Thursday, September 7, 2023

Life in the Slow Lane!!!!

 Yep - slow lane.  No fast lane around here!!!!! LOL
Oh, I can go gangbusters for a time - then boom I am done for the day!  I guess that is a sign of aging!

So around here this week - it has been clean, dust, wrangle dust bunnies, and organize.  I have not had a pet inside for months now - it sure makes me wonder where all the dust bunnies come from!  It used to be kitty hair - now I am not sure.  But it seems they multiply at about the same rate of speed as real bunnies.  I open windows a lot - so I can understand dust!  It is quite open in front of my house and there are gravel parking spaces/berms on each side - so it makes for a great turn around area for people.  Grrrr.  Then there is the alley behind, and it too is gravel - so lots of dust.
Now as for stuff and organizing - oh the years have left their mark!!!!!!!  Geesh, there is a lot of stuff here.

I now have some of each of these - here at my house.  The trash & recycle piles are getting bigger.  Lots of paper to have shredded.  Donation pile is getting bigger as well - I just keep wondering WHY I have this crap!!!!!!  WHY did I keep it?  WHY did I not dispose of earlier?  Such is life.

I finished organizing and cleaning the overflow pantry.  That has been a long process, as I just kept getting overwhelmed.  
May I say, I have a tremendous amount of tomato products of all sorts.  Not a bad thing, as I use them all the time.  I have pasta, rice and dried beans out the wazoo!!!!!  Probably not bad either.  Lot's of canned meat products - could be a good thing as well.  Lots of everything - but more of some things than others.
IF it hits THE FAN - I will surely not go hungry.
Found things I forgot I had - so need to use some products soon.  Have paper products I do not remember purchasing and J-Ello to last forever!!!!!!!!!  LOL

Today I tackle another corner of the room - PAPER!  I have a lot of paperwork to go through and a collection of pieces of paper and photos etc. that started out going into a tin.  Obits, cards from funerals, graduation notices, you name it................... well, the tin over-floweth and it spills out to book shelf!  Most will probably be trashed.  I will photograph things that are important and will keep them in on-line files.  Pictures - well, we will see.
I have copy paper out the bum!  No longer have a printer!!!
Old, old health files - back to childhood - of Glen's.  I don't need them now.
You name it, I have it.
I used to use the excuse that if I set down to go through stuff - the cat would try to help!!!!  He did!!  Now I have no excuse - so it is time to 'get er done'!

THIS IS THE QUESTION!!!!!!  I am working on it - I just want a clearer home and less things for me or someone else to worry about.  Slow and steady..........

It is a gloomy looking day here - but much cooler.  Still a tiny bit humid - but that is dissipating as I type.  Much cooler days ahead - so I am busy inside today - and will work outside this weekend.
It appears the AC will be off for several days ahead!!!!! YIPPEE!
(thus windows open and more dust!!!!!)

What projects are you digging into this week?  Do you get overwhelmed as well with all the stuff in life?  It just is finally really dawning on me all the stuff isn't important - it is LIFE, EXPERIENCES, and LOVED ONES!

Hugs to all.  Have a great day!


  1. Hi Cheryl, when I moved in May I went through and gave away almost all my pantry (couldn’t store it in 120 degree temps for months), and the food bank was happy to get it. But I kept all my paper and ziploc bags. Apparently over the past few years, I went insane and kept buying ziploc freezer bags, gallons and quart size. I think i must have stored them in different places because when I moved, oh my, what a collection. So I will go through and make a pile for the food bank since I will outlive my current supply unless I give some away ;). hilogene in Az

    1. Oh goodness. I found several containers too - of zip lock bags and such. No clue I had them tucked away. Found paper plates as well - that is a small fortune now!!!
      I guess we need to be more organized!!!!!!!

  2. I've done this a few times in 30y. First pass was 28y ago. And then over time a bit here and there. If I see something I haven't used in quite awhile, out it goes. Second firm pass was this spring. 100s of items went again as we did a home refresh-paint, carpet replaced with hardwood laminate, paint, trim/doors. Every inch of 1650sf was emptied and every single item was touched and evaluated. We are 62 and have no children. I would say "will some niece or nephew really want this?" I mean, if I haven't looked at it or used it in years, is the next generation really going to when they are 'once removed' from it? I was ruthless.

