Thursday, February 27, 2025

A Different View - What do you Think?

 Morning to all on this Thursday.  I hope you are all well and safe.
Cool morning and it is cloudy right now.  They say we had some rain overnight, I don't really see any signs of that.  We had a brief shower yesterday - not much.  It is supposed to be windy the next couple days.
This morning I saw a Robin sitting on the fence looking towards my window!  I saw some much earlier in the year, and then they disappeared (way too early).  I declare the one I saw this morning my first Robin of spring!!!!  Always look forward to seeing them back in the area - as I know warmer weather is close at hand.
Wouldn't you love to sit a spell here?  I sure would.  I would prefer a rocking chair!  Looks country and it looks beautiful.  You can almost smell the air and hear the birds.  I am so ready!

OK, I saw something the other day about shopping, and thought the view of how to shop was interesting.  I copied a couple of paragraphs to share.  I guess this is a big thing on Instagram - no idea, as I don't do that.  But here we go.

This was 'designed' by a Chef Coleman.  
He calls it a shortcut to shopping for a week.  Making a plan of the 6 to 1 method to work for a smaller family, is supposed to be easy.
6 veggies, 5 fruits, 4 proteins, 3 starches, 2 sauces, and 1 treat.

I think it sounds kind of like how many of us shop anyway!  I always try to be heavier on veggies and fruit.  I use/buy lesser meats/eggs.  Most sauces I make myself.  I consistently have pasta and rice or bread on hand.  Once in a blue moon I buy a treat, but they can be made at home as well.
It does not take into account having a stocked pantry and/or freezer. 
I know many of us do not shop every week as well.  

I guess this is the next 'new' thing!!  Seems many of us have been doing it for years.  
Whatever works, to get folks to shop healthier and maybe save some money in their shopping endeavors.  Sometimes it takes social media to get people to looking at things differently.  That can be good or bad.  In this case - I will say it is a good thing.
I just wish it also spoke of trying to have extra for when funds are low, or emergencies happen.  But I guess it is a start to get people to eating better!

What do you think?

Hope you all have a great ending to your week and the start of your March!!!
Spring is getting closer!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Enjoy the Journey

 Hello to all.  Here we are midweek again!  Time flies when you're having fun.  Gosh, this month is just about done.  It truly does seem to be flying by.  
Warmer again this morning and the sun is out for the moment.  The skies are really dark north of me - supposed to rain sometime today.  Better than snow!
I have been out to feed this morning.  Licorice was chilling in the greenhouse, slow to get up.  Must have had a busy night!  Saw 2 different kinds of woodpeckers, nuthatches, and so many others.  They air was full of singing this morning.
I love this.  Yes indeed, life is a journey - one that is special to each of us.  You have no reason to compete with anyone!  You do you and follow the way that your heart leads you.  Life is special and it is fleeting, so the best we can do is to live it as realistic as we can for ourselves and our immediate family.
The world is full of hate and bad behavior today.  People think nothing of being rude and saying hurtful things behind their 'screens'. That is truly sad.  The computer leads to a lot of anonymity, so people think they can say whatever they want.  
You know I don't appreciate that - and will not oblige.  If you come here and are rude or hateful, I will delete.  This is to be a happy place, a place of encouragement, and place of smiles, a positive place.  That is my goal.  I want to educate, help, and uplift people in the moments that they need it most.
I try to let people express themselves, but there are boundaries.

So, whatever you do today - be kind, not only to others, but to yourself as well.
Know that you are worthy of goodness and joy.  Know you are beautiful and one of a kind - so be the best you that you can be.
We are just like grains of sand in this universe - and each grain is special and different.
That is what makes the world and life beautiful.

You go out there and spread joy - please!  You continue to have a good heart and help others.  You continue to grow and learn.  You continue to be a light to others.  You continue to work on your little piece of the world.
You can do whatever you put your mind to.  I am POSITIVE of that!

Have a beautiful and joyful day.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

End of Month Food Stretch

 Good morning all.  I hope you are all well.  I got up to 39*F this morning!  According to my thermometer it is now 44*.  YES!  We had a little rain overnight - and this morning the sunrise was just so pretty full of color.  Looks like high 50's today.  99% of the snow it gone - things are getting muddy - but that is OK.
Got trash bins out for pick-up this morning, first time I have bothered in 3 weeks.
Birds, cat, and squirrels are fed.  The Jays were out there yelling at me, and as soon as I turned my back, they were nabbing peanuts!
Today let's talk a minute about stretching that food and the food budget at the end of the month.  Here we are in the final stretch of Feb.  Many do not get paid for a bit.  Some may be having to stretch food not only here at the end of the month, but also for a while at the first of the month.
There are so many ways to stretch things and to eat well, on a little bit.  Again, my word this year is - creativity.  Just try some different things and different ways.

Truthfully the biggest budget stretcher is soup!  Use those odd and ends that are in the frig and add some things from the canned goods to frozen items.  A huge pot of soup can feed many meals.  You don't have to have a "recipe".  Just do it - you really can't go wrong.  You can even stretch it by adding lentils (if you have) or pasta or rice.  Serve with some bread or biscuits or crackers and you have a very filling meal.
You can use whatever you have on hand.  Also think about soup and a sandwich - tomato and grilled cheese, whatever soup you have leftover and a sandwich of any kind.

You can make stir fry meals with items left over and serve over rice.  It can be just veggies or veggies and little bits of meat.  That is a great way to stretch meat.  One piece of something (pork chop, chicken leg, 1 or 2 sausage patties) can chopped up and added to the stir fry.
Also fried rice is a great way to stretch items.  Add veggies/meat to rice and throw in an egg and fry it all up - season and serve with any side or bread.

Think about making biscuits (scones), so super easy and basic.  Have biscuits and gravy - a very filling meal.  You can also have your gravy with toast.  Make breakfast sandwiches with egg, cheese, sausage, chicken, beef, summer sausage, ham, whatever you have.  They make a quick breakfast or a nice lunch or dinner with maybe a side of veggies or a salad.
Make a filling yet cheap meal of pancakes or waffles.  Super easy to make and usually we all have the ingredients in the pantry.  
Tortillas can be added to a meal.  You can make a very tasty tortilla pizza, there are quesadillas as well.  Place whatever you have for filling on one tortilla top with a second and either use a quesadilla maker or a pan.  Heat on one side and then flip and press down a little and heat until golden on the second side.  You could experiment with a waffle iron or George Foreman grill if you have as well.
They also make great wraps for leftovers or for breakfast items, or burritos.

