Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Creating and Fun - Use it up Ideas

 Good morning to all!  It is a chilly Tuesday morning here and a little gray.  The clouds are starting to part as I sit here, and I see blue and brightness!  Yesterday was just bliss!!  Oh goodness, we had a taste of spring.  The weather said 68*F - my house was 70*.  It was a little breezy, but glorious!  Got to air the house a bit.  
It looks like the weather will be a bit of a yo-yo for the next week or so.  Up one day, back down the next.  Rain coming later in the week.  I will take those lovely days gladly, but also know it is still winter!
The birds were sure something to hear yesterday.  I heard so many different ones - they were enjoying the weather too!
I actually walked the yard and saw the tips of lilies and hyacinths peeking out of the ground.  Daffodils too!  SOON
Last week we talked a bit about using our leftovers and getting creative.  It seems people have forgotten what it was like a mere 3-4 years ago.  Items were not on shelves, and we had to get creative and use things up and use things in new ways.  The egg 'thing' is getting people's panties all in a bunch now!  LOL.  
There are vegans out there that never use eggs/dairy in their baking or cooking - so it isn't something new.  Just look up some vegan recipes.
We also had ancestors - moms and grandmas - that truly knew what not having things was like.  IF they could buy things, they were limited to what they could get.  BUT that being said - I believe they were some of the most talented folks in generations!!  They could make a meal, a wonderful dessert, or any creation with a little of nothing.  I know my mom could.  Nothing went to waste, and they grew lots and lots of things.
Those ladies were awesome and so very resourceful.

Here is a basic 'recipe' for a casserole.  I got this years ago from reading the Tightwad Gazette.  It is very basic, and it covers just about any casserole you can think of!

1 C main ingredient
1 C second ingredient
1-2 C starchy ingredient
1 1/2 C binder
1/4 C goodie
Seasoning and Toppings
Main ingredient ideas:  Cubed chicken, turkey, ham, seafood, beef - any kind of meat
Second ingredient ideas - mushrooms, celery, peas, hard cooked eggs, leftover veggies, etc.
Starchy Ingredient ideas - potatoes, pasta, noodles, rice
Binder - cream sauce, tomato sauce, cream soup, sour cream, etc.
Goodie idea - pimento, water chestnuts, olives, nuts, etc.
Topping - can be cheese, crushed chips, breadcrumbs, etc.
If the casserole seems dry - add 1/4 C milk or broth
Place in a buttered casserole pan and bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes.

This is a fantastic way to use those leftovers and things just sitting in the frig or bits and bobs from the freezer.  Mix things up, use whatever you have and enjoy.  This is just a BASIC guide.
I kind of use the same BASIC for skillet recipes as well.  Top with cheese, and turn off burner- cover - and let cheese melt.
Skillet recipes are a mainstay at my house!!!  I just love one pot meals.

I had a friend post this recipe last week - and trust me this WILL be made at my house very SOON!  I love olives and tend to just go in a get 2 or 3 or more every now and then, to just eat alone.  I will probably half the recipe for myself.
It would be fantastic on snack crackers or even on bread and grilled!  Spread on top of a ham sandwich.  It would be a good add-in for a snack tray of meats and cheese and crackers.  That makes a meal for me many times.
I always have the ingredients on hand for this.  Super simple and yummy.  Full of protein as well.

I was out running many errands yesterday and happened to be in a different area than I normally shop.  There was a super Kroger right across the street from where I was.  I ran in to see if they had the 18 count eggs for 3.99.  They had tons of them!  I currently have plenty of eggs, but I got 2 boxes.  I will freeze many for the future, just in case!
Now people say - well, that is great for frying or baking, but not for things like potato salad or even egg salad.  
Again, get CREATIVE.  You can use scrambled eggs in either of those dishes.  Same thing!  You could also fry them solid and chop to use.  Want a hard boiled egg? - bake the frozen - then thawed ones in muffin tins until yolk is done.  'Poach' a little longer - until the yolk is solid instead of runny!  All it takes is a little different way of thinking!  If there is a will there is a way!!!  Momma always told me that and I find it to be so true.

Momma words stuck way before Amy D. (Tightwad Gaz.) words came into my life!  Amy had great advice too.  Having a large family, little money and desire to live a nice life can sure lead to being creative with what you have.  Funds and things!

As is stated above - be grateful for what you have.  The most ordinary things can be wonderful.

Have a fantastic day and be grateful!!


  1. I was an early convert to the Tightwad Gazette and I still have all of original issues in a binder in addition to the book. I am passing on my book to my niece who is just as frugal as me, but has never heard of the Tightwad Gazette. Yes, some of the ideas are out of date, but the basic knowledge of how to live fugally is timeless.

    1. Same here - I have many of the newsletters. I have all 3 books, plus to Complete book - which has some different info. Sure, many ideas are out of date - but the premise is still the same. They were my frugal 'bible' of sorts. I still read through them once a year!

  2. I loved Tightwad Gazette! My dad still keeps us in supply of eggs, and I am thankful. A lot of those people complaining about the cost of eggs still think nothing of buying a Starbucks coffee, though. 😆

    1. THANK YOU. I was thinking that the other day. People complain about eggs, and buy a 12 pack of soda for even more $$ - nothing but chemicals. It is crazy.
      Neat that you get fresh eggs.
      I still very much enjoy the Gazette.

  3. Love the casserole formula! A soup formula would be similar. Remake a dish into a new dish!

    It sure was nice yesterday! I even hung some clothes on the line.
    We had the back patio door open for much of the day. It is sunny today and I'll take that in the winter. Trouble is, it shows up all the dog hair and spiderwebs...ha!

