Tuesday, September 26, 2023

It Will Soon be Here!!!!!!

 One more week and it will be October.  Many of us are still harvesting 'something' and canning and freezing and dehydrating.  But the time is coming to a close pretty soon.  This year has flown by - we all feel it.  SO - think how fast the remainder of the year will go!
One more month and it will be Halloween time.  Two months is Thanksgiving here in U.S.  Canada Day will be soon upon us.  Christmas is 3 months from yesterday!!!!!  YIKES

Is anyone getting ready or thinking about things?

Coming up in the next couple of months HOPEFULLY there will be some deals on baking goods, candy (chocolate) and gift ideas.  Many foods are seasonal and it will time to stock up on those as well.  Yams, potatoes, turkey, ham, bread and stuffing goods, apples, cranberries, pumpkins............
It will be the time to take advantage to stock up for the winter months.  Get items as cheaply as possible and be ready for winter.  
Lots of things are on clearance now as well.  Nothing says Christmas gifts have to be winter related.  Think about clothes, pool items, fishing goods, camping/hiking, gardening items, etc.  Get a little creative!

I plan on doing the gift/goody bags for adults again this year.  Everyone loves them and expects them.
I usually include homemade salsa, jelly, relish, summer sausage, cookies (their special grandma cookies), and any special items that they may love.  Some it is special olives, cheeses, soups, canned products, sauces, trail mixes, nuts, rice & soup mixes - you get it, all sorts of yummies.

This year I have no baby blankets to make - all the babies have been covered!!!  My niece still wants one done eventually with the baby clothes - but that isn't Christmas.
Any teens now get money or a gift card, plus a small goody bag of fun stuff of their own.  Fuzzy socks, maybe jammies, candy and special items they like, etc.

The littles - well, there is where I will need to get creative this year.  One is really into crafty stuff and loves being artistic (he is 4 1/2).  I got a couple plain birdhouses the other day for him and will get other items to paint and all the paints.  He gets excited with everything!
Maybe baby doll blankets for the little girls or books or art stuff.  Most of the littles get so much stuff these days - it gets tough to come up with something.  Hmmm - maybe cute hats and gloves - but not real exciting when you are little!!!!

Are you all making any plans yet?  Are you thinking about all the goodies you need to stock for the upcoming holidays and/or winter?
I saw my first Christmas commercial on TV Sunday evening.  It was a Glade commercial.  My goodness, they do rush the seasons.  Every place has stuff for sale!

It would be nice to do one thing at a time - you know, like the good old days!!!!!!!!!!!
But money speaks today!

But yes, even me - here doing a post about the upcoming holidays - it has bit us all!!  I do know with holiday gifts - it does take time and effort and some money - so people plan ahead for that.
You got any great ideas to share with us all this year?  I would love some new thoughts.

Have a great FALL day to everyone!


  1. I agree that kids are overwhelmed with toys these days and especially at Christmas. I got a unicorn hooded towel for our two year old granddaughter as part of her gifts. I was glad to come up with something other than toys!

    I think your gift bags are a wonderful idea!

    1. I like the hooded bath towel idea! How cute - I may have to look for those for 3 little girls. Toys - they just have everything!!!!
      Everyone seems to like the gift bags a lot!

    2. I absolutely loved when my kids got towels for Xmas - hooded, monogrammed, beach towels.....I still have some of them, unlike all the plastic junk they got!

    3. The hooded towel is a great idea! My daughter is 9, but still uses the hooded towel she received as a toddler to dry off after swim lessons.

  2. Kroger has peanut butter on sale this week for 99 cents, so it would be a good item to stock up on for Christmas baking. I've been slowly buying Christmas presents already as I don't want to wait until the last minute and have to scramble.

    1. Thanks - I did that a few weeks ago when they had it for .99. Great for cookies and fudge!
      You are smart - the kiddos are just so hard to get for.

  3. The Christmas discussion was had with my son & his family this past w/e. The teenaged granddaughters are starting to appreciate a cash gift now. Sure would make it easier for me. I still appreciate a stocking filled with incidentals & novelties. Maybe mundane but everyone seems to enjoy the favorite snacks, special homemade treats, even toiletries. I also aim for experiences like ski hill, sport center, movie passes; concert tix; crafting experiences, etc. The biggest gift is just being together. My youngest granddaughter said she wants to spend the holiday at my house b/c it's overdue. The work & sports schedules make it easier for me to go there & the fact that she wants to spend the holiday at my house warms my heart.

    1. That's so sweet, Mona. :-) --Elise

    2. I agree - family is the best gift ever!!!
      I may have to do stocking for the teens - that would be cute - with little lotions, gum, snacks, etc. Along with a little money.
      I love the idea of gifting experiences. That is neat.

