Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Cozy and Slow is Nice

 Happy Tuesday to all.  I sure hope you are warm and cozy this new day.  It is a cold one here.  The news said we hit our high for the day at 4AM with 8*F!  It is now 3* according to them, my thermometer shows 6*.  It seems to always register a few degrees warmer at my house than the news station - but well, those couple degrees are still COLD!  We go back to a warming trend tomorrow to the 20's!!  LOL
It is a gray morning out there.  Hoping to see a few pops of sun today.  That just makes things seem better.
Hope you stay in and stay warm today.  Snuggle and read or work on a new project.  Stay cozy!!!!

I haven't done a lot so far this week.  Just hanging inside, watching DVR'd programs, snuggling, and relaxing.  You know what - that is OK to do!  Give yourself a break and just snuggle inside some days.  No one needs to be active every day all day!
I am more than ready for warmer temps - I am just itching to get outside and spend some time.  I got so many lovely gifts for Christmas that will pretty things up out there.  I want to see color - other than the house colors on the street!!

I want to show you my mushroom kit I started last Monday.  It was just a solid sort of block in plastic.  I followed the instructions and lo and behold it is growing.
All the tiny little dark spots you can see are the beginnings of mushrooms as well!  That is what they call 'pinning'.  By the time they all get to picking size there will be hundreds!  I have another kit as well - when this one ends.  Can't get much fresher than this!!!! 
It is fun to watch - they actually double in size every day!
Kind of neat to be growing something in this crazy weather!

I mentioned that last week I made a pork veggie 'hash' of sorts.  It was ground pork and lots of veggies.  So good and filling.  Day 2 of eating it was with scrambled eggs.  You can use what you have and make all kinds of fun and yummy things to eat.  Could be served with rice or mashed potatoes or even pasta.
I am trying to use things I have had for a bit of time and use from my pantry and freezer.  It is kind of fun experimenting.  Gives me something to do each day - and well, I like food, and I am not real picky.

Are any of you using things that have been tucked away for a bit?  Making any yummy and tasty new things?
Use them up - don't let them waste.  It saves from waste, and it also saves money!

The other day I saw a post on a FB group and the gal said she had lots of cans of Veg All that she was given.  She said no one liked them - and I kind of agree.  I have never been a fan either - although I have used in soups successfully.  She asked for suggestions.  My suggestion was, since no one liked the veggies themselves, to blend them up and use it as a base for soups or pasta sauce - people really liked that idea!  Goodness, I got over a 110 likes!
Sometimes the simplest idea is the best.  You can do that with any type of veggie.  It is a great way to get veggies in kiddos or husbands who say they don't like veggies!  Sometimes you have to get a bit sneaky!

What is everyone up to today?  Whatever it is, I hope you stay warm and safe.
I have plenty of laundry to work on and I need to do some 'once in a while' type projects!

Wishing you all a joyful day.  
Be grateful for you have.


  1. When I came to work it was 2 degrees. It's sunny now and snowing a bit. The high for today is supposed to be 7. Tomorrow's high is supposed to be around 25 and then Thursday more snow. We still have snow from January 5. In 20 years here this is the longest snow has stayed on the ground. It's good for our gardens though. Where did you find the mushroom kits? I think I need to pick up a few. We love mushrooms. Stay warm Cheryl!!

    1. That is cold!!! I know, we have had snow on the ground since the 5th as well. It has been a lot of years for this kind of weather - it is normal - just haven't had it in a long while.
      I got the kits at Menards. I got them as gifts for Christmas, and that was a hit. I got myself a couple too!

  2. I love your mushroom kit. That is very cool! It is cold and grey here. I did jobs this morning and have been watching first aid videos this afternoon. I recently decided that I really ought to know some basic first aid and looked for courses locally, but there are none, so good old St John Ambulance came to the rescue via Youtube. Hopefully I will never have to use the things I learnt.

    1. Thanks - it is fun watching it grow.
      Good for you - that is a good thing to study up on. I took CPR classes many years ago and got certified - but it has been a long time and I need to do that again. Good for you are learning new things. That is something we all need to know.

