Happy Sunday, Happy February!!! Hope this finds all well and safe. Welp, here we are in a new month. We are halfway through this thing called winter! Today marks the halfway point between winter solstice and spring equinox. I see old 'Phil' saw his shadow - so 6 more weeks of winter (maybe just on East coast)! Well, that is to be expected - nothing new! I say 6 weeks until Spring!!!! Sounds better LOL.
I didn't get a lot done this week, as I just didn't feel well. That is a very rare occurrence for me. I had chills, no matter how warm it was outdoors, I was freezing indoors. I had a temperature and got fever blisters inside my lips. This lasted a good couple days. I tried everything from natural to medicinal to help the blisters - nothing helped. I then started some big doses of echinacea and within hours, my lips started to heal. I love nature's antibiotics. They are fine now, and I feel much better. Yesterday was only in the low 40's and I opened windows a bit and didn't get cold!! So, this coming week, will be a big catch-up week!
My frugal week:
- I did work outside a little and picked up sticks and did a little yard clean-up
- I ran out one day - and went to Kroger to get special on eggs. LOL - none to be had! First day of sale as well!! (that is OK, I still have plenty). I did get some veggies on clearance. 3 bags of radishes (I love radishes), romaine lettuce and some nut/raisin trial mix
- I ran into Aldi while out and only got a couple things. Fruit!
- While out I got a FREE car wash. Had a coupon from a gift book, so free was great and it was badly needed!!
- I put away all scarves, gloves, and boots (hopefully for season)
- I did remove anything that appeared to be winter decoration! All put away and looking forward to spring
- I watched some You Tube videos on food pantry hauls. Pretty neat what people can get to help out their families. I also watched some on tiny homes
- Laundry - furniture throws, throw rugs and cleaning rags
- Just doing odds and ends - basic cleaning and straightening. Nothing big or exciting here!
My meals this past week:
I still had an appetite - so ate well
French bread pizza - homemade
Leftover day - just whatever needed used - (a real mishmash)
Tuna patty sandwich and salad
Veggie/pork stir fry over tri-colored pasta
Small beef filet, onion rings and tiny salad
Meatballs/broccoli/gravy over rice
All made from ingredients here at home.
SNACKS - fruit, cut up veggies, bits of leftovers
There you have it -nothing exciting at all. I sure hope to get more done this coming week. How has your week been? Did you get anything on a deal this week? Spring cleaning yet?
Thank you all for the great conversations this week. We had new people post as well - I like that. It is always fun to see new folks.
I hope you all have a safe and healthy week. Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.
And I tell you, Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Luke 11: 9-10
Lord, help us each to realize that our needs will be met in Your time. Keep us from getting worried and bothered about 'what ifs' and realize that we will be fine. Guide us to find what we need and help us each to understand a tolerable and caring heart and attitude. Please protect us all. Amen
Sorry to hear you have been under the weather. I am hoping both you, and the weather are on the improve now. I am definitely ready for some better weather. Take care, Louise
ReplyDeleteI feel back to normal and the weather has been improving too. I am ready for sure!
DeleteHave a great week.
One day at a time, we'll get through winter & life. Lots of blowing snow the past few days. -26C this morning. The snow angel cleaned the driveway & yard yesterday & I got the footpaths & deck cleaned on Fri while the neighbor little was here. Never a dull moment with a 3.5 yr old! She & her family joined me for supper last Sunday. More work on mom's estate business & the accountant gave clear guidance. Being an executor is a huge responsibility. Walked 6 miles before the blowing snow set in. Got news that a cousin has suffered a mild stroke. It took a few trips to ER before he was investigated & transferred to a bigger center where a stent was put in a carotid artery. He's home now with little obvious deficit from the stroke. It's a reminder of how life can turn on a dime. I can stay home for 5-6 days in a row but I do enjoy the phone visits with friends that the snow day allowed. In the kitchen: steak & roasted root veg; bruschetta; wieners & beans; pan-fried veg & eggs; quinoa/black bean soup, peanut butter cookies. Cheryl, I hope you continue to get better.
ReplyDeleteYuck on still getting snow! Glad the snow angel came by!!
DeleteYes being an executor is a big responsibility. Did that with mom's estate.
Glad your cousin is re-cooping well. Yes mam, life can change in an instant. I don't mind being home at all - it is nice to get a phone call or two in there. I have always been a home body.
Your meals sound yummy. I am doing great now.
Have a lovely week.