  4. For the past 20 or more years, I buy throughout the year for Christmas (and Birthdays) as I see things on deep discounts that would be "nice for ________." I also stash away the freebies (ex. Clinique). When I was making jewelry--which I hope to do again--I'd create something with a particular family member or friend in mind, and set it aside for later gift giving.

    Your ideas are wonderful, Cheryl. I know your family looks forward to those special treats! The only food gifts I do now are for the delivery folks, local workers, etc. A case of traditional Gingerbread mix was delivered last week. I tend to do a lot of baking over the fall/winter months, giving many goodies away.

    This year will be a little different. The theme will be practical/useful and lighter weight for today's expensive shipping costs. Each year over the past 5 years I've also scaled back. My shopping list used to top 30 to buy gifts for. I've always sent Christmas cards via USPS, and many have agreed to just do cards since those days. Then again, there aren't any "littles" in the family anymore. Well, until January when the next generation begins. --Elise

    1. I have done that for years - but like you, I have cut my list waaaaaayyyyy down. I figure if I hear nothing from people during the year - well, they aren't missing family that much - so off the list! May sound harsh - but I am not spending money on people who could care less.
      Cookies and treats are always wonderful to receive in my book!
      Yes mam, mailing a gift card is much cheaper than sending a package. They can get what they want.

    2. Yes, things change. In my comment to Margaret (below) I explain *how* it all started to get whittled. These days I try to make the best of the holiday season in spite of the changes and hope for happier, more bountiful seasons ahead. By which I mean we've had much smaller get-togethers, too. I miss having more people around at the holidays. But in a way, it really is what you make it. --Elise

  5. I probably need to do some Christmas shopping. Little grand daughter has been taking my little gifts I've gotten so far for work she has been doing for me. She would rather have that then money which is fine but the stocking stuffers are gone now. My daughter is a hard working mom so I like all your ideas about food gifts. I'll get working on it. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. That is cute she likes the things better than money. Yep, you better stock up!!!!
      Even a certificate for a home made meal a month would be lovely. Anything that makes her life easier.

  6. The big guy and I exchange a gift or two but the rest of the family has opted for no gifts given or received, which is awesome. None of us really need anything and it gives more meaning to the holiday. Our Christmas season which starts the day after Thanksgiving and goes to NY Day is all about food and events. We go look at lights, have game nights, go to Christmas programs, etc. It works for us and we all enjoy the season more.

    1. Lori, that sounds like bliss to me! --Elise

    2. Lucky you!!!!!!! I keep trying to get people to agree to that and the big holdup is my SIL - she just insists on gifts. Sis makes us a nice meal and we tell her that is enough - she still does something little.
      I wish more would just celebrate being together. Glad you have a great plan.

  7. I/we do very little so no stocking up here. We only do a gift if something says "I really need to give that to ......". We're very low key here and we like it. Stress-free :-) I make fudge for a few family members and a friend that has always loved it. Some years hubby wants a batch for work, other years not. We definitely do not add into the "average American spends $100 for Halloween or $823 for Christmas or $475 for Thanksgiving". For the 2 of us that's a savings of over $2000!

    We're not bah humbug at all, we simply enjoy presence, not presents.

    1. I no longer do Halloween. Just not safe being alone. Thanksgiving I fix a little something for here and usually go to brothers or something. No big meals on Christmas as when the niece and nephews and families come - we have lots of treats and finger foods. I have done it - and it is crazy to spend all those big bucks.
      I love that you like it low key!!!!!!

  8. The food mixes you put together are such a good idea. I'm sure all the littles up to the bigs appreciate what you give them!

  9. We always put up the tree and I decorate a little.

    1. Smart lady - keep it simple. I love that. It is about being together and enjoying time spent.

  10. Oh Cheryl, the baby doll blankets sound so sweet! I have an idea too: I saw at Dollar General, a little inexpensive boxed set of those baby doll bottles with the disappearing milk in them. Also a little cloth very simple "diaper bag" with a strap would be so darn cute to put those bottles in if you get the druthers. : ) Hobby Lobby has great kids crafts kits too! Also...Children's cookbooks were always a hit with our little girls. My girls loved anything "baby doll" (little mommies), crafts, cookbooks etc.

    I'm on the lookout too girl! We just do gifts for our four grandbabies, our moms and decided that we don't change gifts with each other, although I did cheat a couple of years ago and picked up a model WWII airplane kit for hubs on sale at Hobby Lobby. We give monetary gifts for our adult kids and their hubs. I usually do some goodies too for our youngest adult daughter because she lives at home and many times she will tell me what she wants with her "monetary amount" so she'll have gift to unwrap! (She's a hoot.) It's not a ton of money but enough to get her some good makeup she wants etc. Last year she had that awful breakup so I found two adorable little shorts pj sets (around 5 dollars!) and a soft penguin print robe on clearance at Walmart I threw in to cheer her up, just something new that she wouldn't buy for herself.