  3. I definetly need a mushroom kit...that looks like fun and the grandkids would love them.
    Sometimes I just want to be like the grandma and grandpa in bed in the movie Charlie and the Chocolate factory. No problem with that at all!
    Take it easy and stay warm (it's 4 here right now at 10:26 a.m.). It's cold everywhere it seems.

    1. Menards - is where I got it. I will look up the company website and list too.
      That would be a nice day for the kiddos and grandma and grandpa!!!
      You stay warm too.

    2. I saw these in my local Target yesterday.

  4. With my kids, it was milk as after giving up their bottles neither one of them liked drinking milk. They would eat other dairy products, but I wanted to ensure they got some milk, so I'd put it in everything - substituting it when a recipe called for water, and even in things like meatloaf.
    Hope the cool weather soon ends for you. Mornings here in Arizona are chilly, but it has been warming up every afternoon.

    1. Good thinking. I can't imagine not liking milk - that is one of my favorite things! Smart ways to use it and get into the kids. heck, you got to do what you got to do!
      It should warm up a little by the end of the week. Have a fun day!

  5. One of our local storesflyers suggested adding cottage cheese into scrambled eggs before you cook them. I did and it is delicious. It is an easy way to get in more protein too. Also, they had a recipe for creamed chicken over a baked potato. I usually put it on rice but the potato idea is more apeeling. Haha. New grandson was born early and has been in nicu but he is doing great. We've been enjoying a nice long visit with his 2 year old sister. She is a pistol! Dee&NY

    1. I am not a cottage cheese fan at all - but do use it in lasagna. Never thought about eggs. I have added crushed crackers to eggs to extend them for more people, when scrambling.
      The creamed chicken over potato sounds good.
      Congrats on a new grandbaby!!!! Hope all goes well. I bet that little one is fun! Enjoy your visit!!

  6. It's -8 here this morning.
    My mother had a dr appointment today but I rescheduled last week because I thought a 89 yo woman doesn't need to be going out in this weather especially one who can barely walk.

    I don't have the grandkids today so I have a long list to check off. But here I sit with my tea half wishing I could go get under the blankets and read all day! But I am looking forward to tackling that list.

    1. Yuck, that is cold. No I wouldn't think she should be out in that at all.
      Well, if you want the covers and a book - I say go for it! Hope you get some of your list done if you want to. It does feel good to get things done.

  7. It is really cold here, too. Minus 30 to minus 40˚ F here in WI. We have a high of MINUS 7˚F for a high today.
    I have a hard time just 'relaxing' and always feel guilty like I should be doing 'something'. lol
    I am trying to use up oddball stuff in our pantry this month. xo Diana

    1. Holy cow! High -7 if crazy. Please stay in and stay warm. It is ok to have a no do day - give it a try!! Reading and relaxing is something!
      Have fun using up all the oddball things!

  8. It is still -1 here, cold no matter how you look at it. I have a few chores left to do inside but they will get done when they get done.
    This is the time of year and type of weather to just relax and nest for me. I am more than ready for spring but have to wait.
    Plenty to eat and as I am not picky I do come up with some "different " meals. I do find myself less enthused with meat but veggies are anything goes!
    Stay warm and relax......

    1. Yep cold. I guess as I am reading many places are colder. I surer am glad some of those temps aren't here!
      I like that - 'they will get done when they get done'. There is no hurry - I do things in my time too.
      I agree - this is nesting time. Our bodies are coming down from the fall and holiday activities and recharging before spring/summer business. We need it.
      I really love veggies and fruit - I could eat in so many ways.
      I was a bit hungry this morning and got a nice big glass of homemade tomato juice. Mmmm it was good.

  9. Gosh, compared to all you folks I'm having a heat wave at 12F. ;) Still feels pretty cold to me and tonight is supposed to be colder - they're saying 6F. So happy to have the woodstove and a good fire going. I also feel like I should be "doing something" but really don't want to set foot out of the house, so I'm spending the day quietly indoors.

    Many decades ago my daddy grew mushrooms - there was a kit of some sort. At the time I didn't like them, but now I've learned how good they are, so a mushroom kit would be a good thing to buy. :)


    1. Cold is cold. It can be 12 or zero and it is cold. Heat is just a blessing. I have been out to feed and may go out again - but just for a few minutes. Staying home here too.
      I like to accomplish things - but somedays it just feels good to nest.
      I got it at Menards - and I will look for a website info to pass on as well.