Sorry a bug caught up with you. I hope you're feeling better soon. One got TBG Friday too. He's tired and has a cough but no fever. His appetite is good too. lol For 'not doing much' you sure accomplished quite a bit. I hope this next week is a better week for you.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I feel pretty much 100% now. I just had fever and chills - nothing hurt or wasn't sick. Weird. Hope TBG is back to normal too!
DeleteHave a super week.
We didn't see the groundhog's shadow here but I am sure winter is far from over for us. We did have some temp breaking days-from lows a couple of weeks ago to highs this past week. So strange.
ReplyDeleteGlad you are feeling better and that whatever it was didn't drag on too long. It seems winter health issues last longer than at other times of the year.
Happy 1st week of February~xo Diana
Yeah, it is all about where you live - I am sure that old bugger did or didn't see his shadow differently every where! It will be what it is.
DeleteThanks - much better. First time feeling bad in really years!
Have a good month and a good week.
Big difference between needs and wants. Good devotional!
ReplyDeleteSorry you felt puny. Echinacea is good stuff. We take the one with goldenseal. Sometimes all we need is a day to veg under the blankets. Glad you feel better.
Miss Mona is right: life can turn on a dime. The recent plane/helicopter crash is a prime example. I was reading Nana Diana's blog post this morning about a little twelve year old girl with oral cancer. We don't know what the Father has in store for us, but we know that He is with us.
YouTube is a treasure trove of information. There are some cooking shows I like as well as lifestyle.
Gloomy today but that's okay. At least nothing is falling from the sky! March can be tricky so it will be interesting to see how the weather plays out.
Yes mam, I love echinacea. I even use it for the cats!
DeleteI saw that at Diana's blog too. Sweet precious child. We all like to think our story is our - but it really is out of our hands at times!
I really like You Tube.
Yeah, kind of gloomy, but not freezing or snowing! WIN! Gosh, we have had snow in May - so we never know.
Have a special week.
I'm sorry you got the bug. Glad to hear that you are doing much better now. We have been getting lots of winter rainy weather but this coming week it's supposed to snow!! We can only hope, it just doesn't snow here like it does back your way so it's still a treat.
ReplyDeleteWe have been staying in. I've been working on my afghan I'm about half way it's going to be a queen size.
What YouTube videos were you watching about the Food Pantry hauls?
I have been wondering if you had snow yet. I know you guys both like it so much. I loathe it anymore - but you don't get it like we do - so treat it is!
DeleteI bet the afghan will be beautiful - you do such pretty work. Queen size is huge!
I was just watching what ever looked interesting. I typed in food pantries in heading and several popped up. I didn't really look at the names, sorry. There are just so many places that give such great stuff.
Have a wonderful week and enjoy that snow!!!!
Heartfelt thanks to Cheryl and everyone who responded to Cheryl's Tuesday post about Roger's passing. Your well wishes and prayers mean a lot to me. While his death was not unexpected, he had hung on for so long that the quick ending was a shock to me and his hospice team. He is now at peace and whole in body and mind.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, his daughters are contesting the will, the direct beneficiary designations, and are alleging abuse of the POA, so I have been immersed in paperwork for my attorney since the funeral last Tuesday. I had heard of this happening in some families. It is cruel and totally unnecessary. I am trying very hard to forgive them.
You have been on my mind so much, since hearing this sad news.
DeleteI am so sorry that you are having to go through all this with the will. A person writes a will because they have wishes, to not follow said wishes, is just wrong in my opinion. Shame on them. I wondered if they even came to the funeral.
Take care of yourself. You need to. Keep to your guns and be strong.
Try to have a good week dear.
They came to the funeral and behaved badly, talking all the way through mass. I was accosted by the younger daughter at the burial, just after the casket had been lowered into the ground. She was upset because a gun salute was not available for the military honors and because the flag was presented to me, the widow.
DeleteI just want this nightmare to be over with.
Oh my gosh - what a brat she is being. Hang in there, and stay strong. HUGS
DeleteNo one should have to go through that Frances. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this. Hugs to you.
DeleteSorry you were under the weather.
ReplyDeleteI've been sick too. Got it from my grandson I watch during the week. I don't have much success with natural remedies or vitamins in preventing or fighting off illnesses. I haven't tried echinacea in 30 years. I seem to remember I didn't like it but I don't know why. I think I'll try it again.
Thanks. I am better. Sorry you have been ill. I haven't been around kiddos, so not sure where this little thing came from. I am NOT a doctor person at all. I have used herbals and naturals most of my adult life. I rarely (in years) get a bug.