Potatoes are a great extender!  You can make loaded baked potatoes using leftovers of veggies, cream of soups, taco meat, sloppy Joe, chili, etc.  I love a baked potato dinner once in a while.  
Potatoes are relatively cheap and can be made in dozens of ways.  Fries, baked, mashed, au gratin, scalloped, fried, hash browns, etc.  You can even fry some up and top with goodies as a type of nachos.

Pasta is super cheap and can be had in so many ways.  Have odds and ends of fresh veggies around?  Chop and add to cooked pasta, add a little dressing (whatever you like or have) and you have a great pasta salad.  Add pasta to soups.
Make mac and cheese - then add some cut up hot dogs or smoked sausage for a fun main course.  Serve with veggies on the side.
Make mac and cheese and add a drained can of tuna for a fancier version of tuna noodle casserole.  Throw in some veggies (peas, broccoli, cauliflower, whatever) and you have a complete meal.
Spaghetti is super easy and cheap.  You can add any kind of meat (leftover) that you have - just chop it up finely to stretch.  You can add veggies as well - serve with spaghetti and some bread (toast and make garlic bread) or a salad.
I have made salsa mac several times.  Cook pasta and add a bit of salsa, served with a side of meat and a veggie.

A $1 loaf of Italian bread (a regular at WM or on clearance elsewhere) can make super pizza.  Actually, it is my favorite way to make pizza.  Cut in half length ways and add whatever toppings you may have - bake until browned.  Cut into serving size pieces - serve with salad.
A little pie crust or pizza crust, rolled out can be turned into hand pies or even pot pies. 

A can of tuna - can become tuna salad for sandwiches (I like to add a hard-boiled egg cut up as well).  Can be added to pasta or noodles or rice for a casserole.  Add an egg and some bread/cracker crumbs for stability to a small can of drained tuna and make patties and fry.  You can usually get 3-4 smaller patties - serve with your meal as the meat.

Have an apple or two in the crisper?  Peel and slice with a bit of butter and a little cinnamon/sugar and have fried apples.  Good with pork or as a dessert.  Any fruit can be cooked down for a side or as a topping for pancakes or cake or pudding or ice cream.  No need to waste anything. 

Clean out those items from the back of the pantry that have gotten pushed back, clean out that freezer - all those odds and ends, clean out the frig - and you will be amazed at all the neat things you can make.

I know funds get short at various times of the month and pantries get emptier.  DO NOT GIVE UP!
There are so many options for good eating.
So make those pantries and freezers work for YOU!  Use it up - don't let it waste.  Stretch it all.
You got this.
Have fun stretching that food budget!!!!!

Have a beautiful day.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Weekly Wrap Up 2/23

 Happy Sunday to all and happy last Sunday in February!  Oh soon, it will be March and then Spring and then.......
It is a very lovely sunny morning.  It was actually in the 20's this morning - that is a first in a while.  Temps are going to warm up for most of the week, and even our nightly lows are to be above the freezing point!  YAY!  Will it last?  Oh, I am sure there is colder weather in the forecast, maybe even snow, but each day is just one closer to lovely weather - so I am happy.

The daylight hours are much longer now.  That is really nice.  
Bitsy has reconnected with his toys this week.  He hasn't played with his froggy in a few months.  Now he is flipping it all around and has been playing "get ya" with me!  Such a sweety.

My frugal week:
  • Used some stale hotdog buns in a couple different ways.  I made individual pizza with a couple and cooked in the air fryer.  I used one for garlic toast
  • Early in week, I needed to unfreeze the car doors.  It had melted some and refroze and was really froze up.  I used isopropyl alcohol - squirted on the door edges, waited a couple minutes and Wahla, they opened easily.  Alcohol doesn't freeze solid, so it works
  • Shoveled a couple times - so free exercise
  • Paid bills by phone
  • I cleaned under the hutch, fridge and oven - all things I can't move.  Me laying on the floor, a flashlight, a yardstick and a damp rag.  It got them all cleared out - oh, the dust bunnies were thick!
  • I ran out to another luncheon with high school mates.  Sat with some different people I didn't know as well - and that was fun.  I answered a cooking question one had, and then there was an impromptu cooking class taking place!  They just kept asking me questions, most of which I could answer.  I got to be teacher for an hour or so - lol!  It was kind of a nice way to get acquainted.
  • While out - I stopped at Vet to pick up Blackie's cremains.  💔
  • I also stopped at Kroger and got Bits some treats and got the strawberries that were on sale. 1.88/lb. for gorgeous, sweet Florida berries.  Ran all errands on the one day out.
Will use the containers for something else - probably planting seeds/mini greenhouse
  • I used leftover rice to make a couple stove top enchiladas - worked fine.  I got out a pint of homemade tomato sauce - used half to make enchilada sauce and used to other half to make a big glass of tomato juice! Yum
  • Used orange peels to start a bottle of citrus cleaner
  • I froze some leftover enchilada sauce and even froze some leftover rice and refried beans
  • Froze 2 containers of the broc/caul/cheese soup
  • Also got gas for Blazer while out - 2.39/gal.  That was my Feb. fill-up - needed about a half of tank
  • I used leftovers and did all normal household stuff - working on starting some deep cleaning
  • Talked with sis a lot this week - she is starting to improve.  Still has the cough, but feeling much better
Meals this past week:
Cheesy broccoli/cauliflower soup and crackers - homemade
'Bun" pizza - all things from fridge
Leftover cheesy soup and garlic toast
Dirty rice w/beef and salad
Stove top enchiladas
Out to lunch
Fish and fries (in air fryer) and side salad

Nothing real exciting, just hanging out and doing a bit of this and that.  My mind is thinking to spring for sure.  I am so ready to porch sit and play in the dirt.  This next week, as things thaw - we will be entering 'mud' season for a while.  That is ok with me.
How has your week been?  Are you getting to have a little warmer weather soon as well?  Did you get any deals this week?
Stop by and say hello!

Have a great week ahead and stay safe and healthy.  Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home!

Dear Lord, we thank you for all our many blessings in the past week.  Help us to be kind and gentle, and to have self-control in all that we say and do.  Remind us each one of how we want to be treated and let that be our guide to talking to or responding to others.  Let the negative stop with us.  Prayers for happiness and health for all and may the joy of Your blessings be with us all.  AMEN

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Blow Bubbles!!!!!