    And our home is lighter yet again.

    Keep up the good work! You're unlikely to have regrets as your home too, feels lighter :-)

    1. Good logic at looking at things. I did one mound of papers/pics, etc. this morning. First go through it sure got whittled - I will do it again, and see just what I might really keep and share.
      Young people today don't seem too interested in the older stuff.

  3. Good morning!
    Ahhh, the paper collection lol. When we moved here, I was just past 40. As we were preparing to move, boxes came 8n from the garage and I wanted to go thru them. Paper. Paid bill papers from utilities from college! Phone bills. My rental receipt for my dorm fridge lol. So crazy that I kept this. We put a laundry basket next to the shredder and kept shredding for a month. Hubs hollered at me to quit reading everything...he didn't understand my walk down memory lane lol...and just shred! I discovered that I spent way too much money on phone calls lol. And, I spent way more money on clothes in 1984 than I spent in 2004, even with higher costs.

    I have a ton of tomato products too. I suspect we stocked up after the rains in Cali. Probably felt the tomato crops were drowned.

    My mystery question about dust bunnies? Why are they always blue?!

    1. What colors are the fibers in your house, Debby? Is there much blue? --Elise

    2. Nope, no blue! We had this discussion in my art group and everyone's dust bunnies were blue lol. Odd thing, huh?

    3. Yes, G was worse than me - and I am still going through the stuff he kept. But obviously I was a good learner, as I have way too much paper saved!!!
      Hmmm - blue - I always see blueish gray - so yep, kind of on the money there!!

    4. My dust bunnies are gray and made up of a lot of Husband's and my hair, no pets to blame.

  4. Overwhelmed? Lately, YES. For other reasons in my case. This has been a very rough week. Yesterday about the worst day, if not the worst. I just hope it's all worth it in the end. Note: if at all possible, DO NOT TAKE codeine-based pain pills. There are other painkillers out there that are safer/easier on you. My guts are (literally) ripped up. Bleeding.

    I think, Cheryl, it's an ongoing process of sorting and deciding what matters vs. what doesn't. Moving as much as we did my whole life, there's been a lot of purging on a semi-regular basis. It's when you're in one place for a long time that the stuff slowly builds up, I think. You know my motto: something "in" = something "out". Doesn't keep all clutter at bay, but it helps. --Elise

    1. Elise, you poor thing. I hate those prescription pain pills for so many reasons. I never had bleeding problems. Mostly, I had horrible hallucinations and would wake up my husband screaming from nightmares. So, I stuck to Tylenol and dealt with the pain...not pleasant, but at least I wasn't being attacked by giant bugs.

    2. Sorry you had such a bad day. I have heard from numerous people that any codeine based stuff will tear you up. Hopefully you can find something different that works. Hugs.
      Well, we have been here for 37 years and my folks were in their house 60+ (I got a lot of that stuff). So yep - it has accumulated over time. It is going bye-bye now!

    3. Debby I have heard that a lot about the hallucinations!!!!!

    4. Yikes, sorry about the pain medication causing so much trouble! The Farmer took a similar medication and it caused constipation (I know, TMI). Most of that stuff has side effects.

    5. I feel so bad for you, Elise. Codeine never worked for me, even when I was a child and took cough medicine with codeine. When I had my broken wrist surgery, they gave me a fentynyl-based pain med that not only didn't work but made me very depressed. Praying that you find relief and healing soon.

    6. So sorry you are having a tough week Elise. It's early days so hope you are not doing too much. Hope you get prescribed some other pain killers that work better for you.

    7. Sorry to read of your pain. A good rule of thumb is to take a senna laxative pill every time you take an opioid type pain killer. There is no misery like constipation on top of post surgery pain. Keep your fluids up too. Feel better soon.


    8. Elise, I'm so sorry you're having all that trouble with pain medications. There must be something else they can give you? It's a sticky wicket, I know, since they all seem to have side effects. Praying the pain decreases quickly so it can be managed with Tylenol or Advil.

    9. Rita I agree - Senna works really well too. G used to take it at times. Not like taking an enema or anything - it just keeps the pipes open! Helps with a lot of different meds. His doc told him about it.

