Sunday, January 26, 2025

Weekly Wrap Up 1/26

 Hello and happy Sunday to all.  Here we are on the last Sunday of January.  Next week's wrap-up will be February.  It almost felt balmy outside this morning with the day beginning in the upper 20's!  This coming week looks to be in the 40's for highs all week!!  
That means all that dirty looking snow will be gone.  Of course, then it will just be brown and gray.  Guess beggars can't be choosers! LOL
There were a couple days this week that starlings must have been flying through the area.  There were hundreds and hundreds of those pesty birds!  They clustered any place there wasn't snow on the ground.  Not sure what they were finding to eat, but they kept moving from yard to yard.  They obviously hadn't been around liquid water for a while!!  They drank and bathed all day.  I kept having to go out and fill the waterers - with them being heated you can't have them empty.
This January has been our coldest constant temperature for a January in something like 11 years.  I am glad it is going to end warmer than it started!!

47 years ago, was the big blizzard of 1978 in our area.  Oh my goodness, I remember it well.  Drifts that more than covered vehicles, and army tanks driving down the highways!  What a mess that was.  Sure hope that was a once in a lifetime event for me!

Just piddling around the house this week.

  • Made a gallon of tea
  • Made tartar sauce for a meal this week
  • Made a batch of biscuits and made some into biscuits and part into pigs in a blanket
  • Did lots of laundry
  • Didn't leave the property this week - so NO groceries or other shopping!
  • Paid all things I had due, and did it over the phone
  • I did watch a couple more things I had recorded - trying to catch up some.
  • I cleaned out the sink base cabinet again!  Straightened, combined items, only threw away a couple things that had dried up, and relocated some things to basement
  • I conditioned and polished the kitchen cabinets - they look so pretty.  Cleaned and scrubbed all the porcelain handles
  • As someone stated this week, one thing leads to another!!  I worked on my small countertop area and moved things around and cleaned everything, replaced some things and combined.  Cleaned the stove really well
  • Conditioned and polished the wood 'jelly cabinet' style cabinet in the bathroom
  • Hall health and beauty closet got really cleaned out.  Unfortunately, I did have some items that needed trashed.  I found things I forgot about!  Now I can find things easily!
  • On a 'slightly' warmer sunny day, I went out and raked all around the squirrel feeders - to rake up peanut shells and hulls from sunflowers.  Made a pile to pick up this next week when warmer.  It actually felt good doing stuff outdoors!
  • Meals from home and what I have on hand.  Using all leftovers.
Meals this week:
Leftover veggie hash and scrambled eggs
Mac and cheese with BBQ lil' smokies (freezer) and salad
Broccoli cheese soup (freezer) and grilled ham & cheese sandwich
Beans & rice, non-breaded fish sandwich, slaw (home canned)
'Crab Rangoon' like eggrolls (3) and small salad
Cheese/crab bread & 1 eggroll and small salad
Steamed cabbage and smoked sausage pigs in a blanket

Cheesy/crab bread and eggrolls.  I used faux crab from freezer - cream cheese, chopped onion, Worcestershire sauce, and I added some very finely chopped broccoli.  They were very rich and filling.  I ended up freezing a couple as well.  The bread was same filling on a bun topped with cheddar cheese.  All done in air frier at 350*

That's about it for me.  Just taking care of things, I needed to get done inside.  So much always to do.  Just getting motivated is my problem!!  Once I start, I can get on a roll - getting started is the key phrase.
This coming week will probably be very similar!
How was your week?  What have you been up to?  Spring cleaning, de-cluttering, nesting, cooking?
Love hearing from you all.  We had some new posters this week - that is always fun.
Thank you all for being here.