 Howdy all.  Hope you are well and safe.  It is a bright sunny morning here, but cheese and crackers it is cold!!  Single digits for actual temp and below zero for windchill.  We got about a half - one inch of snow overnight.  Light and fluffy. 
I have been out to feed everyone, cleared off the Blazer - so it wouldn't melt and freeze.  Cleared the walks.  I had on 2 pair of gloves, and my fingers were cold when I came in.  Only a couple more days of this and it will warm up some.  Today highs in teens, tomorrow 20's and then we get to 40's!!!!  WOOHOO!
Aint that the truth?  
People complaining, people angry, people sad, people judging, people being critical, people always seeing the bad.........  It is enough to suck the fun out of anything.  Sure, there is stuff happening in every one of our lives - but we just have to buck up and make the best of the situation, keep trying, and smile.  AND blow some bubbles!!!  Some days it just pays to laugh a little.  MOST days it pays to laugh a little.
It is what you make it!  Make it good and upbeat.

On a different note - I saw the following 2 items in my grocery ads and have to wonder WHY someone would buy them.  My goodness, a few minutes of time, they can be made at home, will no doubt taste much better, and not cost but a few pennies!
A new take on pizza rolls - now they have sticks.  There are 4 per package and as you can tell, the package is about the size of a hand.  So they aren't very big at all.  A little bit of pizza dough - heck even pie dough - and whatever fillings you have on hand - you can make sticks!  Roll out pieces of dough, apply the fillings, add a top dough and crimp and cut to size.  They will sure be tasty.  Great snacks to make ahead and even freeze for a snack for you or the youngsters.
These were ON SALE for 1.99 for 4 pieces!  Doesn't sound like much, but you could make many for a couple bucks.
Seriously - on sale for 5.99!  Maybe 2 or 3 servings at most!  Goodness gracious, these meals can be made with whatever you have in the frig - leftovers - or freezer - in no time whatsoever.  Now maybe you can feed a small family with a package IF you add a lot of sides or a big salad or a lot of bread, but most people would want more than just a serving spoon full!
I always have a bit of some oriental flavorings on hand, or they can be put together easily with items in the pantry.  A tiny bit of veggies, a little meat (sometimes you have to add that yourself), and maybe a bit of pasta or rice.  Not to mention - additives!!!!!!  None in homemade!
Yep, we can all do better at home.

I find it fun to look at the ads and see what they are touting this week, and then figure out a simple way that I can make it myself.  Try it - it is kind of fun.

Ok, that is about it for me today.  I hope those that got tons of snow and rain and then freezing temps are safe!  Stay in, if possible, and stay safe and warm.  This too shall all pass - honest.  Soon we will all be complaining about the heat!  LOL.  (as for me, it will take a while).

Now chill out and go blow a few bubbles and just have a fun and happy day.
Enjoy the beauty of the day.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Simple Projects for Little Money

 Hello all.  I hope this finds you warm and healthy today.  It is another cold morning here and we have been having light flurries most of the morning.  I went out to feed, and boy are there a lot of birdies out there - so much singing going on.  Many, many cardinals, bluejays, sparrows, juncos (lots), finches and about a dozen doves.  So happy to get food!  Squirrels are just waking up.

Bitsy slept in the bed with me almost all last night - in the spot!  I know he is lonesome and misses his buddy.  He sure sticks by me!

Spring will soon be here - honest!  We all get in that frame of mind to spring clean, update, refresh, and change up things a little.
It can often be done for very little money.  There are just a ton of small things you can do to change up the look of a room, a porch, or even the yard.

PAINT - is an easy way to refresh and change up a look.  It takes a little labor, but not a ton of money.  Just touching up places helps.  A color change, or a slight color change can change the feeling of a room.
I darkened a couple walls in the living room (same color scheme) a couple years ago, and I love it still.
You can paint the exterior of your front door or side or back doors - and change the outside look a ton!  A bright door is always so inviting.

WATER - yep, that sounds silly - but just washing down walls and baseboards makes a room feel better.  Washing down the porch or the outside of a house changes up the look dramatically.  I hose down the porch regularly in the summer.  Being covered it collects dust from the road.  You know when drive by THAT house that just looks grimy and dirty, it doesn't leave a good impression.
Clean you carpets or area rugs - you might be amazed how they change!

MOVE the FURNITURE around a little if you can.  It can change up the look for no money - same stuff but arranged differently.  Move pictures and knick-knacks around, maybe from a different room, or things that might be packed away.  
Check out thrift stores or yard sales for a new picture that would look 'just right'.  Make new pillows or get or make a furniture throw/cover.  A new throw rug or area rug changes up the whole room.
Paint your picture frames a new color - to match or accent each other.

KITCHEN - you can sand and paint cabinets a different color to brighten things up.  New hardware changes things up.  Now I know hardware can be expensive - but if that is the only change you make - it is affordable.  Maybe make new hardware - so many cute ideas on the Internet. New curtains or a valance can cheer things up.  They have some really neat items available now that lets you change up the backsplash.  They don't have to be permanent and can be change out if you get tired of them.  I have seen many done with these products and they look so nice!  I am thinking about it myself!
Maybe add some open front shelving for collectables.

BATH - make it feel more spa like.  New towels are always lovely, add plants or candles.

WINDOWS - change out blinds (they aren't real expensive), valances, curtains.  Do something cute to make a valance.  Hankies, sparkly strands of beads, gingham checked towels/material - so many options.

OUTDOORS - again, washing things and painting things makes such a difference.  Have fun with your yard and your flower gardens.  Use items you have around to spruce up things.  Old boots for flowers, a red wagon for flowers/decoration, pretty chimes, lots of flowers in pots and planted.......
Add solar lighting to accent certain areas.  Solar lights can be had for not a lot of money, and they make such a difference.
Old rubber boots can be so cute.  Set on steps, in a flower bed or hang them on a fence.
Homemade birdhouses using/recycling trash!
Paint a fence or even an accent piece for a flower garden/yard.  Get creative and have fun.  The brightness of any decoration or flowers changes up the whole look of a yard!
Paint an old metal bucket or water can, an old chair painted for an accent or flowerpot holder, paint out lawn furniture (add new cushions), the list goes on and on.
Add a gazing globe - they are so pretty.  You can make a platform for it yourself, using flowerpots!

Not everything has to be seen by others to make your home more comfortable for you.  Turn your mattresses, change out the furnace filters, get an air purifier, let in the fresh air, let in the sunshine in.
Spring clean - get those corners and behind and under things all cleaned.  Just knowing that things have been deeply cleaned can change your mindset.
Simple things can have a really big impact.  It doesn't have to cost a lot.  I know we are all in the mood and frame of mind for SPRING!  I want the house all cleaned and ready for me to spend more time outdoors!!!!!  
I believe I am going to paint my outside doors an accent color (been talking about it forever) that brightens the house from the road.
Going to get windows washed (always makes me feel good) and wash down the porch - as weather allows.  I am ready.  How about you?

What have you done that has changed up your home and brightened it up - for little money?  Do you have any good ideas to share with us all.

