Thursday, January 4, 2018

Simple & Encouraging

I try to keep life fairly simple, as do many of you.  However, this is often hard to do in the age of technology!  We are always in a hurry, we are always connected, we always bombarded with adds telling us what we need, we are always bombarded with stuff!

I want my life to be simpler in areas that I can control.  I want to make closer connections with like minded people, I want to have less stuff, and I want to eat a more wholesome and basic menu, I want to learn the 'old ways', I WANT TO SHIFT MY PRIORITIES!
How about you?

We have become such modern people - and I (personally) would kind of like to live on the fringe a little more.  I want a SIMPLER life revolving around family, friends, God, nature and learning.
I want to be free of the burdens that society thinks we should have.
I truly don't care about stuff - all the stuff in the world won't make us happy.

We all strive to be more independent.  We are striving to be frugal.  We want to keep more of our hard earned funds and still have a great life.
WONDERFUL.  I want to save what we have - but I have come to see that 'working harder to have more money - actually takes away some of our freedom'.  This is not to say that we shouldn't work.  We need enough to pay our bills and support our family, and to take care of emergencies and older age - but do we need to do it in an extravagant way?  This is where the terms WANTS and NEEDS come in to play.  We need to keep our life simple and humble.

 We made it!  Every morning you awake - you get another chance to get it right.  It costs NOTHING!

I recently saw a quote and a prayer in our daily paper that really hit home with what we all seem to try to live.

"When contentment is elusive, it's time to re-examine our priorities."

WOW - that is pretty profound in my book. 
Are you where you want to be?  Are you living the way you want to?  Do you feel complete?
If you answer NO - then it's time to re-examine what you are doing and how you are living. 
Quit worrying what others think, quit trying to impress, be honest with yourself and be the you that you want to be.  Make YOU the priority!

"Help us O God, to live simply, instead of accumulating stuff, help us to share blessings.  Help us to have more by needing less.  Amen"

I love this.  Yes, we can have more by having less material stuff.  We can have more of the important things - family, friends, happiness, feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction, contentment, etc. - more of the good life.

I just wanted to encourage each of you to step back and re-examine your priorities and what you really want in your life this year.
Since you are here reading this, I figure you want more life and less stress like me.

I pray this year we can ALL achieve our goals and encourage each other on whatever road that life gives us to travel.
Blessings my friends


  1. Yes, yes, yes. This morning I am hanging out with my 2 year old granddaughter. She asked me to put 'Gloria' on the CD player. I directed this for our Christmas choir at church. She watched me practice and now we 'direct' together. We sorted cookie cutters, colored together and then we will eat lunch and nap.

    All free and Simple! I'm enjoying and savoring each moment cuz it seems like just yesterday I was doing this with her daddy and uncles.

    Thanks for the reminder, Cheryl. Hope you are enjoying a simple and encouraging day too!

    1. Cheri I love it. The simple pleasures of life!
      She will also be grown before you know it - so these are the moments of memories for you and she. Someday WE will be memories - hopefully cherished ones!

      have a lovely day!

  2. It is so easy to get wrapped up in wants that really won't bring us any pleasure. We all have too much stuff. It is hard to throw off the natural man. Good post

    1. I try not to have many wants - I have always been pretty content with what I have. (Don't get me wrong - I had a phase years ago!!)

      I know I have too much - and I keep trying to get rid of it and bless someone else.

  3. "When contentment is elusive, it's time to re-examine our priorities." I love this quote and it is something that I really want to take to heart and continue to apply to my life this year. Thank you for this reminder my friend!

    1. I felt enlightened when I read that! It is not really something that I think about - but my goodness it is true.
      Something I think we all need to do from time to time.

  4. I like the quote "when contentment is elusive, it is time to re-examine our priorities" Nancy

  5. Your tip of the day resonated with me. I am no longer looking at 2017 as the hardship year, but as a year of growth. I did learn a lot about me and about an inner strength I knew was there, but hadnt had to call on for a long time. It's good to know that I can be that person when I need to be. Here's hoping that I dont have that 'need' for a long time. So thank you for turning my thoughts around. This is the year for finding the positive.

    1. It is amazing what we can endure - much more than we give ourselves credit for. We have been built to be strong.
      I am glad it helped you. I pray we all go forward with positive thoughts and ideas.

    2. I'm still suffering PTSD from a very rough 2017! You'll have to allow me a little more time before I can appreciate all of it lol!!

    3. Take your time. All good things are worth waiting for!!!!

  6. Through blogs like yours and so many others, I can say I am finally living the life I have always dreamed of! Thank you for the encouragement and keeping us on track! Happy New Year!

    1. Aaaawww what a lovely thing to say.
      You are so welcome.
      Have a wonderful year.

  7. You are an encourager! bless you!

    1. I just try to be positive - not always easy.
      I know we all have ups and downs - and positive words can change a day!

  8. Beautiful post. Money is not the key to happiness for sure. Although it can certainly help. Slowing down is great. I think that's why I love to read books so much. I slow down and relax in another world.

    1. So right. Money helps us get through life, but the people and experiences are the greatest gifts.

      Isn't it cool how a book can take us to another world?

  9. It's funny you should post this today. I was hyper-involved in many groups for the past 4-5 yrs. While I enjoyed them, I always felt like I was needing to buy something (art group so different techniques req'd tools), go somewhere, & just generally not home nearly enough. I started reluctantly, but I let go of some commitments in fall. I felt depressed at first & still sometimes feel left out. Just today, I was at my once a monther and some of them were talking about this get together or that. I felt myself getting sad so I had to remind myself that I've felt better, had more energy, saved money, & become a better wife overall. It's so easy to get caught up! And I'm a really low want person. My nephews have long joked that we live in Bedrock. I've always joked that if burglars came in, they'd look around and LEAVE US $20! Not because we don't have things I like, but because it's a very simple home. Nothing flashy & our tv is still the old kind that weighs about 500 lbs.!! Our laptop is at least 10 yrs. old. We're definitely the wear it out people!

    1. Debby I think we have to make changes slowly sometimes. If you get in too big of a hurry, you will feel left out.
      I love that you are wanting to become the BEST you for YOU! You don't have to spread yourself thin to do good.

      I like my home as well, but it is smallish, older and not in the finest neighborhood. Many people wonder why we don't move. WELL, this one is paid for - and how much room do two people actually need?
      Sure I would love a open floor plan - it would benefit my hubs greatly - but we deal with what we have.

      Contentment can come in many forms.
      Take time to find yours.

  10. What a good post--so much to think on! When I was younger I used to want material goods. A long marriage (25 years this year--oh my gosh!), two children, and struggling to save for their college and our retirement gradually knocked the "need" to "acquire" out of me.
    Now I am compelled to release the things that do not work for all our lives anymore. I need to distribute the old books, household goods, and clothing to those who could happily use them. That's my motto for 2018--give it away to those in need!

    Thank you for such a lovely blog. You are indeed an "encourager" and a gentle, persuasive voice. I always feel refreshed after reading here!

    1. Thank you so much Sue. Such sweet words.

      I think as we get older our view of the world changes as do our priorities.
      I love being able to donate and bless someone else.
      Bless you for wanting to help others. Not only will their life be changed in a positive way, yours will as well.

      Thank you for your words and kindness.

  11. I love the simple things too. I have loved staying at home for Christmas break and getting to do good and simple things in my kitchen. We;ve stayed home so many days and have not had to get out of the house at all and I have enjoyed it so much.

    1. I am so happy you got to stick around the house, enjoy and rest.
      The simplest pleasures can definitely be the best. I hope you got rejuvenated!
