I love that we all get creative and share ideas. I think sometimes it really isn't about being frugal - it is just good sense and not wasting things. I love that so many think outside the box.
Today a couple of foodie ideas and a couple other things I do or did!
The other day I was going to make a tuna patty (like salmon only milder). I have breadcrumbs (mix of bread and cracker) - but felt like something different. I have used all sorts of things as a filler - oats, breadcrumbs, crushed crackers, cheesy crackers, and even crushed chips. This time I used some Chex Mix I have. I was gifted a tin of it for Christmas and still haven't eaten it all. So, I put some in a bag and crushed it. I added that to my tuna and egg mixture and it sure did make for a tasty bite!!!!!!
So, think outside the box now and then. You can always use something you have around the house!BOLOGNA SALAD
Meat spread, luncheon spread, bologna salad - whatever you call it - it is easy to make. The deli at most groceries sell it and it isn't cheap!
I used a chub of bologna I found in the freezer that I had gotten on clearance at some point. I cut it in chunks and put it in the Ninja. It ground pretty nicely. You could also use a meat grinder - whatever you have.
I don't have a REAL recipe - as I added this and that. I used mayo and then added some ranch dressing and some onion dip I had left in the frig. I added some of my sweet home canned relish and a few finely chopped onions. Mix it up and eat with crackers or on a sandwich. You can add anything you want. It was so very tasty and easy. Makes for a great lunch item.
This is what I used. Most stores sell it in chubs. This was the only way we bought lunch meat when I was a child, You could also use sliced lunchmeat as well. Just grind it up and you are ready to go. Make as you would ham or chicken salad. Makes for a nice meal!NON FOOD
I have short hair - several years ago I decided to go short and have kept it that way. It is so much easier to take care, and for me it is more age appropriate. I love long hair - had it for years - now I like easy care!
I do root touch-ups on color every 5-6 weeks. I don't do it as intensely and all covering as in the past. I do leave a little whisp here and there of gray poking through and I go lighter than what my actual hair color was. Those root touch-up kits cost as much as a box of hair dye.
When I buy hair color, I use a coupon and get it cheaper. I think it usually averages $3 - $3.50 a box w/coupon.
I use the 2 part solutions. It you look at the product - the parts each measure exactly the same. I measure out what I want from each part and put in a solution bottle I have kept. Equal amounts used always.
In doing this I get at least 4 - 6 touch-ups from each box of dye. That makes for a very cheap coloring!!!
I use one of those little medicine cups to measure out the solutions and then mix them in the solution bottle. I measure part A and pour in bottle and then measure equal amount of Part B and pour in. Shake to mix and you are ready to touch-up those roots! I squeeze the color on hair and use an old toothbrush to distribute through hair. Super easy!!!!
I keep a little old fashioned alarm clock on the table next to my bed. I can't see the one on the wall in the middle of the night (w/o glasses), but I can grab the little clock and see it. Somehow - some way the battery covering back came off and got lost. I am thinking kitty has hidden it somewhere!
Sure I could buy a new one - if they still even sell them (this one is years old). But I generally never think of it when I am at a store that might sell them.
I fixed this one so the battery wouldn't fall out. Yep - a small piece of cardboard and some electrical tape! LOL. It may not be pretty - but it works. I am the only who sees it, so it doesn't matter.
ALL FIXED! It works and I am happy!
So think outside the box now and then. It doesn't matter if it is food, H & B, household fixes, soaps and cleaners, whatever.............. just get a little creative.
WHY? My question is WHY NOT? I hate throwing things away and wasting things. I do what I can to use something I have. Sure, it saves a few pennies, but it just makes me feel better out my lifestyle and helping the earth in some tiny way.
So, the next time you get ready to go out shopping, or you break something, or you run out of something - STOP and THINK. What else can I use?
Get creative.
Have a blessed day!
I think sometimes it really isn't about being frugal - it is just good sense and not wasting things.
ReplyDeleteI think this IS the definition of frugal. It's never been "cheap" to me, it's been-use it up!
I went into a FB group this weekend, asking if anyone in this small mountain town makes cat trees-our pet store does not stock them. Low and behold I got a message from a woman needing to sell one for an elderly gentleman who needs some $. It is perfect. He got $40 and I saved at least $60 if I had gone to the city to buy one. It's had some wear but is still in great condition and my cat loves it!
Frugal, not cheap🙃🙃
Happy Tuesday!
Exactly, Elle. Nice buy on the cat tree!
DeleteGreat buy. Totally - I am not cheap at all - I just hate waste! Why not buy second hand or fix something, instead of it going to a landfill!