Have a safe and warm day.
Smile and spread a kind word!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How Can You Possibly Cut More From the Budget?

 Hello all.  Hope this finds you all safe and warm and healthy this morning.  It is cold here.  Windchill below zero - but still not as cold as many of our northern friends.  High today will be about 16*F - normal temps should be in the 40's.  A month until Spring!!!  You think?  I sure hope so - I am more than ready.

Yep, isn't that the truth?  It will get better at some point.  You just have to persevere and go through some stuff to get to the better.  
I know many people think, "I can't cut out anymore".  I bet you can.  We all can, if we really try.  Does each thing make a big difference?  Usually not - but all those small things add up.  It doesn't have to be miserable, just get your mindset into a spot that you are doing what is necessary to help your family.

Turn it up, turn it down, turn it off!  Lower the heat a little, only use AC when it gets unbearable, turn off either, when the temps get to a decent spot.  Open windows for fresh air, open blinds to utilize the sun for extra heat, close those blinds to keep things cool.  It all depends on the time of the year.
Turn off lights!  Only use if it absolutely necessary.  Usually TV light, gives plenty of light in a room - if you watch TV at night.  Turn out lights in rooms where you aren't!!!!  You can use candles or lanterns for a nice ambiance and extra light.  Turn off water!!  Don't just let it run, when brushing teeth or washing dishes.  Catch the extra when warming to water plants or give to animals - use it in the washer.
If allowed catch rainwater to use on plants, birdbaths, animals, washing hair, etc.  Even melting snow will work - it is a free resource!!!!
Wear layers!  Add extra clothes or covers - doesn't cost a thing.
Bock any drafts at doors or windows - you can use a rolled-up towel.

Look for FREE entertainment.  Utilize the library.  You can get books, audio tapes, videos, magazine, even computer time. It is a wonderful resource that we all can take advantage of.  Go to city parks and enjoy the beauty.  Take the kiddos and let them explore - sort of like a scavenger hunt.  Have a picnic.  Go to free concerts in the community.  There are many free items you can get online as well.  If you have a Kindle, there are free books.  Find free printouts for the kiddos to learn from or color.  You Tube is a wealth of information and fun.  Learn, craft, ideas, movies, old TV shows, etc.  Take walks, enjoy nature.  Get to know neighbors - good in many ways.

Stretch that food.  We have talked a lot about that lately.  THINK about meat being an accent to a meal!!!!!  It isn't always necessary.  Learn to use lentils and beans instead of meat in many dishes (make great tacos and nachos).  I often have a day or maybe 2 of no meat a week.  Use beans or other proteins.

Biscuits, bread, waffles, pancakes, corn bread, tortillas, etc. are great ways to fill-up and stretch the food dollars. Add those to a meal to help fill that belly.  Stale bread can be used if toasted - or for garlic toast - or for mini pizzas, croutons, bread pudding..........the list goes on and on.
Gravy is another easy and filling idea.  You can make country gravy or pan gravies, to add flavor and serve with those biscuits or bread to make it more appealing.
Rice and pasta and even potatoes (all are pretty cheap) can also extend any meal.
Only have a certain amount of leftovers for a meal? Add an egg to the meal.  It is filling and a great protein.
Eggs can be stretched when scrambling or adding to veggies and/or leftover meat to make a small quiche or omelet.  Throw an egg into fried veggies and maybe meat and rice to make fried rice.

Another great idea for baking!  I can make my own carbonated water with the Soda Stream.  

Make snacks!!  Don't buy the junk - make your own healthier snacks.  Peanut butter on toast or crackers is filling.  Mix PB with a little syrup or honey for a fun treat - that was a favorite of mine growing up.  Add sliced fruit to PB sandwich.  Slice fruit.  Make no bake cookies (oatmeal).  Popcorn.  Learn to make your own yogurts or you can make ice cream - easy.  If sweets are needed, make cookies, brownies, sweet breads, pudding, hand pies, etc.  
Make your own oven fries instead of having fast food.  
Got a bunch of odds and ends that need used?  Make a fun pan dinner with it all.  You can add anything - from leftover veggies to taco meat.  Season and serve over rice or pasta.  A nice slice of garlic toast on the side or a mini salad.  Super cheap meal and very filling!  Stretches that food.  AND you know what?  It is yummy too!!!!!!

Go through that freezer and that pantry and find all those oddball items that keep getting pushed to the back!!!!! USE THEM.  Get creative and have a new kind of meal.  Don't waste things.

UPCYCLE, RECYCLE - USE IT UP.  Mend things, find new uses for things.  
Know the HUGE difference between your wants and needs.  Trust me there is a difference.

It all comes down to being mindful of your spending!!!!  Just turning off the lights or water or turning down the T-stat is saving you money.  Those things count as spending - you are paying for them.
You sure wouldn't just drive down the street and throw money out the window to just blow in the wind!  Why do you waste it on all these small items? - that add up and save dollars.

SAVE something - there is no amount too small.  If all you can do it a couple dollars a week, $5, $10 - do something.  Stick in in the bank or hide it so you can't get to it easily.  Just SAVE something every week.  There are always emergencies that happen - and a little saved is better than none.

If you need help - seek it.  Yes, it does happen and there are folks that need a hand up at some point.
Live below your means.  That doesn't have to mean living a horrible life.  I live way below my means, and I live a very good life.
It is about choices and decisions.

Do the LITTLE things - they all add up!!!!  Be mindful - no impulse spending.
How can you cut more when you think you are at the lowest budget?  Give us your ideas.

Stay safe and warm friends.
Have a super day!!!!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Weekly Wrap Up 2/16

 Happy Sunday - midway through this month!  I hope this finds you all well and safe.  Lots of winter weather and flooding happening all around.
Well, winter has reared its ugly head again - I guess I knew it would happen.  It started raining yesterday - then it sleeted and then snow.  Yesterday was our warmest day of probably last week or the next week.  I have been out already and shoveled pathways and cleaned the walks.  We got anywhere from 1" - 3", depending on where you are standing.  It is very windy and blustery out there - so the snow is blowing.  Not a lot - but enough to make things yucky - with ice underneath.  
This next week will have highs in the teens and low 20's(F) and lows in single digits.  More snow likely. All I can say is YUCK!
I want to take a moment and thank you all for your very kind and sweet words at the loss of my Blackie.  I am sorry I did not answer each one individually - but every time I read a response I was in tears.  I know many of you have been through losing a precious pet (family) and totally understand.  He was a very special boy.  So happy we had this precious time inside together.  I know it prolonged his life.

