try to figure it out. BONUS: no more chemicals! I'm loving it!!

    My second change will come this week. I've been putting a Hlls Bros mocha mix in my last mug of coffee daily to have a 'fake' espresso/mocha. I usually buy 6 months worth at a time. I'll empty this container in by week's end and I will stop this chemical habit as well. We shall see if it sticks.

    108F expected today. Left for a 4.5 mile walk at 0800 and got home by 80F. Tucked safely in the AC for the duration.

    Happy and Blessed Sunday ya'll!

    1. Good for you. That sounds very smart on the lemon water. I like carbonated sometimes - so fizz water in ad stream and fruit juice - sure beats pop. Much cheaper and good for you!
      I am not a coffee drinker but have had that Hills Bros mocha mix - it is good. Try just adding some homemade hot cocoa mix to your mug. I do that in my morning mocha frappe I make.
      Good luck!!
      Dang, that is hot. Stay in a stay cool.
      have a good week.

    2. I fizz the water in the soda stream and add fruit juice!

    3. I don't do hot choc/have mix. I do have pure cocoa powder and 1% milk. Maybe I can play with that.

  10. It's been a coolish week, temperature wise, and I've loved every minute of it. I lost one deck rail planter in the storms and have not been able to find a replacement for it that matches my other 4 boxes. Will check different Menards stores over the next week or so. It had my basil and 4 spinach plants, 2 of which never set good roots in the back, and delphenium in the front (street side, in line with HOA rules for flowers only -- what they can't see won't hurt anyone; the boxes sit on the rails of my 2nd floor balcony). Made a quick trip over to SW Michigan this week to visit my mom and get some produce, and enjoyed my time there. Produce prices are up, as with other things, but it tastes sooooo much better. I'm making jams for a fundraiser for a not-for-profit (not "selling" them, but offering them for a donation). I've already made strawberry, and made a batch of raspberry this morning. Will be making blueberry vanilla tonight, and peach habanero this coming week -- need to find habanero peppers, first.

    1. Yes mam, that cooler weather is a joy. So sorry you lost a planter and some plants. I understand HOA's have rules, but veggie plants are so pretty, never understood that one.
      Glad you got to visit mom and get some fresh goodies.
      I think it is so nice of you to do the jams for the fundraiser every year. That is pretty cool.
      Have a great week.

  11. It has been an amazing couple of weeks in my life.

    After months of prayer and searching for a faith community, last weekend I returned to the church I left 24 years ago in the wake of a very ugly divorce. As I attended the Saturday evening Mass, everything just seemed to fall into place, and I knew I belonged there. I spoke with the priest afterwards and was welcomed back wholeheartedly.

    On Tuesday I went to the hospice caregiver support group and, because no one else showed up, had a long and very rewarding private talk with the social worker. She gave me helpful insights and helped me clarify some personal issues I was having as Roger continues to decline.

    Wednesday, I got a call from my first husband's brother to inform me that Roy had died. I was stunned. He was only 64. We were together 17-1/2 years before splitting over 24 years ago. One of Roy's brothers is a priest and said the funeral Mass, giving a very moving sermon/eulogy. I had had little contact with Roy and none with his family for 24 years. My sons (now age 36 and 33) had also had almost nothing to do with me for the past 13 years. Roy's brother invited me to the viewing and funeral Mass, which was held Friday at the church I had just rejoined. I was welcomed with open arms by everyone there, including family and neighbors who had opened shunned me, but especially by my sons! I had prayed for years to reconcile with my sons, and God answered beyond my wildest dreams!

    I visited Roger last Thursday and today. I'm seeing him only 2-3 times a week. He continues to decline a little each time I see him. He is eating less, sleeping more, and is less responsive. He is down to speaking only "yeah" and "no" but without knowing what they mean. Because he has started to fidget with his hands all the time (including pulling at his catheter), hospice gave us a small fidget quilt. Roger loves it and touches and pets it all the time. It was made by a church group and donated to the hospice.

    Around the house, I mowed and weed whacked and got up on the roof yesterday and fixed some storm-damaged flashing. Have been picking cherry tomatoes for a couple of weeks, and the Better Boy slicing tomatoes are now ripe. Took walks, including at the trail, and porch sat with my neighbors a couple evenings. We finally got about an inch of desperately needed rain.