    10. Thank you all so very much. I'm on Tylenol now and have been for a few days, but got an intestinal blockage from the codeine that, working it's way through my system with lots of water and other meds, really did a number on my guts (decades long history of ulcerative colitis). It's been a cascading thing. We didn't know until 24 hrs. post-op that the bandages were too tight. Four toes are still blue. I'll know better tomorrow how things are when the bandages are changed in office. Again, thank you all so very much.
      Gratefully... Elise

    11. Oh my goodness, Elise, oh how horrible. Have you tried plain magnesium tablets from the vitamin section? I personally found it works like Milk of Magnesia but easier to take, you can adjust the amount of tablets or caps. I'm not sure if that helps but magnesium is a blessing for me personally, it helps many things. It doesn't cause cramping either and that is nice, just softens.

      Bandaids that tight...Well gosh, we would think they would check on that. I know with my children or even my pets in diapers I constantly check on that kind of thing. I'm like "Monk", I can't stand anything tight and am constantly checking our pets and grandchildren.

      I'm so sorry you had such a truly awful day, it sounds cruel. I will pray. God bless and be with you Elise! (((hugs)))~Amelia

    12. Added note: it actually started with a nerve blocker that didn't take + the too tight ace bandages over the surgical bandages. And sorry if this has all been TMI. I just hope it helps someone avoid anything similar. My mom was right. With U.C. nearly all my life, in addition to other stuff like the foot issues leading to surgery, I'm no stranger to pain. This has been well beyond anything I've ever experienced. --Elise

    13. Elise, Also if you do consider magnesium tablets or caps, Magnesium Citrate is more gentle on the tummy. Magnesium Oxide is good, but best with food, it can cause tummy aches. I'm so sorry you are going through this Elise. ~Amelia

    14. Boo! Insult added to injury. Praying for a solution.
      You are loved!

    15. Back from the 1st post-op appointment and dressing change. Stitches won't come out for 2 more weeks, but I can shower Sunday. It all looked pretty gruesome to me, but the PA is impressed at the healing. LOTS of bruising and swelling and sore stitched incisions, but it's great, according to her!

      Amelia, thank you. I'll remember that. I *did* mention to the PA that they should advise something like that with every prescription for narcotic pain meds they give.

      Ready for a nap now. --Elise

      P.S. Hubs went into the Outpatient Pavilion for a wheelchair to get me from the car inside. He came back with a child sized one. I said, "Honey, it's got to be big enough to fit my butt!" A few folks got a chuckle.

    16. Glad to hear you got a good check-up and that they are pleased. I am sure it will look will icky for a while. I bet a shower will feel good! Great news.

  5. I love the sentiment in the picture of asking if this supports life I want. I consider something similar. When I lost weight several years ago I would think about what kind of person do I want to be? I decided I wanted to be a person who exercised and would pass up a dessert. Lately I've decided I want to be a person who has an easy care home. I have a lot of dishes and stuff for meals and entertaining and it all has a place to live but every cabinet is full! I decided I want to have a home where putting away dishes doesn't require pulling everything out of the cabinet to restack it all. I want to open my cabinets and see space! Does that make sense?

    I love being at home but I decided that I want to be home because it's comfortable and serene not because I have to reorganize the kitchen AGAIN! Lol

    But part of this is due to life changing. So what worked before doesn't now and I don't need to keep trying to make it work. I had kids here to help around the home once (yes they did help! We homeschooled so they were captive! Lol) Now I need to get to what's reasonable for me and my husband.

    1. It makes lots of sense!!!!!! There is something comforting about opening a cabinet, drawer, closet and seeing SPACE!
      Yes, I am finally about what is comfortable too. I got stuck for a LONG while - not wanting to throw away or change things - felt it was disrespectful to Glen. Well, it isn't - he doesn't care! This was our home and will always be - but I want it simpler now.

  6. The picture and text says it all. Still have lots of stuff to go through. I was digging in the safe for something and found correspondence between the Farmer and his ex regarding emancipation of one of the girls. The girls are approaching fifty so that can safely be destroyed. I have what I call "sit arounds" and could probably donate some of them. Nothing wrong with them but they belonged to a family member who is gone. There are a few things from my family that have pleasant memories that I will definitely keep. Open space is a good thing.