Bitsy keeps looking around, but he is very aware something happened too.  He has never laid on the bed with me, unless Blackie was up there too.  The past 2 nights he has been laying and sleeping on the bed on Blackie's blankie (which I have left there on purpose).  He lays in the exact spot that Blackie was, when I got him in his crate Thursday.  He keeps snuggling with me and follows me everywhere!  I have left out 2 blankies that Blackie used just for Bitsy - so he can smell him.  He is using them for sure.
So again - thank you all for your love.  It was felt with every word.

Needless to say, I didn't accomplish a lot this week.  I will get back into it this week, maybe!
  • I did have lunch out one day with school friends at Ruby Tuesdays.  That was nice.
  • Of course there was the Vet business.  She was so kind.  They worked me right in (I was surprised) and took a lot of time with me and Blackie.  She and I talked for a very long time and discussed everything in detail - she answered all my questions.  They were so gentle with him.  She let me stay as long as I needed with him before and after.
  • I received a beautiful handmade card and sweet little notepad from Cookie this week.  Thank you, Cookie.  It is out on display!!  (Last years is as well)
  • I ran out to see sis on Friday for Valentines Day and took her some sweets.  She was feeling so bad.  She has had bronchitis very bad.  Such a deep cough.  She looked exhausted.  We talked a bit, then I let her rest.  She was glad to get some candy!
  • While out to see sis, I did stop at Ollies to see if there was anything I needed to use my 15% off coupon before it expired.  All I got was 3 - 2lb. bags of unsalted peanuts in shell for the squirrels.
  • Just doing odds and ends - laundry, daily straightening, dusting
  • Meals from home and what is on hand
  • NO grocery shopping
  • Did have a neighbor come over and visit for a while yesterday
Meals this past week:
Loaded chili/cheese fries
Burger and salad
Tamales over rice
Out to lunch
Nothing much, just bites of this and that
Angus burger w/mushrooms (no bun), onion rings
Bacon & egg sandwich
Didn't have much of an appetite later in the week.  Things were very simple.
I did snack on fruit earlier in the week and a handful of nuts

Not much happening here, just not in the mood.  I think I will catch up on some reading or maybe TV that I have DVR'd today and tomorrow.  Don't plan on leaving.  Eventually I will clean the drive off.

How was your week?  What did you do that was fun or special?  Did you get any good deals?  
I hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day if you celebrate.
I wish you all a safe and healthy week.
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

The plans of the mind belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.  All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirit.
Proverbs 16: 1-2

Lord, Thank you for each of our blessings.  We pray that people will be kind of heart and word, and truly look for answers and reasons, before speaking ill of others.  Our words can cause such sadness.  May we all try to be the best example of human life that we can be.  May we each reach out and offer love and kindness to all. Prayers for peace for all.  AMEN

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Winding Up Another Week - UPDATE

 Hello all.  Another cold and blustery day here.  It seems we missed 98% of the nastiness yesterday in my area.  Had a little rain, which caused a little black ice.  They had everything salted yesterday early - so that hopefully helped.

Good conversation this week.  You guys all added some very good ideas and tips.  I love how everyone tries to help each other.
I think the one big thing to take from this week, is that we all have to look outside the box, more often than not.  There are many options and ways to solve any problem.  Nothing etched in stone.
You have to do whatever works for you and your family and your budget.
No one thing fits all.

No big post this morning.  I need to try to get ahold of my Vet to see if they can see Blackie.  I am not holding out hope with them, may need to go to emergency care.  He has stopped eating and drinking.  He is hungry I can tell, when he tries to get down the slightest watered-down gravy even - he gags and spits it up.  He has declined a lot in the past few days.  Poor baby may be at his end, not sure.  I have had this happen a couple other times with babies, and it didn't have a good outcome. 
I know I have given him a good life in the past year plus!  I sure hope there is something I can do.  Please think good thoughts.

Have a lovely day and spread happiness and joy.

It did not turn out good.  Vet got him right in, did tests and checked him.  BAD infection in gums and then there were cancer lesions in his mouth as well.  His mouth looked horrible (pictures) - he wouldn't let me look.  No wonder the poor boy couldn't eat.  2 scenarios - neither good.
Extreme and radical surgery which may/probably not help and would be very traumatic.  No guarantee he would ever heal and/or not be in continued pain.   They really didn't even want to entertain surgery - my decision.  OR forever sleep.
I couldn't put him through all that and not know he would be free of pain or would even survive it.  
He has now crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  I am broken hearted - but know he is pain free now and running in paradise.
I think Bits knows something - I came home, and he was sitting in the exact spot I picked Blackie up from on the bed when leaving this morning.  He just looked sad.  He is curled up next to me now.
Oh my sweet, sweet big boy - I hope he enjoyed this last season of life.  I tried to make it the best for him.
Just feeling lost.  I will miss him so much.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Shopping Strategies - Part 2

 Morning all.  Here we are midweek again.  Time flies by so quickly.  Another chilly morning here - cloudy too.  We supposedly have some adverse weather coming in later today.  I sit on the border of rain vs. yuck!  I hope it stays rain or waits until later - as I have a scheduled get together today - some are coming a decent way to get there.

Today part 2!  Shopping strategies on other things we buy.  There are ways to shop and get deals - yes there are.  You just have to be patient and look around.

First look around the house and reuse what you have.  SO many things can be used for other things.  Do you need a new teapot?  Use a sauce pan instead.  Do you need a new oven immediately?  Use what you have.  Sounds impossible - Jackie has been doing without an oven for a while now and has learned to bake and create a lot of things.  (In the Land of the Living Skies II).  Do you need to buy those Swifter wet/dry cleaning pads?  No - use what you have!
I use old socks on mine all the time - the fluffy socks work great.  Spritz with water, vinegar, dust spray - and clean.  They are washable as well.  I often use old wash rags, microfiber or cut up t-shirts as well.
Get creative!
Old clothes - yours, yard sales, thrift stores, etc. for material to create with.  Our one really affordable big fabric store seems to be going out of business, so you may need to look at other ways of getting affordable fabric.  Even yarn from old sweaters.

Think about scratch and dent stores - salvage shops.  My stove and my refrigerator both came from the scratch and dent dept. of Sears years ago.  Tiny marks in non-descript areas - they work fine still today.  I also got my power washer last year at a discount/salvage buy-out store.  You can find things a lot cheaper than normal retail.
Going out of business sales.  Sure you may not have a store warranty - but there may still a manufactures warranty.  You can get many, many deals this way.

