I know each and every person that comes to visit here has had some heartaches in their life. We have had good and bad. Unfortunately it is part of life - not a nice part - but part of it. All our ups and downs have made us the people we are today 100%.
Think about that - every single experience has shaped you into the human you are today.
I remember as a young person, being tall (taller than the boys in grade school) and skinny and clumsy. I have never had an athletic bone in my body! I was sickly as a little - but out grew that. I never had a lot of store bought clothes or name brands. Home made was what I had and I loved them. I was not super popular at all - I kind of hung with the less desirables! They seemed like a good fit and we all had fun.
I pretty much did the same in high school. I made all my clothes by then, so I had a lot of them. I worked and had my own money for material and shoes. We had to wear dresses up till my junior year. I continued to wear dresses even when pants were the thing (at school). LOL - I have had many a male classmate (at reunions) say they remember me because of my long legs, long hair and short skirts! Yep those were the 70's!!! I guess I could be remembered for worse things!!!!!
I got married young - knew I shouldn't marry him - but I did. He had cheated and saw nothing wrong with it (how he grew up). Plans were made - so I got married. No it wasn't all bad, not at first. Then the cheating started again and became more and more. I was made to feel like I wasn't worthy and no one else would want me. I acted out some and probably partied a little too much back in the day. I scared myself at a point and didn't pick up another drink for several years.
I did finally forgive him and we remained friendly (sort of). He passed away a few years ago and that made me sad - so yes I cared about him.
Swore I would never marry again. HA! I met Glen, my life partner, my love. It took him a good while to get me over my insecurities, but he did it. At the time of his passing I had spent over half of my life with him. I wish it could have been more - that is for sure. I am so terribly happy I got to have those years and knew that kind of love.
Suddenly I was alone - for basically the first time in my life. I had people ask - what does Cheryl want to do now? My answer was "I was doing it!" I still really have no idea what my future holds or what I want to be when I 'grow' up. I just know now, after much prayer and reflection, that I can face whatever God throws at me.
He is my rock. I have to move forward not just for me, but for Glen too - he would want that.
Now I am not trying to get a pity party started here.
I know there is someone who needs to read this today! It came to my heart last night.
This picture is a good representation of life to me. Ups and downs, crooks and bends, haggard and lonely looking, trip hazards, not knowing where the path goes..................yet it is beautiful at the same time.
I know there are many reading that have lost spouses, maybe children or grandchildren. Many of us have lost parents and siblings and oh so many friends.
Some have endured abuse as children and others as adults.
Some have lived in poverty and maybe still do.
Some have made bad choices in life. Many may have had addictions. Some may have gone to jail.
Whatever it is that has happened in life and for whatever reason - you are here today for a reason!
Not one of us has been 100% pure and without sin or troubles. We have all made mistakes. We also know NOW, that life can change. It can get better.
We are blessed and should feel blessed. I know that is hard to understand sometimes. But it is true.
God sees to it, if we are alive and so choose, we get extra chances! We get to improve! How great is that? We can maybe teach someone else in a bad spot that all is not hopeless.
I love this!!! Be YOU! Don't change for anyone other than yourself. You know who you are and you will learn where you should be eventually. We have to learn that ourselves. We need to be happy with ourselves before we can ever make someone else happy.
PLEASE be forgiving to yourself!!!!!!! Forgive yourself of you past and move forward. Sure we all have regrets - we wouldn't be human if we didn't, but we can't let them define us.
The past is a story already told - the future is a new chapter we write each day!
Forgive others as much as humanly possible. It is important for YOU not for them. Forgiveness is freeing. It takes time, I understand that - but it is so freeing.
Holding in all the anger and hate and nastiness of the past can only HURT you. It can literally make you sick, give you headaches, ulcers, anxiety attacks, and much more. You deserve better.
I want each person reading this to know that you are wonderful. You are beautiful. You are a child of God - He doesn't make mistakes!
You are loved.
Life is full of change - that is our one constant. We have to grow and spread our wings and fly! We need to learn to soar!
So forgive others, but most importantly forgive yourself.
YOU ARE ENOUGH!!! Never let anyone tell you or treat you differently.
I pray you get to live your best life and that you DO it to the fullest.
Blessings to each of you!
If you know someone having a rough time or feeling less about themselves - PLEASE reach out and tell them they are enough!!!!!!