DeleteI hope you get to feeling better.
Have a good week.
Sorry for your sickness, it seems to be going around as 2 branches of my family are fighting it also.
ReplyDeleteFrances I am so sorry you are going thru this, you are right it does happen in other families, it happened to me. Just know that you are doing the right thing, and that you always did the right thing for your husband.
Cool and dreary here but the dirty snow is gone. I can't say I accomplished much besides the daily chores this week. Haven't been anywhere and haven't had any extra motivation. Lack of sunshine does that to me. Hurry Spring!
Yes, it seems like a lot of stuff is going around. I hardly leave, so not sure where i got something.
DeleteI agree with what you told Frances. It is so sad - she has done nothing but what was best for Roger.
Lack of sunshine gets me too. I totally understand. Sometimes, just doing daily chores is enough!
Have a lovely week.
Thank you, JC.
DeleteSix weeks until Spring definitely sounds better than six more weeks of winter. LOL
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you were not feeling well this week, but how great that the echinacea helped you heal. I too, love nature's remedies. We healed Bailey's cystic acne back when she was a teenager with the spice turmeric. It worked so well!
I went to Kroger too and saw the eggs, but didn't get any as I still have some. They were out of the $1.99 onions though and I really did want those.
Your meals sound delicious. I hope this is a great week for you. :)
I think it sounds better. LOL
DeleteI have been a natural remedy person for years. I rarely get a bug, so I tend to doctor it myself. Neat to know that the turmeric works so well.
I would have gotten eggs to freeze had my store had them - but I guess that wasn't the plan. Sorry about the onions. I did get those.
Have a beautiful week.
Frances, so sorry to read of your husband's passing.
ReplyDeleteAnd how horrible you have to go through even more now. When my father died my brother sued me to get his hands on money my dad wanted me to have. I let him have it. He spent it within a year. I suppose I would've fought if if I'd needed the money. We talk now & occassionally see each other. But I learned then to expect the worst when someone dies even from people you'd never think would be that way!
Prayers as you navigate this.
Thank you, Margaret. I am hoping they're too cheap to hire their own lawyer and sue, but I imagine I will just have to settle some money on them to get them to go away and leave me alone.
DeleteFamily stuff is really frightening. People get so wound up and angry and possessive. I watched it in my own family. Made me very sad. I let it go, not worth fighting over. I hope hope hope my kids will behave better when their turn comes.
ReplyDeleteMay you remain well, Cheryl. I was under the weather this week also, and think it ws brought on by the terrible windstorms we had earlier in the week. I ended up coughing and coughing, my throat felt all scratchy. Lots of dust got kicked up - probably left over from that hurricane last fall. Finally a bit of rain tamped everything back down and I'm fine now. :)
It can be sad and frightening when those family things happen. I watched my brother's kids do the same - never would have thought they would.
DeleteI am good, you take care. Who knows what has been kicked up in all the wind from the debris still around. Could be mold, spores, anything. Get checked if you get to feeling it again.
Have a blessed week.
Temperatures are dropping once again and they are predicting snow. This might cause us to wait another week or so before we head to Regina to visit our youngest son and do a shop for new dining room chairs and of course hobby stuff for me.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
Oh man, sorry your temps are dropping and you may get snow. Yuck!
DeleteIt might be smart to wait - you sure want to be safe.
Have a lovely week.
I can spend/waste hours on YouTube. I have followed Frugal Queen in France for years; and I am learning a lot from her.
ReplyDeleteI live in a place in the southern hemisphere where we usually have mild summers which are lovely and cold winters - which aren't! However not this summer, we are having relentless heat and days in the high 30's, which is around 100 degrees F.
You Tube sure can be educational. Goodness, you can find anything on there. It is sort of a rabbit hole at times! Time sure can fly by.
DeleteI don't like that much heat. How nice to have decent weather most of the year - I could handle that for sure. You have to tell us about your area sometime.
Have a cooler and nice week.
Sorry, you weren't feeling well. I'm glad your natural medicines took care of the fever sores.
ReplyDeleteIt's really warmed up here today, we were over 80F. I sat out front in the morning for a bit, but I spent much of the afternoon in the outdoor living area. ( After I swept and mopped it to get rid of the majority of the sand). I even had my dinner outside after Happy Hour. It was lovely!
Oh you lucky dog you! 80sounds heavenly. I guess we will get in the 60's today, and that will be warm for here. I love that you are getting such a break from winter weather on your vacation. Smart move.