Yard sales, thrift stores, etc.  GO!  You can find all kinds of things gently used or maybe even brand new.  If we spent more dollars buying from places like that - there may be less new manufacturing.  IMO that is a good thing.  Use what resources are available already and for a lesser price.  I have purchased brand new small appliances (my new Nuwave air frier $10, my brand-new Soda Stream $15).  New clothes, home furnishings, yard and garden art, tools, toys, coats, etc.
I love the idea of keeping things out of landfills and buying them from another person.  People often donate entire households of items after deaths - and so many wonderful things are included. There is no limit to what you can find.

Vintage shops.  Around here they are kind of thrift stores with a theme!  Lots of neat vintage and retro items can be found for such a good price.  Some of the older items are made so much better than anything new you can buy now.  
Most thrift stores have a variety of clothes as well.  Lots of classy basic looks, goth for kiddos, Boho, vintage 50's - you name it - you can find it.  Never forget these places for costumes for drama programs, and holidays as well.  Dresses for prom - even weddings.

ASK!!  Put the word out to family, friends and neighbors that you need -------.  Odds are someone may have it, or they may know someone.  Often you can get things for FREE or for a nice barter.

Getting by.  When we first married - this was our dining room table!!  Yes it was.  We had expenses of remodeling, bills we came into marriage with, and just setting up a household.  So, we used this for a while.  It worked!  I used this for the 2 years I was living alone as well.  It served its purpose.  After we decided what we wanted - our parents went together and bought us a dining set.  But we were happy to use what we had.
After we got a 'real' dining set - this went outside and was used for a long time.

After my mom passed, I inherited her stainless cookware set that she got when I was about 6 years old.  I am still using it!  It is very high end and sturdy and still looks like new - well taken care of.  She managed to get such a nice set, because daddy sold it for a while as a second job.  So cookware that is about 64+ years old and it is still lovely and useful.

Just remember you don't have to have brand new or the biggest or the best of things.  You can get by just fine with lesser items.  Shop and look and have patience.
There are so many options of places to shop at.  PLEASE think gently used and save things from landfills.  
Take good care of what you and it can last for ages.  NEVER be ashamed of what you have.  Be thankful.  

Love to hear some of your stories about fun finds!!!
Have a super day everyone.
Be safe.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Shopping Strategies - Part 1

 Happy Tuesday all.  Hope you are all well.  It looks like some nasty weather is about to hit many areas this week - oh, Mr. Winter go away!  I guess we will get through another bought of it!  It is chilly and cloudy here this morning.  Dry - so that is a plus.  I have been out and fed all the critters.
All is good here.

Today a bit about shopping strategies that might help someone.  Many are old things we have spoke of before, and a couple new ideas.  Today we will talk groceries, and tomorrow we will talk about other things.
I have been reading articles about how people shop, and it is very disturbing to me.  The consensus is that the 'average' home wastes 40% of their food dollars!  That means that it gets thrown in the trash!  I do not understand that or why I find it appalling.  That means if you spend $1,000 - $400 gets wasted and trashed.
We need to truly work on zero waste of our food and food dollars.  
Use what you buy and don't let it go bad.  Freeze, preserve, dry, or just remake - otherwise, you might as well just throw actual cash in the trash can!!!

What is your grocery budget covering?  Is it just food?  Is it everything you need - pet food, trash bags, cleaners, etc.?  When I speak of spending say $50 - that covers everything that I might buy that week - not just food.  I know many people have different budgets to cover things.  How do you handle it?

Use what you have.  If you end up with several partial bottles of soft soap - combine them into one - don't throw out partials.  You can also add water to extend most soaps - I do this all the time.  Cut those containers of creams and lotions and toothpaste open - there are many, many more uses in there.  Keep bits of things - and freeze.  They can be combined to make big pots of soups.  Use leftovers for lunches or even breakfast.
Buy big packs of meats or veggies - re-wrap into smaller packs for the freezer.  A pack should be what would be needed for one meal for your family.  Cook ahead and freeze those items for quick meals.  That sure is handy when you don't feel like cooking, and it helps keep you from being tempted to eat out.  You have a quick fix.  It uses up your other resources in a wise way as well.

When meal planning - use what you have in freezers and pantries - it is already money spent.  THEN add in sale and clearance items.  I rarely pay full price for anything.  I would say my one exception in general - is pet food. Just not many deals around.
Keep your meal planning to basics.  Keep basics on hand - flour, sugar, baking needs, basics in veggies and fruits.  You can still get creative and make a lot of good tasting food.

GROCERY SHOPPING should START at home - NOT the store!!!
Go with a list and try to stick to it.  I know a lot of people have grocery delivery now - and that DOES keep you from veering off list.  I don't like that - because I do want to see the clearance items - they may help everything in the future.

Try to get local and in season items if possible.  Look for someone close by for things like eggs, or meat or veggies.  Local farmers and neighbors can be a great source.  Your gardens or pots.  Gleaning.  Foraging when out on walks.  Sales and clearance are stock-up times.  Many items have cycles - pay attention and stock up.  Condiments and hotdogs/hamburger etc. around holidays - get enough to last until the next sale.  Be willing to try new things.

Clean out your frig weekly.  If you clean it regularly - nothing gets left behind.  It can be used up in some way and not turn into a science project!

Look at different stores than your "usual".  Ethnic stores are great for many items, rice, noodles, dry beans/legumes, herbs and spices, certain meats, etc.  Amish or Mennonite stores are great if you have anything like that around.  It might even be worth a day trip to stock up from them.
Scratch and dent or salvage stores have great products and good prices.  They often get overflow from other stores (not nec. dented) and offer it cheaply.  We have a new one in our area (past year or so) that has fantastic deals from fruits/veggies/snacks - to clothes and appliances.  Circle City Bargains is a fun place to go.

Budget the way that is best for you.  Be honest and realistic and strict with your budget.  Try cutting out the junk - and just getting what is REAL food.  Eventually it will become a habit.  Plan meals, plan your shopping, plan using what you have and plan to reel in your spending.  YES, it can STILL be done!!!!

Again, my favorite thing this year - is get creative.  Get out those old cookbooks.  Ask people for a recipe if they make something you like.  Look at places like Pinterest and online foody sites.  There are tons of them and tons of You Tube channels that are about using what food you have, stretching that food, and getting creative with your shopping.
Again, I will mention if you need help - get it.  Community/church food pantries can be vital to many.  They are there to be useful - don't be ashamed.  If you use SNAP, make it stretch as far as possible with REAL food.

Do you and what is best for your family.  Sit down and think about things and make a new plan.
Again, use it if you have it!  Don't waste - ZERO food waste should be every person's goal!