  10. Cheryl, my comment must have gone to the Spam folder!@

  11. It is definitely cold! We watch Ryan Hall Y'All on YouTube for our weather and he said that Alabama and Louisiana has snow as well as some going into Florida. The dogs were scheduled for appointments today and I changed them. Too cold for old people and old dogs.

    I need to check out those mushroom kits for the Farmer. Wish we had morels...mmm.

    We are blessed with a snug little Bedford stone house and lots of warm clothes. Having soup for lunch with some chicken wrapped in Boston lettuce. Made a cranberry orange relish so that will be dessert.

    1. I saw it was snowing in New Orleans with blizzard conditions - a first on blizzard warnings there!
      That was the first question one of my nephews asked - do they have morels?? That would be something. Morels are so good.
      Being inside and warm today is most assuredly a blessing.

  12. Temps hovering ~0C, balmy by NE Alberta standards. The wind is the issue & if there was any amt of snow, there would be some major drifting. There's been a lot of thaw/freeze conditions & honestly, I'd prefer -20-30C. I've never seen a mushroom grow kit, maybe because I've never looked for one?! I'll take this opportunity to plug Untamed Feast, an Alberta company that forages & dries mushrooms. I enjoy growing sprouts; great to add to sandwiches & salads. I agree with you, Cheryl, cooking gives me something to do. I like to cook & I like to eat. In regards to using leftovers & avoiding waste, I've got an open jar of artichokes & some roast chicken that needs to be turned into something, maybe a pasta dish? I was away for 4 days & had to be at the garage at 8 AM today. Wouldn't you know it, a faulty sensor. I don't know whether to love or hate those things. So I treated myself to breakfast in town. Now I need to do some hausfrau-ing.

    1. I agree that would seem balmy right now! It has been windy here too - and that just makes it feel colder.
      Hmmm - will have to check that place out. I really like mushrooms, as do the family members. So I thought the kits would be fun. I had never seen them before this year. I have seeds for sprouts here - just haven't started them - another fun winter project to do.
      Hope your fix is an easy one. A nice breakfast out sounds like a treat. Have fun cleaning!

  13. I am currently Snuggled under the electric blanket. 😂 we are at a balmy 22 degrees compared to your frigid cold temps! 😝

    That is a great idea for the veg all, no need to waste it at all. I have chick peas I need to use so I think I’ll make some hummus today.

    1. I don't blame you under the electric blanket. I have long john's on under my jeans and 2 pairs of socks.
      I really like roasted chickpeas too - what a great snack. Hummus sounds good. There are really so many options for our food - no need to get bored!

  14. That’s a good suggestion for Veg All.
    I never use it stand alone but I do find it’s a good ingredient if I need to stretch things out or have run out of fresh. I always have some at home. It’s also a good tin to donate when the need arises.
    Mushroom kits are great! Years ago we got some compost from a mushroom farm and the guy told the kids if they kept a bag in the basement in the dark they would from a crop. Well it grew about ten crops, each successively less but the damn stuff sprouted for months until the mice found them and then they had to go. And you are right, you don’t get fresher than that!!!!
    Take care, Louise

    1. Thanks - I mean sometimes we all end up with something we aren't crazy about - well just puree it! Add it to something else.
      I really like mushrooms and just thought why not. They had different kinds as well. I have 2 types here. Kind of fun.
      Great idea on the compost from a mushroom farm. I have also seen starting mushroom in logs. That would be fun too.

  15. We are now almost balmy. Reached -1C today, but no sun until late this afternoon.
    Ohhh, I love that mushroom kit!!!.

    God bless.

    1. Yes indeed - I am anxious to get back to that temp!
      I will list a site for all to check out.

  16. So cold here in the Northeast too - although there was no wind in nyc today which makes it much more bearable! I read something about treating January and February the way animals do - snuggle into the gray, and don't feel like you need to be doing anything, except resting - I'm trying hard to do that!

    1. Stay nice and warm. The wind makes a big difference.
      I kind of like that idea. Animals hibernate - so why not people?!! Good for you - stay in and stay warm.
