Thursday, January 30, 2025

Use It - No Waste - Upcycling

 Good morning on this Thursday.  What a beautiful sunrise this morning.  There was a 360* glorious painting in the sky.  Color everywhere you looked. Just lovely.  It is cooler this morning but maybe getting to 50* today.  I'll take it!

Let's talk about upcycling a little more today.  Not just food - but pretty much everything we have, and use can be used for something else!  We often spend money, when we have a perfectly good item already in our homes or garages.
Some things are simple, others are just creative.
Here are a few ideas for trash to treasure.
Cut the tops off those salt boxes and use them for a pour device for a mason jar.  Measure around the opening and then cut.  I have a few of these - they sure are handy.  Also you can use those lids from peanut butter and mayo jars - they fit canning jars.  Even the lids from the powdered parmesan cheese - they make great shake lids.

We often talk about old clothes - those not worthy of donating.  Keep the buttons and the zippers, then cut into rags, or make quilts with the good parts.  Large items can be cut down into material - to make 'new' smaller clothes or items.   Old t-shirts can be cut into long strips of material - many people use to crochet rugs, and it also makes great tie-ups for garden plants!  Nice and strong.
***IF you or your family has older prom dresses - here is a tip.  Before you donate to a thrift store or maybe before you sell it - think about girls who can't afford one.  Check with area high schools, to see if they accept donations to help young girls out!!!
Feed bags can be cut and made into reusable grocery/book bags.  Many are very pretty.  These are easy to make.  They can also be used as trash bags, as can the big packages from TP.  OR cut up and use as a weed deterrent in the garden.  If using in the garden - poke holes so water can get through.

Squeeze containers from the likes of ketchup or mustard - use for pancake mix.  Makes it easy to squirt in pan and get just the right size.  Use for icing to decorate cakes or cookies.  Even fun for the kiddos to play with - think squirt guns!  FREE

Stale bread - don't throw it out.  It makes toast, French toast, croutons, breadcrumbs, bread pudding

Peels from fruits and veggies!!!
Fruit peels - save.  They make great jelly.  Apples peels, peach peels - super great for cooking down to make a flavorful jelly.  I often freeze until I have enough.  When done with the jelly - compost the skins.  Corn cobs make good jelly as well!!
Tomato skins (when canning) make a great addition to soups.  Dry (dehydrate) until crispy and then grind up until it is a powder.  Use to flavor all kinds of items.
Truthfully there isn't much you can't dehydrate and turn into a powder.  Fruit, veggies - it all makes a great powder to add to baking, soups, casseroles, malts - smoothies, you name it!

Yard art.  You can use old pop bottles for a fun bird feeder or house.  A little paint and how pretty.  I use all kinds of things in my gardens.  I have old ice cream parlor chairs that have no seat - they are brightly painted, and then I put a large pot in the seat opening making a lovely look for potted plants.  I have old washstand that are used for flowers and garden.  Old terra cotta pots (broken) can be broken up and used as drainage in other pots.  You can also use old pop cans or plastic bottles in the bottom of big pots for drainage and to take up some space.

Stale soda pop - use it in Jello instead of water.
Those TP rolls (or paper towel) and cardboard egg cartons can be used to start seeds for flowers and garden.  You can plant them directly in the garden as they will break down and you don't disturb roots.  I sometimes keep those plastic clam shell containers you get produce in to use as mini greenhouses!  
They can also be used to gift homemade treats in!

Lots of body wash you may never use!  I get a lot of gifts of scented body wash, which I rarely use (allergies).  So I make it into hand soap but usually foaming hand wash.  I have a couple of those foaming hand soap containers and I refill them.  I use about a third of the bottle with body wash and then fill with water.  Works perfectly!!  I will never run out of foaming hand soap!

*Ice cream buckets - make great storage for bulk items.  
*Faded jeans - dye them!  I have done that many times.  I know the faded raggedy look is popular, but not for this gal.  Maybe if I was a kid again - but not now.  I mend and patch jeans as well - they make great garden wear!!!!
*Coffee grounds and used tea bags - great for garden plants

Jars - of all sorts.  I love glass jars and save most of the ones I may get.  I use them for storage of herbs, dehydrated items. and even gifts.  That is what I use to make my 'jar' recipes I gift - that way you don't lose canning jars!