Have a super week ahead.  Stay healthy and safe.  Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11

Dear Lord, we know You are in control.  Help us each to realize that all things are part of the plan of life, whether we understand or not.  Help us to be less critical and to be more loving.  Help us to enjoy our lives fully every day and stop complaining.  God protect us each one in this coming week.  AMEN


  1. Sounds like a good week, Cheryl. I love staying home and getting things done around the house. It’s something pleasant to be able to do that after working for years. I’ve been cleaning in my bedroom and decluttering. Your meals sound delicious, especially the cream cheese and crab one. Yum!

    1. I enjoy it too, once I get motivated! It feels good to look around and see the difference. No one else may see it, but I can.
      Bedroom on my list as well.
      Thanks - oh, let me tell you the 'eggrolls' were so yummy. Very rich, but so good. I enjoy that immensely.
      Have a lovely week.

  2. A relatively quiet week here as well. Only the mechanic appt on Tues & yet another funeral in our circle on Friday. I attend a lot of funerals; I've lived in this community all my life & these are my people. Walked 5 miles on 3 separate occasions. I find walking so meditative besides checking off sunshine, fresh air & exercise. The wind has been an issue again this week. I'm reveling in the extended day light hours with the sun up by 8:30 & not setting 'til >4:30. We will make it through another winter. I finished the book The Five Invitations: What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully by Frank Ostaseski. I just can't say enough about it. In the kitchen: artichoke/pasta casserole, nachos, BLT, monster cookies, beets/orange/feta cheese salad, lettuce salad w/ chicken. There's a crock pot of beans on the go. The neighbor little will come for supper tonight with her parents. Have a good week, Cheryl.

    1. It seems the older we get the more funerals there are, sadly. I am glad you are still getting out to walk. It feels good to be outside.
      I really do need to check that book out. I am really enjoying the longer daylight hours too. It makes my heart happy!
      Yummy foods. Have fun with your sweet neighbors.
      Have a wonderful week.

  3. I remember the 1987 blizzard. A book was written about it called “The White Death”. I live in southern Ontario and my university was closed for a few days. We have had a cold spell but are just a bit below freezing now so that reminds me spring is on its way!

    1. I don't remember the 1987 one - must have all been up north of here. Blizzards sure are something and I prefer not to experience them!
      We are starting to get warmer too. I know it will be cold and probably snow again - but I love having a warmer week and yes, spring is one the way!!!
      Have a super week.

    2. Oh I typed the year incorrectly, sorry, it was 1978. Hmmm maybe I am older than I think lol

  4. We've had some really rough weather this week as a big storm swept the UK and then yesterday was so nice and sunny it was like living in a completely different country. It gave me the urge to clean and a couple of neglected corners of the bathroom got a good going over. I have also been throwing out toiletries that had gone past their best. Very satisfying!

    1. Glad you warmed up after a bad stretch of weather. It sure does help to make one want to move about! Good going on the cleaning. It always feels good.
      Have a special week.

  5. I feel a little silly for asking (as in, someone "my age" should know) -- but what do you mean that you "conditionef" your cabinets? Do you mean that you used a furniture wax or oil?

    1. Not a silly question at all. Yes, I use a deep soaking oil to bring them back to life. They are all wood and of course get water spots and dry out over time. A couple times a year, I get out the cleansing/conditioning oil and work it in and then polish. They are over 35 years old and look brand new.
      So it conditions the real wood and polishes up really nice.
      Have a good week.

  6. Sounds like a nice week! It is so refreshing to go through our homes and get rid of unnecessary items that we don't need. We had the starlings visit us this week too. Binx found them fascinating. I hope you have another good week.

    1. It is refreshing. Comforting too - every little thing out is something I don't have to worry about!
      They must be traveling somewhere - they didn't stick around but a couple days.
      Thank, you have a great one.

  7. It is supposed to get a bit warmer this next week. It is a very welcome change.
    I have found things to keep me occupied but would much rather be outside. I have limbs down and things I would like to do but...I know I am pushing it LOL.
    Soups and things cooked on the woodstove, a loaf of sourdough raisin bread.
    I finally opened the curtains today, I wonder if next weeks temps are going to be considered our January thaw?