    Anyhoo, your food gifts look wonderful Cheryl. You are very thoughtful and that is becoming a rarity these days! I love Christmas but not the way this present culture does things. I like old fashioned Christmas from the old school. ; ) Much sweeter than all of the excess we all often see. I don't know about anyone else but the excess attitudes on Christmas that even disregards what Christmas should be: (being kind to one another and neighbors and strangers too, and Jesus in that manger scene, old fashioned Christmas tree) just kind of in all honesty depresses me.

    Wow! A Christmas commercial already? Now that really is early! Although I must admit the first Christmas commercial excites me like a little girl! Especially if it's something like that for the household. Even though I don't use room fresheners. lol

    I enjoyed this Cheryl, I'll check back later for everyone's thoughts on the way they do Christmas. : )

    Hugs! ~Amelia

    1. Cute idea for the little girls. Two have been through so much illness wise that they doctor their baby dolls! They take care of and feed them.
      I am kind of old school too. Just keep it simple and enjoy the time together. There is so much excess with everything any more. It is crazy.
      You have the right idea with money - let them get a little something without feeling guilty. I like that.
      I always liked the sledding Santa on the shaver when I was a kid - that started Christmas!!!!!! LOL
      I still like the cartoons!

    2. Oh I love the sledding Santa!!! Yes!!! He's on youtube! In glorious black and white too. : )

      I used to have a little white vinyl toy nurses - doctor's kit. I would use it all the time on my baby dolls. : )

      My Italian grandma finally said...Let's just have good eats and just do gifts for the kids. Yes, good eats! You would have had to have heard her, she had a slight Italian accent (came here on a ship as an immigrant little infant baby with Italian parents of course) mixed with a New Orleans accent. I still think about her telling me that on the phone as we discussed it. I sure miss my grandma.

    3. Oh and thank you! I try to keep things as close to the 40s to the 60s as much as possible. : ) Love me some vintage Christmas. : )

    4. Amelia, the "littles" are usually what Christmas is all about. They get so excited with anything it seems! But something else I noticed way back when is how much the grandparents of ours loved to open gifts at Christmas. A bottle of perfume. A soap on a rope. Maybe a scarf, gloves or pair of slippers. For them (I believe) it was about being remembered in the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Then again, that was all long ago. So much has changed. Kiddos nowadays get many times the amount of gifts we got as children. I know one family who did up a Christmas tree for each child so there'd be enough room for the gifts. Maybe the pendulum is swinging back, though. That's one benefit of a tight economy. --Elise

    5. Yes, the children are so precious at Christmas time. And I too remember my Italian grandpa, such a sweet, sweet, gentle man. I always felt sorry for him because he'd always get socks and just sat quietly, but he was a quiet little man. I think he loved for me to just sit and watch tv with him.

      A tree for every child?! Oh. My. Goodness. SMH ( my husband just said "Oh my gosh! That's horrible!" when I told him of that situation, as I read to him my comment I'm writing) And so the gifts will fit?! That's just unreal.

      I think things such as children's birthday parties and such have really gotten out of hand also every since double income families became "norm". So sad in my opinion. Things are so messed up. I do hope people will learn with the economy, but so far it seems they are piling more on their credit cards and not changing their lifestyle, just from what I've observed lately. But hopefully people will wake up. Hopefully and prayerfully.

      I remember those soaps on a rope too, so nice. I remember my Irish (step) grandma married to my German grandpa, she was sweet, she would give me those Tinker Bell gift sets and I loved them. For my seven year old birthday, a little living room party (a special treat that year) the gifts were things like a boxed dime store plastic mirror, comb and brush set, maybe a Candy Land game, things like that from the children who came. Usually my birthdays were at my Italian grandparents humble little home, so sweet, in retrospect reminds me of Heidi with her grandfather in the movie, Heidi played by Shirley Temple. Very simple but so much love. Nice gifts but not overdone, good pasta and cake with coffee, my Uncle Bennie would always attend. : )

      Enjoyed your reply, Elise! ~Amelia

  11. No plans yet, as the house sale has me busy enough. I've already picked up my gift for Eli, I know what I want to give my kids. Then there are my brother, SIL, niece and nephew. The latter will get gift cards, and I'll likely try to find books for the older adults. That's it....I guess I do have plans. :)

    1. Well it sounds like a good plan to me. I like that. You will be busy for a while - so the simpler the better. Then you can just sit back and enjoy the new place during the winter!!!!!

  12. We're gift givers in our family. The ones in our family who have cut out gift giving don't seem to have added anything to their Christmas enjoyment and meaning. In fact, it seems the exact opposite in that eventually they lapse into doing less and less for the holidays. So sad. They no longer want to make any effort. So it's not about enjoying the holiday in a different way but not wanting to bother. Like I said so sad.