DeleteHave a great week.
I'm glad your feeling better this week. Sometimes you just need rest.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your weather is turning more Spring like and you can open windows. It was 19 this morning so we are not there yet and we are expecting more winter weather this week. I'm sure the kids have used about 4 or 5 snow days...they will need a couple more.
I have been straightening and Spring cleaning too. It's good to get ahead while there is nothing else going on. Have a good week.
I saw that your area was going to get more bad stuff. Yuck! I hate that. It is amazing how different it can be, not all that far away. A days drive can sure make a big difference.
DeleteStay in and stay safe and warm. Have a great week.
I can’t believe you packed up all your snow gear! Ours is out until about March.
ReplyDeleteI just put it in the closet. I well imagine I will need it again, I was just sick of looking at it!
DeleteHave a good week.
You do know that now you've put your winter stuff away, there's going to be more winter weather... That's how it always goes!
ReplyDeleteIt is good you are feeling better. I do not know a single person who didn't end up with some sort of malady this winter. I hope Spring really is on the way for you!
I didn't catch any malady. I haven't had flu or colds (other than COVID) for 10 years, no flu shot either. I take three cloves chopped garlic daily drink fast with juice, tastes awful. You let it sit for 10 minutes to release the allicin which is the antiviral component.
DeleteI hope you are feeling better Cheryl! Some weeks are just basics mode. It is kind of like that here currently due to heat. In some ways this is an enforced rest. I have been doing outdoor work in short bursts! xxx
ReplyDeleteI agree, some weeks the body just lets us know it needs rest. I am OK with that. I do try to listen to my body. I look forward to 60 today, and some of you are talking excess heat. It is amazing how different it is in other places.
DeleteHave a beautiful week.
Echinacea is one of the best. I caught COVID at the end of 2019 before it was identified after a long haul flight between Dubai and Seattle, thought it was flu on steroids and echinacea was a life saver. The other miracle combo is vitamin c and lysine talent together, with zinc are silver bullets for virus.
ReplyDeleteI have all of those in my arsenal! They are all good. Zinc and C are super for getting over a cold or flu. I have even given my cats lysine in their food.
DeleteThat would have been a super long flight being confined with strangers. Glad the natural items helped you.
Have a wonderful week.
If it helps any, in Woodstock, IL (where Groundhog Day was filmed), Woodstock Willie did NOT see his shadow, so we should get an early Spring. I'm all for that!
ReplyDeleteI've been absent from posting for a couple of weeks, so wanted to check in. First, I was away on vacation for a week, visiting family. While I was away, my mother took a spill and broke both hip and shoulder on her dominant side. So, when I was able to get back home, I spent one day getting things taken care of on the homefront (had siblings with her), and then spent 2 days in my childhood hometown area getting her settled in to a nursing facility where she can eventually receive some extensive rehab. And then the stomach/intestinal flu hit and I've been down ever since -- 2 days, nothing would sit, yesterday started to stay but not entirely, I'm hopeful solids stick today. So, whatever bugs are out there, they're prominent right now. Wash hands, cover mouths, and eat as healthily as you can.
Well thanks for the update on Willie!
DeleteThe vacation sound nice, and the rest sounds like a real bummer. So sorry you mother fell and had that happen. It sure is bad as they get older. My sis got hurt again, and is rehab once again. I sure hope your mom heals quickly. Bless her heart.
I hope you get to feeling better too. Dang that is a lot on your plate.
Take care and have a good week.
So sorry you were sick. My daughters family has had the crud all week, it has slowly gone through her house. looke like it has somewhat of a 3 day incubation period. so frustrating. I couldn't go help either. just dropped stuff off at her front door for her.
ReplyDeleteI was in NC last week visiting my sisters! We had fun. I looked at a couple of areas I was thinking I might want to move to but nothing jumped out at me. I am hoping it isn't because everything is so brown from winter, but I don't think so. My sister has a Freeze drier so we (I) cooked some meals and she FD'd them. She is packing me a box full because...you never know and we taste tested them and they are GOOD. just add a little hot water! They last about 20 or 25 years too. Way longer than I will be here, lol.
Have a great week everyone!
I am fine now. Thanks. Sorry your family is sick. It sure has been going around. Glad I just had chills and temperature.
DeleteGlad you got to visit with sisters - that had to be nice.
Cool on the freeze drier. I have heard lot of people say how neat they are. That will be nice to have on hand "just in case".
Have a lovely week.