    1. Yay - warmer is always better. It sure is a welcome change.
      I went out again today, and did a little stick pick up. Never too soon in my opinion to do something to beautify the yard!
      The bread sounds yummy.
      Sunshine and warmer temps are just lovely. I sure hope it is considered a thaw!
      Have a lovely week.

  8. Excellent devotional! That is one of my favorite verses. When I get in a complaining mood, I think of what happened to the Israelites in the desert when they moan about so many things. Zap, you're out of here. Thought provoking!

    Boy, when motivation hits, many little jobs get finished. With the days getting longer, I find that my get-up-and-go has returned. The warmer temps add to that also. The Farmer removed the dividers in that old record cabinet and the space is better used. There is a deep drawer in the bottom of a cabinet and that got sorted this morning. My little OCD self loves that sort of thing. ha! Oh, the things that will be done now that the weather is better. I think a lot of ladies have an issue with gloomy weather. Let the sun (SON!) shine.

    We are having taco salad for lunch. Probably have enough meat left for tacos or nachos later. Erin makes the famous cornbread casserole and has added taco meat to it to kick it up a notch.

    Welp, I'm on a roll so I'm off to tackle another task! Enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you - I always need a reminder that God knows what is best for us and has a plan for it all.
      Yes, once motivated - it is go, go. Sunshine and warmer days, just put me in a better mood and yes, I get busier as well. The sun is such a mood lifter.
      Taco salad sounds good.
      Don't over do it. Have a blessed week.

  9. Thank you for the verse today. It is one of my very favorites, and that and the meditation are things I very much need to remember in the coming weeks.

    1. You are more than welcome. It is a favorite of mine. I hope your upcoming weeks are blessed in many ways.
      Have a good week.

  10. Sounds like a nice week, and very productive! I hope that snow disappears quickly and the green starts showing up.

    1. Yes, it was a productive, yet not too busy week. I am so ready for green and color! Other dirty white!
      Have a super week.

  11. That is an excellent prayer and certainly something I need to work on. It's very easy for me to slide into discouraged, depressed, and blue.

    We're looking at some days in the 50s this week! I surely will not be blue over that! :D


    1. Mary, I think we all do it from time to time. I keep reminding myself, God's will be done. It doesn't always match my ways - but He is in control. It is all for a reason in my eyes.
      Nope, the weather projection sounds downright pleasant to me.
      Have a lovely week.

  12. Your week sounded so nice. I need to get busy puttering around and straightening out some clutter. My kitchen really needs it after having two more occupants for the past year and a half.

    1. I think kitchens are in constant need of straightening. I tend to just stick things!!! Especially the pantry!
      Slow and steady.
      have a super week.

  13. You were productive! My week ended on a sad football note, because I am a huge Buffalo Bills fan :-( but we will carry on!

    The cold last week kept us indoors too. I did manage to get things done around the house, but it was too cold in the basement to do any work down there. My basement (especially the Christmas stuff) needs a major re-organization.

    But I was brave enough to go down there for a few loads of laundry -- and I had to get clothes out of the dryer as soon as it stopped so they wouldn't get freezing cold!

    Today will be warm but very windy. I am going outside anyway -- it's a rare sunny day!

    1. Last week was just so cold for many! Reorganize basement?? That is the sticking point in my world!!!! So much to do down there. When you get yours done, come on over!! I have to go down to do laundry too. It isn't too cold down there, I just really need to motivate and get rid of stuff.
      Sorry your team lost.
      Enjoy the warmer temps and sunshine. What a treat!
      Have a great week.

  14. So now you know what it means to give a mouse a cookie!

  15. I will need to go my cupboards soon. I use Murphy's Oil Soap to clean them and then rub in lemon oil to keep them from drying out too much. This time I want Harvey to take off the handles so that I can give them a really good washing.
    You had a lovely week.

    God bless.

    1. Cabinets can stay so nice with a little elbow grease. You have a good plan. The handles get so messy over time.
      Have a wonderful week.