OK, you get the point.  I could on and on.  We already have things in our home that can be upcycled and reused.  Why spend good money for something new and add even more crud to the landfills???
We all need to be good citizens of earth and recycle in one way or another.
You can help save the earth, save stuff and save MONEY!

What creative ideas do you have for using it up?  What fun things have you recreated into something new?  I want to learn more ideas!!!!

Have a lovely day.  Use what you have!!!


  1. The faded raggedy look isn't popular with me either, I think once you get over a certain age you just tend to look bag lady-ish when you wear old and holey clothes out in public. I do have one pair of jeans that are at this stage more patches than jeans that I love and can't bear to throw away. They are a pair of Lands End jeans that I saved and saved for about 30 years ago.
    My garden is also full of repurposed items, I'll grow a plant in most anything. Teapot, old saucepan, broken coffee cup, holey bucket. You can make anything look good if you arrange it nicely. the man I buy my hanging baskets from each spring has actually started selling flowers in buckets that pool chemicals come in. He paints them up, puts some drainage holes in and leaves the handle on for ease of carrying. And if you return them to him you get a discount for next season. Take care, Louise

    1. Yeah, I don't like the holey jeans look on young people either - but that is their thing. I have some very patched ones for the yard.
      Indeed, you can use anything to grow in. You sure can make things look pretty with a little effort. That is neat on the flower 'pots'.

  2. Precycle! Give more thought to what we buy. Is there another way? Buy a larger container instead of 2 smalls. It really is a smaller amount of material.

    I've never skinned a tomato in my life ;-) It all goes in. Except for citrus, I eat fruit peels.

    Compost pile is fed by apple cores, citrus/banana peels, eggshells, coffee grounds/filters (I buy unbleached).

    I rarely put fruit in plastic bags. Gonna wash it before eating anyway. On the rare occasion I do use a bag, I save it for next time so I reuse it.

    Cloth bags. I often wonder how many bags I've prevented by using these for 41+ years. If the average household uses 1500 per year, I've prevented 61,500 so far. 14 bags equals 1 mile driven according to current research. That's 4392 miles for me!!!!! For me that equals a full year off the road! (no, I don't drive much).

    I use the library. I bought 2 books last year for book club as I knew I couldn't finish these looong books in 3 weeks! The remaining 46 books read were not made from new trees.

    I am consistently watching my choices for options.

    I bought lots of veg for healthy eating guests. Well, didn't eat much. I gifted a neighbor 2# of tomatoes and 3 large english cucumbers to prevent compost. Guy is feeding 2 growing hoodlums ;-)

    I am itching to start garden seed. Last frost date is May 5 so the bug is too early!!!! dangit!

    Happy Thursday all.

    1. I do tend to skin the tomatoes when canning salsa and sauce - I just don't like them in there. My brother does use the whole tomato when making juice and blends it all up. I have never peeled peaches or that type of fruit when canning or freezing, but a lot of people do.
      Love using reusable bags. I have mesh ones I use for produce at the store. If I get the .99 veg/fruit they come in mesh bags and I reuse those for scrubbies to clean.
      Library is a good tip. Use the books that are here!!!
      You are really conscious of choices - I like that. You might be more rigid at it than many. I think it's great.
      Very nice to help the neighbor.
      Our last frost date is later than that - I usually plant around the end of May. It is work, but I am ready!!

  3. My husband went through his clothes recently and gave me 4 pairs of pants that were worn at the hems and waist. But there's enough usable fabric I'll be sewing 4 pairs of pants for my grandson!

    1. Yay! That is a win for sure. I love folks giving examples like that. Men's clothes have a lot of fabric in them - so much can be saved and reused.

  4. It is a beautiful, sunny day! I was standing on the back porch waiting for Riley to come in and it's positively balmy. Well, compared to what we had. Can't believe we are at the end of January. Month just zipped by.