DeleteI was raised on that bologna salad and I love it! Creativity is using up a good bit of things here these days, too. Leftover yellow cake mix topped some muffins made from too sweet biscuit mix last week and a two pound roll of sugar cookie dough became some delicious bar cookies with the addition of oats and pecans and chocolate chips. A few weeks ago I used some stale Town House crackers for meatloaf crumbs and that was a really good meatloaf.
ReplyDeleteI love this. Today's prices are such that we NEED to utilize everything we can. I love that we all know how to re-invent the wheel when necessary!!!!!!!!
I haaaaaaaaate sending things to the landfill, so I'm with you. My repairs don't need to be pretty, they just need to be functional! I hand-sewed a sheet this weekend, and 'good enough' is good enough for me. My husband has learned to do repairs with this...epoxy stuff? I'm not completely sure what it is, but he's managed to repair a LOT of stuff around the house, including my box for embroidery floss (the lid got stepped on; he repaired the crushed-in part) and my daughter's broken thermos handle just recently. Saves money and keeps things out of the landfill!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you guys have it going on!!! I love duct tape, WD40 and Gorilla glue - all three are my friends!!!
DeleteWaste not - want not.
Me too Stephanie. You should see the condition of some of the sweatshirts I still wear around the house in the winter. 1 of them is from 2001 and the other 2002. They aren't really repairable so I'll just wear them till I can't stand it anymore. :-)
DeleteI have a nonstick skillet that is trashed with so many scratches. I really need to toss it but dang....it is hard! (it's not that coating that flakes off in your food and is hazardous to digest).
You guys aren't alone. I have jeans that have patched and patched and patched some more. Sweat shirts seem too small - I cut the lower band off and maybe the bands of sleeves. LOL! They are great for knocking around here. T-shirts - oh don't get me started!!!
DeleteCreativity in the kitchen is 2nd nature to me (at 60) and I've been reusing, repurposing and recycling for as far back as I can remember. All thanks to my maternal grandparents who lived through the Great Depression and in a small factory town throughout their lives. They believed waste was a sin. If grandchildren got in any trouble at all, it was generally for wasting something. "Mum", as we called her, darned socks and undies and mended clothes in front of the TV at night. Grandpa could fix anything, even Tonka trucks, and did. A way of life for them.
ReplyDeleteAll good ideas, Cheryl. Thanks! --Elise
P.S. You've inspired me! Chicken bone broth is simmering on the stove using the bones from Sunday's supper. The leftover cooked meat has been chopped and bagged for the freezer. It could wind up anything from soup, stew or chicken & dumplings to pot pie, homemade Jambalaya or enchiladas. I might even try a twist on your (bologna) meat spread using it!
That was the way of life back then. People used and used everything just to survive. Not a thing wrong with it.
DeletePeople today, could stand to learn a thing or two!
So glad to have inspired you - Everything you mentioned sounds tasty - so whatever you make will be good!
You wear two hats: Queen of Creativity and Queen of Repairs! Oh, and Queen of Good Ideas!
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!
DeleteI just saw that my Sunday post wasn't there. Hmm. Don't know what happened!
ReplyDeleteI mentioned that we finally got some ground beef at Sam's! They've been out the last few times we've gone.
Also that we're seeing a few more empty shelves and apologetic signs about the supply chains at Dillons. We found most of our list, but made a couple small adjustments. The prices though?! Oy vey! That was a big shock.
I'm so glad my husband grew up with depression era parents that ate a lot of simple meals and casseroles. I can't imagine catering to a fussbudget right now lol.
I love your Chex mix idea! Try it on some baked chicken. I bet it's delicious. I did one of those kitchen sink chicken coatings once, using little bits of all kinds of stuff I had left over. Even a few Rice Crispies! It turned out pretty tasty.
Glad you found your ground beef. Sorry for some empty shelves. It nice to know how to do adjustments. Now is not the time to be fussy with food - simple is just as good and better on the budget!
DeleteI bet that would be good on chicken - I will have to give it a try. Good idea.
Never though of using any type of cereal or snack mix for a binder. I will have to remember this.
ReplyDeleteDon't dye my hair but I love that you still allow some grey to peak through.
God bless.
So many things you can use as binders and coatings. It is really all good!
DeleteI'm not fooling anyone. I am older and have gray! I just don't like the look of it all over my head! That's a me thing. I can handle small bits.
Hi...love all the great ideas!
ReplyDeleteI have not gotten notification of your posts for a few days. Thought you might be sick or on vacation. Wondering why!
Glad all is well...thanks for all you do...
Huh, I have no idea why! So sorry. Just remember every Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday!
DeleteAll is good here. Glad to see you stop by!