    1. I totally understand. I have so many old, old things. Many mean something, others do not. Going through stuff this morning I found obits (cut from paper) for names I have no idea who it was! WHY??? SMH
      Jus so much stuff.

  7. Year ago we moved five times in two years and cleaned out tons of stuff for every one of those moves! Where did it come from in so short a time we do not understand to this day!

    1. It is amazing to be sure. Oh goodness, I can not even imagine all those moves in such a short time. Moving is not something I have ever enjoyed.

  8. I am overwhelmed, trying to transition our home to an empty nest. I don't really know where to start; anything I attempt seems insignificant and equivalent to a drop of water in the ocean.

    1. Start with a small area or drawer and go from there. Pick a place you use on a regular basis; the hidden clutter can wait. Take before & after pictures and post them where you can see them for encouragement. Be decisive in your keep/toss/donate decisions and don't keep any "maybe" piles. You will make visible progress and have the incentive to keep on going. Slow and steady does the job. You can do this!
      --Frances in the Trailer Park

    2. Sue I completely understand. That is me and the basement. I go with great intentions - look at it - come back upstairs!!! YEP
      I understand. Like Frances said, little bites here and there. The room I am working on had so much different stuff. It drives me crazy and I keep the door shut. Well - that is where I started and I am making headway. I just want it to look clear for ME!!!!!! You got this - slow and steady.

  9. Did the big cleanout in 2019. It made a world of difference. Worked at it slow and steady over months. I still have too much fabric and (dare I say it?!) more books than room to shelve them. I'm not making as many Project Linus quilts as I used to and may cull and return fabric back to the chapter workshop this winter unless I find more time to sew. Books are another story. I actually reread books and don't want to part with very many of them. Husband is a paper packrat and saves newspaper clippings and magazines that he never looks at again. His magazines are confined to one large bookcase. When it is getting full, I give him a garbage bag and pile of old magazines and tell him to start pitching. I do the financial/personal paperwork cleanout every year after I do the taxes. Went through old photos, etc., trashed the duplicates and pictures of my thumb, kept what I wanted and sent a lot to my sons. They could keep or trash as they wanted. Kept my favorite family heirlooms (all small items) and donated the rest. Finally got around to cleaning out the big shed this past Spring and got rid of a lot of old lumber and junk when the trailer park had their annual dumpster days. I still need to get a lot of lumber out from under the house (where it's been for at least 15 years) while I'm still capable of crawling under the house. After all, I don't think I'll be doing too many more home construction projects at my age.
    --Frances in the (still humid but much cooler) Trailer Park

    1. Books are hard to part with. I got rid of a lot a couple years ago - things that no longer interested me. Still have tons. I have gone through some really neat cooks G had collected over time (mainly history and geographic) and I will give to my Gr. Niece. She is home schooling and looking for fun and new ideas of books for activities.
      I did a lot of pics and newspaper stuff (funerals etc.) this morning. Oh my. Stuff to give others, threw away, kept a few - found a book to put them in.
      It is nice that you have annual dumpster days.

  10. I have our office that I am working on. It has a lot of paperwork that needs to go, books that should probably go and I want to sort through all of my craft supplies and get rid of anything I will not use moving forward. I do still have some items for entertaining in the kitchen storage that we no longer use that should go. Hopefully this will be the time I can actually part with them. You've got this Cheryl!!

    1. Thanks - I will get it done sooner or later. Working on it though!!! That is a start.
      It sure does accumulate doesn't it? I wish you good luck!!!

  11. I'm hoping to start packing in a few days - some things will be going into storage until my daughter gets into a new house, and the rest will be going to my son's. I suspect as I start this process, I'll find more stuff to donate, recycle, or garbage. I've been working at reducing and decluttering for nearly 5 years now, and it's not over yet. :)
    Paper is something I go through every January - it's usually my New Year's Day project while I'm watching football. :)

    1. 5 years? Oh my - I hope it doesn't take me 5 years. Of course it has actually taken 37 now hasn't it???? LOL
      Good for you on working on it so hard. Moving has to be a great motivator!

