Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Consumerism - We have Been Programmed!

 Good morning all.  Boy oh boy, it is cold out there this morning.  It will get colder in the next day or so, then warm a little, and they get waaaaaaayyy cold!  UGH
Sure had a beautiful sunrise this morning, and yesterday before dawn, the moon was really something to see.  I glanced through the blinds and thought "who has a spotlight on?"  It was pretty incredible.

Today just a few words about purchasing!  Have you ever really thought about it?  In my opinion we have been programmed all our lives to buy, buy, buy!
All the phrases have been used for year.  Deals, specials, sale, lowest, best, unbelievable.........
They want your attention!  Once they get your attention, they insert the hook and pull!  Even as children we were learning.  There was peer pressure - Sally got go-go boots, why can't I?  Billy got the newest version of a toy - I want one too.  Yep - we didn't realize it was happening, but it was.
THEN there were the big shiny pages of that ever famous "WISH" book that came right to our doors!!  Oh goodness, how many hours we all spent wishing and wanting.

It happened with everything.  New cars, new clothes, toys, the best cereal, the neighbors yards, new appliances to make life easier, it went on and on.
We all watched cartoons - what did we see?  Commercials for the newest sugary cereal, the fun new toys and games - they had out attention!  They still do.
They used the kiddoes to get Mom's attention to buy grocery items.    I mean, everyone wanted their children to be happy.

Enticed moms and housewives with the newest shiniest appliances and items to work around the house.  From an iron to a TV, to a fancy vacuum, to the whole bundle of the most modern kitchen!  (I love this kitchen!)

Now never mind the crazy low prices, from back in the day - just look at the ad.  Today that would not really catch your eye.  People don't seem to want to 'read' the ads - they want 'look at' the ads.  The ads today are nothing but colorful photographic type pictures.  People shop with their eyes.  Boy did the advertisers figure it out!
It worked with the 'wish' books, and it worked with the ads in the likes of Life magazine (and others) - so make it work on everything else.
They can now entice us with beautiful, lush looking pictures of the oranges - not just the price!!

We fall for it too.  We 'read' the pictures first - then the prices.  It happens to all of us. It happens on the computer as well.  They sure aren't going to sell you the latest gadget or get you to come into the store to see it, without a picture.  A description no longer works alone.

It has also made people dependent on them.  You don't have to think about a way store your extra stuff - there is a picture of a fancy new box that will do it.  You don't have to think of an old fashioned way to save food in the frig - there is a special 'keeper'.  Buy the newest deodorant, toothpaste, medicine, even phone - all because you saw an ad for it, and they make it enticing!  People dancing, singing, playing, etc..  What a joke! 
I am one of those people that HATE commercials to the Nth degree.  If you advertise it, especially 5X during every program, I will NOT be purchasing it!!  I do not find them entertaining nor informative. I will do my own research and then buy if I need to.  We are bombarded every day with new things to get.  When you watch a TV program, an hour show is generally half or more commercials.  That is why I DVR anything I would like to watch. I can just skip all the commercials with the forward button!  They aren't getting me!

So it isn't all your fault!  We have been subjected to advertising our entire lives and we have been conditioned to think we need the newest, biggest and best!  
Just use YOUR own computer - your brain - and come up with your ideas of how to do things, what to eat, and what you need.  It doesn't have to be fancy, it doesn't even have to be easy.  It sure would save a lot of people a lot of money!
If you are on the train of wanting to SAVE a little money - turn off the noise.  Use your brain and get back to doing things in a different way.  Do not be CONDITIONED!

Just my two cents worth!  What say you?

Sending love, light and many blessings to you today!


  1. I have to say that as far back as I can remember, I was never really into stuff or swayed by commercials (which I also despise) or advertisements of any kind. Almost everyone in my family was more into travel, experiences or hobbies that we each had. I was lucky to have parents that didn't look at art supplies, music or books as 'toys'. They felt they were necessary. If possible, I'm even less materialistic now. Stay warm. It was 4 degrees when I went to work this morning. Brrrr

    1. I was one of those kids that wanted what the other kids had - but usually never got it. We didn't have the dollars for that. Mom would make knock-off items or something. As an adult, I can't remember being swayed by an ad or commercial. I have become so much less materialistic as I have gotten older.
      You stay warm and safe out there.