Have a great day.  Be joyful and be happy.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Weekly Wrap Up 2/9

 Hello and happy Sunday to all.  Hoping this finds you all well and safe.
It is another chilly morning here in Indy.  It is supposed to be dry today - not the case yesterday afternoon.  The weather folks sure did story to us last week, when they said a much warmer week to start the month!  We had a couple warm days then things went back to normal for this time of the year.  We have had and look to have near normal 30's for highs and they are even talking a little of the old "S" word for this week.  Good news - spring is only about 39 days away!
Today is Super Bowl Sunday - so if you are watching with family or friends have fun!  Eat lots of fun food and stay home and stay safe - there will be crazy people out there.
As for me - no watching football here!
Just been doing odds and ends this week, nothing exciting!
  • Did some yard clean-up while it was warmer
  • Walked the alley and the sidewalks picking up blowing trash after trash day - good exercise
  • Made a run to the feed store and stocked up
  • While out, I stopped and visited sis.  She is back at rehab again.  She was having trouble walking (weak) and found out from doc she had a bad UTI causing problems.  He also noticed her arm was really bruised.  Had x-rays done and her wrist (her right) was broken!  She didn't even know it and had been using it regularly for over a week!!  Now in a cast and in rehab.  She is putting her house up for sale when she gets home - and getting into assisted living.
  • Ran into Kroger that same day (a different one than normal) and got the eggs that were on a digital coupon.  I am good for a long while now
  • Got to air the house 2-3 times
  • Cut my hair and colored the roots
  • Combined 2 tubes of medicated chap stick.  Both were getting close to unusable - so scraped out from one and added to the other.  Several uses left now
  • Mended 2 pair of jeans with patches
  • My neighbor called one day and asked if I wanted some corn pudding!  She makes the best I have ever had.  I got a nice big piece I ate for snacks over 2-3 days.  
  • Started washing the baseboards and inside doors
  • Eating from home - cooking from scratch - using leftovers
Meals this past week:
Leftover broccoli/meatballs, corn on the cob
Ham/egg/cheese sandwich and some fresh veggies
Kielbasa on bun and salad
Seafood mac and cheese (faux crab) and salad
Chili and crackers 2X
Steamed broccoli/cauliflower, pork chop and some fresh veggie on side
SNACKS - banana milkshake, corn casserole, fruit, nuts

There you have it.  Kind of quiet.  Blackie has been a bit off this week.  He wasn't eating much - not sure if he has another bad tooth or not - he won't let me look.  This happens now and then - then he gets back to normal.  I have been wetting dry food, squish it and top with gravy and he has been eating - enjoyed some milk too.  He wants no canned food.  So gradually feeling better.  Poor old guy, he just had such a rough life outdoors (w/other cats), that he seems older than he should.  So happy he is inside - he probably wouldn't be alive today, had he stayed outside.  Bitsy makes sure he sleeps wherever his buddy is.  If Blackie sleeps with me - so does Bits.  If Blackie is in the living room - so is Bitsy.  It is so sweet. They are both curled up on the couch right now!

How was your week?  Anyone get any deals?  Did you learn anything new this week?  My daddy always asked me that!  What have you all been up to?
I love that we have had several new people commenting this week.  That is fun!

I wish you all health and safety this week.  May you all learn something new and try new things.  
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be the glory for ever and ever.  Amen
Philippians 4:19-20

Dear Lord, we ask You to continue to watch over and protect us everyone.  Help us all to not feel fear and to know that You are in control.  Guide us to learn, to try, to grow and to ask.  Help us to stay calm and project that calmness to others in a loving way.  Amen

Thursday, February 6, 2025

You Have a Choice - Choose Joy

 Happy Thursday to all.  Hope this finds you all well and safe.  
It is about 40* first thing this morning, but very dreary looking and breezy.  Woke to dense fog!  Late yesterday afternoon and evening we had rain - and for a bit the temps dropped, and things got a little icy.  I walked outside about 7:30 last evening and could have easily ended up on my bottom side!  All melted and is just damp now - temps rose over night.
If you got icy conditions, stay in and stay safe.  Nothing is worth taking a risk for.

Just a little reminder to everyone - your life is what you make it.  Sure stuff happens, that alters life, sometimes in very dramatic ways.  We can wallow in those events, or realize you can't change them, and you are still here.  So make the best of it.
Not everything happens in this world the way we want or the way we like.  That is life!
Complaining and bellyaching about it sure isn't going to change it, and it isn't going to win you any friends either.  
I truly can't remember a year in my life, that there wasn't some major heartache or major disappointment.  Yet here I am!  

Tomorrow the sun will rise and set just life it has every day of your life.  Hopefully you will wake up again.  Your days will continue to unfold the unknown story.  
If those things don't happen - well, then you don't have to worry anymore!  

We can each choose joy, or we can choose misery or hate or ugliness.  The way you choose says much about YOU!  
You can change you; you can change the little part of the world you step in, and you can change other attitudes with a smile and a kind word.

So yes, make yourself happy!  Eat the good food, enjoy the beauty of nature, read a book, rest a day, dance and laugh a little, pet an animal, watch a child enjoy life (they know how to do it), buy a flower or even a treat - JUST DO IT!  You have the control.

Have a wonderful and blessed day.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

It is YOUR Money - Make it Stretch!

 Good morning all.  Here we are in the middle of yet another week.  It is a chilly morning here and gloomy looking right at the moment.  We are to stay cool and breezy today, with rain coming in tonight.  
It was strange outside this morning.  Usually, I hear all the birds singing, and roosters crowing from all directions.  It was eerily quiet out there this morning.  So much so, that I took notice.
I see the neighbors chickens out, and birds are starting to show up - but just quiet.  Hmmm - maybe Big Bird (hawk) is nearby.

Whether you work or are retired - your money needs to stretch in many ways, so you get the most from it.  We all know that prices on some things have increased, so makes decisions wisely. 
This is a good time to think about wants vs. needs - there REALLY IS a difference.
Before you complain - stop and think.  Are you being a good steward of your money and your things???

We have been talking about how to stretch things lately, and we have had a good conversation and good ideas.  The above meme makes just 110% sense to me - but not everyone looks at it this way.
You work hard for your money - you go buy food - then just waste it or throw it away!!  Then people have the audacity to complain!!!!  How does that make sense?
If you pay for something - make the most of it.

Yesterday, when I mentioned getting eggs, Penny made a wise comment.  People think nothing of going out to buy one of those super expensive fancy coffees - yet complain eggs are too expensive!!  Yep.
I was thinking about that at the grocery store the other day.  People were buying 12 packs of soda that ranged anywhere from 5.99 - 9.99 today!  Once in a while the go on sale for 4.99 - used to be able to buy 24 packs for that or cheaper.  Now think about it.  5.99 = .50 per can.  9.99 = .83 can.  That is a can of chemicals that you are going to just pee out!  At least an egg if priced at .50, puts protein and nourishment in your body!
My neighbor who smokes, told me the other day he pays 8.99 a pack now!  Yet, he regularly has utilities turned off for non-payment.

