Hello all. Hope this finds you all safe and warm and healthy this morning. It is cold here. Windchill below zero - but still not as cold as many of our northern friends. High today will be about 16*F - normal temps should be in the 40's. A month until Spring!!! You think? I sure hope so - I am more than ready.
Yep, isn't that the truth? It will get better at some point. You just have to persevere and go through some stuff to get to the better.
I know many people think, "I can't cut out anymore". I bet you can. We all can, if we really try. Does each thing make a big difference? Usually not - but all those small things add up. It doesn't have to be miserable, just get your mindset into a spot that you are doing what is necessary to help your family.
Turn it up, turn it down, turn it off! Lower the heat a little, only use AC when it gets unbearable, turn off either, when the temps get to a decent spot. Open windows for fresh air, open blinds to utilize the sun for extra heat, close those blinds to keep things cool. It all depends on the time of the year.
Turn off lights! Only use if it absolutely necessary. Usually TV light, gives plenty of light in a room - if you watch TV at night. Turn out lights in rooms where you aren't!!!! You can use candles or lanterns for a nice ambiance and extra light. Turn off water!! Don't just let it run, when brushing teeth or washing dishes. Catch the extra when warming to water plants or give to animals - use it in the washer.
If allowed catch rainwater to use on plants, birdbaths, animals, washing hair, etc. Even melting snow will work - it is a free resource!!!!
Wear layers! Add extra clothes or covers - doesn't cost a thing.
Bock any drafts at doors or windows - you can use a rolled-up towel.
Look for FREE entertainment. Utilize the library. You can get books, audio tapes, videos, magazine, even computer time. It is a wonderful resource that we all can take advantage of. Go to city parks and enjoy the beauty. Take the kiddos and let them explore - sort of like a scavenger hunt. Have a picnic. Go to free concerts in the community. There are many free items you can get online as well. If you have a Kindle, there are free books. Find free printouts for the kiddos to learn from or color. You Tube is a wealth of information and fun. Learn, craft, ideas, movies, old TV shows, etc. Take walks, enjoy nature. Get to know neighbors - good in many ways.
Stretch that food. We have talked a lot about that lately. THINK about meat being an accent to a meal!!!!! It isn't always necessary. Learn to use lentils and beans instead of meat in many dishes (make great tacos and nachos). I often have a day or maybe 2 of no meat a week. Use beans or other proteins.
Biscuits, bread, waffles, pancakes, corn bread, tortillas, etc. are great ways to fill-up and stretch the food dollars. Add those to a meal to help fill that belly. Stale bread can be used if toasted - or for garlic toast - or for mini pizzas, croutons, bread pudding..........the list goes on and on.
Gravy is another easy and filling idea. You can make country gravy or pan gravies, to add flavor and serve with those biscuits or bread to make it more appealing.
Rice and pasta and even potatoes (all are pretty cheap) can also extend any meal.
Only have a certain amount of leftovers for a meal? Add an egg to the meal. It is filling and a great protein.
Eggs can be stretched when scrambling or adding to veggies and/or leftover meat to make a small quiche or omelet. Throw an egg into fried veggies and maybe meat and rice to make fried rice.
Another great idea for baking! I can make my own carbonated water with the Soda Stream.
Make snacks!! Don't buy the junk - make your own healthier snacks. Peanut butter on toast or crackers is filling. Mix PB with a little syrup or honey for a fun treat - that was a favorite of mine growing up. Add sliced fruit to PB sandwich. Slice fruit. Make no bake cookies (oatmeal). Popcorn. Learn to make your own yogurts or you can make ice cream - easy. If sweets are needed, make cookies, brownies, sweet breads, pudding, hand pies, etc.
Make your own oven fries instead of having fast food.
Got a bunch of odds and ends that need used? Make a fun pan dinner with it all. You can add anything - from leftover veggies to taco meat. Season and serve over rice or pasta. A nice slice of garlic toast on the side or a mini salad. Super cheap meal and very filling! Stretches that food. AND you know what? It is yummy too!!!!!!
Go through that freezer and that pantry and find all those oddball items that keep getting pushed to the back!!!!! USE THEM. Get creative and have a new kind of meal. Don't waste things.
UPCYCLE, RECYCLE - USE IT UP. Mend things, find new uses for things.
Know the HUGE difference between your wants and needs. Trust me there is a difference.
It all comes down to being mindful of your spending!!!! Just turning off the lights or water or turning down the T-stat is saving you money. Those things count as spending - you are paying for them.
You sure wouldn't just drive down the street and throw money out the window to just blow in the wind! Why do you waste it on all these small items? - that add up and save dollars.
SAVE something - there is no amount too small. If all you can do it a couple dollars a week, $5, $10 - do something. Stick in in the bank or hide it so you can't get to it easily. Just SAVE something every week. There are always emergencies that happen - and a little saved is better than none.
If you need help - seek it. Yes, it does happen and there are folks that need a hand up at some point.
Live below your means. That doesn't have to mean living a horrible life. I live way below my means, and I live a very good life.
It is about choices and decisions.
Do the LITTLE things - they all add up!!!! Be mindful - no impulse spending.
How can you cut more when you think you are at the lowest budget? Give us your ideas.
Stay safe and warm friends.