  12. We had a massive clear out before our eldest granddaughter came to live with us, to make room for all her 'stuff' She moved out a year ago and it's still pretty tidy. Thing I do have are loads of bedding for single, double and king sized duvets. I have donated various sheets but still have more that I really need.
    Our daughter runs a team who work with children who have witnessed or live with domestic abuse. She put out a request for various donations on FB. So I had a sort out of art and craft supplies and toys our grandchildren no longer play with so that was more decluttering.
    It's a good idea of yours to photograph items that are of interest to you. No point really in keeping old paperwork. The possessions we love or are important to us are not necessarily of interest to the younger generation. I have posted lots of photos of previous generations on our Ancestry family tree so they can be enjoyed by other distant relations.

    1. Oh how nice that your items went to helping others. Poor kiddos. I hate to get rid of quilts, blankets or comforters - I always think about what happens if there is NO power and I need to stay warm as do my pets.
      I had so many of those family picture Christmas cards I have been sent - most people I no longer even hear from - so I got rid of most of those.
      It will happen in time!

  13. Ohh, paper clutter is the bane of my existence! Haha! I, too, need to get to work on eliminating a lot of it around our home. You are going to feel so much better when those chores are done.

    1. Thanks, I think I will too. Yep, paper is just a nuisance. You name it I have it. Well, had it - bunches of it going!!!!!!

  14. I too need a massive pantry declutter again.

    1. I clean and sorted mine. Not really getting rid of much -just need to use some before others.

  15. Those medical records of all sorts might be useful or just of interest to his children. I am still working on clutter on the kitchen counter between sink and microwave.

    1. We neither one have children and he only has one nephew in close extended family (and a brother). His brother has all the same medical issues and many more - he is in a nursing home. I doubt his nephew would want any of it. His nephew will probably get some pictures though.
      All the rest of family is getting older - and have their own stuff!
      Good luck with your sorting.

  16. Yes, I keep asking myself the same thing - why do I have all this stuff? When we moved to our apt (which is not small at a little over 1600 sq ft) I thought we did at good job of downsizing, but I'm still getting rid of stuff. We moved from a 3100 sq ft home, so you can imagine how much I had and did get rid of. And, I'm still working on it, now if I could just get my husband to get rid of a little more of his stuff. He does admit I've done a better job downsizing than he has - at least he admits it! Ha! I heard someone on a video talking about "the silent to do list." She said everything we own is calling out to us to take care of it or do something with it, like "clean me," "put me away," "why aren't you wearing me." You get the idea. That is so true, isn't it? The older I get, the simpler I want things to be, but it sure isn't easy to get to that point. But I know I don't have the energy or motivation any longer to take care of all this stuff, nor do I want my children to have to go through so much stuff when I'm gone. So, I keep plugging away, sometimes doing a better job than at other times. It's definitely a process.

    1. Yes indeed. Those quotes are so true and things are now screaming at me!!! I want simpler too - and no it isn't easy getting there. I hate making decisions! I have been through that with parents and yep, it isn't fun. I know Glen and I both got it honest - both parents kept everything.
      That's all we can do - just move forward. Baby steps!

  17. I am halfway through a “downsize” of belongings. It’s a very gradual process, organic almost. As things wear out, or I find someone that needs that particular item, or I find a worthy cause that needs it.. out it goes and is not replaced.
    I really question myself when making new purchases, do I really need this?

    I agree with you about paperwork, it seems to multiply by itself. I have a good system now that seems to work in keeping it down to a manageable level.
    All excess goes to a box to be shredded for chicken bedding.

    Speaking of boxes, we had a new refrigerator delivered and I asked the women across the road if her two little girls would like the box to play with, she looked at me like I was a crazy woman.
    My kids would have loved that box when they were little and it would have kept them entertained for a month. I felt very silly offering it to her. Louise

    1. Paper BREEDS!!!! I truly believe that! Appliance boxes were the best fun ever! Daddy would sometimes bring one home from the trucking company and boy did it get used in many fun ways! Geesh people today!
      I don't buy much new - I need to get of a bunch - then I will think about that!