I digress.  I can easily get on a rant about waste of money and things.
Today ways to use a couple types of leftovers!  There is no one certain way.  You know I am a big soup maker and casserole maker with leftovers - but there are so many other things one can do!!

Chili dogs - over baked potatoes - on nachos, in burritos - topped with cornbread and baked (a yummy casserole) - loaded fries, over rice - stuffed squash or peppers........
Baked chili stuffed zucchini topped with cheese and a salad.  A healthy and yummy meal.  No waste.

Add to mac n cheese - nachos - throw in spaghetti, chili or soup - add to pizza - make a sandwich/top w/cheese and grill - enchiladas - on baked potato - make a wrap/burrito - add to mixture for stuffed peppers or squash...........

Using leftovers to make what some call meat pie others call pot pie, is super easy.  Any veggies you have left and/or any meat you have leftover.  Make a nice gravy and put in a baking dish and top with a crust and bake.
Now if you don't have or can't make a pie crust, there are many options to use!
You can use biscuits, mashed potatoes (like a Shepherd's pie), corn bread mix, shredded potatoes (like hash browns), stuffing, bread crumb/cheese mixture, non-sweet crushed cereal/butter, seasoned crackers/butter.......................

See there are so many options.  Most times we get stuck in a rut and just do the same old thing.  Get your creative juices flowing and use that food up!  Do NOT waste it.
What food item can you use in many other ways?  I really do love getting new ideas!

I feel this way with everything really.  THINK before you trash something.  Could it be re-purposed into something else?  Could it be used in place of something else?  Can you fix it?  Could someone you know use it?
We are quick to trash things in today's society.  SO many items are made so cheaply that fixing or repairing them seems futile.  It is easier and cheaper to get another one and trash the first.  Not me!  I am going to try my darndest to fix something, somehow, some way!  If I can't, and I can't use it differently, then and only then will it be trashed and probably NOT replaced unless absolutely necessary.

Truly stop and think.  Get creative - I think that is my phrase for the year!!  I sure have used it a lot so far in 2025.  
Reuse, reduce, recycle, and RETHINK your decisions!

Have a super day everyone.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Creating and Fun - Use it up Ideas

 Good morning to all!  It is a chilly Tuesday morning here and a little gray.  The clouds are starting to part as I sit here, and I see blue and brightness!  Yesterday was just bliss!!  Oh goodness, we had a taste of spring.  The weather said 68*F - my house was 70*.  It was a little breezy, but glorious!  Got to air the house a bit.  
It looks like the weather will be a bit of a yo-yo for the next week or so.  Up one day, back down the next.  Rain coming later in the week.  I will take those lovely days gladly, but also know it is still winter!
The birds were sure something to hear yesterday.  I heard so many different ones - they were enjoying the weather too!
I actually walked the yard and saw the tips of lilies and hyacinths peeking out of the ground.  Daffodils too!  SOON
Last week we talked a bit about using our leftovers and getting creative.  It seems people have forgotten what it was like a mere 3-4 years ago.  Items were not on shelves, and we had to get creative and use things up and use things in new ways.  The egg 'thing' is getting people's panties all in a bunch now!  LOL.  
There are vegans out there that never use eggs/dairy in their baking or cooking - so it isn't something new.  Just look up some vegan recipes.
We also had ancestors - moms and grandmas - that truly knew what not having things was like.  IF they could buy things, they were limited to what they could get.  BUT that being said - I believe they were some of the most talented folks in generations!!  They could make a meal, a wonderful dessert, or any creation with a little of nothing.  I know my mom could.  Nothing went to waste, and they grew lots and lots of things.
Those ladies were awesome and so very resourceful.

Here is a basic 'recipe' for a casserole.  I got this years ago from reading the Tightwad Gazette.  It is very basic, and it covers just about any casserole you can think of!

1 C main ingredient
1 C second ingredient
1-2 C starchy ingredient
1 1/2 C binder
1/4 C goodie
Seasoning and Toppings
Main ingredient ideas:  Cubed chicken, turkey, ham, seafood, beef - any kind of meat
Second ingredient ideas - mushrooms, celery, peas, hard cooked eggs, leftover veggies, etc.
Starchy Ingredient ideas - potatoes, pasta, noodles, rice
Binder - cream sauce, tomato sauce, cream soup, sour cream, etc.
Goodie idea - pimento, water chestnuts, olives, nuts, etc.
Topping - can be cheese, crushed chips, breadcrumbs, etc.
If the casserole seems dry - add 1/4 C milk or broth
Place in a buttered casserole pan and bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes.

This is a fantastic way to use those leftovers and things just sitting in the frig or bits and bobs from the freezer.  Mix things up, use whatever you have and enjoy.  This is just a BASIC guide.
I kind of use the same BASIC for skillet recipes as well.  Top with cheese, and turn off burner- cover - and let cheese melt.
Skillet recipes are a mainstay at my house!!!  I just love one pot meals.

I had a friend post this recipe last week - and trust me this WILL be made at my house very SOON!  I love olives and tend to just go in a get 2 or 3 or more every now and then, to just eat alone.  I will probably half the recipe for myself.
It would be fantastic on snack crackers or even on bread and grilled!  Spread on top of a ham sandwich.  It would be a good add-in for a snack tray of meats and cheese and crackers.  That makes a meal for me many times.
I always have the ingredients on hand for this.  Super simple and yummy.  Full of protein as well.

I was out running many errands yesterday and happened to be in a different area than I normally shop.  There was a super Kroger right across the street from where I was.  I ran in to see if they had the 18 count eggs for 3.99.  They had tons of them!  I currently have plenty of eggs, but I got 2 boxes.  I will freeze many for the future, just in case!
Now people say - well, that is great for frying or baking, but not for things like potato salad or even egg salad.  
Again, get CREATIVE.  You can use scrambled eggs in either of those dishes.  Same thing!  You could also fry them solid and chop to use.  Want a hard boiled egg? - bake the frozen - then thawed ones in muffin tins until yolk is done.  'Poach' a little longer - until the yolk is solid instead of runny!  All it takes is a little different way of thinking!  If there is a will there is a way!!!  Momma always told me that and I find it to be so true.

Momma words stuck way before Amy D. (Tightwad Gaz.) words came into my life!  Amy had great advice too.  Having a large family, little money and desire to live a nice life can sure lead to being creative with what you have.  Funds and things!

As is stated above - be grateful for what you have.  The most ordinary things can be wonderful.

Have a fantastic day and be grateful!!