  2. I agree that advertisers and marketing companies do all they can to grab our attention. I do a lot of surveys and I'm always being asked if I've seen this or that advertisement. The answer is almost always "no" because I avoid ads in social media and on television. If I'm watching tv, I'll get up during the commercial breaks and do something or read. On social media, I scroll past or will close the ad. We're bombarded by them every day to the point, I sometimes will avoid purchasing something from a company because I'm annoyed by the volume of ads.
    But I do use grocery flyers. I like that I can make a list in the Flipp app and check pricing for items I need.

    1. Bombarded is the best word! I do the same thing - if you invade my privacy over and over with your ads - you for sure lost a customer. I close the ads on FB as well.
      I do the grocery fliers too, as it is the only way to see what deals to get. I would be totally happy if they were like the older one above, with no pictures!

  3. Very interesting post! When I was a child, I coveted most of what one of my friends owned. Of course at that age I didn't realize what a sin coveting actually is. Some people have the mentality to show how much better they are than the rest of the world by having lots of things. That's the bad thing about living in a small community or town, or being involved in a group such as a church congregation or club. Lots of side glances if they think you don't measure up in the "see what I have" department. Yup, the advertisers know how to pull the money strings.

    Brrr, plenty cold this morning. Then warmer with rain. Really messes with your sinuses.

    Erin said her BL is getting in three more trucks full of stuff. I understand that the liquidators will sell off the shelving, etc. and start new. The floor layout will be different.

    We made what I called a Costco soup. Almost every ingredient in it came from Costco: a can of beef, Ro-Tel tomatoes, mixed veg, broth, onions and seasonings. The only two things that came from Meijer were cabbage and a can of red beans with chili seasonings. It was actually very tasty. We made a mushroom soup yesterday afternoon and will have it for lunch today. We buy the large containers of portobello mushrooms at Costco and even if some go bad, it's still cheaper than buying them in the grocery. It smelled wonderful. Have a grilled cheese and turkey sandwich with it. Good meal for a cold day.

    So glad your kitties are in the house in this weather. Stay warm!

    1. Keeping up was important as a ki. I remember thinking I wanted to be like others too. Now I could not give a hoot.
      Yep, it is cold today - stupid cold and tomorrow will be worse.
      I bet your soup was good. All good ingredients.
      Oh your mushroom soup and the sandwich sounds so yummy.
      You stay warm as well.

  4. My biggest problem was my children wanting things. I had to explain to them that the zooming toy from cereal would break and did not zoom around like the toy on TV. And, it was tiny. My son would explain that the last commercial lied. I made them so cynical.
    However, I do like commercials and ads as I study them for transmission of culture. I can see what is being taught. I like magazine and food ads.

    1. Kids are very receptive to ads, for sure.
      Well, my personal thought is that the 'culture' that most are portraying, is not one I want to learn about. I find them pretty disgusting for the most part. That's just me.

  5. That moon was wonderful! It lighted my way early this morning as I went to care for the littles until school opened (delayed due to ice). Our weather says Friday should be warmer and I sure hope so as we could get to sing hymns in the evening. :)


    1. The moon was sure something. With the snow out and the moon shining so bright - it was very light out.
      We get a couple warmer ones too - then it gets pretty brutal again! I hope you get to go to your singing.

  6. Amazing but all true and we are dumb enough to fall for it. I remember those gogo boots. I was stylin.

    1. You got them? Lucky you. I couldn't convince them I needed them bad enough! Yep, we fall for all of it!

  7. And then there are the storage units to house all the stuff that will not fit in your house! They are building a new one near us that is four stories and 132,000 sq ft of space where you can pay to store your extra stuff! Our daughter had a friend come from China to visit and as they drove around she asked what all the buildings with rows of doors were for and was shocked by the answer.

    1. I keep forgetting that Google wants me to put in my name every time now. WHY?

    2. I bet she was shocked - they sure don't have all the extra stuff we do. It is so amazing that people think they NEED all that stuff. If it is tucked away and out of sight - we really don't need it. I guess that is why they came up with the saying about "a fool and his money.."!

  8. So very true, Cheryl. They all want our money and are willing to do whatever they think works to get it. That is one thing I do not like about TikTok, so many content creators trying to sell you stuff. No thanks!

    1. Someone is always willing to take our money from us. I look up info on something on the computer and then I am hit with ads for things similar. Crazy thing.

  9. It's all true. And now, it bleeds over in the form of "influencers" on social media. And I am a fine one to talk, being that I used to be one of those "mom bloggers" that did sponsored posts and all. I think it has just become so normal that we don't even notice it anymore. And we need a reality check, like your post here. I know I sometimes have to stop and rein myself back in, especially around the holidays. We just see and hear so much stuff. But, quieting your mind and using the computer mindfully is so important, now more than ever. You've given me something to think about today!

