Wednesday, February 5, 2025

It is YOUR Money - Make it Stretch!

 Good morning all.  Here we are in the middle of yet another week.  It is a chilly morning here and gloomy looking right at the moment.  We are to stay cool and breezy today, with rain coming in tonight.  
It was strange outside this morning.  Usually, I hear all the birds singing, and roosters crowing from all directions.  It was eerily quiet out there this morning.  So much so, that I took notice.
I see the neighbors chickens out, and birds are starting to show up - but just quiet.  Hmmm - maybe Big Bird (hawk) is nearby.

Whether you work or are retired - your money needs to stretch in many ways, so you get the most from it.  We all know that prices on some things have increased, so makes decisions wisely. 
This is a good time to think about wants vs. needs - there REALLY IS a difference.
Before you complain - stop and think.  Are you being a good steward of your money and your things???

We have been talking about how to stretch things lately, and we have had a good conversation and good ideas.  The above meme makes just 110% sense to me - but not everyone looks at it this way.
You work hard for your money - you go buy food - then just waste it or throw it away!!  Then people have the audacity to complain!!!!  How does that make sense?
If you pay for something - make the most of it.

Yesterday, when I mentioned getting eggs, Penny made a wise comment.  People think nothing of going out to buy one of those super expensive fancy coffees - yet complain eggs are too expensive!!  Yep.
I was thinking about that at the grocery store the other day.  People were buying 12 packs of soda that ranged anywhere from 5.99 - 9.99 today!  Once in a while the go on sale for 4.99 - used to be able to buy 24 packs for that or cheaper.  Now think about it.  5.99 = .50 per can.  9.99 = .83 can.  That is a can of chemicals that you are going to just pee out!  At least an egg if priced at .50, puts protein and nourishment in your body!
My neighbor who smokes, told me the other day he pays 8.99 a pack now!  Yet, he regularly has utilities turned off for non-payment.

I digress.  I can easily get on a rant about waste of money and things.
Today ways to use a couple types of leftovers!  There is no one certain way.  You know I am a big soup maker and casserole maker with leftovers - but there are so many other things one can do!!

Chili dogs - over baked potatoes - on nachos, in burritos - topped with cornbread and baked (a yummy casserole) - loaded fries, over rice - stuffed squash or peppers........
Baked chili stuffed zucchini topped with cheese and a salad.  A healthy and yummy meal.  No waste.

Add to mac n cheese - nachos - throw in spaghetti, chili or soup - add to pizza - make a sandwich/top w/cheese and grill - enchiladas - on baked potato - make a wrap/burrito - add to mixture for stuffed peppers or squash...........

Using leftovers to make what some call meat pie others call pot pie, is super easy.  Any veggies you have left and/or any meat you have leftover.  Make a nice gravy and put in a baking dish and top with a crust and bake.
Now if you don't have or can't make a pie crust, there are many options to use!
You can use biscuits, mashed potatoes (like a Shepherd's pie), corn bread mix, shredded potatoes (like hash browns), stuffing, bread crumb/cheese mixture, non-sweet crushed cereal/butter, seasoned crackers/butter.......................

See there are so many options.  Most times we get stuck in a rut and just do the same old thing.  Get your creative juices flowing and use that food up!  Do NOT waste it.
What food item can you use in many other ways?  I really do love getting new ideas!

I feel this way with everything really.  THINK before you trash something.  Could it be re-purposed into something else?  Could it be used in place of something else?  Can you fix it?  Could someone you know use it?
We are quick to trash things in today's society.  SO many items are made so cheaply that fixing or repairing them seems futile.  It is easier and cheaper to get another one and trash the first.  Not me!  I am going to try my darndest to fix something, somehow, some way!  If I can't, and I can't use it differently, then and only then will it be trashed and probably NOT replaced unless absolutely necessary.

Truly stop and think.  Get creative - I think that is my phrase for the year!!  I sure have used it a lot so far in 2025.  
Reuse, reduce, recycle, and RETHINK your decisions!

Have a super day everyone.


  1. Agree! We should buy the most nourishing things with our money. Kind of funny about the neighbor and his cigarettes, having his power turned off. Sounds about right. Some people have no common sense! Good post!

    1. I agree too. Why spend money on things that offer no value to our lives at all? Yeah, and they have even asked to borrow money before! I said NO! No common sense at all.

  2. Be a good steward with what the Father has given you. You wouldn't take a gift that a beloved relative or friend had given you and say, "I don't want that" and throw it away. We also need to use the good sense that He has given us. Case in point, your neighbor with his cigarettes and power turned off.

    We had coneys yesterday with coney sauce from the freezer. It's nice to go to the freezer and find something that just needs to be thawed and warmed up. Chicken thighs are in the crockpot for today's lunch. Still have some salad from another day to go with it. I read a post on Instagram about foods that are allowed here in this country and not in other countries. Folks are eating a lot of bad food, bad for the body.

    Sun came out for a while but is definitely chilly. The washer and dryer are in the garage and it is cold out there! Stuck the sheets in the washer and skedaddled back to the house.

    1. I shake my head at a lot of the neighbors - but they are the worst with money. Oh, they gamble too!
      Good going, it is fun to find things and use them up. It is like FREE groceries in my book. Oh yes, a tremendous amount of what we can buy is not allowed in other countries or it is made with different and safe ingredients. We allow anything.
      Yep, pretty chilly and breezy out there today. Oh the warm was nice while it lasted!

  3. We need to think outside the box a little more often.

  4. I am always using up leftovers. We have many suppers which will never be repeated as those same ingredients will never be around again. I pull things out of the pantry and add them to make things stretch too. My hubby never complains. God bless him.

    1. Oh a lady after my heart!!! My dear Hubby was the same - that man would eat about anything and enjoy it. He used to joke that I only made leftovers. I think it is a great compliment!

  5. It's fun to be creative in the kitchen and who doesn't like stretching their food dollars as much as possible? I had to buy eggs from the store twice over the winter because the farm chicks weren't producing. I did find a local farm that sells them in Kroger for 5.99.(they were great too) Yes, that is much higher than what we've paid in the past but like you said you can't get another protein for .50 each. I am glad the chickens are back at work though. Have a great day.

  6. I love chili dogs! That just mad me crave one! Haha! A trip to Walmart this weekend was an eye-opener for hubby, who rarely does the grocery shopping. He couldn't believe the prices. I am definitely on the lookout for ways we can stretch and repurpose things,
