Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Can't Find, Don't Have - Get Creative

 Good morning to all.  Hope this finds you all well and safe on this last Wednesday of January.  
It was 38*F when I got up this morning!  Wow, that hasn't happened in ages!  It is breezy and will be again today, but warmer temps are a true pleasure.  We look to hit the low and mid 50's a few days this week and next.  Looks like February will start warm.  
The dirty snow is melting - but what is left out there is like ice!  It has thawed and frozen enough, that it is solid and treacherous.

Let's talk a bit about groceries today.  There are things people can't find, some things that you just run out of - so why not get a bit creative and just use what you have?
I do that a lot.  It isn't really because I can't go and buy something, it is because I don't WANT to go out shopping and I like and need to use some of what I have.

Eggs - that is a biggy right now.  Bird flu has caused an increase in price - for what you can find.  Just a heads up if you have Kroger - check your ad for today!  Digital coupon - 18 count - 3.99.  Digital coupons usually let you get 5 of an item!  If you can do this - stock up and freeze some for later.  Frozen eggs work great for cooking and baking.
I never thought that price would be a good deal - but now it is.  I will probably take advantage!!!
****What is amazing to me is that eggs are so expensive and hard to find, and chicken has been super cheap for quite a while in my area!!  I realize different type bird - but same animal.  Something seems off to me!!!
Click on pic to enlarge for easier reading.
Think about using something different if you have it around the house, for your baking needs.
I always have this on hand.  I get it in the baking aisle

Ground beef is expensive in most places - but not as expensive as a roast.  Think about ground pork, chicken or turkey as a sub.  I am not a huge fan of the taste of chicken/turkey (ground) - so I add beef bouillon to change up the flavor.
Again - click on pic to enlarge
There are so many ways to use ground meat - any ground meat.  Ground is generally cheaper than a solid piece of meat, like roast.
Think about using veggies instead of meat for some tasty bites.  Black bean burgers are good - all veggie and no meat.  There are so many things you can do.
Don't have bread - think about cornbread.  It is easy to make.  Don't want traditional cornbread - fried cornbread is soooooo good.  Fun and different.
Think about using pie crust or even pizza dough for hand pies or calzones.  Biscuits are super cheap and easy to make - can be used with gravy, or as bread for a sandwich.  Filling and easy.

Click on pic to enlarge
Beer bread is super easy to make.  The alcohol bakes out with the heat and it has no beer flavor.  The beer acts as a rising agent in case you have no yeast and it doesn't take the time with rising.
Tortillas are also great to make wraps with - like a sandwich but rolled up.  Tortillas are super easy to make as well.

No meat in the freezer for today's meal?  Do you have tuna or salmon on the shelf?  Make patties or add to a casserole or a salad.
Just remember that meat isn't a 'have to' for every meal - unless you have a guy who insists!!!!  I know there are some out there.  

Soups are good ways to stretch 'whatever' you have in the frig or freezer or pantry.  Mix it up and make a big pot of soup.  A nice pot of soup can be several meals for pennies.

Do not let the grocery prices scare you.  Look for clearance and manager specials. I usually can find clearance for about all departments - I know some don't have that privilege.  Manager specials are usually just located up and down the aisles - these are often items that are going to be discontinued in your store, or that is having a package change up.  Try to find a salvage type store - they have fantastic prices.
Think ethnic stores - they are often cheaper.
No need to run out and shop, just because you run out of something - use something else.

I keep screaming it - GET CREATIVE!!!!!  You may make some of the best recipes ever with getting creative.  It may become a keeper!

Have a glorious day and be thankful for what you have!!


  1. I like to use nuts as a substitute for meat in some dishes. I like them sauteed with onions and seasonings to put on rice.

    Soup makes a wonderful meal and almost anything can go in soup. All winter long I have soup for supper: potato, lentil, split pea, chicken noodle. Every pot is a bit different, depending on what I have on hand.


    1. Nuts is a good idea. I use mushrooms often. There is no limit to soups! Anything you have can go in a soup!

  2. It is a glorious day! Sunshine and warmer temps, I'll take it!

    It is actually very satisfying to make a meal from disparate ingredients. "How about if we add this or that?" We had an excellent stew yesterday made from stew meat dated 2023. The meat was very tender and flavorful. For the most part, expiration dates are a suggestion. We don't eat potatoes on Keto so I cut up a large turnip, several carrots, celery, lots of onion, sliced mushroom and a handful of peas. Peas aren't keto but not as bad a potatoes. We love homemade soup and many times alter it after the first serving. Same way with a skillet meal. Add broth, other liquid or tomatoes, and boom, you've got soup. We discovered many packages of ground beef in both freezers. Trying to use up older items. We buy our eggs at Costco and they have been having an ample supply. Yup, if you don't have an exact ingredient, improvise!