    Enjoy this beautiful day! I'm sure the kitties have their favorite sunny spot to nap.

    1. It is a good basic guide - yes soup or casserole.
      It sure was something. Yes, these babies have their spots and Bitsy just love the doors - He can see everything! He just climbed up on the couch and got himself all covered with furniture throw - head sticking out! They are a hoot.
      Yes, the dust does show up - as do the windows in need of cleaning!

  4. I'm a big believer in using what there is. Soup is a great way of using up leftovers. This week's soup was quinoa/black bean - mirepoix, ham stock & homemade pasta sauce from the freezer, preserved tomatoes, quinoa & black beans. Delicious. Being the first Tuesday of the month, it's 10% off day at the local grocery store. That's when I do the major shop. I just purchased a 30ct flat of eggs for $10.18 which is pretty good for egg prices here. Everyone goes on about the increase in food costs yet my monthly grocery costs in 2021-2023 were $390-$411. I haven't done the 2024 numbers yet. I eat well. Yes, I live alone but I'm convinced I could maintain a stable food budget with more in the household. BTW, a "balmy" -30C this morning.

    1. The soup sounds good. Those leftovers make the best soups!
      Not a bad price on eggs. I hear ya. People are all talking about increase of prices - but the way I shop, I don't see it much. I just take advantage of clearance and markdowns when I can. I eat well too (very well).
      Love that you get a discount.
      Brrrrrrrrr! Stay warm.

  5. Thanks for the reminder about the olive spread. A favorite restaurant in my hometown area (now closed) used to serve a grilled olive nut sandwich on whole wheat. My absolute favorite sandwich of all time! Now, I've got to make this spread and have one. (recipe for Olive Nut Sandwich spread at https://www.food.com/recipe/heloises-olive-nut-spread-109036)

    1. Sure. I am such a fan of olives - it just looked so good. It can't be bad, in my opinion. Thanks for the link.
      I am anxious to give it a try.

  6. The heat is on here, so I'm turning to cooler recipes for this week. I will remember the casserole recipe though as I have some items to use up. If I bake it in the morning, I can reheat it in the evening for my dinner. This morning, I've baked brownies for our potluck this evening (just a mix as I certainly hadn't all the needed ingredients in my mini pantry).

    1. So envious of daily warmth you are enjoying! I love that you are doing so many things and meeting new people. That is great. Enjoy your potluck!

  7. Great post! My mother used to make olive spread and it was such a delicious treat! Lynn, Pecos, NM

    1. Good to hear - I couldn't imagine it being bad! I look forward to making it.

  8. So glad you found the eggs at Kroger . Our kroger would only let you do pic up for that price. Could not buy in store. On a happier note I posted awhile ago that I had cancer after having covid. I am happy to report I am now in remission. Although my doctor wants me to go for a consultation for a stem cell transplant. I do not want to do this it is 3 hours from home a month in hospital, Not sure if insurance will cover or what side affects may happen. She is adamant that I go for consult only. Plus transportation is a problem. She even said I do not need to do procedure so why insist on consult because my mind is made up. So stressed over this. Joyce Brillhart

    1. Wow, you couldn't get in store? The add, sure didn't say that.
      Oh Joyce, I have prayed so much for you - so glad to hear the word remission!!!!
      I would kind of have to agree with you on this, just reading what you wrote. If they say "do not need the procedure" - then what is the purpose in going through all that? I would not, but that is me.
      Bless your heart - you have been through a lot. This just makes my day. I really do include in healing prayer every night. Thank you for letting us know this news. Live as healthy as possible and do all the good things and quite worrying and stressing. The stress isn't good for you.
      You got this.

    2. Thank you .There have been so many people praying for me and I am so thankful. Joyce

    3. No means No. Stand strong. You've already made your decision. If they want, they could send you papers about it, gee whiz.

      Remission is a blessing. Such a beautiful word. :)


    4. Thank you, Even a phone consult would be helpful. Yes I thought I didn't hear correctly when she said it. I feel very blessed right now. Joyce B

  9. I grew up with olive sandwiches. Mom just mixed the olives & cream cheese and nothing else. I don't think I ever made it for my kids. Lol.

    1. Really? I never heard of this until the other day - and I was so excited. Amazing that so many have had this for so long. Where have I been???

    2. Cheryl, I didn't know it was actually a recipe. I thought it some kind of weird thing my mom came up with! Lol. In fact, I never mentioned it to anyone because I thought they'd think it was weird. Mom's favorite magazine was Good Housekeeping. I wonder if she saw it there.

    3. Could have seen it there. I know my mom sure got a lot of unusual recipes there, back in the day! It sure sounds good to me.

  10. LOL, I follow that recipe for casseroles all the time. Works with any leftovers what so ever. Or any canned meat as well.
    Never saw that olive/cheese recipe before but it looks interesting.

    God bless.

    1. The recipe just makes sense. It is so easy to put a good meal together, with just minimal ingredients.
      I am sure going to try the olive spread. Looks tasty to me!

  11. I have a recipe for a chocolate "Daffy Cake" that doesn't use eggs and I love it! I need to look up more recipes like that. I prefer not using eggs if I don't have to.

    1. There are so many recipes we can use. I mean Vegans have been doing this for ages, so we can do it too! I bet the cake is good, as well as thrifty!

  12. None of my dessert bakes are made with eggs because I write my own formulas that don't need eggs or cow stuff. Which is lovely. I do splurge on a chocolate that I like to use in bakes. I'm okay with that.