    Only groceries was a giant hoagie that made three meals. It was very nice not to have to cook Wed-Fri. Went to a yard sale here in the trailer park yesterday and got three tops, a pair of pants, and a small purse for $5. Took my neighbor there in the afternoon, and she got a bag of clothes and I bought a TV for $10. It's not a smart TV, but I use a HDMI cable anyway. Today I ordered some black walking shoes to be my 'good' shoes. For the funeral I'd worn low pumps I'd last worn seven years ago, and despite being size 7-1/2 Narrow, I was stepping out of them with every step I took. Very dangerous!

    This week is working at the Project Linus workshop on Monday and Wednesday, and visiting Roger Tuesday. That seems to be the day I can catch most of his hospice team in the building.

    Wishing everyone a blessed week.

    1. FOUND IT!
      What a time you have had - my goodness. I am truly sorry for the loss of the ex - I am sure that your son's will miss him as well as his family. That was so nice of his brother to call and invite you - obviously none of them have forgotten you.
      What a glorious moment for you to re-unite with your sons. Sometimes it takes something bad - to make something good happen. Timing in all things!
      I am so glad you went to the funeral and got to be with all the family.
      What a wonderful thing to have 'found' your church again.
      You have had many "God" moments in the past couple weeks!
      Poor Roger, I am sorry that he is declining so much. I wonder what he really knows and realizes or if he is just happy in 'his' world. Sweet on the fidget spinner - keeps his hands busy.
      You seem to have finally found some peace for your mind, body and soul. I am so very happy for that. You seem to be in as good a place as one can be considering all, for that I am thankful.
      You have been keeping busy and nice that you found the goodies at the yard sale. You keep busy and are finding some things to keep you motivated and good spirits.
      Hope your week is blessed!

  12. I think my long post went to spam.

    1. It's wonderful to hear from you, and that most of the news is good. I pray for you and Roger every night. xo Cindy

    2. Thank you, Cindy.

  13. Thursday, I had mentioned that I might be getting a cat. I had thought about getting a cat last winter but had talked myself out of it. Well, my ex-husband had a cat, a 10-yo female. For now, she is staying in his house with a neighbor feeding her. My sons don't know if they want to keep the house and they can't have a cat in the house they are currently renting. I told them I will take the cat. I think she would be a good companion for me, especially when Roger is gone.

    1. Oh how lovely that you will rehome that cat. An older baby that needs love. It will give you so much love and companionship. I think that is a perfect decision for all.
      Have a wonderful week.

  14. You week sounds busy Cheryl, I bet your yard looks a picture!!!!
    This past week a woman told me that her neighbours had put fireworks inside whitegoods that had sent them rocketing into the sky and then come crashing down. So at least you didn’t have that in your neighbourhood, but for 3 hours that sure must have been annoying.
    This week has been much better, foot pain has dramatically decreased and so I can do more, and that makes me much happier. Your scripture is timely.
    I found some great bargains this week that kept my grocery budget on target. I have picked some growceries also, so every bit helps. Zucchini featured heavily in our meals this week.
    Take care, looking forward to your thoughts this week. Louise

    1. It is pretty to me, but there is always something that needs done. Never ending.
      I am so happy that your pain is decreasing and that you are more mobile. Just don't over do it.
      Glad you found some bargains and you have to love growceries! My zucchini are starting to do good too.
      Have a blessed week.

  15. I just love creeping phlox. There is a hillside on the highway going to Crossville, TN that is covered in it and is so beautiful each year. It has rained and rained here this weekend. We saw a beautiful rainbow on Saturday, so no complaints from me, LOL

    1. Belinda I wish I had creeping phlox - mine is the tall kind. Creeping phlox is like a beautiful carpet.
      I hope you needed the rain and it wasn't too much. Oh how neat - a rainbow.
      Have a great week.

  16. Hi Cheryl! I heard fireworks last week too! And it was a night when David wasn't home until late and I was hoping it wasn't gunshots (we live in a good neighborhood, but you never know!) I guess someone had some leftovers and decided to use them up. It's just strange when it's way past the time to shoot them.

    1. I have heard a lot of people saying the same things. Our local 'gripe' board on the computer for our area, has had a bunch of complaints. More money than sense, I guess!
      I sure hope they run out of one or the other soon!
      That had to be scary being alone - because yes, today you just never know.
      Hope you have a great week.