    Enjoy this beautiful day!

    1. I agree. I think changing things up is fun and tasty. The stew sounds good. Great to us up the older ingredients.
      I don't think people realize how 'recipes' actually happened in the first place. Someone was playing around and trying things!!!
      It was just glorious - a little breezy, but sure pretty.

  3. Thanks for posting this. I also get creative because I don't want to go shopping! By the way, you can use cornstarch as an egg substitute in baking as well. Crazy that in this day and age we have to worry about substituting ingredients.

    Grace & Peace,

    1. Guess I am not the only one! Oh, good tip - thanks.
      Well, it is amazing, but some people just do not have big pantries and live on very little money - so I like to be able to give them ideas to use, so they still have good quality meals.

  4. One thing to say about replacing eggs in baked goods is that your results will sometimes not be very palatable. I know this from having been allergic to eggs for a number of years. In my opinion it is better to use a few eggs to bake with if you have them than risk wasting the other ingredients.

    1. I have vegans in my family and make lots of different vegan cakes and muffins - no eggs, no dairy and they are totally delicious. As Cheryl said applesauce is a good replacement or cider vinegar to help the cake rise.

    2. Thanks J. Lots of vegans get by just fine without eggs and dairy. People have been substituting for years.

  5. It is very rare for me to go to the store for something I needed in a pinch. Like you, I would figure something else out or use a substitute. Going to the store requires a trip to town here and that can take more than an hour usually. Lots of ways to get creative and some of our best meals have come from being creative.

    1. I'd probably only go once a month or less - if I had spend an hour for it. Getting creative is just SMART! It sure saves money.

  6. I am buying eggs on flashfood, but they are outragous on there. I decided to buy some soy flour and use it in my baking. In addition to applesauce and banana.

    1. Eggs are pretty darn expensive everywhere. Good for you for giving something else a try. I have always had good luck in baking.

  7. I am going to get chickens again soon.

  8. I keep my pantry and freezer stocked but if I don't have something I need I'll just make do or do without. I really hate shopping. lol Our local chicken eggs haven't gone up in price so I'm still paying 3.00 a dozen and the chickens are all laying a lot. Enjoy the sun and warmer temps.

    1. That is a great price on the eggs and local and fresh too.
      I rather enjoy substituting things - I have made some tasty items doing that.
      It sure is pretty out!

  9. With a limited pantry here, I'm learning to cook differently and use what I have. It's made for a few unusual meals but so far, nothing I haven't enjoyed. Go figure!

    1. I love it - just goes to show it can be done at home, vacation, or anywhere. Thanks for testifying - that helps others.

  10. Printing these recipes! Such great ideas. I love finding those specials in the store when I go in. I read yesterday that a huge chicken farm/plant burned in Kentucky (maybe?), and that place alone produced millions of eggs a day. What a loss! They are $4.69 a dozen here. Never thought I'd see the day they were over a couple of dollars, and here we are...double that! I always save leftover rice and beans and veggies to throw in my soups and stews. I really love the sound of fried cornbread and want to try this out! Great post!

    1. I know, they run around $4++ here as well for a dozen. Kind of crazy. I remember the Easter days of past - .49/doz.!
      I save leftovers for casseroles or skillets, or soups as well.
      You will enjoy fried cornbread - it is tasty!!!

  11. Good afternoon Cheryl:
    There are so many recipes that we just didn't have access to 20 years ago, unless we all went out and bought specialty cookbooks. Today we have google, and facebook and certainly youtube which allow us to have access to so much more. I probably will never make a homemade tortilla in my life, however, it is a skill so many are learning, and practicing and doing everyday. And it seems that as we look at just the humble tortilla, we notice that it is a bread that is all over the world, just a different word in a lot of languages.
    On to the lack of eggs in this country. People are so looking for alternatives that satisfy. I can't imagine using aquafaba, or flaxseed instead of an egg in cakes, etc, but years ago I had a bit of a time adjusting to applesauce instead of oil in a lot of recipes.
    Thankfully I was never an "egg and toast" breakfast person. I will eat leftovers (yesterday it was leftover chopped salad with all the dressing on a Cuban roll) for breakfast. I will eat peanut butter toast, a toasted cheese sandwich, or beans on toast for breakfast. I have been known to turn leftover rice into a wonderful breakfast cereal with some milk, sugar and a pat of butter heated in the microwave.
    Enough for today. Take care - Norma Mason

    1. Hey Norma! Yep tortillas are just the bread of others. I really like them, and use them a lot. So super easy to make.
      I personally have never done the flax seed one, but I know people that use the aquafaba.
      I eat eggs very seldom and then for a supplement to my dinner. Or a hard boiled egg. I don't eat 'breakfast' like most people - but if I did, it would be leftovers!
      Glen used to love rice for breakfast with sugar and milk and butter. That was one of his favorites. Of course he ate whatever was leftover for breakfast too. I can't stand the smell of cooking eggs early - so he got whatever else we had.
      SO many, many ways to change things up and not get bored.
      In my book food is food - eat what you got whenever!