    2. How odd. My kids *loved* boxes, just like cats do! :) My grands like boxes also, big ones that can be houses or forts. My son saved one for his kids and it's been played with for months.
      I did a massive paper purge some years ago and took bags of papers to a shredder business - too much for a home shredder. Every year, between Christmas and New Year I shred papers from two years before, just in case the IRS decides to ask something. I do keep the things my accountant says to keep.
      I need to get into the storage room and go through things there. Saving that job for winter work when I can't be outdoors. Also need to work again in the attic - there's stuff up there I've not seen in a couple of years. :(

    3. Oh thank you Mary for saying that, I really felt so foolish. My kids would have loved it too. One of the guys that works with us took it home for his neighbour to do something with, so it didn’t just get trashed.
      Cheryl, I agree paper does breed. Just this week we got a paper copy of a bank statement that had three superfluous pages with nothing printed on them, all this to tell me I will now have to pay for paper copies. I do prefer a paper copy, to me it’s easier to read than a screen, but I’ll print it out myself at home. Sheesh! Louise

    4. MARY - so glad I have nothing in the attic - never have. That is a big relief - BUT I have a full basement!!!! Need I say more?
      I have too much for my home shredder too. Thinking of burning maybe after garden is done or waiting for a shredding event in the area.
      LOUISE don't feel silly about asking about the box. Most of the youngsters in my family would have a ball with it - but they have been raised to used their imaginations!

  18. NOT about decluttering, but this IS about savings: I received a check for $100 for a bathroom safety chair (shower chair). Hubs deposited that and using a CVS coupon for 35% off any item, got one today for $44.77. Then, in a quick stop at Safeway for a few things, saved 60%; grocery total of $7.04. Something good to share this week, then. --Elise

    1. YAY - those kinds of things just make for a lot more pleasant day!!!!! Happy for you.

  19. Cheryl, I totally understand. Oh wow, Glen's records back to childhood, I bet that is interesting and very sentimental too. I have the check records from my parents and it shows the check to the hospital when I was born from the end of 1960 for $500.00.

    I get very aggravated with myself because the clutter and stuff has kept me from enjoying my little grandchildren and other things too at times. I'm doing much better now though but it's still a journey for me. I'm extremely sentimental and very sensitive. I just cannot throw certain things away...I just cannot.

    I'm plodding along a little at a time but making progress. : )

    Have a sweet evening! (hugs!) ~Amelia

    1. How cool. I totally understand. I have lots and lots of old papers from my folks - back in the 40's, 50's and 60's and it is something to see. Maybe I need to photo them or copy to put into some kind of journal. That might be an idea.
      It is aggravating how easy it all accumulates - yeo, just keep plodding along!

  20. Recipes. Seriously, at my age should I be collecting anymore recipes??. Am I nuts?? Quite possibly. Any more books? If I started now would I read through my collection before I depart? Fabric and craft projects?? Too many! And this week my sister convinced me to take some of HERS. I confess, I caved. I took some. The curse of too much. My forefathers and mothers would have never believed it.
    Central Az

    1. Excuse me but I am laughing!! Not at you - but the reality of it!
      I still buy cookbooks, write down new recipes (I mean it is just me), love regular books......
      You aren't alone! Yes, I believe it is a curse as well. Such is life.

    2. Raising my hand, because I'm part of that club, too. :-)

  21. First, I have a major announcement....Ready or not, fall is coming!! I received 3 major signs yesterday that it won't be long.
    1. Orion is up.
    2. While I was crafting yesterday, a movement in the window caught my attention. 2 big, beautiful Monarchs fluttering south.
    3. Lastly, and I could've done without it, the biggest spider in Kansas, probably from the Jurassic era, scurried across my bathroom floor last night while I was tinkling- good thing I was there, just saying -. Hubs came running with the vacuum. He was so big, he thwopped into the tube---GAHHHHHHH----

    Those things always happen about a week before Lady Autumn makes herself known around here. If you're craving a good swim outside, plan on it for this weekend. 😁

    1. Thank you for the belly laugh, Debby!!! --Elise

  22. The joys of a slow lane life are as simple as seeing another beautiful sunrise, listening to the nearby roosters announce a new day, a few dogs barking in the distance, a neighbor goat's bleat for food.

    Wishing all a peaceful September Saturday. --Elise

    1. 100% agree. So much to be said about the slow lane and loving it all.