    1. YES. Well, people do what they feel is right at the time - it doesn't mean we have to listen it. It has become a normal thing, everyday day - all day.
      I like that - 'quieting your mind and using your computer mindfully'. Yes indeed, that is what we need to do.

  10. I get very annoyed when my email inbox fills up with promotional emails from Amazon, Ebay etc. Just because I looked at something online doesn't mean that I need to be reminded about it by email the next day in the hope that I will splash out and buy it. If it is something I actually bought I don't need emails from the same company offering lots of alternatives. I chose the one I wanted and don't need 5 more different versions!

    1. I agree 100%. They try to get at every opportunity - and for me it is just a turn off.

  11. My MIL readily admits she's a sucker for those end caps at grocery stores. They display something new and she's likely to buy it. Not me. I cruise right on by.

    My MIL & mom (and my husband to a certain degree) still buy certain name brands they were enticed into buying from commercials in the 60s! My mother is convinced that only Tide, Jergens lotion and Ivory soap work the best.

    I remember when one of my daughters was begging me for a certain gym shoe. She was convinced and tried to convince me she liked it independently of any advertising. I think she believed that but at the time the ads & commercials were everywhere & a lot of kids had them so I don't think she realized how influenced by that she was. (She actually didn't watch a lot of tv at the time.)

    I named one of my children a name I didn't know anyone else had among my friends and acquaintances. A year later I find out it's like one of the top 3 names for girls for that year. All I figured is the name must have "been out there" in movies, a tv show or something and although I don't watch much I clearly had heard it too.

    1. Funny what entices people. I think my mom was kind of the same way - she only used certain brands. Never dared to try something new. I don't really care much about brand.
      Remember the tennis shoes that made you run faster, and jump higher?? I wanted what are called 'deck shoes' for tennis shoes - I wanted them so bad. I got regular white tennis shoes. They others went out of fashion pretty quick.
      Cute on the name. Just hearing something in passing can stick in the old noggin!

  12. I am not a major consumer. I still use a CD player & radio to listen to music. The internet is turned on twice a day. I have a flip phone with a talk & text plan & am not compelled to have a hand held computer to access continuously. I still have a landline with no call waiting, call display etc. Someone asked how I know who's calling when the phone rings without call display to which I responded, "I answer the phone."

    1. You are me!!!! LOL
      I do get on the internet more than that, but most of the rest is me. I do have caller ID on home phone - and I don't answer any number I do not recognize.
      Nothing wrong with the older ways at all. I find them more comforting.

  13. My comment went awry again. There are some blogs I can't leave a remark. ??? Don't think I have been offending anyone. ???

    1. No offending at all. The program just does that sometimes. I found it and posted it! It went to Spam for some reason.

  14. I actually loved the Wish Book when the boys were growing up. I could always check the Under $10.00 section and find something perfect for them.
    Otherwise I have avoided ads for years, other than those in grocery flyers of ours.

    God bless.

    1. Mom used to get a couple different wish books, and now and then she would order something for Christmas, not often.
      Smart to avoid the ads. Grocery is all I care about as well.

  15. Those are all timely and true observations. Consumerism, buying stuff and showing off has taken on an almost religious tone, replacing religion in many circles. This is magnified by social media and internet, where sites like yours that focus on saving and commonsense are in the minority. Most of the lifestyle blogs celebrate mass consumerism, with expensive clothes, decor, homes, travel that most middle class folks can't afford without taking a loan out, hence sky-high levels today of personal debt. A sad commentary on modern society.

    1. We get it thrown in our face at every turn. I do see a lot of blogs and You Tube that talk about decorating and vacations and clothes. Not for me.
      I will gladly be a minority. I just can't promote all that stuff. Debt is not our friend.

  16. Ha! Here’s to white go-go boots! I learned a hard lesson of false advertisement anybody body remember the Snack Pack Hunts Pudding in a can? You can find commercial on You Tube. Anyway balloons fly up magically EVERY TIME you pop one open! I begged my mom to buy some. Some how she knew I wouldn’t eat them. Got them home oh my disappointment when the balloons didn’t show up when I open one. And I didn’t like the flavor. 😊
    -Rosa R

    1. I do not remember those - but oh, what a cute story. Yes, they make us think so many things and then BOOM, we get the realization. No balloons :( . As a child I am sure you were sooooo disappointed.
      I did used to think Tony the Tiger would show up one day - but sadly he did not!