  12. Like you, Cheryl, I won't go to the store to buy something I'm out of . I'm very used to substituting ingredients too because of food sensitivities. As for egg substitutes, as long as the registered for calls for two eggs or less my go to are flax eggs. There are also so many egg free baking recipes on line. One of our favorites is the depression era wacky cake that's egg free and dairy free and can be made into all sorts of flavors. Our new thing is to make homemade sweet potato chips in the microwave. Do easy and much healthier than store bought.

    1. Great tip - there are many recipes without eggs. Just takes a little searching. Dairy free as well.
      I bet the chips are great. I just love getting creative and then it all turns out good!

  13. Great post Cheryl, lots of fabulous ideas and information in there.
    The price of eggs makes me appreciate my chickens so much. I rarely buy eggs anymore. Recently we were given some bags of rice and they have been enjoying that immensely ( they don’t care that the bags were slightly mouse chewed) Take care, Louise

    1. Thanks. Just need to keep people ahead of the game. Sometimes things get tough, but we can and will survive.
      Chickens are getting a feast!!!

  14. Quite often I have taken to making flat breads and pitas. I usually do so to make a change from bread. I need to learn how to roll out dough thin enough to make tortillas. We love using them as wraps and for what I call soft tacos.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, both are so good. It is nice to do something other than plain old bread. I probably eat torillas more than bread.

  15. My daughter reminded me yesterday that the water from a can of chickpeas is an egg substitute. It's one or two tablespoon for one egg. I need to check that. Lots of vegan recipe bloggers out there. So easy to find recipes that don't have eggs or dairy, etc.

    My husband likes eggs and bacon or sausage for breakfast. I started making egg bakes. Uses less eggs & bacon or sausage for more servings. I freeze them in appropriate portions and thaw a slice overnight & nuke it in the morning.

    If I'm lucky enough to get bags of fruits or vegs from the 99c bin I use that as the filler‐ up at meals. I bought cheese at a good price. Slice it thinner for crackers. Popcorn is a great snack when folks have the munchies and you know it's not hunger (they just ate an hour or 2 ago!)

    I also read people will eat less if they have something 30 minutes before their meal. So often I'll serve up the salad or soup before dinner is ready. It seems to help make everyone feel satisfied with the meal.

    1. Yes mam, that is a good alternative. I know many people who use it.
      Smart making the bakes, it stretches things out a little.
      I love the 99 cent bin! I get a lot of good things in them. Popcorn is super economical.
      Smart thinking - eat a little - let it settle - then the belly isn't as hungry!

  16. Think my comment went AWOL...again...

  17. And you don't need eggs to dredge chicken or fish you want to bread. I let my chicken sit in buttermilk ranch dressing for an hour, wipe of the excess, then shake in a bag of breadcrumbs or toss in a shallow dish with them. So much easier than the egg dip!

    1. Thank you - that is a great reminder. I have used buttermilk and even mayo. Sure helps the crumbs stick better. I have heard people use a combo of mayo and mustard too. So many options!

  18. I am the queen of substitutions. Awhile ago I made a pot of chili and used a copycat recipe to substitute dried herbs and spices for the seasoning packet. It was delicious! This past weekend I made another pot of chili, this time with the seasoning packet, but the taste wasn't quite the same. Then it occurred to me--I probably substituted different ingredients the second time! LOL

    I bought eggs at Winco today fo $6.09 dozen. Winco is the cheapest store in town. My inlaws were in the restaurant business. From them I learned to beat an egg with a fork and add up to one cup of water when breading food. It actually works better and uses fewer eggs.

    1. Cool. I bet it was very good. I used to make things that Glen liked, and her would you will have to that again. I would laugh, and say well, if I can remember what I put in it.
      Wow that is costly. Good idea on whipping well and adding water.
      I have many times when camping, been in charge of making eggs for a crowd. To scramble, I would whip well, add crushed crackers and some water to extend. No on could tell. I have heard chefs say use water instead of milk - that milk actually makes the eggs more watery.

  19. I grew up being of the creative cooking and baking family on both sides. It's wonderful! I love it. And often I'll write new formulas for something. It's great fun. As for eggs, I never bake with them in my desserts. Or dairy for that matter.

    1. Thanks - I like it when people tell that they do these things too. I am always throwing something together.

    2. My mom used to call it her famous noodle dishes and as a kid it was a great lesson on using just a few bits and bobs to make something so fun as a famous noodle dish. I miss her, she passed. She was a hoot with food though. Very fun.