    On the other hand, over the years we've added and dropped various activities during Christmas all with a view towards enhancing and appreciating Christmas. But we'd never drop gift giving! Lol

    I pretty much only give my grandchild gifts I make. He has a lot of other folks giving him plastic stuff so that's how I distinguish my gifts to him.


    1. Margaret, you've touched on something dear to my heart. I truly LOVED all the exhausting Christmas prep. I loved shopping throughout the year for gifts for friends and family. I loved finding something "special" for each one. I loved wrapping it all up, and even waiting in line at the post office to mail packages. In my case, it was that people on my list became vocal. Sometimes in unkind ways. One SIL, for example, that I'd felt a close bond with (erroneously), called to ask if she needed to buy me something for my birthday, since I'd sent her a gift, because her family just stuck to cards. Ouch. A dear friend of Italian origin that same year told me she'd give the (Italian) gold chain I'd sent to one of her daughters, and went on and on about the no/low cost small gift collection another friend had given her, saying, "She knows me!" Double ouch.

      Nieces and nephews never bothered to let me know they'd gotten the gifts for them and/or their kids. A cousin asked me a few years after the above lesson in humility if we could just exchange cards, because it was hard for her to try to find gifts. On and on it went. Which is why we are where we are today, and I give goodies to various workers in town, etc., and try to make the best of it. I've tried to look at it as seasons of life. Now... that said... if our sons ever get married and have children, I'll happily play Mrs. Clause again!

    2. Margaret I get it totally. I used to love the shopping for months, the wrapping and all the frills too. Like Elise said, people just quit coming around, didn't even acknowledge things and just wanted to stop.
      No prob.! I figure everyone has to eat and we don't often splurge of the fun things - or even get the 'grandma' things - so that is what I do. I still enjoy the littles - it is just tough figuring things out for them - their parents go nuts!

  13. We are drawing names for all the adults this year to try and save money!

    1. That is a great idea. I kind of wish we would too - but no.
      I still have all the kiddos to buy for too!

  14. Make something cute to attach to gloves, even bought gloves. Kids like things on their gloves and hats. That makes it better than getting plain, utilitarian gloves. WM had some cheap gloves, two to a pack. I am getting the Hershey Kiss candy dishes for people. And, they are on sale. I put fairy lights with batteries installed into the candy bowl. That way, they can be used for candy or a pretty light.
    I always gave my mother, sisters, and sil an extra gift that I called a junk box. It had things I found ultra cheap on sale--measuring spoons, things for kitchen, lip gloss, pot holders for Christmas, anything. They got a real gift, but one year my sister said she really loved the "junk box" as I named it. I suppose it is sort of like your bags.
    In years past, I gave breads and cakes. Now, I cannot stand long enough to cook. These were for the families and in addition to other gifts. Daddy liked my chocolate pound cake, so my parents house got two chocolate pound cakes, one just for Daddy. Otherwise, my siblings and the grandchildren would eat it up from him.

    1. Cute idea. I do like the idea of the candy dish with fairy lights. That sounds pretty.
      Yes, the teens get a sort of 'junk box' - just a bit of this and that.
      I like anything that is food!!!!

  15. For little ones. One year, my mother gave her two nieces a flannel sheet with cute little figures on it. My daughter came to me hesitantly and said in a quiet voice, "Memaw gave me a sheet." She looked into my face as if wondering what was happening to get a sheet! I said happily and with great enthusiasm, "Oh, a Memaw sheet! So cute!"
    She got the assurance she needed that a sheet was not weird gift.
    I think too many people let their children know they thing some gifts are no worthy. She loved that sheet she got when she was four or five. When she was 25, had a miscarriage, and was 1000 miles away from me, I sent her the memaw sheet and chocolate. It seemed to make her less sad.

    1. Oh what a sweet story. Yes, children seem to follow adults lead. I like you made it special - therefore special for her.
      It is those special moments that are great memories.

  16. We have our Thanksgiving the second Monday in October, next the sons birthdays, then Halloween, then Remembrance Day, then Christmas and finally to wrap up the year my birthday. The last three months of the year are busy ones around the old homestead. Love that our sons still want to come home and visit with us.

    God bless.

    1. Sounds like exciting times ahead at your home. I love that and that your sons will be with you! Those are the best gifts ever!

  17. Many times, I made Christmas gifts--crocheted blanket for a doll, matching dresses for my daughter and niece, large needlepoint monograms that I had framed, crocheted purse, so many things I cannot remember. I crocheted wreaths with green and red yarn onto curtain rings for all the family, the hang on the tree, and for children to give their friends. I made like mad the month of December.

    1. Cool ideas. I used to be very crafty and have left that behind a lot in recent years.