    Jars, boxes and bags are all welcome in this house! I use the plastic bags that I put produce in to use as a liner for my bathroom wastebasket. Perfect size. The large plastic envelopes that Amazon uses to ship orders are used for trash when I give the dogs their medicine. We compost all scraps except for meat. I like foaming hand soap also. Had two bottles almost empty so I combined them and they still smell nice. Some gals use a less-than-wonderful hair conditioner as a shave cream. I combined three partial bottle of conditioner into one. A blogger from Georgia makes her own vinegar from apple cores. Another blogger took her husband's toothpaste tube which he thought was empty and was able to salvage enough for another week or so. Before we throw anything away, we ask "will it have any value for us, can we use it for something else?". I did a sewing repair job for Erin and used a very old 19 cent spool of thread. Pays to save old thread and I always feel the link to my mom when I use it. Old buttons come in handy, and besides they are pretty in a jar. Another blogger who lives in Oklahoma displays her buttons in pretty mason jars. The Farmer was treating cutting boards with oil and I cut off the sleeve from a pj top that was in the rag bag for him to use. Do ladies keep a rag bag these days? Old pantyhose make good ties for tomatoes. I haven't worn them in ages and don't intend to do so. These organizers that say to get rid of something if you haven't used it in a year, are giving poor advice IMHO. I saw an Instagram post with a fellow who made a cat condominium for his cats using boxes from Costco. Cats love empty boxes.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. I also re-use various plastic bags for things around the house. Very handy. I know some places have banned plastic bags, but I'm not sure what their alternative is.

    I've used hair conditioner for washing wool blankets at the laundromat and it's so much nicer than dry cleaning. Sure makes woolens soft and clean. Wash in cold water, then on low in the big dryer for about 5-10 minutes and then hang to dry at home. No, they have not shrunk that I can tell

    Years ago our grocery sold instant coffee in glass jars. I saved many and use them now for storage. Alas, wide-mouth canning lids do not fit, which is a pity.


    1. MaryB- I'm going to try the hair conditioner on my knee length wool sweater today. Thx!

    2. I know they have banned plastic grocery bags in some areas. I watch one gal on YouTube who always talks about "less plastic" and being a friend of nature - then she shows her grocery haul. Table is covered in produce bags, items in plastic bottles and containers. People need to think!
      That is a great idea for conditioner. I have never thought of that before. Great tip!! That is one I will try for sure.

    3. My thick Scandinavian jumper was accidentally put in with an ordinary wash (I usually hand wash it) and shrank quite alarmingly. I read that hand washing shrunken woolen items in hair conditioner and then allowing them to dry naturally, without rinsing the hair conditioner out, relaxes the fibres and returns them to normal. I gave it a go and the result was a lovely soft wearable jumper again.

    4. The only time I had a "FAIL" with woolens and conditioner was a pleated skirt. It was lovely clean and soft, but all the pleats were soft, not creased and I about went nuts trying to iron them back in. That is a REAL job!

      Good luck, Margaret, with your sweater. I'll feel really bad if it doesn't work for you. Hope the colors don't run. My blankets are all one solid color so I never worry about that.


    5. Thanks Tracy - that is good to know! No more ruining things with them shrinking!
      Mary that would be quite a job!

  6. Everything you do I do as well. I also use the larger ice cream pails for cleaning buckets or for saving the first water from the shower to water my plants.

    God bless.

    1. I love ice cream pails - so many uses. Yes, cleaning, storing, gifting, saving water, even planting. They sure do get a workout around here.
      Like the idea of using them instead of a bucket!

  7. I love that idea about the mason jars! I wish I had been better about learning how to sew. Perhaps I could save zippers and buttons and give to someone who does. Some of these are such great ideas! I have a dehydrator, so I need to be saving more peelings to turn into powders.

    1. Mason jars have so many uses - more than just canning.
      Sure save the zippers and buttons for someone else. Or even the buttons for craft ideas - they make pretty flowers and such!
      You can dehydrate about anything and grind up. Great way to get fruit and veggies in people without them knowing it!!

  8. Great ideas and I really, really love the zipper idea. That's a great one for little bags and whatever. I'm all for upcycling. I have a few jammie tops that are too big and worn out that I have plans to sew into babuskas because when I'm in the kitchen, it's hair up!

    Garden art was fun to see too. The doggy bag one would drive our dog nuts. Funny stuff.

    PS: The lid will be in my hot little hands tonight. I'll let everyone know how I like it. I plan to play with the air fryer lid all weekend. So fun.

    1. Great idea for the older jammie tops! I love weird stuff in my flower gardens! I like it to be fun.
      I am anxious to hear all about it.

    2. Came back to tell you that the air fryer lid arrived damaged. Boooooo. On the bright side though, homemade yoghurt making is a blast. I made more last night and today, made dip. So easy. So fun. Have a groovy weekend.

    3. Bummer on the lid. I have never made yogurt at home - sounds neat.

  9. Love all of these ideas, Cheryl. With worn out jeans I cut all the usable fabric and make purses out of them. I usually hand embroider on them before the purses are sewn together and use them for gifts or myself for that matter. Another thing I make with worn out jeans is potholders and hot pads. Without decoration on them they're masculine enough to give to our bachelor friends who love to cook. I use dry milk when I'm baking bread and a brand I use comes in a container much like a coffee and it has a plastic lid. I save these and then put a coat of primer on the outside and paint a design on them or one could stencil on them and they get used for containers for baked goods on the holidays. The same with containers that hold oatmeal or raisins and the like. Of course they're washed out with using a damp cloth and dried before painting. All jars get saved to use for storage or, again, for gift containers like soup mixes, baking mixes, etc. They too will be decorated with something even if it's just a little ruffled topper made from fabric scraps with a ribbon. So many things we can do with what we have. Cookie

    1. I remember making purses from old jeans years ago and sold them. I like the pot holder and hot pad idea too.
      Great idea on the containers. Glass jars are wonderful! You have some really neat ideas - thank you.

  10. MY grandma always turned the old coats material inside out for making us new coats for the winter.
    I also use regular Shoe-goo, bought where they sell shoes and/or hardware stores, which will mend just about anything rubber such as rubber boots, or such and also have used it to mend so many things around the house that are plastic, etc. like my plastic places on my food processor, the thing that catches lint on the dryer that broke, my electric lemon juicer, my friend's bedroom slippers they were going to throw out (also still in use good after 2 years wearing them). Oh I just mend or fix almost everything with that stuff, If you do buy a new tube of it I always use vasoline lightly around the screw cap so it never sticks shut. works for Elmers glue tops too. My friend uses it also to mend her wearing tennis shoe heals. I have used this stuff for more then 50 years and would never be without it. Dru.

    1. Neat idea on the coats! Cool on the Shoe-goo. Sounds like good stuff. I repaired the lint catcher thing on my drier several years ago - and it is still going strong. I will have to look for that stuff. Why have I never heard of that before??
      Smart trick to keep the lid from sticking! Thank you!

  11. Nothing creative, but yesterday I was quite proud of myself. Went out for lunch with a friend (it was her turn to pay) and shopping later. Many sales on here now, and I looked at so many clothes I liked massively discounted. Nope - didn't spend anything, came home and "shopped my closet" to try different combinations.
    I always use cut up old clothes as rags, and they can be washed many times. A paper towel roll will last me years.

    1. Good for you!!!! That takes restraint and good thinking. You have now motivated me to go through my clothes again. I have many that don't get worn, so maybe they could or remade into something else. You should be very proud of yourself.

    2. I am still using my paper towel roll from 1990, so there's that.

  12. Fruit peels jelly sounds like a good idea, and the peels are where a lot of the nutrients, vitamins are concentrated. The corn cob jelly not so much, that goes right up there with potato peel and cabbage core jelly.

    1. Corn cob jelly (I have made) tastes kind of like honey. It is actually quite good. I have never heard of potato peel or cabbage core jelly.
      I do eat baked potatoes with peel - it contains a ton of nutrients. I am that weird gal - I love the center of cabbage raw and I love the center core of pineapple!! LOL

  13. So many great tips here, Cheryl. I love the parmesan cheese lids. I used them on mason jars as lids for some of my spices. And I save all my plastic squirt type lids, thanks to a tip from you a while back, because they do come in handy.

    1. Thanks. The parm cheese lids are great. I have so many squirt lids from dish soap, etc. - they sure are good for a lot of things. Thoroughly cleaned they work great on a water bottle - keeps out critters when outside.

  14. Hello… you have any idea what happened to Sam Squared blog….she has not posted for 2 weeks…..concerned…….thank you

    1. I have wondered too. She pulled or deleted her last post, I see. Maybe she is taking a bit of a break. She had a rant about things, which is understandable, given the situation. Maybe she got bad comments or something. I hope to see her post something soon. If anyone knows, let her know we are thinking of her.

    2. Thank you….
      yes, saw last post pulled also….
